AutoCAD 2010 :: Missing Lines When Try To Print To PDF
Feb 22, 2011
I'm trying to print to .pdf using AutoCAD 2011 using a print driver called CutiePDF. However, when I go to print, the lines that I can see in my AutoCAD file don't show up in the print preview.
I just started a new job a couple weeks ago where they use AutoCAD (I have been using Microstation v8 for the last few years). I completed a drawing and printed it in black & white. Everything looks great except the yellow lines. I want them to print black instead of light gray.
I am having an issue with plotting a drawing that includes an xref. I have also included an attachment as reference.
I am working in AutoCAD 2010; I have a drawing that includes another drawing as an xref. The xref is on layer “0” in model space and my titleblock, annotation and viewports are in paper space (layout tab). I am using color dependent plot styles (.STB). The xref is a 3D model created with basic AutoCAD solids representing steel shapes, there are also some line segments representing the steel centerlines. The viewport is a plan view of the 3D steel model, the view is not clipped. Since the xref contains 3D objects when I print the drawing I don't want the “hidden” lines to show up, I accomplish this by setting the viewport shade plot setting to “HIDDEN”.
Here is the problem:
When I print the drawing the xref’s layers do not print correctly but rather take on the properties of layer “0” which has a plot style of “NORMAL” so everything prints in color and with a default lineweight. I want the xref to print using the xref’s layer properties that are defined in the .STB file. One variable that changes the outcome of the printed drawing is the viewport shade plot setting.
If the viewport shade plot is set to HIDDEN the xref prints using layer “0” properties (undesired) and the3D object lines are hidden (desired). See attached Viewport #1
If the viewport shade plot is set to AS DISPLAYED the xref prints using the xref’s layer properties (desired) but the 3D object lines are not hidden (undesired). See attached Viewport #2
The ONLY difference between the two viewports is the shade plot setting, there are no layer overrides and only the xref objects are affected, the objects in paper space print as expected. This only happens with an xref or block. If I bind the xref into the drawing and explode it so the objects are “live” in the drawing everything works fine. Unfortunately I need it to work correctly with an xref.
If I use a color dependent plot style (.CTB) where the .CTB file controls the color and lineweight I am able to achieve the desired results, unfortuneatly my company is determined to use .STB files
I have a drawing where some lines have a 60% screening in there Plot Style. The print great from AutoCAD. But when I create a PDF and then print the PDF the Screened lines show up kind of blue / purple.
I am plotting to a Cannon iPF720 on 22x34 paper from Acrobat Reader X. I'm creating the PDF from AutoCAD 2012.
I received an Autocad file from another person, opened it with Autocad 2011 LT, and it looks fine. But when I go to print preview all the lines are very thick, making the detail of the drawing difficult to see. I've tried manually changing the lineweights but it has no effect on some of the layers. Is there an easier way to fix this other than recreating layers?
i am doing a simple project making a survey plot for a piece of land that will be broken into subdivision. all measurements are of my starting point. after plotting the starting point i try to draw line that is 113 feet long and at a bearing of N 5d W i have no problem entering this data but when i hit enter it draws a straight line. now i know 5 degrees is much of an angle so i thought maybe it just looked straight and tried to plot the next point which was 542 feet from the last point at a bearing of N 39d E but once again after i put the info in and hit enter or space it would plot a line of the proper length but vertical, not the proper angle i need it at. here is how i would put in the info:
first i choose the lne command and choose my "beginning point" as that starting point for my line then i type 113<N 5d W for the length and direction and hit enter. when i do this it plots a vertical line of the proper length but wrong angle. what am i doing wrong? i have ortho set to off and idk what else to mess with
Is there any option with wipeout to turn the continuous lines into dotted lines instead of hiding the object? I have been working on one staircase block, i want to show half block as a dotted lines.. is there any way to do that without going in to the block edit and change? thats why am looking for wipeout mask option.
I am using autocad 2013 primarily and other employees are using 2010. I am saving my drawings as 2010 and for me there are no issues. On the other hand people using 2010 are having objects missing in the drawing. All layers are turned on and all thawed. The primary objects missing are AEC objects. Is there a switch to show or hide these object?
I have a drawing that I converted to pdf for a client and there are a few lines missing that appear in the drawing. Here is screenshot of pdf and also a screenshot of drawing that clearly shows the lines in corners. HIDEPRECISION set to 1 didn't work and all objects are on same layer.
When I plot part of a large detailed drawing about 10% of the lines and text is missing. I'm using a Konica 7135/IP-423 PS laser printer. Happens if I print any method and shows the entities missing in print preview too. They seem to be in the same layer but not all of the entities in that layer are missing. It's in color 30 and changing the color didn't work either.
I set hide precision = 1 that didn't work either. I'm plotting in model space.
In hiden lines configuration, when I am plotting my drawing, the tangent lines of 3D cylinders (this is a pipes drawing) are missing. I have tried many options to solve that problem: paper plot , pdf plot, high pdf resolution plot, small size drawing plot, changed the thickness of the lines, change the color of the lines, plot with other computers... I did not find any solution and I have to send my drawings to a customer. In any configurations, the lines appears but others disappears. Even in the preview plot, lines are missing.
I created a profile showing original ground and included superimposed profiles and an offset of the og line. Now when I open the drawing, the profile lines are gone. The grid is there, all of the profiles are listed under the alignment but they are not showing up. All of the styles are on and I've turned all layers on. I've tried to regain all and recover the drawing but the profile lines are not showing in the grid.
