Photoshop :: Colors In Print Preview Not Matching Colors In Soft Proofing
Jul 7, 2013
Just wanted to print a new photo and realized that the colors in print preview do not match the colors in soft proofing. In both cases I selected the same icc profile and rendering method. The print colors matched the colors in print preview. I never had a problem so far. All new prints will be checked with soft proofing and adjusted when necessary. I never paid attention to the color rendition in print preview and all prints perfectly matched the colors from the soft proofing. I was surprised when my print came out of the printer and the colors weren't matching the soft proofing colors, but that of the print preview.
I don't understand why Photoshop renders the colors differently in the first place. See attached screenshot for the difference in the blue/cyan colors. I don't care if the print view colors will match the print, but I do care when soft proofing is not working.
So I am working on this document and it has silver background. I go to print preview (Photoshop cs3 and cs4 on Vista) and I get color looking more like bronze looking but when I do print, it comes out just like it should (in working mode which is Monitor RGB with Proof colors checked).
This setting is the only one I've used to make sure image/psd looks exactly like what it should when printing. I tried the default Working CMYK with and without Proof colors but it's still showing me the bronze look instead of silver. I've looked on the net and no exact easy fix for this was found. I really really appreciate any help.
Another simple question is regarding size. I'm working on a document size of 17.5 x 8.7 inches and the actual Banners will be printed at size 175 x 87 inches (5 banners each at 35inch wide but combined into a big one). So essentially, I'm working at 10% the size of what the final print will be and my file size is 760mgs. You can only imagine how big the file would be if I work on the actual size.
I came across this forum as I was browsing various techniques on how I can improve and I very much tried to duplicate the colors/tone/atmosphere of this photo:
I don't know how to quite explain it or if I am using the right terms, but you can notice that the overall tone and color of the photo is somewhat washed out? Like the colors are a bit muted and soft but not too extremely so. And yet none of the picture loses its crispness. The colors look soft? I don't know how to quite explain it articulately.
I first tried to make a duplicate layer and then blurred it, and then proceeded to reduce its opacity, but that just made everything look "glowy", like something from heaven.
I`ve found a background color for my web page and I like to get the same color in Photoshop to use it like background for my grafics.Hom can I get the exactly same colors when on my page it`s in HEX triplet numbers and in photoshop it`s in RGB & CMYK?
i'm into photoshopping cars and i've got a rough idea on how to stitch bits and pieces of other cars together nicely, the problem is i still haven't a clue on how to match the colours of different cars to my target car (i.e. my car is blue but the bumper of another car is green, so how do i get that green to match my car's blue?)
i just really want to know how to get this done cause previously i was using the luminance thinggy and found it to work for SOME colours but it didn't look good.
I have a layer with a picture that has some white in it,
A second layer that's half on top of the first layer and the other half does not have anything in the back. This layer also has 80% opacity and the color is just what I want.
How can I match the color from the second half to the one that has a white background?
I have three photos I'm stitching together, a somewhat panoramic end image.
I have done many of these before, with various techniques, however, I'm wondering what techniques any of you would use to make sure the seam between the photos blends perfectly in regards to color.
You can see below that the blue of the sky is slightly off, producing a visible seam. I can tweak the levels to get it looking better, but then other parts of the image get tweaked the wrong way, as in, if I fix the color in the sky, the color of the rocks below go way off.
Am I just better off merging the layers, and using the heal, dodge, burn tools to paint it together, as I have done before?
Should I use selections in specific areas to fix the color?
In the picture is a screen capture, where you can see a file which is opened in both Photoshop CS2 and the Windows Image Viewer. The colors appear very different (it's the same file). In any other viewer (web browsers, for example) it appears as it does in the Windows Viewer.
I'm trying to match the background color in Xara Photo Designer to the background color in a Filemaker Pro layout. When I bring up the color picker in Filemaker, I get a generic Windows screen with colors expressed in raw numbers, not percentages, but Photo Designer appears to use only percentages, no matter which color model I use. How do I convert Windows integers to Xara percentages?
I want to paint an object with beige wich in the RAL color chart is RAL 1001, how to match the right color with xara since colors are not by name ? Can we search colors by name in xara photo & graphic designer 7 or later versions? what about if i need a pantone color for example ?
I'm working on making a really awesome pic but I'm stuck. The style I use in all of my pics is by making a new layer, changing it to color mode, then making rainbow colors with a really soft brush. Everything was going fine until I threw some text in there. Now when I paint, the text stays the same color!
I. Per the instructions of the printer who's printing my work, I've converted my image profiles to Dot Gain 20%. I would like to make sure that what I'm seeing on my screen will a) be a close match to what she (the woman printing the work) will see on her screen; and b) give me a sense of how the printer (Espson Stylist Pro 4800) will interpret and print the work.I should change my Proof Setup to Dot Gain 20%, no?
II. I also need to make a set of jpegs that will be seen on a variety of screens, each of a different make and calibration. These jpegs need to be as convincing a match to the print as possible, with allowances, of course being made for paper, ink, etc. The match has to be close. Is there a standard for softproofing that will allow me to see what's likely to appear on a given screen. A tall order, I know. Wondering if I should just inform the viewers to view the jpegs with their monitors set to a certain color profile--or if I should send them a monitor profile along with the jpegs.
having problems getting consistent archival inkjet prints from the places I have tried. I am now looking at 'soft proofing' which I suspect is not without its pearls. The problems I experienced before where the images were not converted to the correct profile was that sometimes they would print out,
at great cost correctly and sometime they would not, again at great cost. If the image is converted to the correct colour profile, in this case Hahnemule, will the embedded profile that the image will be printed out consistently and 2 different days?
