Photoshop :: PS Colors And .bmp Colors Dont Match
Jan 6, 2004
The colors of pictures is much darker when working in photoshop than when I open it normally. And vice versa, I work on images inside photoshop, and I get the colors I want, but once I save it to bmp or jpg or anything else, all the colors are much lighter.
i'm using photoshop 7.
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Jun 28, 2012
I recently installed CS5 on my laptop after first removing it from my previous machine.All licences were validated so no problems there.Now when using paint bucket in Photoshop, the colors that I select in the color picker are not the colors that result when I use the paint bucket.
If I create a new black canvas then the colors selected in color picker work with paint bucket.But if I attempt to recolor the background in an existing image that I import into Photoshop, I get the mismatch with colors when I use paint bucket. My method for selecting colors is the same in each case, I select 'set foreground color' and set the color using html values entry at the bottom of the panel.
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Jul 25, 2012
I scanned a document to use its background and border. On the screen it looks perfect but the colors are totally different when I go to print. I am using a new Mac Book Pro, CS5, and printing on an HP color laser CP1525. Also its printing with a gloss and I want it flat how can I do this??
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May 8, 2003
Im recreating a fancy letter I saw with Photoshop 7. Everything seems pretty easy except some of the paragraphs are in baby blue. When I try to recreate this color in Photoshop using the PS7 color palate, on screen it seems baby blue, but when I print it(Epson C62)the end product looks light greenish. I scanned it & printed it, and the color didnt match the original copy. I tried RGB & CMYK & Im having a hard time trying to match to the original. How do people match colors?
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May 4, 2008
Anything edited in photoshop appears different when viewed in another application. For example, I edit a photo in CS3, and then view it in Firefox - it is muted, the colors are drab examples of the bright hues displayed in Photoshop. If I bring anything done in photoshop into The Gimp, Polyview, or anything else I can think of, they all look identical in those other apps, they only appear different when compared against what an image looks like in Photoshop. I first noticed when uploading an image to Flickr, it looked great in Photoshop, and dramatically drab when uploaded. I then started doing some investigative work and discovered the system wide behavior. I'm a little stumped. Similarly, anything created in Gimp brought into CS3 looks different, it appears darker in CS3.
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Mar 18, 2005
I've dealt with this issue forever and I still don't know WHY it happens. The problem is that when you create two images of different formats (jpg, gif, png) in photoshop with the same color and then put them next to each other in a browser, the colors no longer match.
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Jul 24, 2013
I have been printing with an epson [artisan 50]Â for a long time, always great colors on my pc.
just switched to a mac and latest version of ps cs6 and my prints are not color correct [very muted colors on the print] It is definitely not the printer [prints perfect from otherc applications]
I have tried many of the settings / color management options, but none seem to do the job. Right now I have it set on 'photoshop manages color' and then for printer profile my printer type with correct paper.
I don't know what to do- share their knowledge on color management/printing
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Apr 21, 2013
Have been working with Epson tech support to get colors to match the CS5 colors to no avail. Have claibrated my monitor usingHuey calibration unit and no matter what I try cannot get the correct colors.
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Jul 17, 2006
I want to adjust the colors in this image so that "Red" is red, "Blue" is blue, etc:
(I have a larger version of the image that I am using,)
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Aug 13, 2012
I'm having a huge problem with colors in color managed web browsers such as Safari. I'm pretty sure unchecking Convert to sRGB would cure the problem but it's permanently enabled.
For insance with "Color Settings" set to Monitor color with RGB set to Off. And I follow these steps.
-Create a new document with a small size and profile set to "Web"
-Fill the art area with a rectangle with hash color of say #3693C6 and no stroke
-Ensure Assign profile is set to Don't color manage...
-Go to save to web set to PNG-24 (and try and fail to uncheck Convert to sRGB)
-Add the png as an img element to a barebones html file with background-color: #3693C6 as the body's style
-View in Safari and the img will be rendered many shades off the background color.
I know the theory is the web is sRGB and so so should the PNG but I don't want the colors shifted at all, when doing web elements I don't care that th
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Mar 29, 2013
What is the settings for the best color management in corel! I had to reinstall and now the colors don't match the monitor
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May 30, 2012
I made myself a Grey/Color card, having it developped at the local photo store. I know it's not the best solution, but I couldn't get my hand on ColorChecker.
