AutoCad :: Unable To Re-path Autosave Location

Jul 26, 2010

My co-worker is having an issue with re-pathing the autosave location.

When it is re-pathed there is an error that says:

'The directory specified for automatic saves must exist and have read-write permission. The value previously saved for the automatic save files will be used.'

The file that it is linked to was just created, and the user has full administrative rights.

In turn this effectively makes the autosave not work.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Unable To Autosave - Keeps Giving Message

Jan 10, 2012

My autosave keeps giving me this message when ever it goes to save.  What does this mean?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: IBL File Location / Where To Set Path

Oct 10, 2012

I have a standard install of Inventor 2012 SP2, but for some reason it cant seem to find the images for IBL effects. See attached Screen shot, when I go to select an item there is nothing there.

I have found the files in the "c:userspublicautodeskenviroments" folder but why Inventor cant see them?I have looked in "App options" in the "file" tab and in the project file and I cant see any pathing options that relate to the enviroments?

The default images for textures and bumpmaps are all found OK just not the IBL files? How I can set the path to these enviroment images?

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AutoCAD .NET :: Current Drawing Location Path

Apr 29, 2011

I am using and I need to find the directory path that my current or open drawing is located in.  I'm not sure how to get this from 

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AutoCAD 2013 :: File Path Location For Blocks

Feb 26, 2013

Looking for a reference that shows what the default file path locations are for various AutoCAD  user files.  Specifically, I had my AutoCAD file paths changed and cannot find where my blocks are saved.  I'd like to save the blocks I create in a specific folder.

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AutoCAD .NET :: Specifying Location Of Images For Ribbon (Relative Path)

Apr 16, 2012

I'm trying to specify the image source for ribbon images using relative syntax but having no luck.

If I use this:

button.LargeImage = new BitmapImage(new Uri(@"c:\folderA\folderB\image.png") );

it works just fine. But it relies on absolute syntax, which is daft since it forces the code to be installed in a specific directory (or the images).

I've tried 

button.LargeImage = new BitmapImage(new Uri(@"images\image.png", UriKind.Relative) );
button.LargeImage = new BitmapImage(new Uri(@"images/image.png", UriKind.Relative) ); 

and I've tried placing the images subdirectory with the png file relative to the assembly, to the project source folder and even relative to AutoCAD itself - and in none of the cases do I get an image. I'd like the images subfolder to be relative to the compiled assembly. 

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AutoCAD VB :: Unable To Determine Location Of Data In Drawing

Jan 13, 2012

I have a drawing that has erp data (somehow) attached to plain text (acadText). I have been unable to determine where this data is embedded or 'hidden" in the drawing - The attached drawing has three text entities, each with erp data attached.

Most of my VBA programming is in Inventor and my AutoCAD coding is not that strong. I have tried  listing the text, browsed the drawing database (vLisp editor), tried the data extraction tool and run (entget (car (entsel))) and so far have been unable to find the embedded data.

I am trying to access the embedded data because the erp system updates the visible text with the BOM item number when the BOM  is changed in the erp screen (which is very time consuming and a big pain), however this fails when our drafting guys take a shortcut and change the number manually. With multiple balloons, we cannot tell which one(s) have been changed manually. I am hoping to code a macro that displays the embedded data which can be compared to the visible text value.

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Illustrator SDK :: How To Get Path Of Placed Plugin Location

Jul 1, 2013

I want to get the path of my placed plugin location in my custom plug-in code. supporse my custom plugin at :
C:Program FilesAdobeAdobe Illustrator CS5.1Plug-insMyCustomPluginMyCustomPlugin.aip
Is any API is there that can tell me my plugin path or the Directory path.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Hatch Unable To Move / Copy To New Location

Aug 2, 2013

I could not move or copy the hatch,it seems like locked. The dxf drawing was exported from CSC OrionR18.

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Illustrator :: Blending Complex Shapes - Location In Middle Of Path

Aug 28, 2013

I'm trying to blend 2 complex shapes together to give a 3D appearance but I keep having issues with the edges that choose to blend together. The image below shows what I want it to look like (small square on the left, smooth color blend) and what the shape looks like (shape on the right). The paths have the same number of anchor points and the white shape on top is an expanded offset version of the green shape on the bottom. The purple lines show what anchor points should be blending together.

For some reason it is blending to a location somewhere in the middle of the path and not to the corners. I have gone over the two paths and made sure that there are no points that shouldn't be there, as i know that can cause issues with blending.

