AutoCAD 2010 :: Displaying Colors On Screen - Removing Yellow
Oct 1, 2013
~ I want to purge the color yellow from autocad. ~
Is it possible to override all the colors of an existing *.DWG to a Monochrome Format? I want to be able to open any autocad file and veiw everything in black and white IN MODEL SPACE.Â
I am not interested in 'changing layer colors' or 'manually changing blocks to the right color.' Right now, I explode the entire drawing (several times depending on how deep something is grouped) and change the color to by layer, but sometimes blocks become contaminated and lose all their data. (In addition, I am not interested in plotting in Monochrome.)
If this task is impossible, is it possible to change the definition of the color "yellow." What I mean by the previous statement is to trick autocad into thinking it is using 'yellow' when it is actually using a different color. Sort of like an induced color blindness.
SUMMARY: I don't want to change a color FROM yellow, I just don't want yellow TO EXIST.
I just started a new job a couple weeks ago where they use AutoCAD (I have been using Microstation v8 for the last few years). I completed a drawing and printed it in black & white. Everything looks great except the yellow lines. I want them to print black instead of light gray.Â
You can see in the attached screen cap that colors 1-9 appear as white on my screen and that colors 10-22 are not correct either. This is only occuring in one specific drawing. Is there a preference that I switched somewhere that would make this happen? I have double checked that everything is ByLayer or ByColor that I can think of. If I insert this color chart into other drawings it looks fine. using C3D 2012.
I would just restart my drawing, however it is the new company template file that I have invested many hours into and would really like to be able to keep working with it and not start over. Or is there a good way to import and overwrite all the Prospector settings into a blank drawing?
When I Save For Web the color shifts. It becomes more vibrant (which I would prefer...). I have reset the settings for photoshop followed by a uninstall/install of photoshop and am still getting the color shift. I got new monitors somewhat recently but set up the color profile via adobe gamma's thing ( I had to download that seperatly, I couldn't find it in the Control Panel).I don't think it's the color profile of the monitor because everything else seems fine. I have never had to use any of the settings for color management before so I've never opened those (I've hit Ctrl+y on occassion on accidnet..) Here is a jpg of the difference(of course it's been processed it's a little bit more vibrant but it's still visible)I included the settings I have in the jpg.
When opening a photo with some bright yellows in the foreground, the yellows all become "hot", and show up like it's some sort of a filter being applied. This is making it impossible to work with the photo & make adjustments in the Camera RAW lab. The same thing does not happen when the photo is opened to "edit" directly (versus working with it in Camera RAW lab).Â
When I open JPEGS or RAW images in photoshop they have a dull, flat color to them. This is happening after recently buying a NEW PA271W wide-gamut display and calibrating it using Spectraview 2. It doesn't matter whether I have the Working Space in PS set to Adobe RGB or sRGB under color settings... The only way I can make my image look normal is to go under settings and ASSIGN PROFILE to Adobe RGB. It looks fine then. I could live with that, except the bigger problem is that I begin my editing process in RAW, where the colors are also looking flat. The best I can tell, there is no way to assign a profile at this stage...
I've been working in photoshop many years and I do know that RAW images have a 'flatter' appearance to being with, but this is something completely different. For example, when I slide photoshop onto my other monitor next to it (I have multiple monitors) - the color reverts to the normal color I want . And if I then slide photoshop back onto my new NEC monitor, the normal color actually stays intact for about two seconds, then reverts back to the dull color. So I am unable to begin my work process in RAW since the colors are wrong. Also, I know that my new monitor is capbable of displaying my images in their proper colors because when I use any of several different image viewers I have - irfanview, etc. - everything is fine. It's only in photoshop.Â
I used to have X4 installed on XP and it worked fine. Recently I re-install the program onto my new Win7 PC. It was working fine at first but one day my CMYK palette turn into some weird colors (much brighter than the original one)Â
I tried to hold F8 to launch X4 to turn it back to dafault settings but no go. I tried uninstall and reinstall and it's the same. Finally I downloaded the latest X5 Free trial and the color palettes are displaying correctly! (So i figure it's not my monitor's problem nor some Windows setting.)
