Illustrator Scripting :: Moving Anchors While Keeping Handles Relative

Jul 2, 2013

I am using a script to move anchor points on a path that I have.  When I move the anchors, the handles remain in the same location and I am getting very poor results.  I was wondering if there was a way to move handles WITH the anchor points.  Basically keep them relative to the anchors.
Below is how I am moving the anchor.  I know that you can use leftDirection and rightDirection to move the handles, but I would like them to move the same way they would if you moved the anchors when selecting them in Illustrator.
Set currentPoint = targetPathItem.PathPoints(13)
currentPoint.Anchor = Array(-1537.21, 2735.96)

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Illustrator :: Selecting Bezier Handles And Moving By Increments

Oct 7, 2012

Any way of selecting an individual bezier handle and moving it by increments using the arrow buttons on the keyboard, (in a similar way to moving an individual point)? At the moment, I have two handles on different adjacent points selected, and am able to move them incrementally using the direct selection tool and the arrow keys, but I don't know how they originally came to be selected (I discovered that they were accidentally), or how to transfer the selection to another handle. I'm using CS6.

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Illustrator Scripting :: Move Direction Handles In Sync With Anchor Point?

Aug 17, 2012

I'm trying to nudge the anchor points on an object randomly (to get an informal look). (I know some Effects do this already.)
Maintaining corner points is no problem - you just set the direction handles to the same coordinates as their anchor.
But I can't nudge a smooth point in the way I want to, which is to move the anchor but maintain the direction handles in exactly the same relation to their anchor as they had before. That is to say, they should remain smooth points.
My script calculates the difference between 'before' and 'after' positions of the anchor, and applies that difference to the direction handles… but in practice the smooth points are converted to corners, because the direction handles don't maintain their relation with the anchor.
var docRef = activeDocument;
var objects = activeDocument.selection.length;
var cShift = prompt("Point shift (pt)",5);
// loop through all objects
for(var count=0;count<objects;count++)

[Code] .....

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Illustrator Scripting :: Set Folder As Relative Path To Where Script Is Running?

Apr 10, 2012

How do I set a folder as a relative path to where the script is running?

is there any easy way like in unix, starting without / ?or for example
seems that path to me is the only way...
is there an easy way to change posix paths to applescript??
I have this code:
tell application "Finder" to set templateFile to (container of (path to me) as string) & "Graficas FINAL"
with this error: error "No se ha encontrado el archivo Macintosh HD:Users:Vibra:Desktop:Graficas FINAL" number -43 from "Macintosh HD:Users:Vibra:Desktop:Graficas FINAL"
the file is there how I change the filepath to be compatible with applescript?

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Illustrator Scripting :: How To Duplicate Artboard And Move It Relative To Original

Oct 23, 2013

Basically, I have an open AI document and would like to duplicate its artboard and then move it to a new position(X axis, 50pixels away from the original). Doesn't seem too hard, but I can't figure it out. This is for CS5.  
var docRef = app.activeDocument;
var abSrc = docRef.artboards[0];
var abSrcX = abSrc.artboardRect[0];

Taking that into account if I add (1224 + 144) to abSrcX and abSrxW it creates another artboard 2" away from the previous at 17" x 11". If I want to run it again, I just to add (1224 + 144) to abSrcX and abSrxW again. Now to figure out how to do this dynamically on the fly.

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Paint.NET :: Darkening Lines In Drawing And Keeping Relative Gradient

Sep 18, 2011

How do i darken and maybe thicken all lines in a line drawing?

I need to darken the grey lines in a two color (grey & green) line drawing since they are hard to see.

One way is a fill but there maybe some quick method that proportionately darkens just the grey pixels while preserving the relative grey gradient between grey pixels.

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Illustrator Scripting :: Moving Object (JSX) Using Its Width?

Mar 17, 2013

Is there any way to move a object using its width? ex: "move to left a box with 10cm(width) using this value (10cm)". But I want to capture the width of any selected object.

Another thing: i want to select objects with same fillcolor and do something like: pathfinder>>add;

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Illustrator Scripting :: Moving All Layers Into Single Layer

Nov 20, 2013

I'm new in scripting and i need to make a script that moving all layers into a single layer (in Illustrator i press CTRL+A then CTRL+G in layers and works) but i need that in script.

