Illustrator :: Getting Lines Between Colors

May 17, 2012

I dropped a raster image into Illustrator (AI) and with Live Trace, turned it into a vector image that looks excellent on my monitor. However, when I load the vector file into a PDF and then open the PDF, I see small, light gray hairlines between the colors.
I'm making a product label for a client. He wants a particular photograph (JPEG) for the background. The printing house wants vector images in CMYK.I'm fairly new to AI and probably not using "approved methods" although I took what I thought were logic steps to achieve my desired end.
I took the RGB JPEG, converted it to a .tiff in CMYK. I also tried converting the JPEG to .bmp and .esp - all in CMYK, before moving to AI. I Also tried placing the JPEG directly into AI.
I dropped those images into Illustrator separately and did Live Traces on each. At this stage, each attempt gave me excellent vector images in CMYK, but went wonky when I transfer to PDF.
Oddly, when I make a hard copy of that PDF on a hi rez digital printer (2400 dpi), the lines do not appear. However, I am still very concerned about those lines, because I will be sending a job off to be done on four-color offset printing. I'm sure the printer will freak out if he sees those lines and I am even more concerned that those lines may show up in the four-colour print process.
A local graphics person I spoke with suggested I would find my solution in Pathfinder, but I tinkered with that feature quite a bit and could not resolve the problem. Although, I wonder yet if that may be where I might find the solution, because when I hit Expand the blue path lines seem to correspond with the troublesome gray lines.
Someone else told me to hit Expand and then turn off Stroke. I believe I did that correctly, but there was no difference. I also saw no difference when I applied the maximum value for the Stroke. Other attempts at finding a remedy included Resample deselected, then Resample with a resolution of 300,

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Illustrator :: Find Closest Pantone Spot Colors For CMYK Colors?

Mar 21, 2013

Using CS6 on a MacBookPro Is there a way to find the closest matching Pantone spot colors to the cmyk colors I've created in Illustrator? I know it's easy in Photoshop using the color picker, but there must be a way to do this in Illustrator.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Lines With Different Colors Look The Same

Jun 10, 2013

what i did wrong, but suddenly lines with different colors are all displayed as gray. I could attach the file, but the problem is really simple. I have three lines and under properties i can clearly see that one should be red, the other should be color 250 and the third 253, but visually all the lines look gray (i believe they look 253 to be exact).

If i draw new lines, the colors act normally, but the old lines are all gray.

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AutoCad 2D :: How To Change Layer Colors Once There Are Lines On It

Jun 29, 2011

For whatever reason cad won't let change layer colors once there are lines on it. You change the color and when you close the layer dialog box and layer color doesn't change......

I have Acad2012 LT

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GIMP :: How To Make Lines / Colors In Image

Dec 10, 2013

So I am creating this website, and my customer wants a header banner similar to this:

(I don't know if it's clear enough, but there are multiple lines going through the image, with different gradient colors and so on)

Now I can't use this image, since it belongs to another website, but I want to make my own. So, I have no clue about how to make these lines in GIMP. I know GIMP's interface very well (been cropping, coloring for years), but not advanced features like this.

And it's not only the lines, but also the shadowing/coloring in between the lines that I seriously have no clue about how to make.

What is the tool called used for making this? Is there a video tutorial on how to make something similar?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Colors / Lines And Styles Export

Sep 19, 2013

Is there a way to export style information to excel or any other format. What I want to do is track what styles are using which layers, colors, linetypes etc so that I can manage the CTB files correctly. As it stands I am worried about changing the properties of the CTB file as it may affect objects without my realizing.

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AutoCAD Print / Plot :: Drawing With Lines And Colors

Jul 30, 2013

I downloaded (from someone) a simple dwg cad file, that had 255 lines, each with a different autocad color (colors 1 thur 255).  I used it to plot with different ctb files, so I could see at a glance the lineweight the color printed. 

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AutoCAD .NET :: Assign Colors To Dimension Lines / Arrowheads / Text

Jul 22, 2013

I just created a dimension style called "Test" and I am now attempting to use its DIMCLRD and DIMCLRT properties without success.

DIMCLRD is supposed to assign a color to dimension lines and arrowheads. How to use this property to assign, say, color index 140?

AS well, DIMCLRT is supposed to assign a color to dimension text. A code snippet on what I am attempting to accomplish is posted below: 

Dim tblRec As DimStyleTableRecord = New DimStyleTableRecord()

tblRec.Name = "Test"
tblRec.Dimasz = 0.08    ' Sets the arrowhead size
tblRec.Dimclrd = ???     ' Here is where I am attempting to assign a color to dimension lines on this dimstyle
tblRec.Dimclrd = ???     ' Here is where I am attempting to assign a color to dimension text on this dimstyle

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Getting Yellow Lines To Print Like The Other Colors In 2011?

