I am having issues with the 3D Extrude & Bevel Effect. Lines appear at each blending step, and there are missing sections that move around the graphic based on rotation. I did reduce the blending steps to keep them small enough for everyone to quickly view them, but the problem happens regardless. The outline view is below to show the actual build of the vectors.
I uploaded the files so they could be viewed as a PDF, which is how I prefer to export my images; please follow the links. uRL....
I want to draw a line which shows a particular color scheme, I at current do this by drawing a solid line of one color and then use a dashed line of another color top go over it.
The obvious problem is that these lines are being double drawn. Is there a way using lisp that I can draw both lines at once?
I have a Command Method which has a loop that opens and commits transactions until the user is finished with it and exits.
I would like each transaction to be undone separately but the undo command undoes the CommandMethod (along with all the transactions that occurred while in the loop)
Do I need to use the COM StartUndoMark and EndUndoMark to get this working?
I have somehow reversed the process of changing a sky in my photo so that when I get to the point of painting in the sky from the 2nd photo, it is painting with white (not black) that brings out the background I want on the original photo. Where have I gone wrong? Is there anywhere I can go to find a detailed step-by-step process for doing Layer Masks?
When I blend layers using multiply, and lower the opacity of the top layer (such as to compensate for too much flash), photoshop puts all these vertical lines on the image. The only time they are not visible is when opacity is set to 0% or 100% for the top layer.
Using two different shortcuts for "undo" (one step back) and "Step Backward" (Multiple steps back) makes no sense to me. As such, I rarely use the regular undo, and do not have it mapped.
The case:
When I switch to a new layer, do a brush stroke and undo it, photoshop treats my undo as a switch back to the layer I came from. This happens a LOT, and not just to me, but to a lot of designers I know (I'm a GUI designer at a game company). Some of them have even formed a habit of "erasing" a bit in an empty part of the layer, just in case the'd later want to undo. That's bad.
My proposed solution:
-First undo my stroke, Leave my selected layer alone.
-On a NEXT press of "Step backward" change my current layer to the one I came from.
I want to rotate object along circle with special step angle. If i choose TRANSFORM i don't type special angle, but i can choose pivot point. I don't know how name this point, i name this pivot point, the point concerning which object rotates. And if i choose TRANSFORM OPTION i can type special angle, but i can't choose pivot point. More precisely, i don't know how do that. I choose object, then transform, set pivot and then open pivot option, type angle but object rotate around own pivot!!!
I recently upped my opinion of Illustrator and was really impressed with how I could change the appearance in the layers panel.
Now unable to find it. Using a mac and CS5.5 when selecting drop down button it is not there any more. Layer options only gives silly basic options like the name of the layer etc. I just don't know what's happened.
Created a brushed metal effect and unable to save as graphic style. This layers blending options was excellent and I can't really use much of the program without it.
Applying an effect, such as a blur, to a blend seems to disable the "Smooth Color" option. I can use "Specified Steps" or "Specified Distance" to correct the look of the blend, but I am just curious as to why this happens with "Smooth Color."
I am recently having a lot of fun after I discovered the power of blending. So here is my "protocol": I create two similar shapes, I make sure that they have a colored stroke, I use the blender, then I modify the path with the pencil, and I get this kind of results
I am quite happy with this, because of the fake 3D effect that it generates. I kind of understand that the "3D- shading" effect comes from the stroke color. However, this method has its limitations because:
- it only works with a stroke
- it gives different aspects depending of the number of steps.
Is there any way to smooth the effect created by the strokes to avoid the segmentation seen of the picture above?
Ideally, the best tool would be some kind of "extrude+blend on free path" tool, but it doesn't seem to exist in Illustrator yet...
I would like to know, whether is it possible to make soft blends between all objects of the person in the art I am creating. The problem is, that I want to make very smooth transition between all paths(brush strokes) in the file. I tried the blend tool, but it didn´t work good for this purose. Then I tried to blur or feather all objects, but the result wasn´t good as well. Opacity masks would be too complicated for all those strokes. Is it possible to make this work for all brush paths in the file?
I'm working in CS3 and was trying out different tutorials on how to create realistic water drops and bubbles, such as
but when I fill a shape with a gradient and change the blend mode to screen, the entire object goes white (I did put a darker shape as a background behind the gradient so that it would show)
Did Adobe do something to Illustrator CC that the layers with the same object colors are no longer blending. No matter what blend mode I apply the object never blends with the object with the same color behind it.
I want to blend two similar paths. Both paths have dashed lines as strokes, and both dashed lines go from big to small dot, in decreasing direction. I want to blend both paths, so the blend goes from big to small, in BOTH directions. The ideal ending image would show the biggest dot at the top left corner, and the smallest, at the down right corner (the final project involves two spirals, but for the sake of simplicity, I attach two straight lines).
I try to blend them, and the blend only goes in one direction, as seen in the attached samples (in the sample, it goes from top to bottom, but it doesn't go from left to right). It seems that Illustrator takes only the first dot size, and applies it as if all the path has the same dot size.
I'm trying to blend 2 complex shapes together to give a 3D appearance but I keep having issues with the edges that choose to blend together. The image below shows what I want it to look like (small square on the left, smooth color blend) and what the shape looks like (shape on the right). The paths have the same number of anchor points and the white shape on top is an expanded offset version of the green shape on the bottom. The purple lines show what anchor points should be blending together.