(X5 Displaying the correct CMYK color palette)(Ised X4 for a few days and the colors became much brighter than the original ones.)
Photoshop displaying image differently on a same screen in different placement. Same image when moved a bit to the left changes image saturation. This is happening only in photoshoop CS6. I have two older versions of photoshoot that are working just fine. No other program is shoving behiever like this. I tried different files jpg .psd .png, same behavior. Â Photoshop CS6, MacPro OS X v 10.8.4
Is there a way to view exif info of each photo on the LR 4.2 import screen. I'd like to view Exif data before making the decision to import the capture but can't figure out how to do this. Ideally it would appear as a 'tooltip' when hovering over the image in gridview, or, when looking at a single image it using the "I" key should display image info like it does in other modules of LR4. Are there any plugins that could do that?
If one uses e.g. canvas size and chooses a smaller canvas, normally a panel appears 'the new canvas size is smaller, some clipping will occur, proceed or cancel. Likewise if you print something and its wider than the pagesize, you see a message panel appear, the image is larger..some clipping will occur, proceed/cancel.  These panels have ceased showing, but unless one clicks proceed or cancel on them, photoshop cannot progress,...not responding results. Trouble is you dont know if they have shown up but are hiding. Tried moving the image but it leaves a white space behind and the panel is not behind anyway, or under the main photoshop window.  If you launch e.g. word and print something, then minimise, often the panel then shows itself, from then on its ok ! Until one closes Photoshop then its back to its freezing ways next time after launch until refreshed with Msoft word printing, though that doesnt always resolve it.  It also freezes up when closing images using the X top right of image. I had thought I had spoted a trend to fall over on jpg images but not so I think now.  Tried for a full reinstall, no joy. updated video driver ATI radeon HD3450, the ATI driver wouldnt go on, couldnt find a suitable driver it said !... but the one from the Dell website did, turns out to be the same ! 1/12/2008 8.561.0.0 though ATI have a more recent one Feb 2010.  We also run Sophos antivirus.
When opening AutoCAD 2010, I get an error message "Unable to load profile...". This happened unexplicably. I have been using AutoCAD several months with no problems. One annoying consequence is that dialog boxes do not display. For example, running DIMSTYLE does not open the Dimension Style dialog box; instead, a list of options such as ANnotative, Save, and Restore appears. How do I get back to normal?
I have loaded in some cuix files in LT 2010. They have appeared in the customisation area and in the current Workspace and I have turned on the menus I require and no error is returnned, however when I go to the drawing screen none of the customised menus or ribbon tabs have appeared. I have performed an Autocad LT repair and also a reinstall from the add/remove programs and I have also tried a different .CUIX file but still no luck.
I have a new customer who sent me a few hundred images which one of his employees shot against a green background. It would be easy enough to remove the background, but the green is reflecting on lighter colored products (Like a gray sweatshirt) and some of the pictures are of transparent items, (like a clear, plastic cup, or a product in a clear, plastic bag).
He claims that Photoshop (Which he admitedly knows nothing about) has a "Chroma Green Remover" - You just wave your magic wand and the green disappears. He also claims that he used to send his images "overseas" to have this done and they came back in a matter of an hour or two.
I have been using Photoshop since version 3.5 and have never heard of such a technique (Using CS3 now). Is there a way to do this, or should I have him re-shoot the pics?
I had an image on a green screen and I want to cut out the person. using colourr ange leaves a lot of handwork to be done afterwards. Extract obviously works great, but does take a while. Hasn't there got to be a special way to take out green screens or blue screens?
I'm having an issue with some of my drawings where the all the lineweights appear much too thick on the screen. When I plot the drawing or look at a print preview the lineweights appear correct, but in model space they appear much too thick.
I found the option to show / hide lineweights, and when I toggle this option from show to hide it seemingly fixes the issue, but when I pan or zoom on the drawing the think lineweights come back.
