3ds Max :: Display Coordinates Relative To Last Point When Creating Lines
Sep 30, 2013
I'd like to know the coordinates relative to the last entry when creating lines (splines). When creating splines using the line tool, it would be useful to know the coordinates of my current cursor position relative to the last point in an easy way, so I can draw precisely a long line without having to memorize the coordinates of the last point.
Initially, I thought the 'Keyboard Entry" rollout would show the values that reflect what I'm doing visually, just like the rectangle tool for example, or pretty much any other tool, I don't know why the 'line' tool is different but anyways.
I have a problem with absolute and relative coordinate regarding drawing an arc.
From my previous studies, I thought whenever I input coordinates in command line, in order to use absolute coordinates I just enter them. If I want to use relative coord, then I can prefix them with @ sign.
For an arc I input as follows: start point: 0,0 2nd point: 500,500 end point: 1000,0. I was expecting to get a half circle from origin to 1000,0 point but to my surprise I find out that CAD gets the input coordinates as relative.
Am I missing something? 1.dwg1.jpg Is this behavior same for all other object drawings?
Having trouble recently with tracking,For example if i start the line tool, and track from a point, i am given absolute coordinates instead of relative coordinates from that initial point. Absolute coordinates are not much useful to me, I want to be able to start a line at a certain distance from another point.
I don't simply want to see the coordinates when I hover over a point. I want the coordinates actually showing on the document. Is there a plug-in that can accomplish this easily?
When I start drawing a line from a specific point in the drawing and type in the dimensions via DYN - relative coordinates work like a charm, but when I start a rectangle from the same point and type in the dimensions (via DYN) it wont work.
It does not change when I set dynpicoords to 0 or 1. Nothing else happens when I type @ or # or nothing as prefix.
i am trying to translate a Point coordinates from Paperspce to world coordinates in model space.The code i used in Land2006 worked OK but now in Civil3d 2012 it doesn't!
Private Sub GetPlais_Click() Dim tmpnt1 As Variant, tmpnt2 As Variant, tmpPnt1 As Variant Dim lole(0 To 2) As Double, upri(0 To 2) As Double Dim returnobj As AcadObject
FrmGrid3.Hide On Error GoTo Eline ThisDrawing.Utility.GetEntity returnobj, tmpPnt1, "ÅðÝëåîå ôï ViewPort ðïõ èá äçìéïõñãçèåß ï êÜíáâïò!" If TypeOf returnobj Is IAcadPViewport Then [code]........
I noticed that relative coordinates are not working in UCS Origin in Autocad 2013.
I used to create an UCS according to a mesh of coordinates (North/East). To do that I first aligned the UCS to the North axis and point the origin to known coordinates (this part is working). Then I created a new UCS using relative coordinates, like "non @ -286200,-7485500".
This relative coordinates entry are not working anymore in this version of Autocad (2013).
What controls origon (x,y = 0,0) of a objects coordinates? I'm not refering to which the "Reference Point".I use a bunch of artboards and sometimes origon originates from the newest artboard i have created, which is great for my workflow. I place a lot of objects using the top coordination tool.
But often the origon fixes it's position to the first artboard. Is there a way to control the origon?Specs: Win7, 64bit, Illustrator CS6 16.0.3.
How to choose my starting point to be relative to another point without drawing help lines (which mean they must be drawn, selected, deleted = time).
For argument's sake, consider I am attempting to draw a cross. I use the line command, input a starting point; choose next point: @100<0 (to draw a line 100 units in length at an angle 0 [relative to X axis] relative to previous point).
Now I need a vertical line of equal length to cross the middle-point of the horizontal one. I could snap to middle-point, draw a line of half-length at angle 90 and draw another of 2.(length) at angle -90. This produces 2 lines one of which is unwanted must therefore be selected and deleted.
This simple example illustrates my point.
I need a command which allows me to choose my first point (for the LINE command) as the point which is "X" units at angle "alpha" relative to a point "x,y" (or a coordinate selected by the SNAP tool if you will).
I’m trying to export from my drawing point X-Y position coordinates to Excel for use in programming a metrology that will measure at these locations.
When I use the EATTEXT command to pull up the data extraction wizard, it will export the positions & extracts the locations to a spreadsheet format. But coordinate numbers I get, seem to be relative to the World USC system & not the origin I align & set in the center.
Yet when I use ID Point, to check positions the coordinates of the points are correct & relative to the center origin. How to get the location coordinates relative to the center USC origin I've located in the center of my part?
First time importing into 2012-have csv file that I imported. Coordinates land in right spot. Local system-No transformations/State Plane zones attached. When I look at them with tracking everything is okay. When I export the points they are the same I imported.
Usually when you draft, you need to place objects relative to other points. Is this not possible in Revit? Temporary dimensions are useful, but sometimes it measures a distance I don't have the value of. If I can't select the relative distance for myself, I have to place the window or door and then adjust the distance afterwards.
I have annoying problem that happens ones in a while. when starching lines i use to select the blue point, type a number and have the line extend or trim respectively.
For example , line which is 40 and i want it to be 60 ill click the blue dot, move the mouse in the direction i want and type 20.
Right now if i do the same the length of the line become 20.
I created an AI action that will perform the following actions on an AI file. Save currently opened AI file.Export current AI file as JPG.Export current AI file as GIF.Export current AI file as PNG. After using this action, I realized there are some thing that need to be changed in order for it to be truly useful. First, I would like the JPG,GIF,and PNG to save to the same directory that the currently opened AI file is in. For example, if I open an AI file that is located at C:/images/image1.ai and run my image export action, the JPG,GIF, and PNG should save to that same directory (C:/images/). In a nutshell, I want to make this path dynamic but when I create the action it forces me to specifiy a specific location.
