AutoCAD Civil 3D :: When Selecting Complex Polyline - Slows To Crawl
Oct 4, 2010
Sometimes when I select a polyline with many vertices (extracted contour line) Civil 3D 2011 almost stops working. I have tried locking the layer, but this still slow to a crawl.
Intel Core2 Quad Q6600 @ 2.40GHz
NVidia GeoForce - 8Gigs Ram - Vista 64 bit
I have a scene (original Sketchup > 3ds > max) with 100's of thousands of objects. About 60 odd materials. Due to mapping being specific I'm manually converting the standard materials to VRay Materials (latest vray 2.3) - Yes I'm NOT using the VRayScene Converter in this case. Even with ALL OBJECTS HIDDEN, after I get to like the 10th or 11th subobject material, max just suddenly slows down to a crawl. Just to change a colour swatch (not even a bitmap) takes sometimes like 2 minutes or longer for max to respond. I thought maybe it's an UNDO issue so I set UNDO levels to just 1. This didn't work. With Nitrous, I have viewport progressive refinement switched OFF. I tried switching to OpenGL and the viewports are actually MUCH more responsive in wireframe. In OpenGL it seems to last longer before the slowdowns start again. I'm not even at the render stage yet.
I'm on Win7 64bit with 16GB Ram. i7 2600k and 2 X SSD in raid 0. I have an ATI 6990 4GB with the lastest drivers (Catalyst 12.6). Max has the latest update3 installed.
I have a data-linked table (from an Excel 2007 file, 32-bit) in an Autocad 2010 drawing (64-bit, Windows 7 OS).
If the table is displayed as a single column, with table breaks off, the file will save within seconds.
If I enable table breaks, it will take at least 3-5 minutes for the drawing file to save.
I am unable to find any solution. I've tried using different table styles, different linked files/drawings, saving locally vs. on the network, headers and titles repeating vs not. The slowness is a major productivity killer.
I'm working on a rather large subdivision (not uncommon, certainly used to a longer-than-normal load time) but have found one of our XREF files to be bringing drawing loads to a screeching halt. We have XLOADCTL set to 2, which explains the creation of the temporary file.
I have previously gone into the file and reset the scale list, which speed things up by about 50%, but today it appears to be doing the same thing.
Is there anything I can do to prevent this from becoming a more serious problem? Can I add some sort of SCALELISTEDIT reset command to the acaddoc.lsp file?
Civil 3D 2014 Windows 7 Professional Intel Xeon E31270 @ 3.4 GHz 8 GB, 64-bit
I am tring to grade a complex object. Please see the attached document. The two grading objects are not interfacing correctly when graded although i can get the surface almost correct i beleive. Is there a way to remove this issue or the grading will not create a lot of difference when computing the volume clacs ( we are talking volum computation roughly about a million cubic metres cutting).
I am using corridors to model a driving course. I have attached two images that show 2 scenarios. One is where an alignment loops back onto itself. The other is similar to a merging lane.
What are the best ways to handle these? I am having a hard time with the surfaces overlapping. I have tried using targets, but they don't work well.
I used to be able to hatch most anything without problem. Now with Civil 3d 2011 anything more complex that a box or a circle AutoCAD will not find the boundary even when the quick preview seems to find a boundary.
I've tried overlapping the lines and then trimming. I've tried extending to the other lines. I've tried setting the tolerance to 1/2". I've checked that the lines are snapped to endpoints and meet cleanly.
In testing I've found that sometimes it will find the boundary, and other times it will not even when nothing has changed? Noticing that they have to try multiple times and methods to get C3D 2011 to hatch correctly?
The attached file shows the different results (boundaries extracted from successful hatches) that I'm seeing, and sometimes can't find a boundary at all, sometimes it does. Seems to get different results when I regent and at different zooms (not sure if that's the correct terminology?).
I've read that it is possible to "hand draft" small complex areas that a corridor cannot handle easily.
I have an intersection in an old neighborhood that is constrained by retaining walls, buildings, and so on. In this I have to fit in current ADA ramps. Due to constrained space I will have to get creative in my elevations and layouts.I'd like to somehow integrate it with the corridor.
I want to dimension along a curvy polyline. I don't want to station it like a centerline. It is for pavement marking dimensions in a curvy road and I want to show the total length of turn lane lines while they go through an s-surve. I could draw the dimensions manually and have in the past. For the contractor, I would simply station and offset it, but it makes it easier for the reviewer to see total turn lane, taper and lane shift lengths, rather than having to calculate them from station and offset callouts.
Recently my company has changed the standards to label existing utilities with text right above the utilitie lines without leaders. I would like to do automate this process somehow using attributes or something similar to that. I have attached a screen shot of how I would like it to look. The objective is to speed up the labeling process.
I am writing a code using and i am trying to select the profile using its name and i am always having an exception error
ed AsEditor = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument.Editor() Dim mydoc AsDocument = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument Dim mydb AsDatabase= mydoc.Database Dim mytrans AsTransaction = mydb.TransactionManager.StartTransaction Dim mycivil As CivilDocument= Autodesk.Civil.ApplicationServices.CivilApplication.ActiveDocument Try
I have a point cloud that i want to snap a boundry around its outer limit. Is there some way to do this automaticly? I tried creating a surface and using the maximum triangle length to get a good boundry. For some reason i loose a lot of pionts at the edges with this boundry. I have removed points that represents water so i have a part in the midddle that i want a boundry around.
In the good old days I would create 3d polylines by elevation to create curb lines and driveway cuts. The command was in the terrain pull down. Has this feature been completely down away with?
I want to create points from the polyline to identify in the field. For example, I create a square for a concrete pad and I want to identify the corners of the pad.
i have just spent 8 hours today trying to find a link that will vary target a poly line that i have set. i cant seem to find the link that will do what i need as per the attachemnt. the section between the edge of the foot path and the start of the fill/cut slope needs to be variable
i know how to set all the targets but this link seems to be a fixed length.
I want to draw a 3D-polyline and wrap it to a surface so that the elevations in the surface aplies to the polyline. With every elevation difference i want a vertrice to be added to the polyline so that it follows the surface perfectly along the polyline length.
I am able to export to SDF but I get nothing when trying to go the two shp formats available. was a "parcel", but i exploded to polyline.
Do i need a patch to make this work? I am a C3D newbie and am struggling wit h user interface, but know that map export command line looks like it is supposed to work.
I am working on laying out data for some survey crews along the centerline of the road. I have a BC and EC elevation, but the vertices along the CL are at different elevations, which were the original elevation of the poly line before being transformed into a 3D polyline. Is there an easy way to make the full line follow the slope from BC to EC other than manually shifting the vertices?
Started freezing when selecting a layout tab. Other programs respond but not C3D. Seems to be this one drawing - pretty simple, about 1000 pnts, and a surface so far. When I select the layout tab it switches and I see a few contours but C3D does not respond. First time I have exp this.
Civil 3D 2013 SP 1, 64 bit Dell Precision T5600, 16 GB Win 7 Professional 64 bit Intel Xeon @ 2.0 GHz NVIDIA Quadro 4000