Jul 8, 2010

I just started a new job a couple weeks ago where they use AutoCAD (I have been using Microstation v8 for the last few years).  I completed a drawing and printed it in black & white.  Everything looks great except the yellow lines.  I want them to print black instead of light gray. 

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AutoCAD 2013 :: 2014 / Horizontal And Vertical Lines Display As Different Colors

Nov 8, 2013

On my LED monitor (Samsung XL2370), horizontal and veritcal lines display as different hues. Is there an Autocad setting to work with this or is it maybe some setting on my monitor?

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AutoCad :: PDF Missing Border Lines Around Circles And Ellipses As Well As Some Bleeding Of Colors

Mar 3, 2012

I have put several drawings into the Publish> DWG>>> PDF mode.

The PDF comes out missing little bits of border lines around circles and elipses as well as some bleeding of colors.

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Illustrator :: Transform Dashed Lines Into Separate (small) Lines?

Jul 22, 2010

I need to transform a lot of dashed (single) lines into separate lines... Who can tell me how to do this in a few clicks. I don't need an outline of the dashed line. So the black dashes I need, the white in between the dashes I want to loose.
See the example. I need the second lines.

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X6 :: Bitmap Tracing High Quality Image So No Lines Between Colors?

Apr 23, 2013

I am trying to do a bitmap trace of an image.  The resulting vector is OK, except that, between every shape of a single color, there is a line, and that line is made a color, either transparent, or a specified color - and thickness.

The preview creates a desired result, but the end product is the problem.  When I click on the vector, I can change the color of the lines between the colors in the vector, and in the dockers, I can change the thickness to "none" but a line still exists between the shapes.  The previews are just fine, what can I do to make this guy not look like a puzzle?  Its as if the shapes in the vector do not touch each other.  The previews show no lines between the shapes/colors, except in the final output.

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AutoCad 2D :: Clear List Of Main Layers Lines Weights And Colors For Residential Buildings?

Oct 29, 2013

i want clear list of main layers lines weights and colors for residential buildings? (we use stone out wall and normal blocks inside)

I try BS 1192 and ISO but they are misappointed me.

for ex they use

1-ext wall white .5

2- hatch blue .18 !! (not clear color and not light weight)

3- int. wall color: 9 weight: .25

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Illustrator :: PMS Colors In A Placed PSD

Apr 10, 2013

I created a psd with transparent background with smart graphics in 1 PMS color, I need ot place the psd in illustrator, how do I keep the PMS colors in the psd when I place the psd?

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Illustrator :: Why Are PMS Colors Different In CS3 And CS6

Dec 11, 2012

I originally created a label in CS3, and just had to make a new one a different size. When I did the new art in CS6, the PMS colors are way different! I basically copied and pasted the old art into the new file. I have replaced all PMS colors, but they still do not match the old version. The original version (in CS3) is on the left and the new art in CS6 is on the right.

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Illustrator :: Colors Gone Blue?

Jun 21, 2013

I was mid-project when I realized my greys had mysteriously become tinted blue. I then continued messing with every color setting I could find, but nothing worked. And I'm sure it's not a display issue, because my other projects appear just fine. My whites are now (3,0,0,0), in both the document and swatches.

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Illustrator :: How To Match CSS Colors In CS6

Aug 13, 2012

I'm having a huge problem with colors in color managed web browsers such as Safari.  I'm pretty sure unchecking Convert to sRGB would cure the problem but it's permanently enabled.
For insance with "Color Settings" set to Monitor color with RGB set to Off.  And I follow these steps.
-Create a new document with a small size and profile set to "Web"
-Fill the art area with a rectangle with hash color of say #3693C6 and no stroke
-Ensure Assign profile is set to Don't color manage...
-Go to save to web set to PNG-24 (and try and fail to uncheck Convert to sRGB)
-Add the png as an img element to a barebones html file with background-color: #3693C6 as the body's style
-View in Safari and the img will be rendered many shades off the background color.
I know the theory is the web is sRGB and so so should the PNG but I don't want the colors shifted at all, when doing web elements I don't care that th

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Illustrator :: How To Get Spot Colors

Mar 8, 2014

Spot colors such as Pantone colors didn't download with Adobe Illustrator. I have them in Photoshop. How do I get them in Illustrator?

