Illustrator :: Blending Complex Shapes - Location In Middle Of Path
Aug 28, 2013
I'm trying to blend 2 complex shapes together to give a 3D appearance but I keep having issues with the edges that choose to blend together. The image below shows what I want it to look like (small square on the left, smooth color blend) and what the shape looks like (shape on the right). The paths have the same number of anchor points and the white shape on top is an expanded offset version of the green shape on the bottom. The purple lines show what anchor points should be blending together.
For some reason it is blending to a location somewhere in the middle of the path and not to the corners. I have gone over the two paths and made sure that there are no points that shouldn't be there, as i know that can cause issues with blending.
So I keep seeing this method of design on sites like dribbble or behance but I don't know how to do it!
Here's an example: Basically a bunch of circles are used to create this awesome shape and design. I have a general idea on how to use the pathfinder tool and I have used it a lot in the past, but how do you snap circles together with smart guides? It seems that the smart guides only snap based on 90 or 45 angles and don't snap edges of objects together unless there are two anchors.
Here's an example: I want to use the curves from 2 circle shapes to make a complex path. But I can't get the two paths to snap together
Ultimately to create something like the raindrop image above. I want to use the perfect curves on circles to create more complex shapes but since the paths do not snap together, I'm just eyeballing it to be close enough to do something with the pathfinder tool.
Is it possible to find intersection poit of the anchor point and any point on path?
Like on a picture, there are an anchor poit from a line, which intersects arc path, and I need to find intersection poit on the arc (can be line) path. Thus I can do further processing for arc after intersection - change position, set color etc.
I suppose I need to divide that arc path and that will be the best way, but all I need for this moment extract point before intersection and after and process in our custom preview. Is there way to find this intersection?
I want to make the A shape as if it was composed from the grouped hexagons from B. the hexagons from B are grouped and the shape from A was made from two elipses and function Minus Front prom pathfinder.
I've tried all the functions from pathfinder in all ways but some don't give a result(I don't need explanation for this) and some do not work as I wish.
I have some type converted to outlines, and it is in front/on top of a places raster pattern. when I select the type shapes and pattern and make a clipping mask, the pattern disappears and the letter shapes are filled with nothing!
Matters not whether the letter shapes are grouped or there a way to have all of the letter shapes act as clipping mask together?
I have two shapes placed next to each other but the top section displays is a faint line to the left. How do I use the Path Eraser Tool to delete/remove that piece? Or is there a better way to remove?
Top image displays without path displayed... Bottom section displays with path displayed...
I have a shape that happens to have many nodes; it was simple to extrude it (inventor saw it as a complete shape) but adding fillets is another story. each tiny segment requires a click to select it. is there any way to simplify this — either through simplifying the path somehow or by selecting the edge in some other manner?
i saw a thread on the forums about imported 2d vector files with a similar issue. I did import my file but it came from rhino. everything is fine except this one issue. i guess i could go back to rhino but i would prefer not to.
i have attached a small screenshot of one area of my sketch.
Typically a door hadle lever comprising initially circular geometry at the rose (fixing point) with round bar (x place)geometry up to and around the initial lever bend. Then the lever elongates in section and curves along a y plane and possible twists along its sweep path. Ive tried mass and create solid using a path with worlplane aligned geometry with fail every time, Also tried in face based generic. The problem is a bit abstract in that only trying to take an image in a manufacturers catalog of a manufactured component and recreate the design phase. Can this be done (sucessfully) simply. If only there were a way to do a swept bleand withj sveral profiles on the path. Hosting circles and then curved profiles is not working for me - cant get uniformity in the way the circles sweep into the curved parts
I used to be able to hatch most anything without problem. Now with Civil 3d 2011 anything more complex that a box or a circle AutoCAD will not find the boundary even when the quick preview seems to find a boundary.
I've tried overlapping the lines and then trimming. I've tried extending to the other lines. I've tried setting the tolerance to 1/2". I've checked that the lines are snapped to endpoints and meet cleanly.
In testing I've found that sometimes it will find the boundary, and other times it will not even when nothing has changed? Noticing that they have to try multiple times and methods to get C3D 2011 to hatch correctly?
The attached file shows the different results (boundaries extracted from successful hatches) that I'm seeing, and sometimes can't find a boundary at all, sometimes it does. Seems to get different results when I regent and at different zooms (not sure if that's the correct terminology?).
I'm using Photoshop CS6 in Windows 7 64bit. I've seen other posts about a bug if you are trying to complete a 3D extrusion when a triangle is present, but my issue seems even more basic.