This becomes a problem when I try to send this Action Set to other memebers on my team. If they load the action set into Illustrator, it doesn't work properly because the save location is hard coded in the action.
This seems like something that should be really easy but for the life of me I can't figure it out. I even started looking at using the Subassembly composer to create a custom SA but that seems like a ton of work so something that would seem to be a common problem.
I need to provide a v-ditch with 2:1 side slopes at the toe of a 2:1 fill slope. The flow line of the ditch should be 2 ft below the daylight point of the roadway pavement section.
My problem is that the conditional subassembly seems to evaluate the height of fill directly beneath the attachment point of the conditional SA (pavement section daylight point in my case – “Daylight_Sub” Point code). Instead I need it to evaluate the difference in elevation between the catch point of a 2:1 daylight fill slope and the conditional SA attachment point (Daylight_sub). If that difference is less than 2 feet, I need to provide the ditch, otherwise I can just use the daylight slope for the ditch foreslope and the existing surface for the backslope.
how to do this? Maybeits as easy as using a predefined daylight subassembly that I'm overlooking?
Here’s my current assembly attempt:
And the resulting behavior. It is solving the 2nd fill condition when I would like it to solve the 1st fill condition:
How do i darken and maybe thicken all lines in a line drawing?
I need to darken the grey lines in a two color (grey & green) line drawing since they are hard to see.
One way is a fill but there maybe some quick method that proportionately darkens just the grey pixels while preserving the relative grey gradient between grey pixels.
In autocad 8, how could I get the XYZ coordinates of a point, on the drawing. With ID or list command it is possible to get the coordinates of a point, but they would not appear on the drawing the way dimensions do.
My quick question id for an alternative way of exporting a cluster of points as .shp files and then manipulating the .dbf file in order to create an excel/csv file.
Is there another way of exporting my data as .csv or excel from Map3D?
I have a .DWG file and I need to export the coordinates of the points of the profile of the draw. How I can do it with AutoCAD?I specifiy that I have never used autocad.
New to this video editing game, just have a question regarding 4.3 and 16.9. i have a Canon XM2 which has a setting in the menu for 16.9 wide screen format. When this is selected on the camera the view finder shows a distored image (squshed). I have also found a setting that when 16.9 is turned off you can display 2 horizontal lines on the display. my question is am i better off shooting footage with the 16.9 turned off on the camera and then using Videostudio pro x4 to create the 16.9 format(if this can be done).
i've got a bunch of points that need a coordinate label. my drawing is on a state plane coordinate base but i want the point labels to be on an artificial coordinate base. i basically need to start in the corner of a parking lot at 0,0 and work my way out from there with the coordinates based on that 0,0. Is this a possibility?
Dell Studio XPS 9100 Intel Core i7 CPU 930 @ 2.8GHz 12GB Ram 64 bit C3D 2012 SP3.0
I have a drawing which consists of lines and blocks. I need to write down the (x,y) coordinates of each point of my interest. I expect results to be copy-paste'able, text or plain text preferred.
How should I do that? I guess there is a build-in command for this, I fail to Google it though.
As there is some confusion with the colorspace used with the Sigma SPP software when creating so-called "ProPhoto" 16-bit tiff files for the Merrill-based sensors cameras, and I am contemplating using Lightroom just for LOCA correction, as some seem to imply it works well in comparison to the SPP 5.5.1 equivalent corrections, I'd like to confirm that Lightroom's expectations in terms of photometric interpretation(s).
1) D65 illuminant ==> what are the white point coordinates of Melissa RGB ? (Plankian ?) 2) Gamma ==> is it sRGB or gamma 2.2 or anything else ? 3) Can you elaborate on the metadata (EXIF & tags) used by LightRoom to get the Sigma Merrill SPP 16-bit TIF SPP format photometric data ? 4) What's the closest to Melissa RGB : ERIMM, RIMM or ROMM ?
I amdrawing in autocad version 2010,,and move to version 2013 end then i open my project in version 2013 Text Coordinates & Description picture can't display after use autocad version 2013,,what happen??
I can create labels to display stationing in a profile, but is there a way to display the coordinates in the profile instead? When I need to move my pipes I am using the station I get from the profile label and then use grip move. If I could get the N, E, I could just type it in on the Vista table.
After creating an extrusion, we selected the object sometime later, but are not able to edit the vanishing point coordinates for the extruded object. Is there a reason we cannot edit this object?
Vanishing point coordinate boxes, on toolbar, are grayed and unavailable.
Anchor for vanishing point on drawing screen is an outline and unavailable.
Object is marked as editable, so editing is not blocked.
Selecting the original text or extruded subgroup object makes no difference.
Extrusion gradient colors are not showing on the extrusion walls.
Have varied the 'Extrusion Type', but the types are hard to discern and don't make a difference in the editability of the object.
My situation is that I have ground coordinates that are similar to state plane, but because they are not on the grid, they aren't exactly the same. I want to display the coordinates without the first two or three numbers, in order that people won't get confused and think that they are on the grid.
I have spent the last couple of hours researching posts back to 2008 regarding inserting inserting a point cloud into Revit at the correct coordinates. I have two files (DXF and PCG) that are in the same coordinate system. They overlay exactly in AutoCAD. Why I see posts back to 2008 with no resolutions on this same topic? Also explain to me why a file indexed in AutoCAD 2013 is not compatable with Revit 2013.