AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Hatch Ability To Fill Complex Shapes
Feb 23, 2012
I used to be able to hatch most anything without problem. Now with Civil 3d 2011 anything more complex that a box or a circle AutoCAD will not find the boundary even when the quick preview seems to find a boundary.
I've tried overlapping the lines and then trimming. I've tried extending to the other lines. I've tried setting the tolerance to 1/2". I've checked that the lines are snapped to endpoints and meet cleanly.
In testing I've found that sometimes it will find the boundary, and other times it will not even when nothing has changed? Noticing that they have to try multiple times and methods to get C3D 2011 to hatch correctly?
The attached file shows the different results (boundaries extracted from successful hatches) that I'm seeing, and sometimes can't find a boundary at all, sometimes it does. Seems to get different results when I regent and at different zooms (not sure if that's the correct terminology?).
I have a shape that happens to have many nodes; it was simple to extrude it (inventor saw it as a complete shape) but adding fillets is another story. each tiny segment requires a click to select it. is there any way to simplify this — either through simplifying the path somehow or by selecting the edge in some other manner?
i saw a thread on the forums about imported 2d vector files with a similar issue. I did import my file but it came from rhino. everything is fine except this one issue. i guess i could go back to rhino but i would prefer not to.
i have attached a small screenshot of one area of my sketch.
Typically a door hadle lever comprising initially circular geometry at the rose (fixing point) with round bar (x place)geometry up to and around the initial lever bend. Then the lever elongates in section and curves along a y plane and possible twists along its sweep path. Ive tried mass and create solid using a path with worlplane aligned geometry with fail every time, Also tried in face based generic. The problem is a bit abstract in that only trying to take an image in a manufacturers catalog of a manufactured component and recreate the design phase. Can this be done (sucessfully) simply. If only there were a way to do a swept bleand withj sveral profiles on the path. Hosting circles and then curved profiles is not working for me - cant get uniformity in the way the circles sweep into the curved parts
I've been trying to hatch a complex image with a single pattern, but with different stroke weights.
Here I added an image of a simple greyscale image with below the hatching that I'm trying to make. In short: I want to use only 45 deg. hatches in this direction. However, based on the grey value, I'd like the hatches to have different weights.
However, since this image is quite simple, only four different weights were needed. However, I'd like to know if there is an easy way to do this for complex images. For this image I just used pattern fills with different stroke weights, but I'd like a smoother and easier solution, preferably one where it would be possible to have many different weights without having to split up the image in thirty different parts and making thirty different pattern fills.
I'm not sure if this is possible, but I might be overlooking something. If it would be possible with a plugin, I'd like to know too. Even if there might be a workaround via Photoshop, and the end-result would not be a perfect vector, It'd be fine.
I'm trying to blend 2 complex shapes together to give a 3D appearance but I keep having issues with the edges that choose to blend together. The image below shows what I want it to look like (small square on the left, smooth color blend) and what the shape looks like (shape on the right). The paths have the same number of anchor points and the white shape on top is an expanded offset version of the green shape on the bottom. The purple lines show what anchor points should be blending together.
For some reason it is blending to a location somewhere in the middle of the path and not to the corners. I have gone over the two paths and made sure that there are no points that shouldn't be there, as i know that can cause issues with blending.
When I create a new surface from a corridor it comes in as dynamic but will not allow me to make changes unless I switch to static. Of course it now does not update my new surface and corridor.
Somehow, in sketch mode, under the draw panel, I have lost the Hatch/Fill command. I've spent several hours searching, and cannot find a way to get it back.
I watched the cul-de-sac placewhere and I seem to missing some functionality shown. Specifically the ability to link a transition lane to an alignment and profile via corridor properties>logical name>no width shown as the placewhere shows?
Using Inventor 2013 and having issues with the fill/hatch region feature. I inserted my company logo on our custom border i am making and need to fill the logo in with colors to match our autocad verison borders. I go to click on fill/hatch region button and it doesnt do nothing and wont let me do nothing.
I have a hatched area (A wall with a column inside wall). I deleted the column and now its place is void (no hatch). How can I extend the hatch pattern to fill the column location as well?
I read some threads about associative or non-associative hatch areas, but I don't think that could solve my problem.
I am trying to utilize Trimble's ability to export Points to an XML file. The XML file contains some additional Attribute data. I have created the new Point UDP's and also Created a new Point File Format. Here lies the Problem, when I go to the Insert Tab in the Ribbon and pick import from XML. It gives me no choices to select a Point File Format? It just imports the file with just PNEZD data only, and not my additional Attributes.