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After Effects :: Move An Object's Anchor While Keeping Object In Same Position Relative To Screen?

Sep 7, 2013

I'm want to drag an objects anchor and have the position co-ordinates offset by opposite amounts so it doesn't appear to move postioin on screen. IS there a tool for that?

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Illustrator :: How To Get The Anchors Back

Aug 11, 2013

Today, the anchors are not showing when using the direct selection tool.  I can only scale and rotate using the menu selections.  How do I get the anchors back?  I can move the object but that is all.  I am not aware of what I did to change this. 

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Illustrator :: Why Can't Move Anchors Independent Of Each Other On Point

Jan 23, 2014

Instead of forcing users to download and instal external plugins in order to accomplish this, why dont you instead make your insanely expensive software do what it is supposed to? Thats my question. You charge enough for it, and that is an insanely obviouse piece of functionality that should be available.

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Illustrator :: How To Delete Original Path And Anchors

Jan 19, 2013

Level: Newbie  OS: Windows 7 64bit   Ia: Cs6
in short ...
I have made two objects, a vertical elongated ellipse with a circle placed on top that covers a bit of the ellipse and then i made a mask via Ctrl + 7
afterward I want to select the path of the circle and then use the Offset path twice to create two new paths but i want to Delete the first/original path.
however, no matter what i try i cannot seem to Delete the original path.  ????
i have searched the manual, FAQ's and even used Google to try and find an answer.
I don't know if i am not asking the right question(s) or what but it seems as though a path cannot be deleted.
after doing ... say ... selecting the path in the layers panel and then clicking the trash can icon at the bottom of the layers palette the Edit menu will indeed say that the path has been deleted ... but ... when i hover over the area ~ the path is STILL there!!??
paths cannot be deleted? i would think if they could be that the manual would have some sort of info.
i find things like ... how to delete part of a path, how to delete anchors ... i mean everything but what i need to know.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Macros For Moving Text Based On Relative Coordinate

Oct 25, 2012

I am using AutoCad 2012, with CADDUCT. On my runs of duct that go vertical, I like to stack my tag numbers beside the riser in order, so our installers can easily identify the order without a ton of section views. I am trying to figure out a macro that will do numerous things. Since my tags come out at different rotation angles, I would like to do the following commands.

Rotate object text "TAG #" to 0 degrees

move object text "TAG #" to "Snap from" & "snap insert" 6" below the tag above it

I want the numbers to align by their insert locations up and down the page, and exactly 6" on center vertically from one another. The tag numbers have a node justified to the center up and down of the text.

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Illustrator :: Eraser Tool Is Connecting Anchors On Path?

Sep 26, 2012

I'm working on a logo and am having trouble erasing part of the path of a circle.
Here's what I did: I first made an elipse, then cut out a piece of it with scissors so that it looks more like a "C".  Then I used the pen tool to draw an upside-down "v" intersecting with the circle. I am trying to erase a little bit of the top of the circle, to make it line up with the vertical line of the "v", but every time I try to use the eraser, it ends up drawing a line that connects the two end anchor points of the shape I just created. 

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Lightroom :: Moving Folders And Keeping Ratings - Removing Duplicates?

Jan 31, 2012

1. I have a number of folders where the photo's where stored on my Mac HD. I then moved these folders to a new location on an external HD. I re-imported these folders into Lightroom and they showed up under the external HD. However, all of the colour coding/ratings and even the adustments I have made to the images are not visibible. Is there a way I can correct this?
2. I've also imported a number of folders to Lightroom that were originally colour coded/rated in Bridge and edited in Adobe Camera RAW. Again the edits that I made to these and the ratings info is not visible. Is there a way I can change this?
3. Is there a way to search for duplicates within a particular folder or within the whole library?

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Illustrator :: Reduce Anchors Points In Segment Path Without Altering The Path?

Aug 31, 2013

In illustrator, is there a way to reduce anchors points in a segment path without altering the path?

Is there a better and more efficient way to reduce anchors points than using the pen-minus tool?

