AutoCAD Print / Plot :: Grayscale Printing As Zig-zag Lines
Apr 15, 2013
I have PDF files created in AutoCad Arch 2010. When I print them some of the grayscale comes out as random zig-zag line pattern. When I veiw the PDF it looks fine. Images that do this are usually backgrounds of logos or shaded driveways / sidewalks. Some sheets out of a given set will print fine while others do this zig-zag thing?
I dont know whats going on, but all of a sudden all the prints i do to PDF have a washed out faded look about them.Now all those lines are on the same layer, set to print with the same pen thickness, so why does one appear bold and one hardly visible at all?
I need to plot a drawing with a few plans, which are in 2D but also a 3D model of the intire installation and a few side views, which are side views of the 3D model.When I plot the drawing I am able to get the side views in black and white by taking the following steps:(i got these steps from this post: URL....
- set the visual style (in model space) to hidden or wireframe. - in the layout you select a viewport that conntains a 3D visualisation and double click in that window to set the visual style to 2D wireframe and also set the viewports shade plot to hidden.
because the plotter is black and white only I see those side views in different shades of grey but the problem is that the difference in grey isn't clear enough (and yellow pipes are hardly visible) and I can't adjust these. When adjusting the .ctb it only affects the 2D views and not the 3D views.
It is possible to change the greyness by changing the color of the diffent pipes that are in the drawing but this is not a desired option by the to alter the shades of grey in 3D visualisations so that not all pipelines look the same .I attached a file of what the plot preview looks like and another of what the actual plot looks like
we get rasterized diagonal lines when printing from AutoCAD on that Printer in A0 format, straight lines are ok.
Printing FIRST to an PDF printer an THEN to the T520 ist also ok (this is what the customer currently does and the quality is good). Got some suggestions from a local ACAD dealer (max. details in the printer driver) but no success ...
Just installed 2012 from 2000. Plot style table (file copied from old installation) has all colors set to grayscale=off but is printing with grayscale.
I am using AutoCAD LT 2012 and when I plot to PDF using a monochrome ctb mydrawinghs look as intended, black and white with different lieweights, but when I publish the same drawings to PDF they turn into grayscale PDF images
I am a Mac user and new to AutoCAD. I am enrolled in a CAD class this semester and the instructor for my session is requiring Windows. Supposedly this is because AutoCAD for Mac does not allow for proper printing on their plot style setting.
I understand that I can install Bootcamp and Windows on my computer, but I'd really like to avoid that if I can. If I were to do my work on my Mac and then digitally transfer my files to a PC for printing purposes, would my files become corrupted or compromised in any way?
I am plotting a file that has a pdf referenced into it. The quality of the plot is degraded only at the inserted pdf. The rest of the AutoCAD file looks fine. The inserted pdf is a printed AutoCAD file which looks clear and even has embedded layers and linework I can snap to (which seems to indicate that there is vector information present when it is in Autocad.
I have attached an image with 4 zoomed-in screen shots to show what I'm describing.
Unfortunately I am using ACAD 2000 so bear with me and the only ACAD training I have is a 3 day crash course at the local software reseller.
I am attempting to plot a drawing that was created from a template into a .pdf but it is plotting colored lines instead of black lines.
Here is some background info. My template is set up as a .dwt which I will save as a .dwg when I begin to make my drawings. Plot style table is “monochrome.stb” and I have selected Adobe .pdf as my plotter configuration. I then select the “Properties” then go to “Custom Properties”, “Paper/Quality” tab and then select “Black & White” as my color.
When I go to plot the drawing as a pdf and do a preview of what I am about to plot, I see that the lines that make up the drawing are a shade of gray in color. All my lineweights in the layers property manager are set to default. I have attached a blank drawing that is based off of my template.
When printing in 3d with the vp set to 3dhidden and the shade plot set to hidden legacy some solid items print with the wire frame. This usualy happens with torus and cones. How do I stop this?
Me and several other of our staff have an issue where lines not drawn appear in plots, We uses fully license AutoCAD 2010 software.(it happens with evry plotter device including PDF plotters)
I have a drawing where some lines have a 60% screening in there Plot Style. The print great from AutoCAD. But when I create a PDF and then print the PDF the Screened lines show up kind of blue / purple.
I am plotting to a Cannon iPF720 on 22x34 paper from Acrobat Reader X. I'm creating the PDF from AutoCAD 2012.
