AutoCAD 2013 :: How To Clear UNDO Or Layout Memory Without Closing And Reloading The File
Feb 26, 2013
Say I have a model and some layouts in a file.
I open the file to the model. My RAM usage is about 33%. Next, I open the first layout and my usage climbs to 43%. I open the second layout and my usage climbs to 52%. I open the third layout and my usage climbs to 62%.
I can go back and view the layouts already opened marginally faster then when first opening them, and my RAM usage will not increase.
If I continue to open new layouts, my computer will spend all its RAM holding these and freeze. My computer will suspend graphical processing and be forced to run on sips of RAM until all active commands are finished. But RAM usage will never decrease.
I have been working with my Windows Task Manager open in the corner, watching this happen. This way, I can save and close the file to clear the RAM and then proceed to reload the file and continue working on my file with 34 layouts.
I do not know if it is a function of storing the UNDO functions, or just how the program is designed, but this is a problem for me.
Is there a way to clear the UNDO or layout memory without closing and reloading the file? I do not have to close AutoCAD - just the file.
The attachement is a screenshot of my Task Manager.
I started with TM, browser, and AutoCAD open (I had already started writing this post)
I opened the file to the model.
Opened up 6 layouts (you can see the bumps)
Saved (you can see the tiny rise)
Closed the file, but not AutoCAD (precipitous drop ;] )
I have a issu when i use BindXRef. I have 4 XREF in my dwg. so i use à Do / While for each XREF i have found. It work fine but whrn the Xref is big File, i have the issue "Out Of memory".
So the question : How i can Force the GC to clear all memory not used. My Think is to force the GC to Clear the memory before to use BindXRef() with only one XRef before to BindXRef with another.
Here my code :
Dim LockDoc As DocumentLock = doc.LockDocument Dim MemNumBoucle As Integer = -1 Dim CollXRef As New ObjectIdCollection Do CollXRef.Clear() Dim xg As XrefGraph = db.GetHostDwgXrefGraph(True) Dim root As GraphNode = xg.RootNode Using tr As Transaction = db.TransactionManager.StartTransaction For o = 0 To root.NumOut - 1 Step 1 Dim child As [Code]......
In this example i cant BindXREf ('R+1') alone. I need to BindXRef('ARCHI') before
AutoCAD 2013, 60-90 days into it, upgraded from 2007.
I have 2 of 4 workstations with this issue, AutoCAD will automtically save the file when the files is closed, w/o any prompts to verify of we want to saved or not.
I have my Options|Autosave turned off, but this should not affect the save on close it should only create a continual ac$ backup file.
This is now the 2nd time this has occured. In early March we noticed this and in dealing with AutoCAD (Suscription Service) we finally deceided to restore AutoCAD to factory defaults, which did fix the issue at the time. However it also meant that I needed to retore all the pathways and our standards. Once completed, I paid particular attention to ensuring that AutoCAD was NOT saving the file on close and it was doing so up until earlier this week, when I noticed it SAVING on close again.
Now most of you might think, hey thats a good thing, however, we routinely will test modifications to our layouts on our working files, but dont want to actually modify those files and then we would simply close the drawing w/o saving thus ensuring that those mods were not saved.
In March, both 2007 & 2013 did this, however only my 2013 is affected now.
i only have 4 gb of ram in my machine which means that when i render out image sequences of an animation the renderer stops rendering after a certain amount of frames because the RAM is full, which isn't a problem since i can just start rendering again at the last frame rendered. However, Max doesn't seem to clear the RAM memory even after it has stopped rendering, which means that I have to restart Max everytime the renderer stops because of a full RAM to be able to start rendering again.
Since max has quite a long load time for me, I was wondering if there's a setting or something that makes max clear the part of the RAM memory the renderer has filled up after the rendering stops?
I have just produced .dxf files from .shp files using Surpac. The problem is that the final .dxf's are that huge in terms of memory that is really dificult to open the .dxf with any version of AutoCAD
This is actually for R2014 but the same thing happened in 2013. I have several custom CUIX files created from loading MNU files. I use them for drop down menus and toolbars. The load fine but are not remembered the next AutoCAD is reloaded. I can't remember what I did because they work fine in 2013. I've CUILOADED them and saved the workspace. I also saved and reloaded my PROFILE. Aren't the menus saved with the workspace?
When I close a large document Photoshop does not release the memory. If I open another document the program is slow and not resposive. If I close out of Photoshop and restart it then load the other document it is quick and responsive again.
After some infrastructure changes, I need to repath all of my xrefs. I know I can easily do this using the Reference Manager, and I have. However, when I open the drawings that I have updated, the xref images (jpg, png, etc) do not display, but rather only show the image border. I must then go into the External References pallette in each drawing and reload each reference. This works fine, but it is awfully clunky, as I must do this for every drawing.
Is there a way I can batch reload these references after updating the path in Reference Manager?
I just installed PSP X6 Ultimate 32 bit and the Perfectly Clear Plugin. It works really well part of the time but will often crash saying that Photoshop is not allowing enough memory. I'm using Windows 7 with more than 3 gb of memory. I also have Aftershot Pro running.
Is it a proper way of copy some details or layout from DXF files to CAD file? I received multiple(10 files, 2.5mb average) DXF file from source, and they need to input some layout of it to the base CAD Drawing file.My CAD file became huge (around 40mb) when I copy some of the layout from DXF. Do I need to save DXF file into CAD file before I copy some of their layout to get a lower file? I need to send the CAD file to the source for their copy.
