Illustrator :: Use Relative Paths When Creating Actions?

Apr 11, 2013

I created an AI action that will perform the following actions on an AI file. Save currently opened AI file.Export current AI file as JPG.Export current AI file as GIF.Export current AI file as PNG. After using this action, I realized there are some thing that need to be changed in order for it to be truly useful. First, I would like the JPG,GIF,and PNG to save to the same directory that the currently opened AI file is in. For example, if I open an AI file that is located at C:/images/ and run my image export action, the JPG,GIF, and PNG should save to that same directory (C:/images/). In a nutshell, I want to make this path dynamic but when I create the action it forces me to specifiy a specific location.
This becomes a problem when I try to send this Action Set to other memebers on my team. If they load the action set into Illustrator, it doesn't work properly because the save location is hard coded in the action.

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Illustrator :: CS6 - Actions Deselect Paths On Complete

May 16, 2013

In Illustrator CS6, after running an action involving a Pathfinder effects, the resulting paths are deselected.
Steps to reproduce:
1. create a new action that includes a Pathfinder function, such as Unite or Divide.
2. select a couple shapes on the artboard.
3. run the action.
The resulting shape will be selected automatically.
This is new and very frustrating behavior. I perform many Pathfinder effects, as actions mapped to key combinations, then expect to perform addtional modifications which require me to reselect the paths again.

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3ds Max :: How To Export FBX File With Relative Texture Paths

Jul 14, 2011

When I export an FBX file from 3DS Max it is using the full path to each texture. I would like it to either use a relative path or just export the name of each texture without any path. How can I do this?

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AutoCad :: How To Repath Xrefs From Hard To Relative Paths

Jun 18, 2009

I am trying to repath our xrefs from hard paths to relative paths. for example, currently our xref paths look similar to this:

F:/208009.00/arch/floorplan and we would like to repath it to: ../arch/floorplan

I have already tried to use reference manager. it takes far too long and usually fails to work.

heres where im at. i would like to use the redir command where i put in the old path as f:/208009.00 and new path as ..

however we have hundreds fo drawings in multiple folders that need to be changed. i am looking for a way to dynamically import the path info without having to enter each path manually. i have a script to isolate the info i need per drawing, but cannot figure out how to transparently input it into the 'new path' option of the redir command.

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AutoCad :: Relative Xref Paths In New And Existing Drawings

Jun 11, 2012

For new drawings, is there a way to program Autocad to always load Xrefs relative? We pretty much use xrefs everywhere, and it seems like it would save a lot of time if I didn't have to open the External References and change each xref to relative.

Also, if you have an existing drawing and need to change the xref from absolute to relative path, is there a way to have it automatically do that? I'm assuming there isn't, but thought I'd ask.

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Illustrator :: Creating Threaded Text With Rainbow Paths

Jun 30, 2012

I'm having issues with threaded text. I've created my desired paths for threaded text, essentially a rainbow, that aligns with my package design.  When I create threaded text it behaves wierdly.   The following occurs:
1) creating threaded text with my rainbow paths, it creates the paths upside down.  I've figured out how to rememdy this with the path options, but wish it didn't default to upside down.
2) My path layers for each row are in decending order, i.e. - would like text to cascade top to bottom;  however, when I start typing, it uses the bottom line first causing my paragraph to read from bottom to top.  This is incredibly frustrating!

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Illustrator :: Creating Anchor Point On Intersection Of Two Paths?

Apr 2, 2013

I'm trying to crate an anchor point on an intersection of two paths. Not by 'joining paths' (as that joins them from the ends); I just want to join two paths in such a way that an anchor point is crated at the point where they intersect. That's how it works in Flash, but I can't figure it out in AI. I created an image to clarify what I'm trying to achieve.

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Illustrator :: Joining Paths To Create Shape While Retaining Original Paths?

