AutoCAD 2013 :: Undo Constantly Re-enabling?
Jun 26, 2012
I'm currently running AutoCAD Electrical 2013 and every time I open a new drawing my undo is automatically disabled. Sometimes even changing from sheet to sheet in a project will result in my undo command being disabled. When I use the UNDOCTL command I seem to default to 48 and when I use UNDO to re-enable it I select the "All" option which gives me a 53 back for UNDOCTL, meaning that undo has been re-enabled.
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Oct 24, 2013
We have our AutoCAD2013 freezing for at least 4 times a day, on all 5 Computers.
I want to do that Customer Error Reporting thing, but no Window appears after the Crash, and I haven`t found it in the options yet.
The Computers are 3 x Fujitsu Esprimo P900 with an additional Graphic Card.
Intel Core i3, 3.3 GHz and 6 to 8 GB Ram.
2x is Windows 7 64bit and one is 32bit with 4GB RAM.
And the other two are Fujitsu Celsius M470 with 3.46GHz and 8GB RAM. NVIDIA Quadro 6000.
All Patches and Updates of AutoCAD2013 are installed. Why it crashes, why the CER doesn't appear?!
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Mar 27, 2013
I have AutoCAD 2013 hitting the following registry location several hundred thousand times before closing a file:
Looking at a Procmon trace, there is a set of 3 entries: RegOpenKey,RegQueryValue,RegQueryValue and each is successful.
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May 22, 2012
I was attempting to troubleshoot some performance issues I've been having using process monitor. I noticed that AutoCAD 2013 is constantly checking for an XREFSTATE System variable, that according to documentation is stored in the registry. however, process monitor is reporting this variable as not found. So that leads me to a couple questions:
why is it constantly checking the status of the variable
why is the variable not located within the path it is looking for.
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Nov 22, 2013
In AutoCAD 2013/14, there is finally the option for removing Pan and Zoom from the UNDO list?
That would be like the invention of the wheel. For me it's a Buy/Don't buy option.
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Feb 7, 2013
Since AutoCAD preserves the entire database list of commands used on a drawing from the beginning, is it possible to "back up," like using undo, after a drawing is saved and closed? Is there a way to come back the next day and start undoing the previous day's work?
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Mar 14, 2013
Is there a known problem with 2013 undo? I can be in a new drawing issue 2 commands and the undo drop down is populated with 100's of group commands, makinf Ctrl z useless
Civil 3D 2012 & 2013
HP Z210 Workstation
Intel Xeon CPU E31240 @ 3.30 Hz
12 GB Ram
Note: Its all Resistentialism, so keep calm and carry on
64 Bit Win7 OS
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Apr 27, 2012
Is there a way to undo without zoom as part of the undo?
Civil 3D 2013
Windows 7 64-bit
Inteel 2.40 GHz 8 GB RAM
Dell T7600
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Oct 20, 2011
I have a problem understanding how undo marks are added to the undo stack.In the code below a fan of lines are draw in a random location.If you run MTest a few times, the AutoCAD Undo command will remove the fans one at a time.
If you run MMulti to draw 10 fans, the AutoCAD Undo command will remove all the fans in a single step.I want to be able to remove the fans one at a time.I thought that a StartTransaction / Commit pair would act as markers for the undo stack, but this isn't working.
Tested on AutoCAD 2010 VS 2008
<CommandMethod("MMult")> _
Sub testmult()
Dim i As Integer
For i = 1 To 10
Call testdraw()
End Sub
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Feb 26, 2013
Say I have a model and some layouts in a file.
I open the file to the model. My RAM usage is about 33%. Next, I open the first layout and my usage climbs to 43%. I open the second layout and my usage climbs to 52%. I open the third layout and my usage climbs to 62%.
I can go back and view the layouts already opened marginally faster then when first opening them, and my RAM usage will not increase.
If I continue to open new layouts, my computer will spend all its RAM holding these and freeze. My computer will suspend graphical processing and be forced to run on sips of RAM until all active commands are finished. But RAM usage will never decrease.
I have been working with my Windows Task Manager open in the corner, watching this happen. This way, I can save and close the file to clear the RAM and then proceed to reload the file and continue working on my file with 34 layouts.
I do not know if it is a function of storing the UNDO functions, or just how the program is designed, but this is a problem for me.
Is there a way to clear the UNDO or layout memory without closing and reloading the file? I do not have to close AutoCAD - just the file.
The attachement is a screenshot of my Task Manager.
I started with TM, browser, and AutoCAD open (I had already started writing this post)
I opened the file to the model.
