AutoCAD 2013 :: Saving Automatically When Closing File?
Apr 12, 2013
AutoCAD 2013, 60-90 days into it, upgraded from 2007.
I have 2 of 4 workstations with this issue, AutoCAD will automtically save the file when the files is closed, w/o any prompts to verify of we want to saved or not.
I have my Options|Autosave turned off, but this should not affect the save on close it should only create a continual ac$ backup file.
This is now the 2nd time this has occured. In early March we noticed this and in dealing with AutoCAD (Suscription Service) we finally deceided to restore AutoCAD to factory defaults, which did fix the issue at the time. However it also meant that I needed to retore all the pathways and our standards. Once completed, I paid particular attention to ensuring that AutoCAD was NOT saving the file on close and it was doing so up until earlier this week, when I noticed it SAVING on close again.
Now most of you might think, hey thats a good thing, however, we routinely will test modifications to our layouts on our working files, but dont want to actually modify those files and then we would simply close the drawing w/o saving thus ensuring that those mods were not saved.
In March, both 2007 & 2013 did this, however only my 2013 is affected now.
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Mar 27, 2013
Trying to create a bit of code that when the 'OnNew Document' event is fired the code checks for a particular Custom Property. Depending on what the Custom Property is set to a form is then fired with relevant text to point the user to a specific area in the workspace. Al this works ok.
But if they press cancel i need the code close the activate 'Part1' which inturn then allows the user to select 'New' to begin again.
I have tried various scenarios but the main problem is that Inventor then crashes!
PublicSub applicationEvents_OnNewDocument(DocumentObject As Inventor._Document, BeforeOrAfter As Inventor.EventTimingEnum, Context As Inventor.NameValueMap, ByRef HandlingCode As Inventor.HandlingCodeEnum) Handles applicationEvents.OnNewDocument
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May 2, 2011
I've been having this issue happen repeatedly, but not consistently. In a new file, I adjust the width of an mtext box so that the text wraps into multiple lines. When I next open the file, all mtext boxes are back at a wider width so that the text is all on one line. The start of the text is also usually in a different location. This was happening on 2011/XP and now on 2012/Windows7.
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Jan 6, 2011
I started using GIMP on a PC a couple of months ago after developing skills in PS over the years on my Macs at home and at work.
I like GIMP and it's stable nature along with everything else... in addition to allot of standard photo editing and graphics creation, I recently used it for some of the animation filters, which are nice.
The only problem I'm having is that when I create a path, or multiple paths, and have them in the paths palette, after I save and close the file that contains the paths, the next time I open that file my paths are gone... completely disappeared.
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Mar 11, 2012
I know this happens sometimes when a file won't open after saving and closing it. Usually I can open the backup file with just some lost work, but not this time. Problem is this time it happened with a file I spend a long time working on. I tried unzipping and opening riffData.cdr with no luck. I've uploaded the file. It is a complex drawing with over 20 pages including vector and bitmap objects.
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Feb 26, 2013
Say I have a model and some layouts in a file.
I open the file to the model. My RAM usage is about 33%. Next, I open the first layout and my usage climbs to 43%. I open the second layout and my usage climbs to 52%. I open the third layout and my usage climbs to 62%.
I can go back and view the layouts already opened marginally faster then when first opening them, and my RAM usage will not increase.
If I continue to open new layouts, my computer will spend all its RAM holding these and freeze. My computer will suspend graphical processing and be forced to run on sips of RAM until all active commands are finished. But RAM usage will never decrease.
I have been working with my Windows Task Manager open in the corner, watching this happen. This way, I can save and close the file to clear the RAM and then proceed to reload the file and continue working on my file with 34 layouts.
I do not know if it is a function of storing the UNDO functions, or just how the program is designed, but this is a problem for me.
Is there a way to clear the UNDO or layout memory without closing and reloading the file? I do not have to close AutoCAD - just the file.
The attachement is a screenshot of my Task Manager.
I started with TM, browser, and AutoCAD open (I had already started writing this post)
I opened the file to the model.
Opened up 6 layouts (you can see the bumps)
Saved (you can see the tiny rise)
Closed the file, but not AutoCAD (precipitous drop ;] )
Lastly, I reloaded the file.
Windows 7 64bit w/ 64bit AutoCAD 2013
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Dec 18, 2013
It was working perfectly fine over the weekend and then Monday I open illustrator and try to open a drawing I was working on and it closes on me everytime. Now I can't open or save files without it closing itself. I would uninstall and reinstall it but i lost my code. I have to make vector images for a couple of clients of mine!
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Apr 16, 2012
How I get an automatically opened PDF file just after saving it? In the PDF settings in CorelDraw X5 there seems to be no option for this.