For some reason it is blending to a location somewhere in the middle of the path and not to the corners. I have gone over the two paths and made sure that there are no points that shouldn't be there, as i know that can cause issues with blending.
I need to transform a lot of dashed (single) lines into separate lines... Who can tell me how to do this in a few clicks. I don't need an outline of the dashed line. So the black dashes I need, the white in between the dashes I want to loose.
how do I make straight lines? Horizontal Lines? Vertical Lines? Curvs? I read many tutorials and i am afraid that I am doing it the wrong way, my way is to drag a guide to where i want the line to be at and trace the guide with the brush tool...
I want to create charts, and in Corel Draw I could draw a line and then hit duplicate and it would produce evenly spaced identical ines. Is there some function on Illustrator that does this?
Customer supplied me with a "print-ready" PDF and it's in my dropbox folder: [URL]
The map streets supposedly have lines adjacent to the names, but the PDF doesn't show them on my Mac, Acro Pro XI as well as Ily CS6 when I open the PDF.
She created the PDF using Ily CS4 and saved as PDF. Can't see the lines. I asked her to save as .eps... again the lines are 'disappearing.'
When I open her PDF using Ily CS6, I get an error message "An unknown shading type was encountered." Not sure if this has anything to do with the 'disappearing' lines or what.
I have a stencil for Thermal Pads and I need to print it from an epilog zing printer. There are outlines of boxes, some with curved edges and some without. The boxes orinially started with spacing between them, but we need to illiminate the spacing so that we can fit more stenciles on one piece of material. The problem is that when I print the stencil the laser will cut out edges that touch twice, which causes the material to burn from the laser. Is there a way to combine these lines in a way that isn't just grouping or joining them as the laser will still recognize two lines not just one as it appears to look like once joined.
I dropped a raster image into Illustrator (AI) and with Live Trace, turned it into a vector image that looks excellent on my monitor. However, when I load the vector file into a PDF and then open the PDF, I see small, light gray hairlines between the colors.
I'm making a product label for a client. He wants a particular photograph (JPEG) for the background. The printing house wants vector images in CMYK.I'm fairly new to AI and probably not using "approved methods" although I took what I thought were logic steps to achieve my desired end.
I took the RGB JPEG, converted it to a .tiff in CMYK. I also tried converting the JPEG to .bmp and .esp - all in CMYK, before moving to AI. I Also tried placing the JPEG directly into AI.
I dropped those images into Illustrator separately and did Live Traces on each. At this stage, each attempt gave me excellent vector images in CMYK, but went wonky when I transfer to PDF.
Oddly, when I make a hard copy of that PDF on a hi rez digital printer (2400 dpi), the lines do not appear. However, I am still very concerned about those lines, because I will be sending a job off to be done on four-color offset printing. I'm sure the printer will freak out if he sees those lines and I am even more concerned that those lines may show up in the four-colour print process.
A local graphics person I spoke with suggested I would find my solution in Pathfinder, but I tinkered with that feature quite a bit and could not resolve the problem. Although, I wonder yet if that may be where I might find the solution, because when I hit Expand the blue path lines seem to correspond with the troublesome gray lines.
Someone else told me to hit Expand and then turn off Stroke. I believe I did that correctly, but there was no difference. I also saw no difference when I applied the maximum value for the Stroke. Other attempts at finding a remedy included Resample deselected, then Resample with a resolution of 300,
I have a map of Manhattan that has been boiled down to just vector lines of the roads. I'm trying to add effects to the lines to kind of stylize the map. I'm trying to create effects similar to the this example that I found online. The photo below was probably NOT created in Illustrator.
If, for example, I create a line which I want to duplicate, I hit Cmd + Shift + M and I select the distance, then I hit Cmd + D to duplicate. There's no problem here.
But if I want to duplicate the line progressively, in which I want to add 1 cm each time I hit Cmd + D, is it possible?
For example, I create a line, duplicate it 1 cm horizontally, and then I want the third one to be 2 cm from the second, the fourth to be 3 cm from the third, and so on.
| | | | | | | | | | | |
I can do it manually, it's just very time consuming.
I'm just trying to do the same job I've been doing for years but have a sudden problem seeing which lines I've selected. I suspect I've switched something on or off somewhere. I select a single line and it is highlighted. I tselect more than one and there's just a great box which also encompasses lines I was not selecting. The individual lines are not highlighted (as they used to be) so I can't see what really has been selected.
Have a sample on how best to step through a selection set. I need to extract the Text properties of each of the text objects in the selection set
this is all I have so far
Private Sub ExtractText(ByRef acSSet As SelectionSet) '' Step through the objects in the selection set For Each acSSObj As SelectedObject In acSSet Dim acEnt As Entity = GetObject..?????? '' Write data to MDB file. Next End Sub
In CS that I've just installed (yes, new to PS the ctrl-z only undo's 1 step backwards, what can I do to enable it to undo multiple times? Coming from PSP, you could undo for hundreds of steps....
I have recently started using AutoCAD 3D Plant 2011.
I am trying to create a catalog of Valves that we use on site by getting all the 3D blocks from suppliers. A few of our suppliers are sending me STEP files.
What program these are from and if they can be converted to a format that can be used by AutoCAD?