AutoCAD 2010 :: Getting Yellow Lines To Print Like The Other Colors In 2011?
Jul 8, 2010
I just started a new job a couple weeks ago where they use AutoCAD (I have been using Microstation v8 for the last few years). I completed a drawing and printed it in black & white. Everything looks great except the yellow lines. I want them to print black instead of light gray.
~ I want to purge the color yellow from autocad. ~
Is it possible to override all the colors of an existing *.DWG to a Monochrome Format? I want to be able to open any autocad file and veiw everything in black and white IN MODEL SPACE.
I am not interested in 'changing layer colors' or 'manually changing blocks to the right color.' Right now, I explode the entire drawing (several times depending on how deep something is grouped) and change the color to by layer, but sometimes blocks become contaminated and lose all their data. (In addition, I am not interested in plotting in Monochrome.)
If this task is impossible, is it possible to change the definition of the color "yellow." What I mean by the previous statement is to trick autocad into thinking it is using 'yellow' when it is actually using a different color. Sort of like an induced color blindness.
SUMMARY: I don't want to change a color FROM yellow, I just don't want yellow TO EXIST.
I have csv file of co ordinates (x,y,z) I surveyed, I have to produce progress drawings showing stockpiles, boundary etc. , which I can do easily enough by uploading the co ordinates. I would like to include contour lines in the drawing but how to go about it. I have spent a while searching online & I'm even more confused, most discussions refer to TINs and triangulation but not sure how to go about it. I have a survey of the site survey csv file prior to any works carried out & that is what i would like to base my contour lines on. The site is relatively flat, about 4 acres in size, relatively even rectangle shape with fall of 200mm from north to south & fall of 2.5m from east to west.
I downloaded (from someone) a simple dwg cad file, that had 255 lines, each with a different autocad color (colors 1 thur 255). I used it to plot with different ctb files, so I could see at a glance the lineweight the color printed.
I just recieved a structural drawing from an engineer that has the entire drawing drawn on layer 0. This poses many problems for me as I need to differentiate text from lines and lines from lines. The darwing does have two colors although entities are still on same layer. Is there any way I can seperate the yellow lines from the red lines even though they are on the same layer?
I'm trying to print to .pdf using AutoCAD 2011 using a print driver called CutiePDF. However, when I go to print, the lines that I can see in my AutoCAD file don't show up in the print preview.
I am having an issue with plotting a drawing that includes an xref. I have also included an attachment as reference.
I am working in AutoCAD 2010; I have a drawing that includes another drawing as an xref. The xref is on layer “0” in model space and my titleblock, annotation and viewports are in paper space (layout tab). I am using color dependent plot styles (.STB). The xref is a 3D model created with basic AutoCAD solids representing steel shapes, there are also some line segments representing the steel centerlines. The viewport is a plan view of the 3D steel model, the view is not clipped. Since the xref contains 3D objects when I print the drawing I don't want the “hidden” lines to show up, I accomplish this by setting the viewport shade plot setting to “HIDDEN”.
Here is the problem:
When I print the drawing the xref’s layers do not print correctly but rather take on the properties of layer “0” which has a plot style of “NORMAL” so everything prints in color and with a default lineweight. I want the xref to print using the xref’s layer properties that are defined in the .STB file. One variable that changes the outcome of the printed drawing is the viewport shade plot setting.
If the viewport shade plot is set to HIDDEN the xref prints using layer “0” properties (undesired) and the3D object lines are hidden (desired). See attached Viewport #1
If the viewport shade plot is set to AS DISPLAYED the xref prints using the xref’s layer properties (desired) but the 3D object lines are not hidden (undesired). See attached Viewport #2
The ONLY difference between the two viewports is the shade plot setting, there are no layer overrides and only the xref objects are affected, the objects in paper space print as expected. This only happens with an xref or block. If I bind the xref into the drawing and explode it so the objects are “live” in the drawing everything works fine. Unfortunately I need it to work correctly with an xref.
If I use a color dependent plot style (.CTB) where the .CTB file controls the color and lineweight I am able to achieve the desired results, unfortuneatly my company is determined to use .STB files
After "copyclip" command -no matter you use ctrl+c or type into the command line- color of all lines inside "Layer 0" with By Layer color property change to White. Other layers and color remains the same. If I change color property of "Layer 0" form "By Layer" to a specific color such as red, yellow they are also remain the same.
