Illustrator :: Way To Use Relative Colors

May 22, 2012

Is there a way to use relative colors in illustrator?I remember from my coreldraw days (years ago), there were some options with parent and children colors. But i must admit that i never used them, so i can't really tell how this exactly worked.
Let's say i have a green parent color, of which i want to the following children colors:a little lighter / darker, a little less / more saturated, complementary color, little hue shift,When the base color changes, the children should follow.

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Illustrator :: Z Order Based On Relative Position

Jul 16, 2013

I am using multiple objects to make larger more complex objects. As part of this I need a way to select a large group of objects and adjust their Z Order. For example, say I have a grid of 100 squares, 10 columns of 10 squares. I want to arrange them so the squares (rows) toward the bottom of the grid are in front (bring to front/bring forward) the squares that are higher up in the grid. Basically, every row should be further back in the Z order than the row below it.
Now you might say well for a grid this is simple just select every object/square in the row and move them forward or back as needed. But in my case they are not actually arranged in a neat grid, they are pretty randomly thrown together. But the requirement is still the same, I want to take all of the objects and arrange them so the objects that are closer to the bottom of the art board are further forward in the Z order than the objects above them. Basically think of the bottom of the artboard as being the front most row of the Z order and the top of the art board as the furthest back in the Z order. I use this type of configuration to give the perception of depth and form.

Below you can see an example of a cloud like graphic created using this technique by manually adjusting each individual object which takes forever on larger objects. I pick a point toward the bottom, and then I manually start adjusting Z order on each item until I get the effect I want. Having some way to pick a point on the art board and then arrange the objects above and below it on the Y axis by moving them forward or back in the Z order as needed would save me a ton of time. As you can see below, from about the 3rd or fourth row of squares from the bottom, I have brought those to the front, and each row above or below it has had it's Z order adjusted to give the impression of depth. Each consecutive row after the foreground row is progressively further back in the Z order. Any way to automate this so that I can atleast have a base to start with before I start doing my manual adjustments?

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Illustrator :: Use Relative Paths When Creating Actions?

Apr 11, 2013

I created an AI action that will perform the following actions on an AI file. Save currently opened AI file.Export current AI file as JPG.Export current AI file as GIF.Export current AI file as PNG. After using this action, I realized there are some thing that need to be changed in order for it to be truly useful. First, I would like the JPG,GIF,and PNG to save to the same directory that the currently opened AI file is in. For example, if I open an AI file that is located at C:/images/ and run my image export action, the JPG,GIF, and PNG should save to that same directory (C:/images/). In a nutshell, I want to make this path dynamic but when I create the action it forces me to specifiy a specific location.
This becomes a problem when I try to send this Action Set to other memebers on my team. If they load the action set into Illustrator, it doesn't work properly because the save location is hard coded in the action.

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Illustrator :: Find Closest Pantone Spot Colors For CMYK Colors?

Mar 21, 2013

Using CS6 on a MacBookPro Is there a way to find the closest matching Pantone spot colors to the cmyk colors I've created in Illustrator? I know it's easy in Photoshop using the color picker, but there must be a way to do this in Illustrator.

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Illustrator :: Linked Files Via Relative Path Not Found?

Apr 18, 2013

I have linked files in a realtive path /sheets/ in my adboe ai file. We are generating 10,000's of images and placing them in the /sheets/ folder. The naming scheme is the same.
However when I share this project with a friend over dropbox.  ai + /sheets/ folder. When he opens it up he's getting a ton of errors about the files not being found.
Does illustrator ignore linked file locations if the path isn't ABOSULUTE?  Or if the newly generated images are overwritting the previous ones?
How can I fix this because we are looking at 10,000's of large image reaplcments that will take DAYS of mannual labor?

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Illustrator :: Object Coordinates Relative To Selected Artboard

Aug 1, 2013

What controls origon (x,y = 0,0) of a objects coordinates? I'm not refering to which the "Reference Point".I use a bunch of artboards and sometimes origon originates from the newest artboard i have created, which is great for my workflow. I place a lot of objects using the top coordination tool.

But often the origon fixes it's position to the first artboard. Is there a way to control the origon?Specs: Win7, 64bit, Illustrator CS6 16.0.3.

