AutoCAD 2013 :: Dimensions Tied To Backside?

Oct 18, 2013

I can't see my dimension lines or text when within the body of an object because they are tied to the lower Z position....therefore behind the object. Can I change this??

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AutoCad 2D :: Change Attribute Text Height When Tied To Parameters

Jul 19, 2012

For starters, I am using AutoCAD 2013.

I am having trouble with changing the text height of attributes in a block. I know that I can normally use BATTMAN and ATTSYNC to change the text height, but those are not working in my case.

I am using a point parameter and STRETCH action to enable my attributes to be moved, while the main object stays in place. When the attributes are not tied to the point parameter and I use BATTMAN in the block editor, the block will insert with any changes to attribute text height. When they are tied to the parameter and I use BATTMAN in the block editor, the block will insert with the attributes at the text height that they were created at. The only way I can change the text height is to use BATTMAN in model space.

I can work with this, but it would be easier to use BATTMAN in the block editor since my attributes are aligned vertically and changing the text size ruins the spacing between them. It would be much easier to both change the text size and respace in the block editor.

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Photoshop :: How The Two Flags Tied Together?

Jan 23, 2006

how the two flages tied togather?

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Dimensions - Only 8 In Different Font

Aug 20, 2013

When I go to open up any of my files, any dimesion that has an "8" in it, is automatically changed to a different text font. It just happens to every "8" and no other number or letter. I have to individual change them on all my files. How can I fix this? It just started doing this today.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Arc On Radial Dimensions

Jun 5, 2012

I'm new to Autocad Mechanical. How can I get rid of the arc on radial dimensions in release 2013? When a radius dimension is put in then moved an arc is automatically put in and the arrow head snaps to the arc, which seems it cannot be removed.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Can`t See Dimensions In The Viewport

Dec 5, 2013

Have one problem with dimensions. I can see them on my model, but I cannot see them on the plot! 

Dimensions layer is OK (it is not "no plot" layer, "VP Freeze" is off), especially that this layer contains some other elements that are visible. 

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Formatting Default Dimensions

Aug 14, 2012

Recently started using autocad 2013.

I start a new drawing and want to change the scale factor in the dimension poperties.

After i add a dimension it does not scale up autmatically. I haev to use the update dimension command.

HOw can I get it to use the new scale factor by default?

Im jus usin the default AM_...I checked all the overrides they are set to the correct scale, is there anohter place in 2013 to set the defaults?

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Parametric Dimensions Are Disappeared

Dec 23, 2013

I have a problem.  When I use parametric dimensions in my existing drawing the dimension lines and arrows are there but the numbers are invisible.  I can't see them.  I have searched over much of the dimension style manager dialogue box and I can't find a setting that would change this (but I could have missed something).  When I open a new drawing and draw a rectangle and add parametric dimensions they are visible and there doesn't seem to be a problem.  What the hell is going on?  (I have not used paramentric dimensions until just recently.) I am first going to the top view, with the z axis perpendicular to the page, before adding the parametric dimensions (in case that makes a difference).

I previously had a problem wherein an entire drawing I had drawn suddenly became invisible, except when the pointer was in certain places and then it was temporarily visible.  But that problem was solved when I just shut down the program and computer and then restarted it all. 

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AutoCAD 2013 :: How To Hide Dimensions On Drawings

Oct 11, 2012

How can i hide the dimensions on the drawing in autocad 2013....screen is cluttered so hiding the dimensions will keep the screen cleaner.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: How To Modify 3D Dimensions In 2014

Jun 11, 2013

i made some 3d modelling in autocad 2014 in the 3d drawing mode but i have some difficulty in modifying the dimensions of the subobjects.

1 method that i already know is to use the scale gizmo which works but not much as i am not able to set the exact dimensions i need. it only scales the subobject according to the previous size.

modify and determine the exact dimensions of the sub-objects.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Automatically Showing Dimensions

Aug 8, 2012

I just switched from Autocad 2007 to 2013. In 2007, when you move your mouse cursor on a vertice of a selected geometry, a rectangle for example, Autocad will automatically display the dimension of the geometry. This features seems to have been turned off by default. How to turn it back on?

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Background Mask - Dimensions

Jan 29, 2013

When I try to apply the background mask while inside the text editor of the dimension the background mask does not apply. However if I right click the dimension -> properties-> text->fill color -> background, it works.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Dimensions Are Moved Incorrectly

Mar 27, 2013

Weird behavior: the dimensions are moved incorrectly,In the attached dwg (and screenshots), as the drawing is moved, then the dimensions are moved but incorrectly. I’m not sure concerning the sort of settings that influence them to behave like this.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Unable To Change Dimensions

Nov 24, 2012

I trying to change dimensions but they will not change.I add a block and then try to dimension it against another block but when i go to change the dimension it just remains the original dimension size. E.g. it currently is 2.895 and i go to make it 3.00 but it does not accept the new there a setting i could check?

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Measure Annotative Dimensions

Nov 28, 2012

IN Autocad 2013, I'm trying to measure an annotative dimension. When I do it, it doesn't show the units along with the measurement.

For instance, it just shows up 24 when in fact I want it to say 24". Or if it was metric I would want the "m" to show up after the 24. How do I get the unit to appear?

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Auto Layering And Dimensions In 2013

Jun 27, 2012

I'm using Auto Architecture 2013 and the dimensions are always coming in on layer A-Anno-Dims; which is fine for plans.  I also use dimensions for reflected ceiling plans as wells as other plan options.  I want to set the dimension on the current layer, but no matter where I choose the command (ie command line, ribbon, toolbar, tool palette) it comes in on the same layer.  Can I turn this option off?  Is there a variable that I can chage?