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Illustrator :: Why Can't Change Colors

Nov 6, 2012

I bought this vector graphic on istockphoto and i cant figure out how to change the colors! When i attempt to change the colors of the end circles it just makes it a solid color...

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Illustrator :: Choosing Colors Of Same Value

Oct 3, 2012

Using the color picker, I select a hue on the right side and then I select a color and a value for the color by dragging up or down in the field. If I then take the hue slider and drag it to a different hue and do not touch the location of the circle in the color field, is the new color the same value as the previous color?

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Illustrator :: Download Or Get New PMS Colors For CS5?

Jun 21, 2013

Have some artwork that came in CMYK & client just provided the PMS colors, unfortunately a couple of them are not in my color book - where do I go to get them?

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Illustrator :: How To Use Out Of Gamut Colors

Nov 11, 2013

I am working on something that will only be seen on a computer screen, and I want to use out-of-gamut colors, but I can't find a color profile that will allow it. Is there any setting I can use that will allow me to use out-of-gamut colors?

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Illustrator :: Way To Use Relative Colors

May 22, 2012

Is there a way to use relative colors in illustrator?I remember from my coreldraw days (years ago), there were some options with parent and children colors. But i must admit that i never used them, so i can't really tell how this exactly worked.
Let's say i have a green parent color, of which i want to the following children colors:a little lighter / darker, a little less / more saturated, complementary color, little hue shift,When the base color changes, the children should follow.

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Illustrator :: Colors Are Not Applying Properly

Nov 26, 2013

I was desiging images for my children and I was having difficulty with the colors- I would select a color from the color picker and a different shade/color would be applied to the text.  Hoping it was a RAM issue, I just restarted my computer and it resolved itself.  Easy enough.  I completed the designs and went about my day.
Today, I'm working on a project for someone else and it's doing it again.  I've restarted the computer and I've reset settings on Illustrator to the default but neither of these things resolved the problem.
In an attempt to make sure I wasn't going crazy, I took a screen shot of the text I'm attempting to color and the color picker box showing the color I was trying to choose.  The selected color was R 6 G 6 B 249.  I opened the image in paint and with the eyedropper tool selected the color that was actually applied and that color is R 61 G 93 B 171- so clearly not the same color at all.  I then opened it in Photoshop to determine if it was an Adobe problem or just an Illustrator problem.  With the eyedropper tool, I got the same results that I did in paint.  Illustrator is definitely not applying the colors correctly.

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Illustrator :: How To Get Back Pantone Colors

Dec 18, 2013

I'm using illustrator CS6 but now there are only pantone+ colors in the swatchbook to select. And these are different from the pantone colors. How i will get back the pantone colors?

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Illustrator :: Thumbnail Colors Show B&W Only

Sep 23, 2012

I am using Mac Book Pro / 10.8.2 and Illustrator CS6, what I noticed is when I export my files to PDF, the thumbnails only show in B&W colors and this only happens when I am using Pantone colors. If I use colors randomly from swatch or just type Pantone in CMYK, it still shows color but that bugs me still. I did a test on my old Imac which is 10.7.3 and using CS5.5 but didn't have same issue. I am wonder if this happen to everyone or just certain CS version or so.

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Illustrator :: Colors In PDF Preview Look Different From AI File

Dec 14, 2012

I am having a little trouble with the pdf I created in Illustrator. See images below for explanation. It's only happening to certain text. How can it be fixed, and how to prevent it from happening again?

I get this as thumbnail image on my desktop and in Finder, when I click space bar to quick view, and when its preview as an attachment in an email.
This is how it's supposed to look. This only happens when the PDF is actually goes from the above img to this.

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Illustrator :: How To Remove Spot Colors

Oct 9, 2012

I'm still working on changing a document I didn't create. It needs to be CMYK, but I keep getting error messages when I save it that there is a spot color. I saw one spot color in the Swatches (at least I seem to remember that's what the little dot in the corner means) and I double clicked it and changed it to CMYK. And I selected the one item that seems to have that color and I changed it to the CMYK version. But the swatch still has the corner dot and I still get the error message when I save.

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Illustrator :: Replacing Colors With Symbols?

Mar 24, 2014

I have converted an image into a photomosaic aimed at creating a pixelated look
on an image 725 x 725 pixels. The Mosaic is 100 x 100 grid.
I would now like to replace each color in the mosaic with a symbol
can this be achieved, if so how?

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Illustrator :: Saving PDF Seems To Change Colors

Aug 28, 2013

when I save the PDF the colours and blending modes seem to completely change.

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