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Illustrator Scripting :: Moving Anchors While Keeping Handles Relative

Jul 2, 2013

I am using a script to move anchor points on a path that I have.  When I move the anchors, the handles remain in the same location and I am getting very poor results.  I was wondering if there was a way to move handles WITH the anchor points.  Basically keep them relative to the anchors.
Below is how I am moving the anchor.  I know that you can use leftDirection and rightDirection to move the handles, but I would like them to move the same way they would if you moved the anchors when selecting them in Illustrator.
Set currentPoint = targetPathItem.PathPoints(13)
currentPoint.Anchor = Array(-1537.21, 2735.96)

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Illustrator Scripting :: Set Folder As Relative Path To Where Script Is Running?

Apr 10, 2012

How do I set a folder as a relative path to where the script is running?

is there any easy way like in unix, starting without / ?or for example
seems that path to me is the only way...
is there an easy way to change posix paths to applescript??
I have this code:
tell application "Finder" to set templateFile to (container of (path to me) as string) & "Graficas FINAL"
with this error: error "No se ha encontrado el archivo Macintosh HD:Users:Vibra:Desktop:Graficas FINAL" number -43 from "Macintosh HD:Users:Vibra:Desktop:Graficas FINAL"
the file is there how I change the filepath to be compatible with applescript?

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Illustrator Scripting :: How To Duplicate Artboard And Move It Relative To Original

Oct 23, 2013

Basically, I have an open AI document and would like to duplicate its artboard and then move it to a new position(X axis, 50pixels away from the original). Doesn't seem too hard, but I can't figure it out. This is for CS5.  
var docRef = app.activeDocument;
var abSrc = docRef.artboards[0];
var abSrcX = abSrc.artboardRect[0];

Taking that into account if I add (1224 + 144) to abSrcX and abSrxW it creates another artboard 2" away from the previous at 17" x 11". If I want to run it again, I just to add (1224 + 144) to abSrcX and abSrxW again. Now to figure out how to do this dynamically on the fly.

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Illustrator :: Copy Clipping Masks Including Relative Positions For Multiple Images?

Feb 26, 2014

I have a number of microscope images of the same subject that were taken under three different conditions. I'd like to use clipping masks to crop the images in the same way (the same size but also the same positions relative to the corners/sides of the images. In case that was incoherent, I made an image to try to explain what I'm trying to achieve (the same portion of each image for each set):

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Illustrator :: PMS Colors In A Placed PSD

Apr 10, 2013

I created a psd with transparent background with smart graphics in 1 PMS color, I need ot place the psd in illustrator, how do I keep the PMS colors in the psd when I place the psd?

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Illustrator :: Why Are PMS Colors Different In CS3 And CS6

Dec 11, 2012

I originally created a label in CS3, and just had to make a new one a different size. When I did the new art in CS6, the PMS colors are way different! I basically copied and pasted the old art into the new file. I have replaced all PMS colors, but they still do not match the old version. The original version (in CS3) is on the left and the new art in CS6 is on the right.

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Illustrator :: Colors Gone Blue?

Jun 21, 2013

I was mid-project when I realized my greys had mysteriously become tinted blue. I then continued messing with every color setting I could find, but nothing worked. And I'm sure it's not a display issue, because my other projects appear just fine. My whites are now (3,0,0,0), in both the document and swatches.

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Illustrator :: How To Match CSS Colors In CS6

Aug 13, 2012

I'm having a huge problem with colors in color managed web browsers such as Safari.  I'm pretty sure unchecking Convert to sRGB would cure the problem but it's permanently enabled.
For insance with "Color Settings" set to Monitor color with RGB set to Off.  And I follow these steps.
-Create a new document with a small size and profile set to "Web"
-Fill the art area with a rectangle with hash color of say #3693C6 and no stroke
-Ensure Assign profile is set to Don't color manage...
-Go to save to web set to PNG-24 (and try and fail to uncheck Convert to sRGB)
-Add the png as an img element to a barebones html file with background-color: #3693C6 as the body's style
-View in Safari and the img will be rendered many shades off the background color.
I know the theory is the web is sRGB and so so should the PNG but I don't want the colors shifted at all, when doing web elements I don't care that th

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Illustrator :: How To Get Spot Colors

Mar 8, 2014

Spot colors such as Pantone colors didn't download with Adobe Illustrator. I have them in Photoshop. How do I get them in Illustrator?