I seem to have done something to my version of Photoshop 6 (on XP). When I print directly from Photoshop, all prints have a strong yellow cast. If I print the same file from another program (such as Illustrator, etc.), it prints fine (so it's not a monitor calibration issue). Color mode is RGB, all the color settings are normal (Adobe RGB 1998).
I recently replaced my HP printer with a Canon MP810, and I still have the same problem with the new printer!
I've seen this question posted several times on the Web over the years (for Photoshop 6 or 7), but never an answer.
See pic. Top pic is 2013 point cloud properties. bottom pic is 2011 point cloud properties. 2013 has a new 'point cloud adjust' option in properties.
Both drawings have same 'Lidar Classification' Style, but 2013 is all gray. I tried changing some fields inside the properties for 2013 under the point cloud adjust to no avail.
why this is like this and what I need to do to see the different colors for the different classifications.
Our company just upgraded to AutoCad 2011. We get files from our clients that exports their files from revit. It seems that Autocad 2011 slows down when reading this files (cursor will have a second or two delay).
Just wanted to print a new photo and realized that the colors in print preview do not match the colors in soft proofing. In both cases I selected the same icc profile and rendering method. The print colors matched the colors in print preview. I never had a problem so far. All new prints will be checked with soft proofing and adjusted when necessary. I never paid attention to the color rendition in print preview and all prints perfectly matched the colors from the soft proofing. I was surprised when my print came out of the printer and the colors weren't matching the soft proofing colors, but that of the print preview.
I don't understand why Photoshop renders the colors differently in the first place. See attached screenshot for the difference in the blue/cyan colors. I don't care if the print view colors will match the print, but I do care when soft proofing is not working.
You can see in the attached screen cap that colors 1-9 appear as white on my screen and that colors 10-22 are not correct either. This is only occuring in one specific drawing. Is there a preference that I switched somewhere that would make this happen? I have double checked that everything is ByLayer or ByColor that I can think of. If I insert this color chart into other drawings it looks fine. using C3D 2012.
I would just restart my drawing, however it is the new company template file that I have invested many hours into and would really like to be able to keep working with it and not start over. Or is there a good way to import and overwrite all the Prospector settings into a blank drawing?
Is there a way to get the same colors on the drawing when exporting to ACAD?
1. If I user ColorIndex the colors are transfered from RGB => Color Index 0-255 giving slightly incorrect colors, this is what I use and have a VBA match the colors in AutoCAd, but unfortunatley I have a family where some objects are "correct" colors, but some object in the family just get wierd color and whatever I do I just can't get all of them to have the same. This uses the layers and properties file to define some colors.
2. If I use TrueColors in the export only the objects that have true colors set in the override, everything else is white. This does not as far as I can tell use the layers and properties file to define colors not set in the view manually.
I would like to have the Exported DWG use the same TrueColors as in the drawing with in the Revit Drawing, but apparently it is not possible.
I have a drawing where some lines have a 60% screening in there Plot Style. The print great from AutoCAD. But when I create a PDF and then print the PDF the Screened lines show up kind of blue / purple.
I am plotting to a Cannon iPF720 on 22x34 paper from Acrobat Reader X. I'm creating the PDF from AutoCAD 2012.
I got a new corel draw x6. When I print the file at color printer with some white color inside the file. The white color will print on the paper like light yellow color but what I suppose the white color should not appear on the paper.
I am trying to plot a drawing, Visual style: wireframe, occluded edges: dashed. The drawing has millimeters as the unit of measurement. I have tried this (taken from a website some of you might be familiar with):
but it does not work. I set the ltscale as low as 0.01 but without result. I tried printing from "model" and "Layout" (everything is set at Wireframe and dashed occluded edges).
I have finished the drawings and documentation and this is holding me back from printing and sending what I have done.
I received an Autocad file from another person, opened it with Autocad 2011 LT, and it looks fine. But when I go to print preview all the lines are very thick, making the detail of the drawing difficult to see. I've tried manually changing the lineweights but it has no effect on some of the layers. Is there an easier way to fix this other than recreating layers?
