AutoCAD 2013 :: How To Write Export Drawing Dimensions To Excel
Nov 29, 2013I have a drawing with dimensions and number (number and text number). I want output (Can select each object) to a file excel. write a lisp do.
View 6 RepliesI have a drawing with dimensions and number (number and text number). I want output (Can select each object) to a file excel. write a lisp do.
View 6 Replieswhether it is possible to take dimensions from a simple engineering drawing and place them in an Excel workbook, currently running CAD2000.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI am currently using Civil 3D 2013, and when I do a qsave, my drawing gives me the following error dialogue box.
"Drawing File is Write Protected" - I am the only on in the files, so now my file is currently Read Only - then I am able to re-open the same file as the same time I have the currently read only version open.
I am getting this currently after or during Plan Production, creating sheets, and I do a qsave.
I am using Civil 3D 2013 Hotfix 1
Windows 7 64 bit system
12GB Ram
Quad Core Xeon 3.2
Server is using Microsoft Server 2008
Need to export to excel, just text entities from old drawing. Or convert to table, then export. As long as i can get the text to excel.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI need to find a way to export my BOM data to an Excel spreadhseet. Some of my BOM's are in tables, most are not. I found a lisp routine that will export this data to a csv file, but it's clunky at best. I don't want to use the "ole" method, I don't feel like fighting that battle.
So outside of plotting to a "png", and pasting that into Excel, are there any other options that are feasible?
°°AutoCAD Rel 1 - 2014°°
update the title block attribute from the drawing register with capital letters and not lower case which has been entered into the drawing register.
That is everything that is updated from the drawing register is upper case when we want lower case.
i need to export Geometry Data (in properties) X,Y,Z coordinates/points from a Sold 3D object into Excel (csv.file) I have tried data extraction (EATTEXT) but it doesn’t pick the points up unless I add points manually.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI want to link Microsoft Excel data with AutoCAD drawing (like dimension or values). When I made some changes in Excel data, value in AutoCAD drawing can be changes automatically.
View 1 Replies View RelatedIm just starting to use autocad for a College course.
I learned building 3d shapes, inputting numbers for positioning and dimensions as you were forming them, but for some reason, the programme stopped letting me input them in boxes on each axis on the shape, I can only type them in to the status bar at the bottom. This is making it a lot more difficult for me. how to get the option back?
While working with an Inventor 2013 *.idw some of the dimension lines, extension lines, and learders became invisible, even though you can still see the dimension values and even the arrow heads of the no-show dimensions. Even when printed, the same lines are not there. 2013 Glitch?
View 9 Replies View RelatedI want to save and update my form on d:hsezenn.xls.
but when I try this. ı have same eror.
how can I save and update my data on d:hsezenn.xls ?
I have AutoCAD 2013 and often "paste special" excel files that automatically update when the excel file changes.The problem I'm running into is I work with a person who has uses an older version of CAD 2004, so I always save to the older format for him.
When I etransmit, I be sure to add the excel file, but when he opens the dwg, only the outline of the excel appears in his dwg, no content.
The following pictures are the same areas of a drawing zoomed in (cannot post proprietary DWG or PDF). In Layout mode I have the following
When I try to make a PDF of it (either by going File>Export>PDF or File>Print>Plot>select DWG to PDF.pc3) it produces the following
What is going on?
I am working with an action macro to be able to use the EXPORT PDF option (save into current folder as DWG with no user input) / save the current drawing / and close.
At present i am able to get the macro to export the pdf and then (user input to directory to save and to overwrite the previous file) then save the file but cannot close the drawing.
Is there any way I can make exploded dimensions in an old drawing become live dimensions again.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have a drawing with so many rectangles in one layer. i want the sizes of those rectangles( ie L x B) is there any way to get the sizes of a rectangles from autocad and paste it into excel.
View 9 Replies View RelatedIn a machine shop environment, the current practice is for an admin person to review the drawing, then take down all dimensions and enter them manually into Excel. Is there an easier way to export data to Excel so that I can have the dimension reports rather than doing them manually. The second question is on the ability to save the document as a .pdf, although I think this is possible.
