I just switched from Autocad 2007 to 2013. In 2007, when you move your mouse cursor on a vertice of a selected geometry, a rectangle for example, Autocad will automatically display the dimension of the geometry. This features seems to have been turned off by default. How to turn it back on?
For some reason my dimensions are exploded automatically in some of my drawings. (The arrows and lines are not connected) Only certain drawings though-other drawings are perfectly fine. I've tried pasting dimensions into the drawings and that doesn't work!!
My quest: if your in a different layer working on adding walls for eg. You want add a dimension to that wall. When I hit DLI, How do I make sure that the dim i just entered goes directly to the DIM layer instead of the wall layer.
I have been given a basic autocad drawing to work over but whenever I start drawing a line starting from one of the existing lines, no dimensions or details appear for the line I am drawing. However, when I start drawing a new line not conected to the existing drawing it is normal.
I added a lot of dimensions to my drawing(in model space) and none of them are visible in paper space. I tried turning the layer off and on, but it still doesn't show them.
I don't know whether I pressed something and switched off the dimensions display. When I started to use Autocad I could type in the dimensions of a box I wanted to draw and it would be highlighted in blue to let me know whether I was typing in dimensions for the height or the width of the box, but now I can't see it displayed. And when I click on line a previously drew it no longer shows what the dimension of that line anymore.
As you see in the picture, the word Kitchen appears fine but the red line is where the dimension of the table top is supposed to be. It should show 6999.820mm or something , but it just displays a red line.
I just started learning AutoCAD 2010 through some videos and I came across this problem, how to rectify.
I changed my Units to mm, changed it before drawing.
I need to show feet and meters in my drawing. I got them to show up, however the decimal is in the wrong spot. Instead of it being 1.8288 meters for 6 ft., it's showing as 1828.8. Everything I read says to 'just move the decimal'. But how do I do that without overriding the actual dimension?
In 2010 and previous releases I recall being able to show the feature dimension by right clicking "Show Dimensions" and then being able to double click on any visible dimension and change its value. I don't see this behavior in 2012. Is there a setting to turn this on?
I'm placing lighting fixtures in an RCP, and after I place the light and select it, I only get temp dims in the vertical direction on screen, not the horizontal. Before I click to locate the object, the temp dims in both directions show up, but as soon as I click to place, only one tmep dim shows up.
If I place an aligned dimension from a wall face to the center of the light, and then selct the light, the dimension is not activated to adjust the distance. If I want to move the light, I have to drag it - I cannot input the distance into the dimension.
This makes trying to center a light in a room, or a set distance froma wall, next to impossible and extremely annoying and ecessively time comsuming.
I must have clicked something or inadvertantly pressed a keyboard shortcut or something because a couple of weeks ago, the sub-tools on the tool palette started popping up without me having to hold down the mouse button for a second. Now when I click a tool (the rectangular marqee tool for example), the hidden tools (eliptical marqee, single row etc.).
I have set may MENUBAR system variable value to 1, But whenever i exit from autocad 2013 this value changes automatically back to 0 and the pulldown menu disappears.
Also i have attached the screenshots of autocad after manually changing menubar varable with pulldown menu vissible and after exiting and starting autocad again to see the screen without pulldown menu and variable changed to 0 again.
I've been working a while with AutoCad now but this week I received a task which I am not sure is not even possible to do.
I've been exporting drawnings from an other program into AutoCad2013 and all the objects in my drawning appear as loose objects in AutoCad. Can AutoCad create automatically blocks from these loose objects ?
Example : I added a picture of a transformer in this message. This object (2 circles, triangle and star) becomes all loose objects and is NOT one symbol anymore. My question is, if it it is possible that Autocad can recognize these loose objects and create automatically blocks from them. There are a lot of transformers in my drawnings and If I have to do it myself it will be loads of work.
Another thing they asked to do is working with correct European Symbols. I should therefore change blocks in my drawnings into correct one's. I believe when the wrong symbol is already a block it's more easy to change them. I think I should just select all wrong blocks, edit them and then update them. But before this, I have to get blocks in my drawning ofcourse.
We are implementing a new ERP system and we've programmed the configurator in it to build a price for us. We'd like to create a simple 2D drawing for us in AutoCAD based on some of the data from the configurator automatically. Is it possible using AutoCAD LT 2013 or do you need the full version to build something like this? Also, does this sound like it would require a lot of programming in CAD?