Feb 23, 2014

I want to join two paths to create a shape that I can fill but at the same time retain one of the original paths (the red one in the image below). I can copy the path I want to retain but surely there is a more elegant solution. See below for for an illustration:

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3ds Max :: Display Coordinates Relative To Last Point When Creating Lines

Sep 30, 2013

I'd like to know the coordinates relative to the last entry when creating lines (splines). When creating splines using the line tool, it would be useful to know the coordinates of my current cursor position relative to the last point in an easy way, so I can draw precisely a long line without having to memorize the coordinates of the last point.

Initially, I thought the 'Keyboard Entry" rollout would show the values that reflect what I'm doing visually, just like the rectangle tool for example, or pretty much any other tool, I don't know why the 'line' tool is different but anyways.

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Illustrator :: Cannot Lock Other Paths / Unlock All Paths In Symbols?

Dec 4, 2012

Cannot lock other paths/unlock all paths in symbols?

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Photoshop :: Creating Actions In CS6

Jul 11, 2012

I am running Windows 7. I created an Action in Photoshop CS6 that includes placing a rectangle and a logo on the bottom right hand corner of my images and then centered in the middle of the rectangle is text of the event (Event name, Location, Date). After creating everything, I flatten the image, resize it down to a size reasonable for the web, then I save the image to a folder, close the document and click on the STOP button in the Actions panel.
Afterwards, I go into File>Automate>Batch and choose the Action that I just created. In running the action, I notice that the text that I placed into the rectangle on my document is now scaling down to a considerably much smaller size than what I had it set to.

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Photoshop :: Creating Frames With Actions In Cs3

Jan 4, 2009

In PSCS3 I am unable to put a frame round a picture using actions>choose frame>play action button.

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Illustrator :: Way To Use Relative Colors

May 22, 2012

Is there a way to use relative colors in illustrator?I remember from my coreldraw days (years ago), there were some options with parent and children colors. But i must admit that i never used them, so i can't really tell how this exactly worked.
Let's say i have a green parent color, of which i want to the following children colors:a little lighter / darker, a little less / more saturated, complementary color, little hue shift,When the base color changes, the children should follow.

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Photoshop :: Creating Actions : Keyboard Commands

Jul 31, 2004

Capture the following keyboard commands:


And save it as an Action called am_Flip_Horizontal.atn. Then how would I go about loading that action automatically each time PS boots and assigning a keyboard shortcut to it (say, CTRL + /) ?

I notice that some Actions are black, some are red. Some have a checkmarks and others have toggle icons. I think I have the concept down, but just not the how-to knowledge.

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Photoshop :: Creating Better Actions For PS [Insert Alert Message]

Jul 7, 2007

I've made actions in Photoshop before but never really anything other than recording my mouse movements & keystrokes.

Many of the actions i download have many more bells & whistles in them.

I'm really looking to have a msgbox pop up saying ...

& have the hue & sat setting pop up so they could enter a setting
then the action would continue.

Could anyone offer any links or book reccomendations to help me built more complicated actions please?

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Photoshop :: Creating Multiple Paths To Stroke With Brush Tool In CC?

Aug 12, 2013

In pervious versions of photoshop you could make a path with the pen tool and press esc to basically deselect the path without closing it. This would also allow you to make multiple paths so that you could keep making lines and then stroke them all at once. This no longer works with photoshop CC. Pressing esc just deselects the path but when you try to start a new path it continues the first one. Is there anyway to get this feature back in CC? It is such a waste of time to stroke individual paths instead of drawing all the lines with the pen tool and stroking them all at once.

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Illustrator :: Z Order Based On Relative Position

Jul 16, 2013

I am using multiple objects to make larger more complex objects. As part of this I need a way to select a large group of objects and adjust their Z Order. For example, say I have a grid of 100 squares, 10 columns of 10 squares. I want to arrange them so the squares (rows) toward the bottom of the grid are in front (bring to front/bring forward) the squares that are higher up in the grid. Basically, every row should be further back in the Z order than the row below it.
Now you might say well for a grid this is simple just select every object/square in the row and move them forward or back as needed. But in my case they are not actually arranged in a neat grid, they are pretty randomly thrown together. But the requirement is still the same, I want to take all of the objects and arrange them so the objects that are closer to the bottom of the art board are further forward in the Z order than the objects above them. Basically think of the bottom of the artboard as being the front most row of the Z order and the top of the art board as the furthest back in the Z order. I use this type of configuration to give the perception of depth and form.