We sold a customer a new Dell Precision Laptop - i7 16GB Memory, 512GB Solid State hard drive, Windows 7 64bit. He had upgraded to AutoCad 2013 from 2006. Since installing the laptop when he closes out of a drawing Autocad crashes, windows reports that the program had unexpectedly quit. It doesn't do it all of the time, but it could have something to do with multiple drawings, plotting etc, but it's not an easy one to generate. He does have an older plotter - DesignJet 500 that's installed through a network share off of another computer however I did completely remove the printer / driver and the issue was still occuring.
Subject pretty much sums it up. AutoCAD will crash 8 out of 10 times when I close a sheet set. This problem just recently started and the only thing I've installed was AutoCAD Map 3D.
I get this common exception while debugging right after I close AutoCAD. I have not even run any commands that belong to my project, just open AutoCAD and Close AutoCAD.
--------------------------- Exception in c:program filesautodeskapplicationpluginssbd.bundlecontentsaalsbinacadaliasapp.arx ARX Command --------------------------- Unhandled Exception 1 (Access Violation Reading 0x89a63aa8) at address 775E32D0h --------------------------- OK ---------------------------
--------------------------- Exception in c:program filesautodeskapplicationpluginssbd.bundlecontentsaalsbinacadaliasapp.arx ARX Command --------------------------- Unhandled Exception 80000003 (80000003h) at address 776540BFh --------------------------- OK ---------------------------
I turned off the command line because I don't use it or need it on my screen. But each time after I do a plot preview the stupid thing automatically turns itself back on.
Is there a way to permanently turn this thing off because apparently hitting the "x" on the toolbar isn't working correctly.
Also, why did they do away with the flyout option on the commandline. At least then I could dock it somewhere and collapse it.
I am using Windows 7 64 bit laptop. When I close a drawing just after saving in AutoCAD 2013 64 bit, the program crashes. This will happen with one drawing open, or several. I also had this problem with 2011.
I have been using AutoCAD for 16 years and never had this problem with previous versions on earlier operating systems.
We are currently using autocad 2013 LT on windows 7 64bit. The program runs a bit slower than 2012 but the main issue is as follows.
when closing a drawing or multiple drawings (wether they have been recently saved or not) autocad will go into a "not responding" mode and then crash out. This happens at about 70% of the time and is completely random. It may crash a drawing one time but not the next time you are in the same drawing, or when closing multiple drawings may allow you to save some of them when cad closes but then crashes before all of them are saved. We have all of the current updates and fixes. We had the same issue with 2012 but not nearly as often.
I'm currently running AutoCAD Electrical 2013 and every time I open a new drawing my undo is automatically disabled. Sometimes even changing from sheet to sheet in a project will result in my undo command being disabled. When I use the UNDOCTL command I seem to default to 48 and when I use UNDO to re-enable it I select the "All" option which gives me a 53 back for UNDOCTL, meaning that undo has been re-enabled.
Since AutoCAD preserves the entire database list of commands used on a drawing from the beginning, is it possible to "back up," like using undo, after a drawing is saved and closed? Is there a way to come back the next day and start undoing the previous day's work?
We are experiencing a problem that inventor goes none responsive when closing large assemblies. Typically the problems occurs on assemblies with typrical over 3000 parts. The only way to get out is to manual crash the program.
Our machines are some of the powerful machines that you purchase on the market with SATA III solid state drives so the problem is not with the machines.
Wish we never upgrade from 2012, Autodesk should be embarrassed with the performance of 2013
Is there a known problem with 2013 undo? I can be in a new drawing issue 2 commands and the undo drop down is populated with 100's of group commands, makinf Ctrl z useless
Civil 3D 2012 & 2013 HP Z210 Workstation Intel Xeon CPU E31240 @ 3.30 Hz 12 GB Ram
Note: Its all Resistentialism, so keep calm and carry on
I have a problem understanding how undo marks are added to the undo stack.In the code below a fan of lines are draw in a random location.If you run MTest a few times, the AutoCAD Undo command will remove the fans one at a time.
If you run MMulti to draw 10 fans, the AutoCAD Undo command will remove all the fans in a single step.I want to be able to remove the fans one at a time.I thought that a StartTransaction / Commit pair would act as markers for the undo stack, but this isn't working.
Tested on AutoCAD 2010 VS 2008 <CommandMethod("MMult")> _ Sub testmult() Dim i As Integer For i = 1 To 10 Call testdraw() Next End Sub [code]....
I try to do animation rendering by setting up the animation and letting run overnight sometimes. I often get the pop up window telling me that "the "undo" file size has reached its limit - Do I want to increase the file size?" This pauses the rendering until I hit the OK button. How do I get that to stop?
Several times when closing an IDW the image of the file reamains on the screen. The Tab for the file in the lower left hand corner dissapears but the image stil remains on the screen. You have to navigate to another open invnetor file in order for this image to dissapear. If you are not paying close attention you can inadvertantly close several files by repeatedly trying to close the "image" that is still on the screen. I am only seeing this on one of our workstations. Coulod this be a video card error or a setting?
Trying to create a bit of code that when the 'OnNew Document' event is fired the code checks for a particular Custom Property. Depending on what the Custom Property is set to a form is then fired with relevant text to point the user to a specific area in the workspace. Al this works ok.
But if they press cancel i need the code close the activate 'Part1' which inturn then allows the user to select 'New' to begin again.
I have tried various scenarios but the main problem is that Inventor then crashes!
PublicSub applicationEvents_OnNewDocument(DocumentObject As Inventor._Document, BeforeOrAfter As Inventor.EventTimingEnum, Context As Inventor.NameValueMap, ByRef HandlingCode As Inventor.HandlingCodeEnum) Handles applicationEvents.OnNewDocument