I have a query as to how I could automate the replacing of selected individual lines with predetermined sized rectangular blocks centered on the line at the angle and on the “0” layer . See attached file:
The rectangle need not necessarily be a polyline, 4 single lines would be sufficient. And whether the original line is or is not replaced is unimportant either.
Is there a way in AutoCAD 2013 to have it automatically change to a certain layer when you do common tasks. I am wondering if there is a system variable, or a routine that I could automatically load when I start AutoCAD to do this. It would also be nice that the layer would then go back to the original layer that was being used prior to the command. What are my options for doing this.
For instance when I load an xref I would like it to go on the layer; A-XREF. When I insert a block I would like it to go on the layer; 0, when I create a new dimension I would like it to go on the A-DIMS layer, when I create a hatch it would set to the layer A-WALL-PATT, when I add a leader with text it would go to A-ANNO-NOTE, etc..
Is there a way to create key notes automatically in R2013? Similar to automatic numbering in mtext, but with a hexagon or circle around each number at the beginning of each line. Right now I just type my paragraph then manually insert a key note with attributes at the appropriate location. Problem is when I add or delete text from the paragraph, the line spacing may change, then I have to manually re-align all the key note blocks.
AutoCAD 2013, 60-90 days into it, upgraded from 2007.
I have 2 of 4 workstations with this issue, AutoCAD will automtically save the file when the files is closed, w/o any prompts to verify of we want to saved or not.
I have my Options|Autosave turned off, but this should not affect the save on close it should only create a continual ac$ backup file.
This is now the 2nd time this has occured. In early March we noticed this and in dealing with AutoCAD (Suscription Service) we finally deceided to restore AutoCAD to factory defaults, which did fix the issue at the time. However it also meant that I needed to retore all the pathways and our standards. Once completed, I paid particular attention to ensuring that AutoCAD was NOT saving the file on close and it was doing so up until earlier this week, when I noticed it SAVING on close again.
Now most of you might think, hey thats a good thing, however, we routinely will test modifications to our layouts on our working files, but dont want to actually modify those files and then we would simply close the drawing w/o saving thus ensuring that those mods were not saved.
In March, both 2007 & 2013 did this, however only my 2013 is affected now.
Just as of a week ago, it was brought to my attention that my publish stamp has changed to "C:usersjoshuaappdatalocal empacpublish_3412Gi1.dwg" (for example) even thou the location on the drawing I am working on is located on a server, which is normally H:/...../.../...../ Could this be from a adobe pdf driver? I dont know what changed this,
When I go to open up any of my files, any dimesion that has an "8" in it, is automatically changed to a different text font. It just happens to every "8" and no other number or letter. I have to individual change them on all my files. How can I fix this? It just started doing this today.
I'm new to Autocad Mechanical. How can I get rid of the arc on radial dimensions in release 2013? When a radius dimension is put in then moved an arc is automatically put in and the arrow head snaps to the arc, which seems it cannot be removed.
I have a problem. When I use parametric dimensions in my existing drawing the dimension lines and arrows are there but the numbers are invisible. I can't see them. I have searched over much of the dimension style manager dialogue box and I can't find a setting that would change this (but I could have missed something). When I open a new drawing and draw a rectangle and add parametric dimensions they are visible and there doesn't seem to be a problem. What the hell is going on? (I have not used paramentric dimensions until just recently.) I am first going to the top view, with the z axis perpendicular to the page, before adding the parametric dimensions (in case that makes a difference).
I previously had a problem wherein an entire drawing I had drawn suddenly became invisible, except when the pointer was in certain places and then it was temporarily visible. But that problem was solved when I just shut down the program and computer and then restarted it all.
i made some 3d modelling in autocad 2014 in the 3d drawing mode but i have some difficulty in modifying the dimensions of the subobjects.
1 method that i already know is to use the scale gizmo which works but not much as i am not able to set the exact dimensions i need. it only scales the subobject according to the previous size.
modify and determine the exact dimensions of the sub-objects.
I can't see my dimension lines or text when within the body of an object because they are tied to the lower Z position....therefore behind the object. Can I change this??
When I try to apply the background mask while inside the text editor of the dimension the background mask does not apply. However if I right click the dimension -> properties-> text->fill color -> background, it works.