Why this is happening, even with show lineweights enabled they should not be displaying this thick as every line on the drawing is default lineweight, and the default is set at 0.25mm, I have the exact settings on different drawings but they dont have this display issue.
We currently use AC 2012 Mech.when selecting from the menu content/fasteners/screws and then opening the countersunk head types, many users will see what is dispalyed in the attachment good picture.png... the type of screw is displayed (we can see the text)...while other users selecting the same prompts from the menu will see what is displayed in the attachment bad picture.png... the text is NOT displayed...this occurs for many different types of content, not just the fasterners/screws...
I capture a lot of brochures from holiday trips etc including outline maps of local areas. I then add rthese to albums, shows etc.
When I scan these, they frequently include a significant blue (sometimes grey) tint most noticeable at the edges or on folds in the items being scanned, presumably representing areas where the contact between the document and the glass is not quite as good as elsewhere.
I've tried weighing down the scanner lid, but I've not noticed any noticeable improvement.I'm now playing with the settings to see if I shoude be tweaking anything to improve this.
In the meantime, I'm left with a number of docs to clean. I've been doing this with the clone tool, but it is very time consuming.
I would like to display East and West coordinates at certain points ( like circle center lines etc.). how can i do this so that the display is accurate and readable?
I am using Photoshop CS6 to prepare images for use in online Help and a print / pdf user guide for the company's newest software / Web app. What do you do to remove blank space from a screen capture? I am specifically curious if you add some type of indicator that tells the user that the actual image will be larger.Â
The first screen shot (left to right) is a typical screen shot that I've not edited. In the second one, I've cut the bottom button bar and moved it up to reduce the white space in the image. In the third image, I added a quick and dirty little "wave" to tell everyone that I've cut out some of the white space.
how to write a field that will add or subtract one from the drawing number. I'm adding drawing join line text to drawings so I need the text on the left to read one less than the current drawing & text to the right to read one more.
in drawing 005 text would read "joins drawing 004" & "joins drawing 006"
I work with a colleague who is running AutoCAD MAP. When he makes a block or saves a drawing, at the origin is a 3D, downward pointing arrow which in 2D plan view obscures anything around the origin. I open his blocks or drawings in ACAD2012 or 2013 with the same issue. In plan view, the 3d arrow appears as a circle with radial lines running out from the center. If I save the drawing in my ACAD that feature is still there.
I've attached a png screenshot of what I'm talking about.
Is there any way to get rid of that feature, which is apparently coming from his MAP version of ACAD? I've looked for settings on his machine and on mine. I have played with the Workspace setting. I've looked in Options for anything. Maybe there is a system variable. How to control the visibility of this 3D arrow in ACAD?
I would like to display the room name and area as text from a spaces i have created. Like a room tag that will automatically update if the space is altered.
I have tried a number of ways but have been successful and the solutions are often overly complicated.
I have since given up and simply entered text and included a field for the space name and another field for the base area however this is quite laborious. surely there is a simpler way of doing this.
I would also like to include occupancy numbers that would also calculate the m2 per person if that is possible?
Suddenly, the multi line text editor in no longer displaying when I select "new" from within the DIMEDIT command. I'm presuming that there is some sort of system variable that controls this, but I have not been able to find it in the help files. The Mtext editor is working from the Mtext command, so I know it's not the DTEXTED variable.Â
I have a number of lines that will not fillet because they are non-coplaner. Is there a way to globally edit all the lines in a drawing to set the Z coordinate to zero rather than having to choose each line?
I seem to have lost the ability to add or remove an annotative scale for a single item (piece of text, block etc). Â I've always picked the annotative scale in the properties box and then hit the box at the right which brought up a small dialogue box where I could add or remove scales for the item that I'd highlighted. Â When I hit that box now, or the similar box in the right click menu nothing happens. Â AutoCAD acts like the box is present, but it isn't. Â The right click option of remove current scale doesn't work either as it seems to remove the scale from multiple items.
I have recently gone from two monitors to one (it's a real bummer). Â Is it possible that the dialogue box is open somewhere I can't find it? Â I have hit the show desktop button and it isn't there.