Below you can see an example of a cloud like graphic created using this technique by manually adjusting each individual object which takes forever on larger objects. I pick a point toward the bottom, and then I manually start adjusting Z order on each item until I get the effect I want. Having some way to pick a point on the art board and then arrange the objects above and below it on the Y axis by moving them forward or back in the Z order as needed would save me a ton of time. As you can see below, from about the 3rd or fourth row of squares from the bottom, I have brought those to the front, and each row above or below it has had it's Z order adjusted to give the impression of depth. Each consecutive row after the foreground row is progressively further back in the Z order. Any way to automate this so that I can atleast have a base to start with before I start doing my manual adjustments?

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Illustrator :: Linked Files Via Relative Path Not Found?

Apr 18, 2013

I have linked files in a realtive path /sheets/ in my adboe ai file. We are generating 10,000's of images and placing them in the /sheets/ folder. The naming scheme is the same.
However when I share this project with a friend over dropbox.  ai + /sheets/ folder. When he opens it up he's getting a ton of errors about the files not being found.
Does illustrator ignore linked file locations if the path isn't ABOSULUTE?  Or if the newly generated images are overwritting the previous ones?
How can I fix this because we are looking at 10,000's of large image reaplcments that will take DAYS of mannual labor?

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Illustrator :: Object Coordinates Relative To Selected Artboard

Aug 1, 2013

What controls origon (x,y = 0,0) of a objects coordinates? I'm not refering to which the "Reference Point".I use a bunch of artboards and sometimes origon originates from the newest artboard i have created, which is great for my workflow. I place a lot of objects using the top coordination tool.

But often the origon fixes it's position to the first artboard. Is there a way to control the origon?Specs: Win7, 64bit, Illustrator CS6 16.0.3.

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Illustrator Scripting :: Moving Anchors While Keeping Handles Relative

Jul 2, 2013

I am using a script to move anchor points on a path that I have.  When I move the anchors, the handles remain in the same location and I am getting very poor results.  I was wondering if there was a way to move handles WITH the anchor points.  Basically keep them relative to the anchors.
Below is how I am moving the anchor.  I know that you can use leftDirection and rightDirection to move the handles, but I would like them to move the same way they would if you moved the anchors when selecting them in Illustrator.
Set currentPoint = targetPathItem.PathPoints(13)
currentPoint.Anchor = Array(-1537.21, 2735.96)

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Illustrator Scripting :: Set Folder As Relative Path To Where Script Is Running?

Apr 10, 2012

How do I set a folder as a relative path to where the script is running?

is there any easy way like in unix, starting without / ?or for example
seems that path to me is the only way...
is there an easy way to change posix paths to applescript??
I have this code:
tell application "Finder" to set templateFile to (container of (path to me) as string) & "Graficas FINAL"
with this error: error "No se ha encontrado el archivo Macintosh HD:Users:Vibra:Desktop:Graficas FINAL" number -43 from "Macintosh HD:Users:Vibra:Desktop:Graficas FINAL"
the file is there how I change the filepath to be compatible with applescript?

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Illustrator Scripting :: How To Duplicate Artboard And Move It Relative To Original

Oct 23, 2013

Basically, I have an open AI document and would like to duplicate its artboard and then move it to a new position(X axis, 50pixels away from the original). Doesn't seem too hard, but I can't figure it out. This is for CS5.  
var docRef = app.activeDocument;
var abSrc = docRef.artboards[0];
var abSrcX = abSrc.artboardRect[0];

Taking that into account if I add (1224 + 144) to abSrcX and abSrxW it creates another artboard 2" away from the previous at 17" x 11". If I want to run it again, I just to add (1224 + 144) to abSrcX and abSrxW again. Now to figure out how to do this dynamically on the fly.