I have Acad2013 installed on my computer. When I received a Acad Civil 3D dwg I could open it and see all (contour lines, etc.). Later I installed an object enabler Civil 3D (Civil3D_2013OE_64Bit.exe) cause Acad2013/Acad Civil 3D issues onto my computer and now when I open the same Civil dwg in Acad2013 I am missing the contour lines.
It appears to be an error with swing lines for double doors when an elevation or section view from an AEC model is generated. Only one out of the two door leafs shows swing lines in any event. Could this be a legacy error after the hotfix re: hidden line projection error on elevations and sections? I applied the AecCore.crx fix yesterday and then became aware of the problem with the swing lines.
I have a template IDW that i use for bearings. When I opened it today I noticed that two of the dimension lines were missing. The dimension and arrows are there. I tried deleting them are recreating them with the same result.
The interesting thing is, when I created the dim above the part it was fine, when I dragged it below the part the lines went away. After that no matter were I moved it the lines would not reappear.
I installed SP1 a while ago and just now installed the update to SP1 ( It did not fix the problem.
I am using autocad 2013 on Mac and plotting to hp designjet 510. Lines are always missing when I print especially medium to thin lines or hidden lines or for example hatch tile lines. I use the plotter also on a pc and there are no problems at all. I changed the thickness of my lines in ctb and still have lines missing. I change percision to 1 and same thing. If I print draft, normal or best I still have problems. I know how to spool and use in built memory on pc but can not find something similar on the mac and dont know if that will work, as i printed same drawings from pc. It seems that when there are close lines together or dense lines in an area, it just skips them.
I am using Autocad 2012. When I plot I go to change my plot styles, all I see is STB files. Where did the CTB files go? They are on my computer but not showing up in my style list.
When I use the built-in dwg to PDF for publishing multiable layout tabs I somtimes get extra and/or missing lines and objects on the PDF. When in model space no extra lines a present or missing. Everything is where it need to be. Same goes when a review the drawing in layout before I publish to PDF.
Got a part from our vendor. When I place this in an idw, some of the lines are missing.
In the model, there are no surfaces. None of the solids failed on the import. No problems appear in the model browser.
First tried turning on Tangent edges in the idw. No joy there.
When I right click on the view in the idw and select "Include All Surfaces", the edges are shown while the view is computing, but after it computes, the edges are gone again. The .step file that was sent to me is 10MB and the ipt is 32MB.
I have a rather bizarre issue within AutoCad when printing.
This is affecting multiple people, using various machines (all the same model). It is happening when they print to multiple printers, and also when they print to PDF.
They are losing some information. The drawings themselves usually look ok, it is some of the extra data. This can be in the footnote information in the corner. This can be data within the actual drawing. It is not a guaranteed fault, and affects them all intermittently.
I have AutoCAD LT 2014 and i have a drawing that i attached a picture to and have a few hatches over. When i go to PDF it and print the drawing it has green lines throughout and not just on the part of the attachment but over the entire page. How do i get rid of these? I dont see them in AutoCAD
I am working in Civil 3D 2011 and cannot call up my sheet set manager. I have used it before but not recently. Here are the things I have tried.
1. Sheetset command in the commanline doesn't produce the palette and shows no error.
2. Opensheetset command in the command line brings up the dialog box to browse to my sheetset. I select it and click open and there is no error but still does not display my sheetset manager.
3. Opened up my cui and made sure the sheet set is added to my work space, visible, and docked and still nothing.
4. Clicked the sheetset palette button on my view ribbon under the Palettes tab.
One workstation out of 50+/- when we publish, does not show the drawing prefix on the sheets in the "Sheet Name" list. The attached file shows a good list but that one computer is missing the prefix and if we're attempting to publish several drawings in model space, they would all have the same name so AutoCAD will not allow it because they would all have the same name . How do i get this drawing name prefix back?
Coworker is setting up a new Win7 (64bit) machine but we don't have the ability to upgrade CAD at this time. So running AutoCAD Mechanical 2007. (Yes we know they don't always play nice) Two other workstations here are running the same OS & CAD and print without issues. This new machine AutoCAD does not see any system printers. Have made sure the "Hide System Printers" is not checked under options. I can add a plotter file for each system printer and that workaround is OK, but why this one machine can't see the system printers. They are Xerox workstations on the network - not local. We have already restarted AutoCAD and restarted the PC.
I am finding that my DWF files sent to the plotter are plotting with the linework being heavier than the same file sent directly to our plotter. These are just lines that should plot with a narrow width (ie walls on a floor plan) but they seem to be about twice the width and hence look "darker". Is there a setting that I am missing or some other way to get the lines to plot out thinner? Also, TTF fonts plot thicker in DWF. I've tried the various options in the DWF viewer when sending to the plotter, but none seem to work.
I have PDF files created in AutoCad Arch 2010. When I print them some of the grayscale comes out as random zig-zag line pattern. When I veiw the PDF it looks fine. Images that do this are usually backgrounds of logos or shaded driveways / sidewalks. Some sheets out of a given set will print fine while others do this zig-zag thing?
Acad2004, Acad2008MEP Acrobat Pro 6.0 and 8.0 -and- CutePDF Writer
Merge Lines in PC3 'Device and Document Settings Tab' does not work when creating PDF's - but the same CTB works fine if I print to (2) different plotters and (3) different printers. We use gray for backgrounds and use black thicker lines for detail work. For many years we have had to make sure to send the backgrounds (gray colors) to the back (draworder) before plotting. It is not practical to do this every time we plot. I'm willing to use another program to create PDF's but I haven't found one that works.