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Photoshop :: Unable To Write At Location

Feb 27, 2013

When I try to install the Photoshop update patch CS6 at OSX I get the following error;
Unable to write at location Users/XXX/Libary/Application support/Adobe/ Please provide write permissions to this location and try again.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Unable To Set The Work Path

Jul 12, 2012

I recall being able to set the work path in Inventor LT 2012. As you can see, I was able to set the work path previously, but not anymore.

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Lightroom :: Unable To Import Pictures From Camera Or Any Other Location

Sep 8, 2013

I am unable to import pictures from my camera or any other location. The following message appears:"Import Results..Some import operations were not performed.
The following files were not imported because they could not be read (1):..I tried this and does not work
"Generally, when things work at first and then suddenly stop working, the problem is with the preference files. These tell Lightroom how to behave and if something goes wrong with them, it tells the program to behave in a way that causes errors.
We'll want to recreate the preference file. Simply delete, rename, or move the file while Lightroom is closed and then reopen. On launch, Lightroom attempts to read this file for instructions, if it not there a new one is created with all default settings.

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AutoCad :: Unable To Save To Drawing (path And Filename)

Apr 18, 2013

I have just installed AutoCAD 2006 on a new PC, and for a while everything seemed fine. However when I save a drawing it comes up with the following:

Unable to save to drawing (path and filename).
Drawing saved to (path)savAE01.tmp

It allows me to saveas without a problem.

If I come out of AutoCAD and try to open the file I attempted to save, it is visible in the file list, but a message pops up saying:

Cannot find the specified drawing file. Please verify that the file exists.

I can rename the .tmp file to a .dwg file and it opens, but then if I try to qsave it, the same thing happens.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Unable To Overwrite DWF File On Network Path Using Publish

Aug 31, 2011

In ACA2012, we cannot use the Publish command to overwrite an existing DWF file of same name, for instance you publish a set, then need to re-publish and overwrite the earlier version. We get an error message that the DWF is currently open in another program...when it clearly is not open anywhere and Design Review is closed. We have several servers running different versions of microsoft server, but the results are the same to any of them.

We do NOT get an error message when publishing/overwriting to the C: drive, only a network path. Also, if we use the Print command instead of Publish, well it only does the current page but it DOES allow the networked DWF to be overwritten.

I am puzzled by what could be the difference in that Publish will not overwrite a networked DWF file yet Print will?

This has never happened to us in previous versions of ACA or Design Review.

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Paint.NET :: Batch Single Folder Path Location Save / Save As

Dec 4, 2013

AND/OR a open tab recovery cache or way to extract the images that get lost during a crash of PDN.
Number two on my list behind your fantastic new layer functionality that I had been dreaming about for three years. I NEVER close PDN. The ONLY time it closes is once every week or two when the 20, 30, 50 tabs that I have open, finally overwhelm my system. I bounce back and forth so much that there is no way to continuously save them as I make changes cause it would jack up my workflow by taking up too much time.
No way around it, this is just how I work. It would be lovely if PDN was able to, similar to After Effects, popup an error box saying it was about to crash and did 'you" want to save the session. Especially, now, with 4, as while it is a super duper version upgrade, the crashes were daily, with me, and I couldn't keep losing that much data. Sophie's choice, for me. The old layer window or daily crashes.

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AutoCAD .NET :: Trigger Autosave

Sep 27, 2013

is it possible to trigger an Autosave before executing my I'm rather new to vb.netcode and in case of an unexpexted error AutoCad sometimes crashes. If I Could trigger an auto-save before the code is run, no information in the drawing is lost, but can be obtained in an autosave-file.

I cannot trigger a Save of SaveAs, because i don't know if the user wanted to save the drawing, for examples if the user reads an older drawing, removes/deletes objects etc, but is unaware of the drawing being saved, it could result in problems.

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AutoCad :: How To Prevent Autosave

Oct 24, 2011

how can I prevent autosave from happening in the middle of a command. it is very frustrating and can potentially cause a crash (rarely though).

DO NOT TELL ME TURN OFF AUTOSAVE. I like it on, want it on and my computer has no issue handling it and it rarely crashes during.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Seeing Too Many Crashes Associated With Autosave

Jan 31, 2013

I am a typer, so run commands very fast. I am seeing crashes right after an autosave, when I hit escape fast.

This never happened before, and does not happen on 2009.

Autodesk added the "intellisense" for commands in 2013.

This kind of instability is likely tied to that addition that we turn off.

Is there a way to completely disable the intellisense, like clearing the list of commands or something.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Autosave Saves Over Different Dwg?

