I need to fill 20 circles with one common grad fill... so that the 1st circle is dark to the 20th as lightest (NOT each individual circle getting it's own gradient).
I'm trying to paint a gradient into some shapes but after a few seconds of painting, the brush stops responding and i have to release it to let it make it's mark. As i'm painting a gradient, when i start painting again it covers it with a new version of the gradient instead of blending the 2 together which is clearly not the effect i'm after and not a result that is of any use.
Is there a way of getting all paint strokes to blend so i can fill the whole area with the gradient as there is no other way of filling this area with it.
i have 2 square shapes on my artborad. each square shape has its own gradient fill. i would like to merge these 2 shapes to form a single shape. not a groupe of shapes, but a single, flattened (compounded?) object.
the gradient of the first square includes a zero-alpha. the second image is the two shapes simply layered, but i want to basically flatten them together to form one shape.
what steps are involved in merging these shapes to form one shape so that their gradients are unaffected by merging with the other?
I am recently getting back into using Illustrator.
I am trying to draw 2 shapes, let's say 2 circles, fill them w/colors, then have them overlap each other.
The part where they overlap creates a DIFFERENT shape. I want to fill that 3rd shapew/a different color. How do I select that 3rd shape area and fill out?
The shape is a compound path with a black fill & no stroke. Alternatively, is there any way to convert that shape to individual horizontal & vertical wavy lines?
Can you fill individual characters each with a gradient, I get black when I try(the black type with one letter selected). When I create outlines from the type I get what I need(Crushed with radial gradient in each letter). I would like to keep this editable type.
I have button drawing for web in Adobe Illustrator format. I'm trying to get fill settings to create the same look with CSS. I can't find what color to use and gradient settings.
I am working with scripting in Ai, fill gradient color in TextFrame. I search in this forum but the other topics fill color to path or line. For now, I can make a gradient color, but I don't know how to apply it to textframe.
I'm having problems getting what I want on Illustrator CS6. This is the shape that I'm working on: [URL]
I got two paths, one for the inner outline, one for the outer. I want this to be one object, looking just like that, where red is the fill, and black is the outline. Simple as that. [URL] - this is what i want.
So, the inner "circle" is not filled with anything, beacause my object is this "frame" outside. But since I have two seperate paths, I'm filling the outer path with colour, and I get:
[URL] the outer filling is red, the outside is transparent, which is good, but the inside is red because the inner path has no filling.
Right, so next I fill the inner path with white and it looks almost good: [URL]
But the inside is not transparent, it's an "illusion" and everything will be great on a white background, but that's not the case.
I want to convert these to paths into one object to behave exactly like I showed in the first image. Red is the fill, black is the outline. And I plan to use gradient mesh heavily on that shape, so that has to work to.
Bad quality, just doing some quick previews on Photoshop.
I create gradients all the time and i'm wondering if there's a quick way to create a gradient based on the current selected object's fill color. For example: I have selected a box with a fill color of BLUE. I go to the gradient panel and see that what the gradient will be if I click on it (that is usally based on a default gradient WHITE to BLACK, or it comes from the most recent gradiented object I touched). So I click on it and the gradient is activated with the stops being not BLUE. What i want is... if i select a box with a BLUE fill and click on gradient - it will create a gradient with both stops being the same BLUE as the fill color. This would be very convenient because instead of clicking on each stop, shift-eyedropping the the blue color from a duplicated box, it would instantly start with the blue-blue gradient for me to tweak (in the case below for a button i would make the higher stop lighter and lower stop darker).
It's somewhat useful to select an object with a gradient to "copy" that gradient, select a new object, click on the gradient panel and have this new object take on that exact gradient. But most of the time i'm not copying gradients but i'm creating new ones, and it makes more sense for me to create a gradient derived from the fill color.
I am using CS6. I have created some text with a gradient fill. I have converted it to shapes before addin the Fill. I appear to get a slight black shadow arround the letters. This appears to get worse when I Export it to png with a transparent background. This black shadow is not a stoke that I have added.
Suppose I have an object filled with a linear gradient. This object is the only selected. I just would like to change the angle of the gradient to 25 degrees. So I think I could do:
var doc = app.activeDocument alert(doc.selection[0].fillColor.angle) // the result is the exact angle of the gradient fill of the selected object. Suppose 12 degrees.
//now the try to change: doc.selection[0].fillColor.angle = 25.0
No errors are found by the Extended Script Toolkit..BUT...it does not change anything. As Illustrator reference manual does not say this property is read only, I think I could write.
When converting a vector or Illustrator file (such as a logo) into a shape layer any gradient fill is lost. Is there no way to ensure the gradient fill is converted across or is this a matter for a future release of After Effects?
