Illustrator :: Z Order Based On Relative Position

Jul 16, 2013

I am using multiple objects to make larger more complex objects. As part of this I need a way to select a large group of objects and adjust their Z Order. For example, say I have a grid of 100 squares, 10 columns of 10 squares. I want to arrange them so the squares (rows) toward the bottom of the grid are in front (bring to front/bring forward) the squares that are higher up in the grid. Basically, every row should be further back in the Z order than the row below it.
Now you might say well for a grid this is simple just select every object/square in the row and move them forward or back as needed. But in my case they are not actually arranged in a neat grid, they are pretty randomly thrown together. But the requirement is still the same, I want to take all of the objects and arrange them so the objects that are closer to the bottom of the art board are further forward in the Z order than the objects above them. Basically think of the bottom of the artboard as being the front most row of the Z order and the top of the art board as the furthest back in the Z order. I use this type of configuration to give the perception of depth and form.

Below you can see an example of a cloud like graphic created using this technique by manually adjusting each individual object which takes forever on larger objects. I pick a point toward the bottom, and then I manually start adjusting Z order on each item until I get the effect I want. Having some way to pick a point on the art board and then arrange the objects above and below it on the Y axis by moving them forward or back in the Z order as needed would save me a ton of time. As you can see below, from about the 3rd or fourth row of squares from the bottom, I have brought those to the front, and each row above or below it has had it's Z order adjusted to give the impression of depth. Each consecutive row after the foreground row is progressively further back in the Z order. Any way to automate this so that I can atleast have a base to start with before I start doing my manual adjustments?

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Illustrator Scripting :: Create JS Script To Move Objects Away From Common Center Based Upon Their Current Position

Jan 17, 2014

I was hoping to create a JS script to move objects away from common center based upon their current position. I was thinking to use a single selected path item as the center based on its position x/y and width/height. Using this reference point the script would then move away all other path items from this center point based on a desired amount and with uniform increments given their current location from this center. I was thinking cos and sin would be my friend in this case, however they seem to have become my foe instead. ;-)
Does this sound doable? What am I missing, doing wrong, misinterpreting? Below is a non-working attempt, I can't seem to sort things out, perhaps I was close and missed it or maybe I am super way off and its more complex than I thought. However at this point I am confused across my various failed attempts this only being one of them. 
// Example failed code, nonworking concept
var docID = app.activeDocument;
var s0 = docID.selection[0];
pID = docID.pathItems;
var xn, yn;
var stepNum = 20;


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AutoCad :: Setting Position Relative To Another Object?

Oct 10, 2012

How do I set the position (i.e. move) and object relative to another object?

Specifically, I am using Architecture 2013. I have two parallel walls. How do I set the distance of one relative to the other? I know I can measure the distance, calculate an offset, and move one by that offset. But there must be an easier way?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Macros For Moving Text Based On Relative Coordinate

Oct 25, 2012

I am using AutoCad 2012, with CADDUCT. On my runs of duct that go vertical, I like to stack my tag numbers beside the riser in order, so our installers can easily identify the order without a ton of section views. I am trying to figure out a macro that will do numerous things. Since my tags come out at different rotation angles, I would like to do the following commands.

Rotate object text "TAG #" to 0 degrees

move object text "TAG #" to "Snap from" & "snap insert" 6" below the tag above it

I want the numbers to align by their insert locations up and down the page, and exactly 6" on center vertically from one another. The tag numbers have a node justified to the center up and down of the text.

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Maya Modeling :: Add Curve Based On A Position Of Object

Apr 18, 2012

i am trying to add CV curves to a scene that I already created.

whenever I draw the curve in side view, it is actually nowhere near the object that I wanted it to be near. Its like super far away and im not sure how to move it to the right spot.

Is there some method to add the curve based on a position of an object?

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Lightroom :: Function To Sort Images Based On GPS Position

Oct 12, 2012

I would need a function to sort images based on GPS position, north to south or vest to east. Is that possible or an function that will come in the future.

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VideoStudio :: Field Order Frame Based Should Alter?

Jan 26, 2013

When creating DVDs from sony mini DV tapes. I followed the lower field first, LFF, in capture and project settings and then for the properties in the burn phase.