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Sep 19, 2013
I'm trying to gauge interest / opinions in this AutoCAD add on for automatically binding and PDFing drawings ready for issuing - it also adds the revision to the file name.
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Jan 4, 2013
In Photoshop CS5: when you closed an image, you'd automatically go back to Bridge, where you could open the next image.
Now you close an image, and you stay in Photoshop with a blank screen.
You have to go to the dock, and click Bridge.
How can I get the CS5 way back, so I don't have to do two unnecessary steps each time?
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Jul 19, 2012
I add 3 folder locations to the Support File Search Path. At random, all 3 of these locations disappear. I haven't tracked when this happens and what maybe happened previously, but I know I'm not the only one within my office that this has happened to. The paths are on a file server for our blocks.
Not sure how relevant this is, but I have a HP Z420 Workstation, W7-64-bit, Autodesk Building Design Suite Ultimate, using AutoCAD MEP 2013.
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Aug 7, 2012
Saving a file that will not let you save in the form it is in because of a "fatal error" Recovered files do not work either.
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Jul 22, 2013
I had this issue twice already when closing files without saving expecting to ask me what to do with the file of course. But it didn't ask a thing.
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Sep 19, 2012
I have a problem with Illustrator CS6.When I try to save in .ai or other format, I have a Windows error message like "Illustrator has stopped working".And Illustrator close it.
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Aug 1, 2013
Whenever I save a drawing, it goes to a temp file. I have to do a 'save as' to bring the dwg back to the original folder. Our in-office guru thought it had something to do with the new AutoCAD 360, but I have never even signed in to that, and when we did open it, nothing was in it.
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Oct 16, 2012
I changed the configuration in Tools/Options/Open and Save/File Save, to save as Autocad2004/LT2004 Drawing (*.dwg). But sometimes automatically the program saves as Autocad2013. It is critical for me because I work with people that still use Autocad2004.
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Nov 2, 2012
In preparing photos imported from iphoto for a book, I've learned how to change the ppi and format, but when I try to move on I find I don't know how to save and close out of editing a photo. The photos either have red "edit in progress" bands, or multiple copies, or both.
I don't know where to save them, either.
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Oct 23, 2013
When I am working on several drawngs at the same time, I use the Publish command to plot them as a group. However to save the settings as a DSD file for future use, every open file needs to be saved. Why is this? Is there a way to disable that requirement?
There is no reason I can think of besides "by design" for this. The DSD file is only a list of drawings and their plot settings and is not dpendent in any way I can think of, to whether or not one its drawings is open and not saved.
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May 29, 2013
I have AutoCAD 2013 and often "paste special" excel files that automatically update when the excel file changes.The problem I'm running into is I work with a person who has uses an older version of CAD 2004, so I always save to the older format for him.
When I etransmit, I be sure to add the excel file, but when he opens the dwg, only the outline of the excel appears in his dwg, no content.
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Apr 12, 2013
We sold a customer a new Dell Precision Laptop - i7 16GB Memory, 512GB Solid State hard drive, Windows 7 64bit. He had upgraded to AutoCad 2013 from 2006. Since installing the laptop when he closes out of a drawing Autocad crashes, windows reports that the program had unexpectedly quit. It doesn't do it all of the time, but it could have something to do with multiple drawings, plotting etc, but it's not an easy one to generate. He does have an older plotter - DesignJet 500 that's installed through a network share off of another computer however I did completely remove the printer / driver and the issue was still occuring.
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May 9, 2013
Subject pretty much sums it up. AutoCAD will crash 8 out of 10 times when I close a sheet set. This problem just recently started and the only thing I've installed was AutoCAD Map 3D.
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May 3, 2012
I get this common exception while debugging right after I close AutoCAD. I have not even run any commands that belong to my project, just open AutoCAD and Close AutoCAD.
--------------------------- Exception in c:program filesautodeskapplicationpluginssbd.bundlecontentsaalsbinacadaliasapp.arx ARX Command --------------------------- Unhandled Exception 1 (Access Violation Reading 0x89a63aa8) at address 775E32D0h --------------------------- OK ---------------------------
--------------------------- Exception in c:program filesautodeskapplicationpluginssbd.bundlecontentsaalsbinacadaliasapp.arx ARX Command --------------------------- Unhandled Exception 80000003 (80000003h) at address 776540BFh --------------------------- OK ---------------------------
Call Stack:
[In a sleep, wait, or join] > mscorlib.dll!System.Threading.WaitHandle.WaitAny(System.Threading.WaitHandle[] waitHandles, int millisecondsTimeout, bool exitContext) + 0xb6 bytes System.dll!System.Net.TimerThread.ThreadProc() + 0x2d6 bytes mscorlib.dll!System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(System.Threading.ExecutionContext executionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback callback, object state, bool ignoreSyncCtx) + 0xdc bytes mscorlib.dll!System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(System.Threading.ExecutionContext executionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback callback, object state) + 0x3b bytes mscorlib.dll!System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart() + 0x4d bytes [Native to Managed Transition]
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Apr 3, 2012
I turned off the command line because I don't use it or need it on my screen. But each time after I do a plot preview the stupid thing automatically turns itself back on.