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Illustrator :: Copy Clipping Masks Including Relative Positions For Multiple Images?

Feb 26, 2014

I have a number of microscope images of the same subject that were taken under three different conditions. I'd like to use clipping masks to crop the images in the same way (the same size but also the same positions relative to the corners/sides of the images. In case that was incoherent, I made an image to try to explain what I'm trying to achieve (the same portion of each image for each set):

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Photoshop :: Illustrator Paths To PS

Jan 4, 2004

I created some paths in illustrator, and I want to paste them in photoshop. I tried cut n' paste, but it doesn't work. I tried exporting to PSD, still doesn't work.

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Illustrator :: How Many Paths Are In A Given File

Nov 13, 2013

Is there a way to see how many Paths are in a given file?

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Illustrator :: How To Set Transparency For New Paths

Nov 8, 2013

I trace a lot of line drawings in my work to add regions of color or to create a layered watercolor effect.
In previous versions on Illustrator (I currently use CS6 but I think CS5 worked the way I liked) I could set the opacity to whatever I wanted and new pencil or pen objects would be trasparent as I drew them. Now my paths are opaque no matter what my setting in the transparency menu and it's impossible to see what I'm tracing.
I used to be very productive drawing blobs of color and overlaying quickly for a nice watercolor effect, but now I have to draw a blob, select it and set it's opacity, then draw my next blob and do the same thing. Very time consuming and not good for quick evaluation of whether or not my image is looking good.

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Illustrator :: No Font Paths For C4D

Jul 25, 2012

I used Illustrator CS5 to just siply choose a font and wrote the words Media King. Then i saved as AI v8 file so that c4d would take the file. The word do have a rounded square as a BG (background).
When it gets in c4d the rounded circle is there but not the font. Does illutrator give paths to text generated in ai?

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Illustrator :: All Paths Are Jagged

Jan 22, 2014

For some reason all my paths, including old files have become jagged. New paths are coming up jagged as wells as print out and PDF files.  Using CS5. 
I am not an expert but have been using AI for years to make patterns with the pen tool.  The smaller I make the illustration the worst it gets.It is not the pixel preview, tried that already.

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Illustrator :: Get Actions From CS6 To Work On CC?

Aug 16, 2013

How do i get my actions from CS6 to work on CC? The function keys do not work, I have to reload them everyday. I have saved my action set to my desk top and right now I have to reload them everyday, sometimes this works sometimes it doesn't. Here is my set of actions...
/version 3
/name [ 27

this is my set of saved actions...i was told to paste it in this what you meant?

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Illustrator :: Actions Not Working From CS6 To CS5

Dec 20, 2012

I use a series of actions that were created in CS6 and are not that complicated. They resize and align an object to coordinates with the center reference point and proportions constrained. I assumed that they would translate to other coworker’s machines with cs5 and cs5.5, but they do not work. The actions appear to load properly, but do not run like they should.
When I hit the assigned hotkey, the selected object moves, but not to the correct location and does not change size as it is supposed to. Also, I can try to manually play individual parts of the action (moving to a reference point or resizing to a certain width) and nothing happens. Not even a wiggle. When I do try to do them one at a time, the small downward triangle button that reveals details of the action disappears and when I click again I get an error message that says 'the object "transform panel" is not available.' I assume this means that action is looking for a location that has changed name or something, but I don't know how they work well enough to spot any differences when viewing the action with a text editor.
All of the computers I tried had win7. Mine is CS6 (v 16.0.2 64-bit), 2 others had CS5 and 5.5.

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Illustrator :: Actions Do Not Work In CS6?

Oct 4, 2013

Ever since I upgraded to CS6 (3 months ago) I am having crashes all the time with actions.
I have tried to remake the actions, reinstall Illustrator, disable font embedding, nothing works. I have posted the crash to Adobe many times but no fix, obviously.
Seems to be the saving that crashes Illustrator.

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