On these new clips I have just created I could not find the field order for interlacing, so I used the 'trick' of creating a new project and inserting the clip into the project time line, then as UVS tries to match the project properties to those of the clip, I find from the propeties that the field order of the clip is "frame based".

This is intended for a PAL DVD so is this something I have to change to either UFF or LFF in the project property settings, or can I leave it as frame based. Will this impact the quality ?

What does it do for lacing when it is "frame based" ?

ps I believe this frame based busines is something to do with systems that do not use interlacing to fool the eye with 25 fps x 2 ~ 50 fps

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Photoshop :: Convert Pixel Based Files To Vector Based Illustrator?

Apr 23, 2012

Is there a way to convert the pixel based phtoshop files to the vector based illustrator files?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Create Parts List Macro - Position Based On Style

Oct 19, 2011

I have a macro that I acquired somewhere (possibly these boards, can't remember now) for placing a parts list.  I have modified it somewhat to change the location on the sheet where the list gets placed, as well as a sub that starts the autoballoon command afterward.

The macro is set up to place the parts list in the upper left corner, by adding the parts list width to the Mini Point of the border.  This works perfectly well, except that we have two parts list styles, and they are differently sized.

What I would like to do is have the macro detect the parts list style, and change the offset value depending on which style it finds.  I am an extreme novice with the API, who basically knows just enough to tweak sample code a bit, and have not been able to find anything close enough to use as an example.

How I should go about this, or even post some samples of something similar?  Current code is shown below.
Public Sub CreatePartsList() On Error Resume Next ' Set a reference to the drawing document. ' This assumes a drawing document is active. Dim oDrawDoc As DrawingDocument Set oDrawDoc = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument 'Set a reference to the active sheet. Dim oSheet As Sheet Set oSheet = oDrawDoc.ActiveSheet ' Set a reference to the first drawing view on ' the sheet. This assumes the first drawing ' view on the sheet is not a draft view. Dim oDrawingView As DrawingView Set oDrawingView = [code].......

The macro does not have to set the parts list style - that is controlled by the drawing Standard.  It just needs to detect what it is, and place the list accordingly. 

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AutoCad :: How To Set Z Position / Elevation To 0 In Order For Text To Return To Normal

Sep 16, 2011

i gotta deliver some drawings. Problem is that when i move/copy/etc any Mtext/Multileader/Dimension in Autocad 2011 LT the text "thickens".

I googled the problem at first and found out that for the Mtext, i needed to set Z positition/Elevation to 0, in order for the text to return to normal. What i gotta do to fix the dimensions and multileaders.

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After Effects :: Move An Object's Anchor While Keeping Object In Same Position Relative To Screen?

Sep 7, 2013

I'm want to drag an objects anchor and have the position co-ordinates offset by opposite amounts so it doesn't appear to move postioin on screen. IS there a tool for that?

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CorelDRAW X6 :: Make Print Merge Fields Relative In Position To Other Fields?

Oct 1, 2013

Is there any way to make print merge fields relative in position to other fields or to non-variable text.

For example if I am doing address labels and I have fields for City and State:

Their positions are absolute, and the state ends up overwriting the city for long city text, as does the comma.

What I want is for the comma to follow the last letter of the city, and then state to follow that.

And yes, I realize that I can combine all three into one field, but I am asking this as a general usage of the feature. One doesn't always have control over the source.

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Illustrator :: Stacking Order Not Controlling Order In Which Squares Are Arranged?

Mar 6, 2013

Here I have several concentric squares in an uninterrupted stack.I moved the topmost (small orange) one vertically.I then went to the Alignment panel, selected all the squares and clicked on the one I moved.Then I clicked on Vertical Distribute Center.

The right hand picture shows what happened.One of the squares (that big orange one) near the bottom of the stack shot up so that its centre was above the centre of the topmost one in the stack.The centres are evenly distributed but why is the stacking order not controlling the order in which the squares are arranged?
Fortunately the positioning of that big orange square was easy to correct, but something tells me this is not the way things are supposed to happen.Seemingly this does not always happen. I have tried the method on several stacks. Some were o.k., others showed similar behaviour to the above.

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Edge Animate CC :: How To Adjust The Position Of Text In Order For Animation Text To Be Visible

Mar 3, 2013

I have created my Animation:

The stage size you see above is H: 400px, W: 550px.
I would like for the stage to be smaller, say H:50px./W:400px
Ok so if I change the size of the stage the animation text will not show, so I need to adjust the position of the text in order for the animation text to be visible, but in doing that, I am disrupting the timeline and the animation goes all funny, is there another way of doing this without disrputing the timeline?