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Illustrator :: Why Can't Change Colors

Nov 6, 2012

I bought this vector graphic on istockphoto and i cant figure out how to change the colors! When i attempt to change the colors of the end circles it just makes it a solid color...

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Illustrator :: Getting Lines Between Colors

May 17, 2012

I dropped a raster image into Illustrator (AI) and with Live Trace, turned it into a vector image that looks excellent on my monitor. However, when I load the vector file into a PDF and then open the PDF, I see small, light gray hairlines between the colors.
I'm making a product label for a client. He wants a particular photograph (JPEG) for the background. The printing house wants vector images in CMYK.I'm fairly new to AI and probably not using "approved methods" although I took what I thought were logic steps to achieve my desired end.
I took the RGB JPEG, converted it to a .tiff in CMYK. I also tried converting the JPEG to .bmp and .esp - all in CMYK, before moving to AI. I Also tried placing the JPEG directly into AI.
I dropped those images into Illustrator separately and did Live Traces on each. At this stage, each attempt gave me excellent vector images in CMYK, but went wonky when I transfer to PDF.
Oddly, when I make a hard copy of that PDF on a hi rez digital printer (2400 dpi), the lines do not appear. However, I am still very concerned about those lines, because I will be sending a job off to be done on four-color offset printing. I'm sure the printer will freak out if he sees those lines and I am even more concerned that those lines may show up in the four-colour print process.
A local graphics person I spoke with suggested I would find my solution in Pathfinder, but I tinkered with that feature quite a bit and could not resolve the problem. Although, I wonder yet if that may be where I might find the solution, because when I hit Expand the blue path lines seem to correspond with the troublesome gray lines.
Someone else told me to hit Expand and then turn off Stroke. I believe I did that correctly, but there was no difference. I also saw no difference when I applied the maximum value for the Stroke. Other attempts at finding a remedy included Resample deselected, then Resample with a resolution of 300,

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Illustrator :: Choosing Colors Of Same Value

Oct 3, 2012

Using the color picker, I select a hue on the right side and then I select a color and a value for the color by dragging up or down in the field. If I then take the hue slider and drag it to a different hue and do not touch the location of the circle in the color field, is the new color the same value as the previous color?

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Illustrator :: Download Or Get New PMS Colors For CS5?

Jun 21, 2013

Have some artwork that came in CMYK & client just provided the PMS colors, unfortunately a couple of them are not in my color book - where do I go to get them?

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Illustrator :: How To Use Out Of Gamut Colors

Nov 11, 2013

I am working on something that will only be seen on a computer screen, and I want to use out-of-gamut colors, but I can't find a color profile that will allow it. Is there any setting I can use that will allow me to use out-of-gamut colors?

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Illustrator :: Colors Are Not Applying Properly

Nov 26, 2013

I was desiging images for my children and I was having difficulty with the colors- I would select a color from the color picker and a different shade/color would be applied to the text.  Hoping it was a RAM issue, I just restarted my computer and it resolved itself.  Easy enough.  I completed the designs and went about my day.
Today, I'm working on a project for someone else and it's doing it again.  I've restarted the computer and I've reset settings on Illustrator to the default but neither of these things resolved the problem.
In an attempt to make sure I wasn't going crazy, I took a screen shot of the text I'm attempting to color and the color picker box showing the color I was trying to choose.  The selected color was R 6 G 6 B 249.  I opened the image in paint and with the eyedropper tool selected the color that was actually applied and that color is R 61 G 93 B 171- so clearly not the same color at all.  I then opened it in Photoshop to determine if it was an Adobe problem or just an Illustrator problem.  With the eyedropper tool, I got the same results that I did in paint.  Illustrator is definitely not applying the colors correctly.

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Illustrator :: How To Get Back Pantone Colors

Dec 18, 2013

I'm using illustrator CS6 but now there are only pantone+ colors in the swatchbook to select. And these are different from the pantone colors. How i will get back the pantone colors?