Here is the default file I used for my photos:
And once I take my picture (Ok, this one is from my laptop screen, but it's only for example purpose) it loks like this
Is there an easy / quick way to have the color match? Is it possible to make an easy color profile, since the colors are pure (W,18% Gray,Bk,C,M,Y) in my default picture? Even if I try to have the white balance on, or try to modify the hue and saturation, the results in the CMY aren't matching. Since we have a color we know the value
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Jul 15, 2009
how to use the match color tool to automatically convert one grayscale image into multiple output images based on a collection of color swatches? Or a better process to achieve this automated?
I have all the swatches in psd files in one directory. I can do them one-by-one but I was wondering if there was a way to automate this process and have it spit out and save the different images automatically based on the saved swatch colors.
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Apr 14, 2013
I've noticed recently that when I use the EXPORT command to create a JPEG, the resulting image colors of the EXPORTed JPEG are deeper (certainly more saturated) and the contrast over the entire image is much higher. The image looks nothing like what it looks like in GIMP prior to export.
I've tried EXPORTing to TIFF and I get the same results (JPEG looks exactly like the TIFF, just a different file size). Is it a possible ICC Profile mismatch (i.g. not having one set specifically inside GIMP)?
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Mar 24, 2012
I've been working with LR for a while now and using 3.6
I'm shotting RAW+Jpeg and when importing i use jpeg and raw as separate files.
Now i understand that colors are very different, but,
I'm trying to match the CR2 from my Canon 5D Mark 2 to the jpeg with no luck!
I have tried using the "profile" menu in the "camera calibration section but again no luck.
I have also tried manipulating every single slider combination (allmost) and again, no good result.
is there a good fast and useful way of achieving a match between the raw and the jpeg?!
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Mar 7, 2014
I'm trying to color match two shots and I'd like to be able to view them side by side while I adjust the colors in one of the shots. It seems like a good way to do this would be to view two program monitors side by side - but is that possible? I can't see that option anywhere.
Using the source monitor for comparison doesn't make sense to me as I've already color corrected the reference shot and the source monitor shows the original footage (ie. the wrong colors). I could of course try to match the shots based on the source footage of the reference shot and then apply a second color correction but that seems a bit unnecessary to me.
Or - I remember that in FCP7 there is an option to use split screen while color correcting two view two shots simulatenously side by side in the same screen/monitor. Is there anything like that hidden in PPro?
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Dec 30, 2013
I've been looking for commant that will allow me to copy a selection of entities to another layer for details. I'll need to be able to select several objets all at once and have each of them maintain the correct colors, linetypes, lineweights. Most everything is set as bylayer but that makes everything change once the objects are moved to a new layer.
How can I keep the everything looking like it never changed except for the fact that it will be moved to a new layer - layer 0 in this situation?
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Feb 18, 2014
When I select the Document Library option when making a color image trace, the colors shift in the image but do not match the selected color group. I've tried multiple color groups, and the colors always change, but never match the selected swatches.
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Jul 7, 2013
Just wanted to print a new photo and realized that the colors in print preview do not match the colors in soft proofing. In both cases I selected the same icc profile and rendering method. The print colors matched the colors in print preview. I never had a problem so far. All new prints will be checked with soft proofing and adjusted when necessary. I never paid attention to the color rendition in print preview and all prints perfectly matched the colors from the soft proofing. I was surprised when my print came out of the printer and the colors weren't matching the soft proofing colors, but that of the print preview.
I don't understand why Photoshop renders the colors differently in the first place. See attached screenshot for the difference in the blue/cyan colors. I don't care if the print view colors will match the print, but I do care when soft proofing is not working.
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Sep 24, 2013
I made a menu card cover using lens effect...but converting this design to CMYK/ RGBÂ Bitmap show varied color?
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Apr 3, 2012
CDX5: Whatever color I select for fill or outline is now set as the default color for fills and outlines without expressly setting it as such. Until now when I left or right click a color with nothing selected it allowed me to set it as a default fill or outline color for graphics, artistic text, or paragraph text. It does not do that now.
Is this a "feature" that's been added that I somehow enabled? In any event, how do I turn it off?
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May 8, 2012
We are working with a company that will be sending us DWG files. They do not use the same layer colors as us and I am trying to find a lisp that would allow me to set up a table with the layer names and the color I want them to be so that I can quickly change all the layers to our companys color standards.
Layer 1 = Color 1
Layer 2 = Color 15
Layer 3 = Color 10
I don't know a lot about lisp but I figure if I could find a lisp that did this I could plug in my layer/color assignments and it would work.Â
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Mar 21, 2013
Using CS6 on a MacBookPro Is there a way to find the closest matching Pantone spot colors to the cmyk colors I've created in Illustrator? I know it's easy in Photoshop using the color picker, but there must be a way to do this in Illustrator.