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Converting Dimensions From Meters To Feet?

Jul 5, 2012

I have a set of dimensions in meters and I am trying to automatically convert to feet. So I am going to the Dimension Style that rules the numbers that I want to convert and after clicking in Modify button>Primary Units I go to Linear dimensions group and change the Unit format from decimal to Architectural and 100 m turns to 8' - 4" not to 328.08'.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: 2013 - Views And Dimensions Not Visible

Nov 1, 2012

I can't see them until I put the cursor over them.  Enclosed is a jpg of the problem. Ram for Inventor process is at 700-800,000 k-bytes.  My graphics card is a Nvidia Quadro FX 580.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Dimensions Not Visible When Drawing Shapes?

Oct 5, 2013

Im just starting to use autocad for a College course.

I learned building 3d shapes, inputting numbers for positioning and dimensions as you were forming them, but for some reason, the programme stopped letting me input them in boxes on each axis on the shape, I can only type them in to the status bar at the bottom. This is making it a lot more difficult for me. how to get the option back?

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Adding Dimensions To A Rendering Image

Nov 4, 2013

This is a questions about workflow: 

I have a rendering image in PNG format that I want to have dimension. These dimensions will be in all 3 planes. 

I want them allinged to object sort of like what you get when you view dimensons in perspective (first arrow is bigger than second arrow text is getting smaller as it goes further away etc.). 

Currently I import my image and draw each arrow, each line, slant the text and it looks so-so... not the greatest and it is A LOT OF WORK. Then i print the dimensions to and image and combine the rendering and image in GIMP. 

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Joining Polylines Without Changing Dimensions

Feb 11, 2013

I'm having a bit of trouble getting my polygon closed without changing the dimensions of the polygon.The drawing attached or at URL....

However I do not know the radius of the angles A, B and C. I know that all the lines have to be the dimensions marked.

Can Autocad automatically bend the angle say, at A without changing the dimensions in order to complete the polygon? I tried this URL.... but found it wasn't what I wanted.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Dimensions / Measurements / Angle Measurement

Oct 14, 2012

I've just downloaded Autocad 2013 and I cannot figure out how to measure linear or angular dimensions.  I'm familiar with older versions of Autocad, but this is the first time I've tried to use 2013. 

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AutoCAD Inventor :: 2013 - Missing Dimensions In Drawing

May 16, 2012

While working with an Inventor 2013 *.idw some of the dimension lines, extension lines, and learders became invisible, even though you can still see the dimension values and even the arrow heads of the no-show dimensions.  Even when printed, the same lines are not there.  2013 Glitch?

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Dimensions Not Snapping To Snaps In Paperspace

Aug 28, 2012

I have just upgraded to 2013 from 2012. When dimensioning my viewports in paperspace, I will snap using the linear or aligned dimension and it will appear to snap to the first point, but when I snap on the other end, it will go somewhere way off the viewport or give me a "0" dim.

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AutoCad :: Draw Dimensions In Architecture 2013 3D View?

Dec 12, 2012

How do i draw dimensions in a certain 3d view so that it shows up according to that view? For example, I'm in isometric view but when i draw a dimension it shows up in 2d at wrong angle.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Print Out Map Actual Dimensions Of Map Are 36x65

Jan 31, 2013

I need to print out a map the actual dimensions of the map are 36x65. For some reason, btw this has worked in the past. I have tried all the troubleshootings i can think of like, printing from a new project with default settings, printing from the view ports, even in the model worksheet. I tried making the paper size longer, i have tried window, limit, everything. But for all the reason i can not understand it always just plots exactly at 36 x55.. i have plotted things that are 36 x 80+ so i know i don't have a length limit.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Dimension Text Disappearing When Selecting Dimensions

Nov 15, 2012

In AutoCAD 2013, when I try to select a dimension object for moving, erasing, &c, the text disappears. How to get it to stay displayed?  Seems to just be when using AutoCAD 2013.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Adding Piece Of Text (TYP) To Radial Dimensions

Oct 12, 2012

I have a question about Radial dimensions... I am trying to add a piece of text (TYP.) to a Radial Dimension... When I add the text; it makes the text and dim line move further from the arrowhead (see image)

I want to be able to move the text on the dimension closer to the arrowhead without actually exploding it... my current solution is to separate the text (TYP.) from the dimension (see image)

Is there a variable or setting to shorten the length of the dim line on the dimension?

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AutoCAD 2013 :: How To Write Export Drawing Dimensions To Excel

Nov 29, 2013

I have a drawing with dimensions and number (number and text number). I want output (Can select each object) to a file excel. write a lisp do.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Why Dimensions Doesn’t Respond As Annotation Scale Changes

Oct 9, 2012

Why the “dimensions” doesn’t respond as the “annotation scale” changes…

I’m wondering why the “dimensions” doesn’t respond as the “annotation scale” changes when the “Automatically add scales to annotative objects when the annotation scale changes” is OFF?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Exporting Dimensions From 2013 To ProE / CREO

Sep 12, 2012

Autodesk Inventor 2013 could export the sketches and dimensions of a part to ProE/CREO.  I've tried using an IGES format and exported the part from Inverntor to CREO, and I get the part with the dimensions and everything, but not the sketches or the extrusions,etc.  Just the plain part.Also used the .g and .neu , and still nothing.

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