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Illustrator Scripting :: How To Automate Importing Variable And Datasets Into Graphs Via Scripting

Dec 18, 2012

I'm try to automate the importing of the Varaible and datasets into my graphs via Scripting, but the ImportVaraibles() function doesn't seem to work.  Here is my Script, mostly copied from the example script provided with Illustrator (CS5).  And, this works manually, using the file names in the script, via Load Variable Library
    Set appRef = CreateObject(strIllistratorVersion)
       'Open the file and import the datasets
        Set docRef = appRef.Open(strTemplate & "")
Here is the problem, after I delete the previous library, then this next line, right from the example, does nothing
The script then exits with 'No Datasets in this document'
docRef.ImportVariables (strXMLFolder & "Lumber_200-500.xml")
'appRef.DoJavaScript "alert('Template:" & strTemplate & strRange & ".ai  |  XML file:" & strXMLFolder & ""  & objFile.Name & "^')"
        If (appRef.Documents.Count > 0) Then
            Set docRef = appRef.Documents(1)

If I remove that delete line, the script runs, but just uses whatever Variables I had last loaded, not the XML file.
It's simply not loading.  What do I need to do to get it to load?

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Illustrator :: Arc Tool Handles

Sep 23, 2013

I am having problems with my arc tool in illustrator, sometimes it decides to make the handles invisible. making it a very slow process to edit the arch once it is drawn,
to locate the handles I have to grab the end anchor point with the direct selection tool and move the anchor point around, which seems to be the only time the handles for that line or shape become visible. once I realease the mouse, the anchor point are no longer visible. I have to try and remeber where the handle was and keep hovering my mouse around this area until the little "handle" text becomes visible.
This has only happened a couple of times, the first time I re-opened illustrator and I no longer had the problem, but today after reboting illustrator the problem persits.

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Illustrator :: Pulling Handles Instead Of Point?

May 31, 2013

I made a circle and used the direct selection tool (AICS5). I clicked on the bottom point thinking I would pull down and make the shape into a sort of ballon shape, or an upside down teardrop. but I got the shape below. It was very cool, as if I was pulling outward on both handles of the bottom point. But I was unable to repeat it. It reminds me of the time YEARS ago - when by accident, I pulled a milliion copies of a shape and had no idea how I did it. Just last week I found out about the tilde key trick and realized that's what happened!

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Illustrator Scripting :: Access Graph Data Through Scripting DOM?

May 6, 2012

Can you access graph data through the scripting DOM?

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Illustrator :: Why Don't Handles Show On All Anchor Points In CS5

Jan 25, 2014

When using the pen tool in illustrator I see the handles as I create the object, but when I go to modify it sometimes some of my anchor points don't have handles to manipulate them. I went to show edges, bounding box, and clicked the little handles box but it still doesn't bring handles to certain points I want to curve or straighten.

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Illustrator :: Select And Manipulate Multiple Handles In CS6

May 7, 2013

In Illustrator CS6, any way to select multiple handles of, say, bezier curves, and collectively move, extend, rotate or retract them? I have found a few plugins for Mac - are there any for Windows?

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Illustrator :: Anchor Point Handles Settings?

Mar 1, 2013

Are there any options to specify the "positions" etc. of handles of anchor points in order to be able to shape a little more precise for example for an image that has to be identically left and right shaped?
I'm drawing a Bell (church bell) at the moment and drawing one side first and duplicating and reflecting it works fine to get the perfectly symmetrical shape, but when I want to adjust some handles or shaping, I would like to do this identically left and right without constantly having to adjust one side and duplicate it etc.

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Illustrator :: Selecting Handles For Multiple Shapes

Oct 19, 2012

I have created some shapes within a circle and have used Pathfinder to divide the shapes up and have then deleted some.
With the remaining shapes, I want to change the location of some of the adjacent shape boundaries.
I can do this by dragging across some anchor points with the direct selection tool and can then select the anchor point (for both shape boundaries) to move both lines/boundaries together.
HOWEVER, if I want to change the angle of the boundaries by selecting the handles, it seems I can only select the top anchor moving one of the boundaries and not the other thereby separating the lines?
How I can select multiple handles (that should be on top of each other)?

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Illustrator :: Corner Anchor Points With Handles?