Opened up 6 layouts (you can see the bumps)
Saved (you can see the tiny rise)
Closed the file, but not AutoCAD (precipitous drop ;] )
Lastly, I reloaded the file.
Windows 7 64bit w/ 64bit AutoCAD 2013
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Aug 19, 2012
I think it'd be so cool to be able to replay your entire undo history of a picture, so you can see and show others how you proceeded on a picture you made. That way, it's never necessary to capture screen video for like 10 hours and stuff..
So first you'd need to add an option to save the undo history (so that you always keep the history from when you started). Then you'd need an option to playback the undo history.
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Apr 18, 2012
Today while teaching AutoCAD Publish to Web features / wizard in Release 2012 the resulting published Web Site is NOT allowing the iDropper to function. The iDropper is visible below each of the drawings and the folder for the PTW is sitting on the local drive. When the iDrop icon is selected a NOT AVAILABLE icon image appears as if the function is dead in the water.
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Apr 12, 2012
I've installed 3ds Max Design 2013.
I don't like small undo/redo window in quick access toolbar. So I always use 'max2009' style toolbar in UI customization.
but in 2013version, there are all dropdown icons are broken
So I changed to Default UI and changed again just color to 2009 style color.
but I cannot roll back this undo/redo step window to 2009 style.
I tried add 'undo scene operation' but it doesn't shows step windows.
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Aug 9, 2011
I'm stil relativelyl new at DCL/Lisp programming even though I've been working with it for quite a while.
What I'm trying to do is if the user selects a specific radio button I'd like it so the next tile either enables or disables depending on the selection. How would I go about doing something like this?
If needed: AutoCAD 2013 User using Visual LISP for editing LISP and DCL files
Also I have AutoCAD 2011 currently still available for us, but we are using AutoCAD 2013 for 99.9% of AutoCAD use
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Oct 3, 2013
Parent assemblies of the one being edited in place report being changed when a constraint limit is enabled. To reproduce, open Assembly3 (attached) and edit Assembly1 as shown.
Run the following code (also attached).
static void Main(){Inventor.Application application = Marshal.GetActiveObject("Inventor.Application") as Inventor.Application;ApplicationEvents events = application.ApplicationEvents;events.OnDocumentChange += OnDocumentChange;AssemblyComponentDefinition assembly = ((AssemblyDocument)application.ActiveEditDocument).ComponentDefinition;ComponentOccurrence component1
[Code] .....
The following is written to the console.
Document changed : kShapeEditCmdType : kBefore : Assembly1.iamDocument changed : kShapeEditCmdType : kAfter : Assembly1.iamBefore enable constraint limitDocument changed : kShapeEditCmdType : kBefore : Assembly1.iamDocument changed :
[Code] ......
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Dec 28, 2010
I have a data-linked table (from an Excel 2007 file, 32-bit) in an Autocad 2010 drawing (64-bit, Windows 7 OS).
If the table is displayed as a single column, with table breaks off, the file will save within seconds.
If I enable table breaks, it will take at least 3-5 minutes for the drawing file to save.
I am unable to find any solution. I've tried using different table styles, different linked files/drawings, saving locally vs. on the network, headers and titles repeating vs not. The slowness is a major productivity killer.
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Mar 5, 2009
For years I have been enabling Use Compression when saving files. I am not sure exactly what it is doing but I do know that file sizes can decrease dramatically. I have seen 100MB files got down to 10MB.
Well the other day a coworker told me to always disable that because he believes that any embedded images will be compressed and lose quality and/or have problems ripping with Nexus or Odystar.
Is that true? Illustrator Help says that the pdf information is compressed when enabling it. So are there any disadvantages?
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Feb 2, 2013
I would like to inform all about an (in my view) incorrect behaviour of LR:
In order to speed up my workflow i disable detail and lens corrections for all images immediately after the import (select all, auto sync is on, turn off detail and lens corrections). With this panels turned off I can do basic operations like cropping etc much, much quickier. I shoot badminton sport and have to process hundreds of images.After the basic corrections I re-enable detail and lens corrections for all images which should restore the previous settings of this panels or at least the default (ISO specific) settings (which is the same in my case). But the "Remove Chromatic Aberrations" remains off, even if it was on before and on by default for all my lenses! I consider this to be a bug.
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Apr 6, 2013
When I choose "Enable Profile Correction" in Lens Corrections panel in develop module, the histogram changes as well as the image itself (gets brighter).
I do see the image change as it applies distortion correctly as well. I go back and hit reset and try again and always happens. I have only noticed this with my Nikon D600 with the kit lens. It did not see this with my D90 - no histogram changes,
This occurs in LR 4.3 and just upgraded to LR 4.4 to see if it was fixed.