I received an Autocad file from another person, opened it with Autocad 2011 LT, and it looks fine. But when I go to print preview all the lines are very thick, making the detail of the drawing difficult to see. I've tried manually changing the lineweights but it has no effect on some of the layers. Is there an easier way to fix this other than recreating layers?
When printing to PDF via the DWG to PDF.pc3, I am getting a blank PDF. When i hit preview everything shows fine, but when I print it all disappears. The layers list shows in the PDF on the right, but turning them on and off does nothing.
I'm using ACAD2011 and a HP DesignJet 500 plotter. We use PDF underlays of scanned charts, maps, etc in our cad plans and sometimes the PDFs will only partially plots even though the rest of the cad line work plots. We are using 2007 dwg file format to make files compatible with another program. I have monkeyed with the RASTERPERCENT and RASTERTHRESHHOLD variables but still same problem.
DWG to PDF is not printing certain files correctly. It appears to only happen with the dots hatch pattern and the Dots linetype with a 0.0003" lineweight in the CTB file. The lines with the issue have color and pline width (zero). Print preview show, plotting to a printer, and using adobe show the lineweight correctly but using DWG to PDF does not.
i used the page setup and creat new setup to print some area ..
ist possible to make a setup to print multi area .. - when i creat new one it ask to select what i want to print , but it just ask once ,if i want to print other thing i need to creat new setup ...
When batch plotting using an external plot utility from Model Space, I get pages with different placements on the paper, the issue appears to be that some sheets are selected for Center the Plot and some are not. Even though my plot utility has a selection for Center Plot, it won't override what is already in the page for this one option. Is there a line command I can run in a script that would allow me to set the plot to center without having to open each sheet and reset this manually?
I have a rather bizarre issue within AutoCad when printing.
This is affecting multiple people, using various machines (all the same model). It is happening when they print to multiple printers, and also when they print to PDF.
They are losing some information. The drawings themselves usually look ok, it is some of the extra data. This can be in the footnote information in the corner. This can be data within the actual drawing. It is not a guaranteed fault, and affects them all intermittently.
When I print to .pdf for A1 and plot, no worries, all lineweights print solid and perfectly. However, when I print to .pdf for A3 (scaling lineweights), whilst all the lineweights appear solid on the screen, when I plot the layers that are set to transparency are faded/rough/broken on paper.
Ticking the plot transparency box doesn't work and it happens to my printer at home and at work. I haven't used transparent layers before and have adopted this drawing created through someone else.
I am having trouble printing "smooth" circles. I am using Cad2012 for Mac. I have setup the shademode to 2D-wireframe, viewres to 5000 and still cannot seem to get smooth circles.
I having difficulty batch printing using Scriptpro 2.0. In short, scriptpro is using the simple batch file (see below), to add a xref and then printing using the DWG to PDF driver. I have tried using a paper printer, which works fine, so I suspect the problem is when scrippro calls the DWG to PDF driver.
I am using accoreconsole.exe application.
I inserted a "qsave" command after the xref is inserted, and the xref does get saved, so, I know the script is working up to that point.
Is is possible to "que" a bunch of drawings to be plotted? I would like to be able to open a drawing and plot it, then while it's plotting, open another drawing and plot it, then another and so on and so on. However, I get an error message stating that another plot is in process and only one plot or publish process can be active at one time. Thus, I'm forced to wait for the last one to complete before sending the next one to the plotter.
My screens show solid dimension numbers and arrows but when I print they appear as hollow. I can't find what setting this is or if it is a print setting.
I’ve attached a dwf as an xref and set up a viewport, however when i print the viewport contents show up on screen, and in the PDF, but if i print it to the physical printer, nothing comes out except the lines i drew in that drawing (i.e. the polylines as references for where my viewport is).
I’ve come across this before in an older version of AutoCAD but have forgotten how to solve it.
Also, is it possible to bind a DWF? its seems you can do it with other things but not this file type.
I have a table which is linked to a datalink from Excel. The table and contents (text) show up in paperspace; however, only the table frame shows up within the plot preview, or when I try to plot it. The text does not show up.
I have a HP DesignJet 110 nr connected as a network printer. I have all the drivers updated including the network card. I have unistalled and reinstalled all the drivers and software. I have also replaced the ink cart. too. When I print in AutoCAD 2011 it acts like it is printing stuff, but it goes throught the whole process and nothing prints. I just started creating PDFs and sending them to the printer, but thought I would give it a new shot.