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Jan 16, 2009
So I am working on this document and it has silver background. I go to print preview (Photoshop cs3 and cs4 on Vista) and I get color looking more like bronze looking but when I do print, it comes out just like it should (in working mode which is Monitor RGB with Proof colors checked).
This setting is the only one I've used to make sure image/psd looks exactly like what it should when printing. I tried the default Working CMYK with and without Proof colors but it's still showing me the bronze look instead of silver. I've looked on the net and no exact easy fix for this was found. I really really appreciate any help.
Another simple question is regarding size. I'm working on a document size of 17.5 x 8.7 inches and the actual Banners will be printed at size 175 x 87 inches (5 banners each at 35inch wide but combined into a big one). So essentially, I'm working at 10% the size of what the final print will be and my file size is 760mgs. You can only imagine how big the file would be if I work on the actual size.
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Dec 7, 2013
You can see in the attached screen cap that colors 1-9 appear as white on my screen and that colors 10-22 are not correct either. This is only occuring in one specific drawing. Is there a preference that I switched somewhere that would make this happen? I have double checked that everything is ByLayer or ByColor that I can think of. If I insert this color chart into other drawings it looks fine. using C3D 2012.Â
I would just restart my drawing, however it is the new company template file that I have invested many hours into and would really like to be able to keep working with it and not start over. Or is there a good way to import and overwrite all the Prospector settings into a blank drawing?
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Dec 7, 2013
You can see in the attached screen cap that colors 1-9 appear as white on my screen and that colors 10-22 are not correct either. This is only occuring in one specific drawing. Is there a preference that I switched somewhere that would make this happen? I have double checked that everything is ByLayer or ByColor that I can think of. If I insert this color chart into other drawings it looks fine. using C3D 2012.
I would just restart my drawing, however it is the new company template file that I have invested many hours into and would really like to be able to keep working with it and not start over. Or is there a good way to import and overwrite all the Prospector settings into a blank drawing?
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Mar 16, 2006
I am having a problem with Photoshop 8 not displaying the correct colors. I can see the correct colors when I go to Save for Web or when I paste saved files into another program like Illustrator.
Has anyone got any idea how to fix or analyze this?
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Jun 5, 2006
I'm working on a design for a web. It's quite colorful with bright colors. In Photoshop it looks exactly the way I want it to look, but when I export it as JPG, PNG or even BMP then the colors seem to be a bit lesser bright... they don't look that lively anymore.
What could be the problem? I understand that PNG and JPG may have some restrictions, but at least BMP should be able to reflect every pixel the way it is shown in Photoshop, isn't it?
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May 18, 2006
My colors inside Photoshop are off. I'm using CS and when I create an image and select save for web, the colors that the preview shows are quite a bit lighter than the ones that am using inside the application.
It does this for all images. I edit them in photoshop, save them in any format, and then open them outside of photoshop and they are brighter.
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Jul 29, 2007
Why are my pictures in PhotoShop (CS2) different from the same pictures viewed through an image viewer.
Looks like the saturation is different. I've tried proofing to the profile of my monitor (my specific monitor), windows, RGB, and all the options under 'device to simulate' in the Custom Box in the View Menu.
I have a pictures of can't get 'manage attachments' to open...
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Jul 28, 2009
When I open a picture in Photoshop CS3 or Camera RAW for editing and then save that picture, and then open the saved picture in any program other than Photoshop, the colors and tints and saturation are very different. I am pretty sure this has to do with my color profile in Photoshop, but I've checked many online sources and my color settings seem to match up more or less with what's recommended. My camera is set to sRGB and Photoshop is set to sRGB IEC61966-2.1, and this is happening both with JPEGs and RAWs, from two different Canon cameras. Pictures look more natural when viewed in Photoshop than in other programs (I think), even before any could this be? The weird things is, when I go to Edit > Assign Profile and then select "Lighthouse (D65 G2.2 A34.29)" from the drop-down menu, the image in Photoshop now looks exactly like it does when I open the same image in an image viewing program. What does this mean? Also, when viewing my photos in Bridge CS3, the colors look like they do in Photoshop until I zoom in 100% and the photo finishes loading the actual pixels, at which point the colors dramatically change. How can I edit pictures in Photoshop and Camera RAW when what I'm editing is not what's actually seen?
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