Getting an issue whereby gradient fills have changed when you reopen a PSD. It's happening too often to me to be something i'm doing accidentally.
Sometimes i save my file and the gradient fill on a shape is be grey, reopen and it's then white. Fixing it and saving it again seems to then save it properly. I haven't been able to establish a pattern to reproducing it yet. Hence why i'm wondering if others have seen this too?
I would like to use a vector object made in AI as a custom shape to be used as a cookie cutter in elements.. I imported the AI file in photoshop but the "define custom shape" entry under "edit" was grayed out.
I am using the Bloc Theme from YooThemes for my webpage: [URL]....
I'm looking to fill in those 3 colors with three colors that I have designed myself.
I used the eyedropper to pick up colors from other files and tried to fill the shapes. No matter what I've done - even using the pen tool to close in the shape the fill goes all over the whole page.
When I fill in the colors how can I also keep the 3-D effect?
For some reason, all of a sudden when I go to make a shape and choose a color, it does not fill. I noticed that the Style box to the right of the color box on the top bar had a white box with a red line through it. I then chose Simple Outer from the drop down box and it still will not fill. I am using Elements 10.
I am trying to make a rounded corner frame, sides about an inch wide, with a black gradient fill that fades onto the inner edges of the frame. This may be a bit hard to visualize, but I can post an example, if someone will tell me how to post photos. I can do the frame with rounded corners; just can't get the gradient to fade out onto all sides of the frame. Gradients have always given me trouble.
I'm trying to find the best way to fill a shape with other shapes( a with a specific size), without overlaping, like the example below.
My main concerns are the spacing between the circles, the positioning should be as paralel to the the outside shapes as possible, and the size of the circles ( or any other necessary shape).
I'm doing this by hand sometimes with 900 circles. is there a fast way to this? do you know any macro/plugin to make the task easier?
I am not a power user but have used CorelDraw since ver 8. My question is why I cannot fill shapes like the one provided whether I create them in Draw, or import them as dwg or dxf into Draw. It's interesting that I can fill this shape in DesignCad (the source of the dwg-dxf files) but not in Corel. Of course, the project I'm working on needs the other touches that Draw provides and DesignCad doesn't.
I am working on a graphic that has a circle with many small circles around it. All the circles are on seperate layers and were made with the shape tool. How can I change the color in all the small cicles at once? Isn't there a way to chage the attributes of multiple shapes at one time? I swear I saw this somewhere in my books but cannot find it now.
Any good technique for applying gradual, linear perspective to textures used to fill shapes? An example will make my question much clearer (the attached drawing, both in JPG and .XAR).
The top shape is a carpet (or something) with a bitmap fill applied. I want to draw it curled, as in the bottom shape--the texture doesn't follow the contour of the object (as expected, since this isn't a 3D modelling program).
But is there some way to simulate the gradual rotation and foreshortening of a texture, to make folds and curls in fabric look more realistic?
I am beginner of photoshop. I would like to ask how to create the effect such a ball with gradient fill. There is a shiny glow on the left of the top. It relate with the water droplet tutorial in this web site?
I've drawn two rectangles - both on different layers. One of the rectangle is havign solid colour and the other a gradient fill. When i give the gradient fill to the other rectangle the fill spills over to the whole working area. I tried locking the other layers but no use.
I've made an abstract background using a gradient fill on the background and some ellipse selections also filled with overlay gradients. This image has been saved as .xcf before closing down Gimp. When I reopen the image, I don't see any way to remove the gradient fill so that I'm just left with the selection.
Ultimately, I want to change the gradient colors .
I used to be able to hatch most anything without problem. Now with Civil 3d 2011 anything more complex that a box or a circle AutoCAD will not find the boundary even when the quick preview seems to find a boundary.
I've tried overlapping the lines and then trimming. I've tried extending to the other lines. I've tried setting the tolerance to 1/2". I've checked that the lines are snapped to endpoints and meet cleanly.
In testing I've found that sometimes it will find the boundary, and other times it will not even when nothing has changed? Noticing that they have to try multiple times and methods to get C3D 2011 to hatch correctly?
The attached file shows the different results (boundaries extracted from successful hatches) that I'm seeing, and sometimes can't find a boundary at all, sometimes it does. Seems to get different results when I regent and at different zooms (not sure if that's the correct terminology?).
Let's say I have a square with a gradient fill of 30% gray to white. I have a background that I have imported to make the paper look old and weathered. If I place this background behind the gradient filled square, the square looks grayish and will print this way. Instead what I want is for the gradient filled square to show the color of the background rather than gray.
If I print the old and weathered background first and then run the paper through the printer again with the gradient filled square, it has the effect I want. Is there a way to do get this effect without having to print the background first and then print it again?