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Illustrator :: Thumbnail Colors Show B&W Only

Sep 23, 2012

I am using Mac Book Pro / 10.8.2 and Illustrator CS6, what I noticed is when I export my files to PDF, the thumbnails only show in B&W colors and this only happens when I am using Pantone colors. If I use colors randomly from swatch or just type Pantone in CMYK, it still shows color but that bugs me still. I did a test on my old Imac which is 10.7.3 and using CS5.5 but didn't have same issue. I am wonder if this happen to everyone or just certain CS version or so.

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Illustrator :: Colors In PDF Preview Look Different From AI File

Dec 14, 2012

I am having a little trouble with the pdf I created in Illustrator. See images below for explanation. It's only happening to certain text. How can it be fixed, and how to prevent it from happening again?

I get this as thumbnail image on my desktop and in Finder, when I click space bar to quick view, and when its preview as an attachment in an email.
This is how it's supposed to look. This only happens when the PDF is actually goes from the above img to this.

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Illustrator :: How To Remove Spot Colors

Oct 9, 2012

I'm still working on changing a document I didn't create. It needs to be CMYK, but I keep getting error messages when I save it that there is a spot color. I saw one spot color in the Swatches (at least I seem to remember that's what the little dot in the corner means) and I double clicked it and changed it to CMYK. And I selected the one item that seems to have that color and I changed it to the CMYK version. But the swatch still has the corner dot and I still get the error message when I save.

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Illustrator :: Replacing Colors With Symbols?

Mar 24, 2014

I have converted an image into a photomosaic aimed at creating a pixelated look
on an image 725 x 725 pixels. The Mosaic is 100 x 100 grid.
I would now like to replace each color in the mosaic with a symbol
can this be achieved, if so how?

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Illustrator :: Saving PDF Seems To Change Colors

Aug 28, 2013

when I save the PDF the colours and blending modes seem to completely change.

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Illustrator :: Colors Drifting Between Files In CC

Feb 19, 2014

I do a lot of work for a client who's corporate look features Black, white & orange. To start with they sent me PDF's to work from, generated by another designer, and for their particular shade of orange I eyedropped it and it came in at 53% Magenta, 100% Yellow. I have been using this delightful shade of orange for all their print work and they are happy with the results.
Recently they have asked me to put together their exhibition stand, they sent me some actual logo files, .ai, .eps. .png, and when you open these files on screen the orange is exactly the same. But it says it's Pantone Orance 21c. BUT if I copy and paste the offending logo onto a new document it displays as an almost red type orange, but it still tells me its the same Pantone orange. Converting it makes no difference on screen. it seems to be simply that on screen it displays different.
If I convert the Pantone Orange to CMYK it says its 83% Magenta and 100% yellow. Not the same at all.if I convert the original logo .ai file to CMYK it converts it to my favourite 53% magenta, 100 % yellow.I know that I am the one failing here, failing to understand colour consistency, but I would be grateful for a simple explanation.
To summise why does Pantone Orance 21c convert to two different CMYK (one 53% Magenta & 100% Yellow and the other 83% magenta and 100% yellow) depending on which document I convert that colour to CMYK in?

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Illustrator :: Divide A Letter Into Three Different Colors?

Jun 30, 2013

Is it possible to divide a letter into three different colors? That is top one color, middle another color and bottom a different color.

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Illustrator :: Select Colors Between Fills?

Jun 19, 2013

I have an object with mulitple fills, gradients actually. I would like to use shift + eye dropper to select the color of another fill. Is there a way to do that? My eye dropper is checked for appearances.

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Illustrator :: Changing Colors For Patterns?

Mar 7, 2008

I was in my Adobe Illustrator class earlier in college and our professor taught us how to change the colors for our patterns under any swatch. For example, the orange polka dot swatch I switched it to hot pink...we did that using the direct selection tool and changing the fill. I did the same thing on a Mac at our school (we have a Mac lab for all the Graphic Communication classes) and it worked fine but when I tried doing the same thing at home with my Windows PC it didn't work. How can I switch and play around with the colors for pattern swatches on a Windows?

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