I'm drawing a simple wave shape with the pen tool set to shape, no fill, 1px stroke. I'm simply drawing three points to create a simple sine wave - the idea being to create a wavy piece of 35mm film. The image size is quite big - 6000 x 4000 px. The first time I did it, the rendering worked fine but I didn't like the curve I had drawn, so I stepped back and tried again. Now, whatever I do, I get the "Could not complete because the path is too complex" message.
Is this a known bug and are there any workarounds to create a single pixel wide wavy shape in 3D that looks like a piece of film.
I'm running into a bit of a problem with having a shape extruded in 3D.
If I draw a rectangle shape set to path over an image and then choose "source - work path" and "3D extrusion" I will get a 3D rectangle with the image on the front side.
If I draw a 3 sided polygon (triangle) set to path over an image and then choose "source - work path" and "3D extrusion" I will get a error telling me that the path is too complex.
I'm doing the exact same thing. Now, if I have 4 sides plus, on the polygon it will extrude just fine.
Something seems to be happening with 3 sided polygons. This holds true with the pen tool as well. Three points will give you the error, 4 and above seem not to.
I have this part that need to be extrude along a complex path. However, every time i try this the bottom of the part does not stay parallel the the x-axis.
I'd like to know how do you add colors to paths. I'd also know how to make one end of a path more lighter and sharper. Also I'd like to know how to sort of blend colors into a path.
I am trying to create a rhinestone template of my company logo. I have it as a PNG image as well as text because me logo is of the letter "V" in a downloaded font. I have converted the text to an outline. I created two circle shapes with the diameter of 4.3mm, the exact size of my rhinestones.
I use the blend tool on the two circle shapes, select option "New Path", select my logo, and then select option "Blend Along full path" but it doesn't. Its supposed to create an outline of 4.3mm circles all around the letter but it doesn't.
I would like to use a vector object made in AI as a custom shape to be used as a cookie cutter in elements.. I imported the AI file in photoshop but the "define custom shape" entry under "edit" was grayed out.
I have a standard install of Inventor 2012 SP2, but for some reason it cant seem to find the images for IBL effects. See attached Screen shot, when I go to select an item there is nothing there.
I have found the files in the "c:userspublicautodeskenviroments" folder but why Inventor cant see them?I have looked in "App options" in the "file" tab and in the project file and I cant see any pathing options that relate to the enviroments?
The default images for textures and bumpmaps are all found OK just not the IBL files? How I can set the path to these enviroment images?
My co-worker is having an issue with re-pathing the autosave location.
When it is re-pathed there is an error that says:
'The directory specified for automatic saves must exist and have read-write permission. The value previously saved for the automatic save files will be used.'
The file that it is linked to was just created, and the user has full administrative rights.
In turn this effectively makes the autosave not work.
Looking for a reference that shows what the default file path locations are for various AutoCAD user files. Specifically, I had my AutoCAD file paths changed and cannot find where my blocks are saved. I'd like to save the blocks I create in a specific folder.
I'm trying to specify the image source for ribbon images using relative syntax but having no luck.
If I use this:
button.LargeImage = new BitmapImage(new Uri(@"c:\folderA\folderB\image.png") );
it works just fine. But it relies on absolute syntax, which is daft since it forces the code to be installed in a specific directory (or the images).
I've tried
button.LargeImage = new BitmapImage(new Uri(@"images\image.png", UriKind.Relative) ); and button.LargeImage = new BitmapImage(new Uri(@"images/image.png", UriKind.Relative) );
and I've tried placing the images subdirectory with the png file relative to the assembly, to the project source folder and even relative to AutoCAD itself - and in none of the cases do I get an image. I'd like the images subfolder to be relative to the compiled assembly.
I'm trying to install on a 2nd computer; I'm getting the error 1324 message: "the path custom shapes contains an invalid character." It won't let me continue installation.
way to make parallel shapes using the Path Tool similar to Photoshop?
I haven't used Photoshop in a while, but I remember that you could hold CTRL (on PC) and click with the Pen Tool and it would straighten up your shape for you once the paths are connected and would like to do similar in GIMP but can't find out how.
I was sent a complex illustrator file recently that contained a lot of distress patterns and points that is basically impossible to work with. It takes 10-15 seconds just to select or deselect any of the objects. I'll I need to do is move the art around a little and resize stuff, but it's taking ages with the lag. I'm using CC on Windows 7 64bit. What options are there to work around this? Is there a way to tell Illustartor to stop rendering, so I can just move stuff around without it lagging so bad? I thought the new engine was supposed to be faster and better at rendering.