The histogram looks normal.
The histogram after selecting the lens correction. The histogram changes plus the RGB looks too symmetrical as well.
Interestingly, I changed it the Make to Canon and it went back to the original settings. I checked other cameras and some behaved like the Nikon. I also went through various len models and some show this histogram fix with some lenses and looks normal with others.
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Mar 17, 2010
A few days ago I received a drawing, after opening it, my mouse middle button setting has gone to mbuttonpan=0 and fillmode=0
The problem is now this setting is set as a default now, and every time i open ACAD i have to reset it to mbuttonpan=1 and fillmode=1 (to view hatchs).
Plus, now every time i close ACAD i find a file (acad.lsp) which comes out from no where into the directory of the working files i open. what should be done to stop this.
Using ACAD 2008
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Jun 5, 2012
I'm working in a large top level assembly and the following is happening
1. Assembly is happy with no broken constraints
2. Edit a constraint (in this case, to rotate a part based on an angular constraint with another part)
3. Error message pops up telling me dozens of constraints in subassemblies are broken
4. Click Accept, assembly does not visually update
5. Click "Rebuild All" button under manage tab
6. 3 minutes later the model is updated, everything is happy, model looks how it should.
This type of problem has been happening lots to different assemblies with difference constraint scenarios.
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Sep 13, 2011
This happens almost evertime I go to a .ipn to update changes and save. It freezes w/ no cahnce of coming back. Two other things that is troubling me about the .ipn is that sometimes it will rearange itself w/ all the parts at 0,0,0 and or won't let me ballon any parts. After closing the file and opening it again it either does the same exact thing or takes the balloons but throws the pick points of into space......
Inventor 2010 SP4
Windows 7 Pro SP1
Dell Precision T3500: Xeon W3550 @ 3.07GHz
Quadro 600
12GB ram
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Nov 8, 2010
So we have inherited files from another company and there are some files which have begun crashing once the save command is initiated. Typically, the file seems to be saving for about 5-10 minutes, and then it gives a "FATAL ERROR: Cannot write to undo file (probably disk full)" alert. This obviously crashes the application without saving the file. The files that crash are the sheet files into which we have multiple xrefs which are overlays, not attachments. There are 4 xrefs in these files. I don't see why this would be a reason for the application crashing, but it's all I can think of that may be the problem.
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Feb 11, 2013
I am running Civil 3D 2012 and my Hydraflow crashes everytime I run an analysis. I am using a known Q and have input pipe inverts/slopes and pipe sizes. Everytime I try running an analysis I get the following message: Line 1, 2, 3 has no flow. Check pipe size(s) and slope(s). Then the program closes up.
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Mar 3, 2009
2009 constantly freezes up on me for a few seconds almost ever minuet. what can I do to stop this?
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Jun 5, 2012
The company I work for has requested what PC specifications Autodesk recommends for use with inventor. We are currently using 2011 but would like to have the recommendation for the latest release. We are having major issues with crashes, and running out of memory constantly on working with images as well as routing tubes in assemblies. Any recommendations for PC specifications I should report?
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Jul 24, 2013
Whenever anyone at the company tries to open a model that has a decal part in it, the File Edit window comes up asking if the person wants to check out the part. As decals generally never change after they are created, they are never desired to be checked out. After saying no to check out, the window then reappears stating that the local is never than the vault, even though you just finished a Get operation. Is there anyway to keep these files from needed constant updating?
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Jan 10, 2014
I've got a project where the match line labels constantly reset to the left and right of the match line itself even though I've set it to be middle. I didn't have this problem with 2013 or earlier, so is it a possible bug?
Infrastructure Design Suite Premium 2014
Civil 3D 2014 x64
Windows 7 64-bit
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Apr 24, 2013
PS CS6 keeps freezing. I can' t work at all. I am working on CS4 again and I'm reconsiderind my creative membership.
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Mar 1, 2013
it seems PS CS6 has a crashing problem and no one seems to have a solid cause. That's happening to me so I thought I would post the crash report to see.
I've heard that font conflicts can ometimes cause this, but it happens no matter what I'm doing....font, no font, large files, small files, etc.
I'm on an iMac
Version 10.6.8
3.4 GHz Intel i7
164 GB free on desktop HD
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Oct 23, 2012
Whenever I open a document a document (large size / small size / lots of layers / very few layers) photoshop opens the document, about 70% of the file previews and the Mac rainbow wheel starts spinning and Photoshop becomes entirely unresponsive.
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