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Illustrator :: Way To Use Relative Colors

May 22, 2012

Is there a way to use relative colors in illustrator?I remember from my coreldraw days (years ago), there were some options with parent and children colors. But i must admit that i never used them, so i can't really tell how this exactly worked.
Let's say i have a green parent color, of which i want to the following children colors:a little lighter / darker, a little less / more saturated, complementary color, little hue shift,When the base color changes, the children should follow.

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Illustrator :: Use Relative Paths When Creating Actions?

Apr 11, 2013

I created an AI action that will perform the following actions on an AI file. Save currently opened AI file.Export current AI file as JPG.Export current AI file as GIF.Export current AI file as PNG. After using this action, I realized there are some thing that need to be changed in order for it to be truly useful. First, I would like the JPG,GIF,and PNG to save to the same directory that the currently opened AI file is in. For example, if I open an AI file that is located at C:/images/ and run my image export action, the JPG,GIF, and PNG should save to that same directory (C:/images/). In a nutshell, I want to make this path dynamic but when I create the action it forces me to specifiy a specific location.
This becomes a problem when I try to send this Action Set to other memebers on my team. If they load the action set into Illustrator, it doesn't work properly because the save location is hard coded in the action.

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Illustrator :: Linked Files Via Relative Path Not Found?

Apr 18, 2013

I have linked files in a realtive path /sheets/ in my adboe ai file. We are generating 10,000's of images and placing them in the /sheets/ folder. The naming scheme is the same.
However when I share this project with a friend over dropbox.  ai + /sheets/ folder. When he opens it up he's getting a ton of errors about the files not being found.
Does illustrator ignore linked file locations if the path isn't ABOSULUTE?  Or if the newly generated images are overwritting the previous ones?
How can I fix this because we are looking at 10,000's of large image reaplcments that will take DAYS of mannual labor?

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Illustrator :: Object Coordinates Relative To Selected Artboard

Aug 1, 2013

What controls origon (x,y = 0,0) of a objects coordinates? I'm not refering to which the "Reference Point".I use a bunch of artboards and sometimes origon originates from the newest artboard i have created, which is great for my workflow. I place a lot of objects using the top coordination tool.

But often the origon fixes it's position to the first artboard. Is there a way to control the origon?Specs: Win7, 64bit, Illustrator CS6 16.0.3.

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Illustrator Scripting :: Moving Anchors While Keeping Handles Relative

Jul 2, 2013

I am using a script to move anchor points on a path that I have.  When I move the anchors, the handles remain in the same location and I am getting very poor results.  I was wondering if there was a way to move handles WITH the anchor points.  Basically keep them relative to the anchors.
Below is how I am moving the anchor.  I know that you can use leftDirection and rightDirection to move the handles, but I would like them to move the same way they would if you moved the anchors when selecting them in Illustrator.
Set currentPoint = targetPathItem.PathPoints(13)
currentPoint.Anchor = Array(-1537.21, 2735.96)

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Illustrator Scripting :: Set Folder As Relative Path To Where Script Is Running?

Apr 10, 2012

How do I set a folder as a relative path to where the script is running?

is there any easy way like in unix, starting without / ?or for example
seems that path to me is the only way...
is there an easy way to change posix paths to applescript??
I have this code:
tell application "Finder" to set templateFile to (container of (path to me) as string) & "Graficas FINAL"
with this error: error "No se ha encontrado el archivo Macintosh HD:Users:Vibra:Desktop:Graficas FINAL" number -43 from "Macintosh HD:Users:Vibra:Desktop:Graficas FINAL"
the file is there how I change the filepath to be compatible with applescript?

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Illustrator Scripting :: How To Duplicate Artboard And Move It Relative To Original

Oct 23, 2013

Basically, I have an open AI document and would like to duplicate its artboard and then move it to a new position(X axis, 50pixels away from the original). Doesn't seem too hard, but I can't figure it out. This is for CS5.  
var docRef = app.activeDocument;
var abSrc = docRef.artboards[0];
var abSrcX = abSrc.artboardRect[0];

Taking that into account if I add (1224 + 144) to abSrcX and abSrxW it creates another artboard 2" away from the previous at 17" x 11". If I want to run it again, I just to add (1224 + 144) to abSrcX and abSrxW again. Now to figure out how to do this dynamically on the fly.