View 4 Replies View RelatedMy firm is starting a project....the Structural side is going to be don in Revit 3d and our Mechanical side uses Autocad w/Cadworxs for our 3d package. Is it possible to export the Revit steel drawing and import that model into Autocad as an xref?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have a data set including .shx .shp .prj and .dbf files each named the same for landuse, rail, road, etc for a single city. How can I open these files to export a simple line drawing for use in a thesis project as a map.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI am designing a RCC Dam and the shape of the dam is constant and will not change, but the dimensions of this shape are very likely to change depending upon hydraulic analysis.
I have written a program (irrelevant, but I am using MathCad 14) that performs a stability analysis of a RCC Dam (based on elevations from the hydraulic analysis) and then exports the dam dimensions and coordinates to Excel.
I am attempting to then take those coordinates (or dimensions) from Excel to create a 2-D dimensioned drawing of the Dam in AutoCAD.
I have successfully linked the Excel spreadsheet containing these coordinates and dimensions to AutoCad tables in my drawing, but I am having trouble getting AutoCAD to update my drawing as these tables update with different coordinates and dimensions.
I would like to have a drawing that is fully dimensioned (as the shape of the dam will not change), but that will update coordinates and dimensions as I pump out different dam dimensions from my stability analysis.
How do I export my IDW drawing dimensions to an Excel file for use on a First Article Inspection.
Is it even possible?
I am building a standalone VB app to edit block attribute values. It works fine until I try to save the drawing(s) and ACAD give this message.
By the way. Only happens when I try to save it from VB. In ACAD I can open and save fine.
I am also having the "could not write to internet cache" message in Autocad 2013. I have removed and replaced the AcInetEngine19.dll and AcInet Engineps19.dll files with the files in Byron Norales has supplied in these discussion gropups, However I still get the same "could not write to internet cache message" when opening files?
View 1 Replies View Relatedi install autodesk remote to try it out from home. when i went to my office to the actual work station i rebooted my machine and now im getting a popup box that says my menu file is write protected. i uninstalled the file, and rebooted my machine and im still getting this warning that my menu is write protected,. no other work station is getting this error, the menu file is a shared file running off a network and no other versions exists on my hard drive.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am currently working on a project where I am taking a lot of Autocad Attributes and Exporting them to an excel file so they can be referenced in a table of contents type of manner. My question is if there is a way to have excel automatically update the tables after changes are made to the autocad file. This file is an ever changing thing so going back and running through the entire "Eattext" command and re exporting and overwriting the existing file is very tiresome, especially when I am adding and deleting attributes daily. Is there a VBA program I can run to accomplish this task, I have fairly limited VBA skills and haven't written in VBA for years. I am fairly new to exporting autocad attributes to excel . I attached a very simplistic example of the general Idea of what I am trying to accomplish.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI want to export a table to excel but i am failed.and is here any way that when i give coordinate it automatically exportes to excel.
View 2 Replies View RelatedIs it possible to write a Macro in the CUI that opens a drawing in Read-Only mode? Limitation : AutoCAD LT.
View 7 Replies View RelatedI have assembly with over 100 sub assemblies. I need to export the COG for each sub assembly to excel. The COG must be in relation to the parent assembly's origin point.
I can get coordinates manualy (right click on sub assembly - iProperties-Phisical), but it is take a lots of time.
Autodesk Inventor Professional 2013
Windows 7 64-bit
Can export the repair details from dwg drawing prepared by asd in to excel by the use of auto cad?
View 3 Replies View Relatedi've been asked to provide a way for some cad employees to update via an export to an excel spreadsheet the latest area total for each room in the drawing. my assumption is the spreadsheet will already contain a column for room numbers from the drawing and a room area column.
so far i've found out how to iterate the drawing layers. what i have yet to figure out is how to capture the room area property on the layer so i can copy it into the excel cell that matches with the captured room number from the drawing. is there a way to access the geometry of the particular layer?
How do I get a BOM exported from my assembly into Excel? The only option I have is export as XML format which is useless to me.
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