I had an image on a green screen and I want to cut out the person. using colourr ange leaves a lot of handwork to be done afterwards. Extract obviously works great, but does take a while. Hasn't there got to be a special way to take out green screens or blue screens?
I have a new customer who sent me a few hundred images which one of his employees shot against a green background. It would be easy enough to remove the background, but the green is reflecting on lighter colored products (Like a gray sweatshirt) and some of the pictures are of transparent items, (like a clear, plastic cup, or a product in a clear, plastic bag).
He claims that Photoshop (Which he admitedly knows nothing about) has a "Chroma Green Remover" - You just wave your magic wand and the green disappears. He also claims that he used to send his images "overseas" to have this done and they came back in a matter of an hour or two.
I have been using Photoshop since version 3.5 and have never heard of such a technique (Using CS3 now). Is there a way to do this, or should I have him re-shoot the pics?
How do i get rid of the green screen in a photo of mine? Trying not to delete the person in the picture or mess with her flowing hair. I have photoshop element 12.
I recently purchased Pro x6. While I love the new features, something has been happening today that is frustrating. I captured some video from my Canon HG10 and placed it on the timeline. When I try to play it in the editor, a green screen appears over the video. I can hear the audio but cannot see it.
Today I downloaded a trial version of PSE. This means of course that I'm new to the game. I can follow a step-by-step guide though. Here's what I'd like to do: I've taken a dozen photos of an actor with a green screen as a background. Is there a way that I can chroma-key out the green and put in another color, like gray or perhaps a textured off-white?
Used the software to create a virtual spokesperson for their own website? I am new toe green screen techniques and want to create a virtual spokesperson for my own website. What I mean by steps is, if I shoot the video can I use Corel to actually get a product ready to be used in a way like this?
Gimp 2.6.6 on Ubuntu Linux 8.04.Scanning using VueScan Professional 8.5.20 with an "Epson Perfection 4490 Photo" scanner. Color profile has been built for the scanner using available photo color target from a well-known German source (can't remember name).Almost all my scanning is of postage stamps and related items -- scanning the actual physical objects, not photos of the objects.
The stamps are currently scanned on a black background (for lack of other color possibilities; the final goal is on a black background). After scanning, the background is selected and turned to 100% black to have greatest contrast for the object. When a stamp has a postmark that crosses the edge of the stamp paper, the color of the postmark (usually dark or black) is very close to the color of the scanning background and thus when the background is selected, the selection "leaks" and "follows" the postmark onto the stamp. We have to manually exclude those "leaks" from the desired selection area.
To be able to select the background (for change to 100% black) without any "leakage" of the selection onto the stamp objects AND without ANY non-black color artifacts remaining after changing the selection to 100% black.
Attempted Solutions:
We have tried scanning on many different non-black background colors and surfaces, but there are always some extreme-edge color artifacts remaining ... leaving a sort of "halo" effect around the stamp object.Some of this could be attributable to the particular model of scanner, though every scanner I have ever owned had a similar problem to a greater or lesser degree. The width of the "halo" usually depends upon which side of the object it is on vs the direction of travel of the scanner device.
In television broadcasting it is extremely common for somebody to stand in front of a "green screen" and for the green to be electronically replaced with some image or video, etc. (For example, the weather person standing in front of a weather map.) It is rare to see a green "halo" if everything has been done correctly and if the person is wearing the correct type of clothing fabric.
Is there some Gimp method or plug-in or other tool that will better handle this type of use?Recently poster Ron Guilmette discussed his use of "Darla-PurpleFringe.scm" plug-in to remove an artifact caused by a digital camera and subsequent processing.
Is there something like that which can be used to remove a color "halo" that results from using a "green screen" approach to scanning? (I would likely have to select different colors of "green screen" so that such colors are not included in the design of the postage stamp.
When I open up the image that I want 2 use 4 my background the image fills the (working) window. Then, as instructed, I go in2 "Layer" & import the pic w/the green screen background. But when I then go 2 "Effects" & choose/use ChromaKey (again, as instructed) the background pic is now only a small square in the upper left hand corner of the window & the rest of it is white. Therefore, my pic/finished result has a background w/a little square in the upper left hand corner & the rest is white?
I am trying to render some small animated clips to be used as overlays in home movies. I am animating in a program called Poser. I animate 30 to 60 second clips rendering them over a green background (0 blue, 0 red, 255 green) and output them in Uncompressed AVI at 1280x720. When I bring them into VS6 they look great on track 1 but when I put them onto an overlay track they suddenly 'go small'; I right click and change to 'Project Size' (which I have set to 16:9) and apply the Chroma Key; this is where I begin to get the Jagged Edge effect? Especially on anything with a straight edge - for example: I have a Skull and Crossed Swords that I want to spin 360 - the sword edges become so horribly jagged, it just is not acceptable.
However, still using Poser as my 3D rendering engine, I can render a still and save out as a PNG and it will import into VS6 and overlay (as a Still) just fine. I did try rendering Each Frame of the spinning skull as PNGs and assemble the animation in VS6 and again I ended up with the jagged edges...even if this did work it would not be do-able with my 6sec clip of a waving flag (too many frames!)
Perhaps my AVI aspect size to VS6? I notice that while in VS6 I am working in only 720x480 however my final target is to burn to DVD in Wide Screen (I also would like to have MPG and/or AVI to play direct from computer on home entertainment system to TV)
A little background: I do historic reenacting at various events, shows, parties, Tall Ship events, Ren Fairs, and such. The overlays I want for various use: Title effects, overlay photos/videos within the project. Video files come from my Sony HDR-CX430V, photos from Canon SD790IS.