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Illustrator :: Copy Clipping Masks Including Relative Positions For Multiple Images?

Feb 26, 2014

I have a number of microscope images of the same subject that were taken under three different conditions. I'd like to use clipping masks to crop the images in the same way (the same size but also the same positions relative to the corners/sides of the images. In case that was incoherent, I made an image to try to explain what I'm trying to achieve (the same portion of each image for each set):

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Illustrator :: Setting Pointer Based Zoom

Mar 5, 2014

Can I set illustrator zoom like photoshop zoom?

I mean photoshop zoom tool oprates according to pointer position . In other word, pointer location is the center of the zoom and this capability choose zoom area by pointer.

But adobe illustrator zoom doesn't have such preference

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Illustrator :: Photo Based Pattern In Perspective

Jul 30, 2012

I am drawing a house in perspective, and I have a photo of shingles. I used "Image Trace" to convert the raster image of the shingles to vector, and made a new pattern with it, but I can't get that pattern to appear in perspective on the grid.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Force Attribute Position To Remain Fixed In Drawing When Moving Block Position

Jul 12, 2013

Is it possible to setup a block so that an attribute position remaines fixed (absolute to drawing) when moving the block?

I've been playing around with creating a Coordinate Block by following these instructions: [URL] ........

What I would like is to be able to set the position of the Coordinate Label and Coordinate Object independently, so that if I move one in the drawing, it doesn't move the other.  I've looked into Dynamic Blocks, and the "Lock Position" parameter. I can move the attribute independently, but still everytime I move the block, the attribute moves too.

Our company uses a custom Sheet/Coordinate system to follow flyoffs across a drawing, and I'm trying to learn how to automate the process.  It's completely manually right now, so any changes to a drawing creates a lot of work renumbering these flyoffs.

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Illustrator :: Can Character Tracking Based On Centers Rather Than Edges?

Dec 16, 2013

I would like to space characters in a line of text evenly, based on their centers, such that the letters in two rows of text would be horizonatally aligned, regardless of the letters used.  I know I could convert to outlines, and then space objects evenly, but I would like to avoid that if possible. 

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Illustrator :: Is It Possible To Use 9-slice Scaling On Bitmap-based Symbol

Aug 1, 2013

9-slice scaling doesn't appear to work when applied to symbols based on an embedded raster image.Is this a known limitation or am I doing something wrong?It works fine with vector-based symbols. I'm using Illustrator CS6.

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Illustrator :: Fill A Lineart Graphic Based On Its Outline

May 21, 2012

i can find no way of doing this short of taking the pen tool and connecting all the points to get an overall shape.this gets even harder because a lot of the desks have round parts on their outline.

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Illustrator :: How To Create Picture Based On Mathematical Formula

Oct 9, 2012

 I work a lot with Processing to create picture based on mathematical formula, but i need to do the same in Illustrator in order to print those picture.
Is there any way to do this, like the expressions in After Effects, or a third party plugins.
Or did i have to find a way to output good picture from Processing.

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Illustrator Scripting :: Hide Layers Based On List?

Apr 8, 2011

I have a very complex graphic with many elements and I would like to find a way to hide layers based on a list.  In the documentation that there is a way to tell if a layer is hidden, but didn't see anything about a way to actually to control the hide/unhide property.  Is this possible?

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Illustrator :: Automatic Relinking Based On File Type

Apr 11, 2013

Is it possible to automatically relink based on file type? I have hundreds of illustrator files that need three images in each changed out for a updated versions. It just so happens that the three all have different file extensions.
It seems that there should be a way to have illustrator replace the one .jpg file with another .jpg file (named differently) that's in the same location as the old file. Is there some type of more powerful scripting interface for illustrator besides the actions? vbscripting or something?
I realize that this isn't a normally supported feature of the links panel. I know that I can open each file and manually relink them as I open them. Hoping to save some time. I have to do this a couple times a year as we get in fresh images that we want to stuff into the same presentation format.
The file names contain timestamps that need to remain there so simply renaming the new files to match the old ones isn't an option either.

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