If I adjust hue/saturation to turn off the warning indicators when soft proofing is ON for sRGB, is the result on my calibrated monitor screen the colours that are sent to Blurb via Book module and the colours that will print? I read forums stating disappointing results in Blurb publishing through LR4.
I am working in LR4 with soft proof. I set up a photo but somehow got "caught" on the screen in the Develop module. My photo is on the screen after working with it, but I cannot budge it and when I go to print it thr Print module is blank and I cannot print the photo. How can I get out of this bind?
I soft proofed several photos for printing. I came back to print another copy and the virtual copy proofing copy was gone. There used to be 2 side by side. Now to print do I have to readjust?
ACR 8.1 allows CC users to soft proof in CMYK and LAB color spaces. LR 5.2 will have ACR 8.2 capabilities, so will we be able to soft proof in these spaces as well?
I've been having a strange color issue with Photoshop CS3 (and Illustrator CS3). I'll make a design or drawing in Photoshop or Illustrator, then save it as a jpg to email it off to my client for previewing using gmail. In the gmail preview, the colors are completely off (for example, a yellow lemon will appear bright turquoise) and when I "view" the jpg in the web browser on mine or any other computer (mac and pc), the colors are sort-of neonized versions of the original colors. However, if I download the file and open it, the colors appear correct.
I was wondering if there is a way to do batch processing for soft proofing different pictures similar to the sync functionality? I created a customer user preset however it seems to copy over the existing settings vs updating the +/-'s in the different areas. For example, I have a bunch of photos from different scenarios, events, actions, times, etc..
When I am soft proofing to a custom profile, looks like I just need to apply a few universal tweaks to WB (+100), exposure (+20, maybe +30), contrast (+10), blacks (-10), and clarity (+10, maybe +15) to get the soft proof copy to look like the master copy. Then I can quickly go through the soft proof copies and check.
Also, is there a way of creating a soft proof copy of all the pics in the develop module at once?
While I can use the "S" key to access softproofing, the checkbox doesn't show on the toolbar and the the option simply doesn't appear in the toolbar pop-up either!
Edit an image file and get it to where I like on the monitor.Duplicate the file and set the new file to the profile for the printer which will be used, by using View > Proof Setup > Custom and setting an imported printer profile for the printing company that I use.
Edit the soft proof file to get it to where it looks good again. Save off the file for the printer and also save the new PSD file.
Close the PSD file.Reopen the new (soft proofed) PSD file.Still looks good, but.... when you check View > Proof Setup it's now generally set to Custom: U.S. Web Coated (SWOP) v2 instead of to the imported printer profile which was set previously. WHY???? Where did the printer profile go? Is it supposed to do this?
If I then reset View > Proof Setup to the correct printer profile, the image goes to crap again.
I recently installed CS5 on my laptop after first removing it from my previous machine.All licences were validated so no problems there.Now when using paint bucket in Photoshop, the colors that I select in the color picker are not the colors that result when I use the paint bucket.
If I create a new black canvas then the colors selected in color picker work with paint bucket.But if I attempt to recolor the background in an existing image that I import into Photoshop, I get the mismatch with colors when I use paint bucket. My method for selecting colors is the same in each case, I select 'set foreground color' and set the color using html values entry at the bottom of the panel.
I am having a little trouble with the pdf I created in Illustrator. See images below for explanation. It's only happening to certain text. How can it be fixed, and how to prevent it from happening again?
I get this as thumbnail image on my desktop and in Finder, when I click space bar to quick view, and when its preview as an attachment in an email.
This is how it's supposed to look. This only happens when the PDF is actually goes from the above img to this.
Hello! I am using Photoshop CS4 and I have a Canon Pixma MP160 printer. I go through a company,, to print all my brochures and business cards but it seems what I send them is never what actually prints out. I understand that LCD monitors show a different display, being RGB instead of CMYK?? but how do I match it close enough? I have been trying to print out my new brochure on my printer at home until I get it to print the colors I want - but it's a huge hassle & a major ink cost changing all the colors (mostly brown for some reason) to look good printed even though it looks terrible in photoshop. I've tried setting it in the print window to Photoshop Manages Color instead of printer. In the profile drop down I was told to select one with my printer name in it instead of working CMYK profile. But I have about 10 different ones and none of them say CMYK or anything special. Can anybody point me in the right direction to learn the best way to do this?
When soft proofing, I split the image horizontally and then create proof image when asked after making first alteration.However, in both LR4.4 and 5Beta, both the original and virtual (i.e., proofing image) change.
Have l Brightness value of 55 in original. Proofed image is duller. Increase brightness in proof by 10 to match original. (Figures are just for explanation) Now when I compare images again, original image brightness has increased by 10 also. This can be seen, of course, on the Develop panel.
The colors of pictures is much darker when working in photoshop than when I open it normally. And vice versa, I work on images inside photoshop, and I get the colors I want, but once I save it to bmp or jpg or anything else, all the colors are much lighter.