Just got my new work PC and I'm having issues drawing lines in AutoCAD LT 2011.
Much like other people, circles are fine, as is most everything else. It's just the lines (and who uses lines when drawing things?). So, as you can imagine, my frustration level is to the point where my head is about to explode.
Here are my PC Specs:
Windows 8 Intel Core i7-3770 3.40GHz - 8 CPUS Memory - 16GB Ram AMD Radeon HD 7770 2GB GDDR5 Memory
And this is coming from an old Dell that ran 2011 like a champ, the computer just got old and died.
I can't see any reason, component wise, why the CPU can't handle it, and, since it's just on lines, it leads me to believe it's a software issue where 2011 LT isn't playing nicely with Windows 8 or some other component.
Could it be that it's just time to get with the times and upgrade or is there some workaround?
So I am working on this document and it has silver background. I go to print preview (Photoshop cs3 and cs4 on Vista) and I get color looking more like bronze looking but when I do print, it comes out just like it should (in working mode which is Monitor RGB with Proof colors checked).
This setting is the only one I've used to make sure image/psd looks exactly like what it should when printing. I tried the default Working CMYK with and without Proof colors but it's still showing me the bronze look instead of silver. I've looked on the net and no exact easy fix for this was found. I really really appreciate any help.
Another simple question is regarding size. I'm working on a document size of 17.5 x 8.7 inches and the actual Banners will be printed at size 175 x 87 inches (5 banners each at 35inch wide but combined into a big one). So essentially, I'm working at 10% the size of what the final print will be and my file size is 760mgs. You can only imagine how big the file would be if I work on the actual size.
I am trying to import the coordinates for an airfoil into Autocad 2011.
I tried the command "spline" and paste the coordinates and "pline" + paste; the result consists of two straight, collinear lines.That's not going to fly.
I tried to set the "units" in meters and the precision to 0.000000 thinking the values were too small and had been rounded which lead to the lack of curvature but the result was the same; then I reduced the number of points but to no use.
I'm using AutoCAD 2011 with a Ricoh Aficio W3601 plotter. Occassionally I need to plot out pipe wraps for projects that would be longer than a 36" sheet. Our plotter has a 36" x 150' roll capacity. I have figured out how to define a custom user size paper and get it to show up correctly under the properties button in the plot dialogue box. The print preview is correct, and the plotter cuts the paper off at the correct length, however, the printed portion of the plot is always cut off at 36" or is printed the wrong direction and limited by the roll width. I have tried every combination of landscape/portrait combination without success. I am trying to plot from the model tab using a 1:1 scale.
i am doing a simple project making a survey plot for a piece of land that will be broken into subdivision. all measurements are of my starting point. after plotting the starting point i try to draw line that is 113 feet long and at a bearing of N 5d W i have no problem entering this data but when i hit enter it draws a straight line. now i know 5 degrees is much of an angle so i thought maybe it just looked straight and tried to plot the next point which was 542 feet from the last point at a bearing of N 39d E but once again after i put the info in and hit enter or space it would plot a line of the proper length but vertical, not the proper angle i need it at. here is how i would put in the info:
first i choose the lne command and choose my "beginning point" as that starting point for my line then i type 113<N 5d W for the length and direction and hit enter. when i do this it plots a vertical line of the proper length but wrong angle. what am i doing wrong? i have ortho set to off and idk what else to mess with
Is there any option with wipeout to turn the continuous lines into dotted lines instead of hiding the object? I have been working on one staircase block, i want to show half block as a dotted lines.. is there any way to do that without going in to the block edit and change? thats why am looking for wipeout mask option.
I downloaded the installer for AutoCAD 2012 and when I went to install it, it told me I can't because there are already AutoCAD applications on my mac. So I ran the uninstaller for 2011, and it's still giving me the same message.
I recently just installed Autocad 2012, using a student licence obtained from the autodesk website. I entered my serial number and product key, and it said that it was suceesfully installed. It even launched, however now when I launch Autocad 2012 the start up screen appears, it says its initialzing, it loads then nothing appears on my screen or even my taskbar, I'm running Windows 7 professional 32 bit.