Apr 23, 2013

Sometimes when Autocad autosaves my dwg's, one of the dwg's replaces the other one. So I end up with two identical dwg's with different filename.


Lets say I have two dwg's up at the same time, called "Car.dwg" and "House.dwg".

Sometimes when the autosave is finished it ends up with a car on both of the dwg, and the one that previously had a House drawing on it, is now a car with "House.dwg" filename.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: AutoSave Not Saving

Apr 11, 2013

We are having an issue with AutoSave we have it setup to save to a certain fold every 10min and it isnt' saving to the fold. It used to save just fine and all of a sudden stopped.

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AutoCad :: Lost Drawing / Autosave

Jan 30, 2014

I was working away at a project when my hand braised the ALT button and something else , suddenly the command line started going wild with line after line after line of I don't even know what, then the window just closed. My Auto save is on and I've looked for the file with no luck. I've tried looking in the temp files and so on like every thing on the web says but nothing. 3 hours of work I am going to redo in the morning since I've been working for 13 hours straight now..

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AutoCAD LT :: AutoSave Not Retaining Files?

Jul 10, 2013

I have Autosave set to 10min and the file location D:/Autodesk/Autosave, file extension .ac$. I see the progress bar appearing at bottom left, so I know the function is active. I had a situation yesterday where I inadvertently closed a drawing without saving the changes and thought I would be able to at least recover up to the previous 10min by renaming the last ac$ as a dwg; but when I looked in the directory there are no ac$ files, only .bak. I have just checked now and there is one ac$ file - for the currently open drawing. Why aren't the ac$ files being retained?

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AutoCad :: Autosave / Backup Not Working?

Jul 26, 2012

In Acad Architecture 2013 30 day trial, Autosave and backup are not working, even tho they are checked in Options>Open & Save>File Safety... Where the autosaves should be, in C:UsersTomF there's no appdatalocalemp showing in Windows Explorer. I lost a lot when Paste special caused a crash (as it has more than once).

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Photoshop :: Unable To Select Layer When There Is A Path

Jan 31, 2013

CS6 Windows. I am unable to select the layer to transform it when I have a path created. The only way I can select the layer is to delete the path.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Autosave Won't Stay Enabled?

Oct 3, 2013

I've been using Autocad 2014 for several months now, and I've noticed that every couple days or so it turns off my autosave. I can check the box to enable it, and set it to 10 minutes, and a couple days later it will be unchecked and say 0 minutes in the box. I don't know how often it happens, I know it takes more than one day, but it's really annoying and one of those things I usually only find AFTER I have a drawing crash on me.

Is this some kind of software or profile issue?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Autosave Won't Stay Checked?

Jan 21, 2013

why i can set my autosave and autosave location and for the day it will stay on but sometime during the week it will uncheck by itself. could it be from a update?

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AutoCad :: Publish Multiple Drawings To PDF - Autosave?

Jul 5, 2011

I'm weaning myself off of Adobe's PDFMaker and learning how to publish.

I've got everything working but I'm prompted at an Adobe prompt (Save PDF File As...) for every sheet
which is overwhelming when I have multiple drawings with multiple sheets.

I don't know how (or if it is possible) to make it just save to the default name and continue onto the next one.

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GIMP :: Unable To Edit Or Select The Lines Of A Path

Jun 14, 2011

Okay, I've got a weird problem involving paths. Sometimes, I'll be unable to edit or select the lines of a path. I can work with the nodes and handles just fine, but it's like the lines don't even exist. This usually seems to happen when I save a file, close it out, and then open it again, or when I use the clipboard to copy and paste a path.

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Illustrator :: Unable To Create Outlines With Type On Path

Sep 8, 2012

I'm using Illustrator CS4. I am unable to Create Outlines for a font after I had used the type on the Path Tool. I had used the ellipse tool to create a closed circular path, then I selected the Type on a Path tool. I selected my text using the arrow tool and ctrl-shift-o (Create outlines) and then I receive the message: "Can't Create type outlines." Not quite sure why this is happening. Did I miss something? The thing is this - my type is in the position and alignment that I want and I don't necessarily want to work with the Type as a Font but as vector shapes.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Autosave Ghost Folder In 2012 For Mac?

Aug 5, 2012

I don't consider myself a minimalist in any way, but I like to keep my personal folders clean of any system files. I recently changed the path for the autosave-folder as it intruded my private work files. The problem is that even though I did change the path, every time I start AutoCAD a new 'Autodesk'-folder is created in my personal folder. It still contains the sub-level 'Autosave'.

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