Jun 20, 2013

Is there such a thing as a corner anchor point with handles? It's quite a common thing in other vector programs (i.e. Inkscape), but I can't change the direction (angle) of the curve leaving/entering a corner anchor point.

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Illustrator :: Way To Use Relative Colors

May 22, 2012

Is there a way to use relative colors in illustrator?I remember from my coreldraw days (years ago), there were some options with parent and children colors. But i must admit that i never used them, so i can't really tell how this exactly worked.
Let's say i have a green parent color, of which i want to the following children colors:a little lighter / darker, a little less / more saturated, complementary color, little hue shift,When the base color changes, the children should follow.

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Illustrator :: CS6 - Cannot Grab Handles Work Using Artboard Tool?

Jul 22, 2013

Using CS6. In the artboard window, I select an artboard tool icon next to an artboard. The artboard displays selected, with the usual grab handles at corners and the middle of sides that in Adobe-world always signal that an object can be resized. I am unable, however, to select the grab handles. When I try to do so, "beep."
An Artboard Options panel has also opened. i can resize the artboard by changing the Width and Height, but I have to guess what I want. If I close this panel, the grab handles go away.

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Illustrator :: Can Bezier Handles Be Made To Move Independently Of One Another?

Nov 30, 2012

I'm using CS5 on a PC. I should preface this by saying it's been a long time since I used a vector graphics program, and when I did, it was Macromedia Freehand.
I am creating an object using the pen tool, and I'd like to adjust the curves on either side of an anchor point independently of one another. There was a function to do this in Freehand, but I can't seem to find it's Illustrator equivalent.

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Illustrator :: Why Gradient Control Handles Invisible In Isolation Mode

Jul 10, 2012

Whenever I have an object grouped, and double click to edit it, I can't get the gradient control handles to show up inside of it.
How can I get them to show up and why did they disappear in the first place?

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Illustrator :: Z Order Based On Relative Position

Jul 16, 2013

I am using multiple objects to make larger more complex objects. As part of this I need a way to select a large group of objects and adjust their Z Order. For example, say I have a grid of 100 squares, 10 columns of 10 squares. I want to arrange them so the squares (rows) toward the bottom of the grid are in front (bring to front/bring forward) the squares that are higher up in the grid. Basically, every row should be further back in the Z order than the row below it.
Now you might say well for a grid this is simple just select every object/square in the row and move them forward or back as needed. But in my case they are not actually arranged in a neat grid, they are pretty randomly thrown together. But the requirement is still the same, I want to take all of the objects and arrange them so the objects that are closer to the bottom of the art board are further forward in the Z order than the objects above them. Basically think of the bottom of the artboard as being the front most row of the Z order and the top of the art board as the furthest back in the Z order. I use this type of configuration to give the perception of depth and form.

Below you can see an example of a cloud like graphic created using this technique by manually adjusting each individual object which takes forever on larger objects. I pick a point toward the bottom, and then I manually start adjusting Z order on each item until I get the effect I want. Having some way to pick a point on the art board and then arrange the objects above and below it on the Y axis by moving them forward or back in the Z order as needed would save me a ton of time. As you can see below, from about the 3rd or fourth row of squares from the bottom, I have brought those to the front, and each row above or below it has had it's Z order adjusted to give the impression of depth. Each consecutive row after the foreground row is progressively further back in the Z order. Any way to automate this so that I can atleast have a base to start with before I start doing my manual adjustments?

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Illustrator :: Use Relative Paths When Creating Actions?

Apr 11, 2013

I created an AI action that will perform the following actions on an AI file. Save currently opened AI file.Export current AI file as JPG.Export current AI file as GIF.Export current AI file as PNG. After using this action, I realized there are some thing that need to be changed in order for it to be truly useful. First, I would like the JPG,GIF,and PNG to save to the same directory that the currently opened AI file is in. For example, if I open an AI file that is located at C:/images/ and run my image export action, the JPG,GIF, and PNG should save to that same directory (C:/images/). In a nutshell, I want to make this path dynamic but when I create the action it forces me to specifiy a specific location.
This becomes a problem when I try to send this Action Set to other memebers on my team. If they load the action set into Illustrator, it doesn't work properly because the save location is hard coded in the action.

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