Is there a way to permanently turn this thing off because apparently hitting the "x" on the toolbar isn't working correctly.
Also, why did they do away with the flyout option on the commandline. At least then I could dock it somewhere and collapse it.
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Feb 13, 2013
The program shuts down every time I save and close a drawing; this way I am loosing any other drawing that is still open.
I am working on a 64bit Widows7.
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Jul 31, 2012
I am using Windows 7 64 bit laptop. When I close a drawing just after saving in AutoCAD 2013 64 bit, the program crashes. This will happen with one drawing open, or several. I also had this problem with 2011.
I have been using AutoCAD for 16 years and never had this problem with previous versions on earlier operating systems.
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Jan 18, 2013
We are currently using autocad 2013 LT on windows 7 64bit. The program runs a bit slower than 2012 but the main issue is as follows.
when closing a drawing or multiple drawings (wether they have been recently saved or not) autocad will go into a "not responding" mode and then crash out. This happens at about 70% of the time and is completely random. It may crash a drawing one time but not the next time you are in the same drawing, or when closing multiple drawings may allow you to save some of them when cad closes but then crashes before all of them are saved. We have all of the current updates and fixes. We had the same issue with 2012 but not nearly as often.
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Sep 11, 2012
We are experiencing a problem that inventor goes none responsive when closing large assemblies. Typically the problems occurs on assemblies with typrical over 3000 parts. The only way to get out is to manual crash the program.
Our machines are some of the powerful machines that you purchase on the market with SATA III solid state drives so the problem is not with the machines.
Wish we never upgrade from 2012, Autodesk should be embarrassed with the performance of 2013
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Dec 18, 2012
Is it possible that i can save a revit 2013 drawing and open it in revit 2011 file?
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Sep 4, 2012
I have made a macro that asks for a location on the file server (=client name) and then the project name. It then automatic creates the correct folders, opens my custom assembly template and changes an ipart that is by default in it.
That's all great and can save us a ton of time, but the last step is to automatic save the assembly! I just can't get it working and can't find the correct code.
I have defined the target folder earlier and the file name of the assembly is identical to this folder. For example
target folder = O:ProjectsclientNameClientProject1
file name = ClientProject1.iam
-> result: O:ProjectsclientNameClientProject1ClientProject1.iam
the code that I think should work looks like this:
Sub SaveAssembly() Dim oAssDoc As AssemblyDocument Set oAssDoc = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument oAssDoc.SaveAs ("O:ProjectsclientNameClientProject1ClientProject1.iam", False)End Sub
But it doesn't work, I always get the error message
"Compile error: Expected: ="
Whatever I do next I don't get the code to work
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Aug 9, 2013
I have had this complaint for a while internally however whenever Autocad Architecture saves while using a fully functional 3d architure model it hangs when it saves.
There are no errors discovered via audit, the file has been purged, the file has annotative scaled items, there are 3 x-refs & we are working off the server.The file generally has a low amount of layers and the xreferences have also been audited and purged.
in the base file - When Autocad Saves automatically or manually I get a 30 second delay. The task manager only shows one core on the I5 being used more than the others (not fully but spikes up and down). However when I want to go crazy and save multiple times the other cores pick up accordingly (obviously). Cpu usage only shows 27% usage at it s peak (overall).
The amount of ram used remains unchanged in both scenarios.
The network indicates 3-12% usage.
In the xref of the base file (generally the sheet file which has only the base file (with all the attached xreferences) and a title block with a low res image - The model craps out for 2 minutes while it saves same task manager results as well.
I have clean xreferences with no looping which the base file houses.
I'm trying to elimitnate or upgrade (computer) whatever is the issue.
note this has also occured with standard linework files (versus using 3d autcad architure elements)
Computer specs
Intel I5 760 @2.8ghz
16gb ram
64 bit OS win7 pro
Quadro FX 580 with dual screen
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Sep 2, 2013
I need assign automatically, a unipersonal code at file, before saving it. When i do save as or save at the first time, inventor take automatically the name listed over the tree of operations at the left of screen, My problem is, that i can't identify this paramter or property, for assign this code in ilogic.
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