I need to add a hatch fill polyline area but leave the text island out. What I did is put put Polyline ID and Text island ID into an ObjectIDCollection. The code doesn't throw any error but I can't see the hatch.
Public Function AutoCADAddHatch(ByRef newAddedHatch As Hatch, ByRef HatchElementIDs As ObjectIdCollection, ByVal HatchColour As Autodesk.AutoCAD.Colors.Color, _ ByVal HatchLayerName As String, Optional ByVal PatternName As String = "SOLID", Optional ByRef strError As String = "") As Boolean Dim db As Database = acApp.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument.Database
Is it possible to fill an area with hatch patterns in a feature sketch (ipt sketch), not in idw sketch?
I want to show a safety screen (wire mesh) in a 3D model, in order to reduce the file size, I do not want to do solid wire mesh in the model, but the sketch only. I was drawing one by one line and make a hatch cross lines in the sketch, it took me lots of time to draw these lines.
I am unable to fill objects with any sort of hatch in my current drawing. Other drawings are fine, but in this one, nothing will hatch, either form the tool palettes option or from the hatch menu.
I am using the Bloc Theme from YooThemes for my webpage: [URL]....
I'm looking to fill in those 3 colors with three colors that I have designed myself.
I used the eyedropper to pick up colors from other files and tried to fill the shapes. No matter what I've done - even using the pen tool to close in the shape the fill goes all over the whole page.
When I fill in the colors how can I also keep the 3-D effect?
I need to fill 20 circles with one common grad fill... so that the 1st circle is dark to the 20th as lightest (NOT each individual circle getting it's own gradient).
I am tring to grade a complex object. Please see the attached document. The two grading objects are not interfacing correctly when graded although i can get the surface almost correct i beleive. Is there a way to remove this issue or the grading will not create a lot of difference when computing the volume clacs ( we are talking volum computation roughly about a million cubic metres cutting).
I am using corridors to model a driving course. I have attached two images that show 2 scenarios. One is where an alignment loops back onto itself. The other is similar to a merging lane.
What are the best ways to handle these? I am having a hard time with the surfaces overlapping. I have tried using targets, but they don't work well.
For some reason, all of a sudden when I go to make a shape and choose a color, it does not fill. I noticed that the Style box to the right of the color box on the top bar had a white box with a red line through it. I then chose Simple Outer from the drop down box and it still will not fill. I am using Elements 10.
I am recently getting back into using Illustrator.
I am trying to draw 2 shapes, let's say 2 circles, fill them w/colors, then have them overlap each other.
The part where they overlap creates a DIFFERENT shape. I want to fill that 3rd shapew/a different color. How do I select that 3rd shape area and fill out?
I'm trying to find the best way to fill a shape with other shapes( a with a specific size), without overlaping, like the example below.
My main concerns are the spacing between the circles, the positioning should be as paralel to the the outside shapes as possible, and the size of the circles ( or any other necessary shape).
I'm doing this by hand sometimes with 900 circles. is there a fast way to this? do you know any macro/plugin to make the task easier?
I am not a power user but have used CorelDraw since ver 8. My question is why I cannot fill shapes like the one provided whether I create them in Draw, or import them as dwg or dxf into Draw. It's interesting that I can fill this shape in DesignCad (the source of the dwg-dxf files) but not in Corel. Of course, the project I'm working on needs the other touches that Draw provides and DesignCad doesn't.
I am working on a graphic that has a circle with many small circles around it. All the circles are on seperate layers and were made with the shape tool. How can I change the color in all the small cicles at once? Isn't there a way to chage the attributes of multiple shapes at one time? I swear I saw this somewhere in my books but cannot find it now.
Any good technique for applying gradual, linear perspective to textures used to fill shapes? An example will make my question much clearer (the attached drawing, both in JPG and .XAR).
The top shape is a carpet (or something) with a bitmap fill applied. I want to draw it curled, as in the bottom shape--the texture doesn't follow the contour of the object (as expected, since this isn't a 3D modelling program).
But is there some way to simulate the gradual rotation and foreshortening of a texture, to make folds and curls in fabric look more realistic?
Sometimes when I select a polyline with many vertices (extracted contour line) Civil 3D 2011 almost stops working. I have tried locking the layer, but this still slow to a crawl.
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