I have just installed Smoke Ext 1 and tried Keying with Green Screen Footage. The Master Keyer result is not even close. Is it a bug with the Master Keyer?
I capture a lot of brochures from holiday trips etc including outline maps of local areas. I then add rthese to albums, shows etc.
When I scan these, they frequently include a significant blue (sometimes grey) tint most noticeable at the edges or on folds in the items being scanned, presumably representing areas where the contact between the document and the glass is not quite as good as elsewhere.
I've tried weighing down the scanner lid, but I've not noticed any noticeable improvement.I'm now playing with the settings to see if I shoude be tweaking anything to improve this.
In the meantime, I'm left with a number of docs to clean. I've been doing this with the clone tool, but it is very time consuming.
I have greenscreen footage, where a green screen was put on a window with tracking markers. A person is moving in front of it, so you can see the reflection. If I just key it and put a garbage mask around it, I can get rid of the green and the tracking markers, but how can i get the reflections back now? Cause if I just screen the original desaturated part back on, you can still see the tracking markers.... Is the only way to first paint over the markers and then screen it back on, or is there another way? I'm on Smoke for mac 2012.
Smoke 2012 SAP2 SP4 and Smoke 2013 SP2 (Smoke Classic Keyboard Shortcuts) Mac Pro 4,1 OS X 10.6.7 12 GB RAM NVIDIA Quadro 4000 14 TB RAID (Areca)
I am using Photoshop CS6 to prepare images for use in online Help and a print / pdf user guide for the company's newest software / Web app. What do you do to remove blank space from a screen capture? I am specifically curious if you add some type of indicator that tells the user that the actual image will be larger.
The first screen shot (left to right) is a typical screen shot that I've not edited. In the second one, I've cut the bottom button bar and moved it up to reduce the white space in the image. In the third image, I added a quick and dirty little "wave" to tell everyone that I've cut out some of the white space.
~ I want to purge the color yellow from autocad. ~
Is it possible to override all the colors of an existing *.DWG to a Monochrome Format? I want to be able to open any autocad file and veiw everything in black and white IN MODEL SPACE.
I am not interested in 'changing layer colors' or 'manually changing blocks to the right color.' Right now, I explode the entire drawing (several times depending on how deep something is grouped) and change the color to by layer, but sometimes blocks become contaminated and lose all their data. (In addition, I am not interested in plotting in Monochrome.)
If this task is impossible, is it possible to change the definition of the color "yellow." What I mean by the previous statement is to trick autocad into thinking it is using 'yellow' when it is actually using a different color. Sort of like an induced color blindness.
SUMMARY: I don't want to change a color FROM yellow, I just don't want yellow TO EXIST.
My company is switching from ctb files to stb files. With the ctb file, we make concrete hatch with two layers. A top layer with the concrete hatch pattern and a background layer with a solid hatch patern. The ctb file concrete plots the concete hatch black and the solid background hatch light gray. I am using civil 3d 2013 and the hatch allows a seperate background color mask. I am trying to make all my concrete layers (Top of Curb, Curb Flowline, etc.) a certain color scheme, i.e. shades of green. I would like my on screen concrete hatch patern to be a green color with a gray background, but plot the concrete hatch black with a gray background. I can not figure out how to do this without making two layers. Is there a way to use one layer and utilize the background color mask to show on screen green and gray, but plot black and gray?
I've attached a leaf image. We'd like to "Autumnize" the leaf even more and remove the green from the leaf. I've tried playing with the various options in the Color drop down (Color Balance, Hue Saturation, Colorize, Brightness-Contrast, Threshold, Levels, Curves), but I can't seem to do it.
I'm here with 2013 SP2 64 bit Build 200 and two screens. Left screen is graphics area, Browser is on the left of right screen. Graphics is ATI Fire Pro V7800 with driver
In video (zipped MP4) you see a cutout of both screens, think of screens changing at the left of the browser.
Now, in many cases, after doing an operation, the browser is jumping back to the middle of my graphics in the left screen.
I have used "Share My Screen" meeting feature a few times on my machine.
a client and it gave me the blue screen of death crash and forced a restart. After it did this 3 times I gave up.
Windows XP Home 2002 SP3 PhotoshopCS4 Extended CS4 Production Premium RADEON X300 SE 128MB Hypermemory Intel Pentium (R) CPU 3.00 GHz 2.99 Ghz 2.50 GB RAM
I am running windows xp and photoshop cs. I save my work as a JPG and haven't had any printing problems until now. When I print now it prints a solid green sheet. I can see the work I did under the green,
I get green shadows when i print my photos.The original photo looks fine on the screen,so i dont think there is a problem with the original,and the rest of the photo is fine,but the areas which should be light to dark brown are greeny-yellow.
I have an epson R1800 printer,and am using photoshop for colour management(printer colour management off).The clour profile is of the original photo(embedded)-sRGB,printer profile-SPR R1800 prmglssy.icc,rendering-perceptual.
I have cleaned the printheads,am using printrite ink.
I just got my new machine the other day , So I take my old hard drive and put it into my new machine ,when I go to open photoshop to work on some stuff, everything has this green tint , what the , oh; and that little box that's on the right side of the layer style window is now green, you know where you add bevels and shadows, the feature button. anyway, a background the was black on my old PC is now #777777, a greenish color.