AutoCad 3D :: 3D Extrude Or Sweep - Glass Block Out In Concrete - Complex Path
May 11, 2011
I have this part that need to be extrude along a complex path. However, every time i try this the bottom of the part does not stay parallel the the x-axis.
Here is the drawing:
Curved Stair.dwg
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Jul 9, 2013
How does one draw a complex curved line to act as the path for a sweep in REVIT 14?
I need to create an arch (shown in elevation), that follows a curved path (shown in plan).
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Apr 15, 2013
Is there any way to replicate this skin of solid glass spheres hardened into concrete in the form of a panel of some sort?
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Mar 8, 2012
what is the difference between extrude and sweep command in terms of extruding a close polyline using a path?
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Feb 5, 2014
While working in the conceptual mass environment, I have inserted a closed profile (1 polyline) from a dwg file.
What I need is to either extrude or sweep this profile as a surface, but obviously Create Form only gives me the solid option.
How do I go about doing this?
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Apr 8, 2013
I am attempting to creating a complex profile of a window frame using the Edit Profile command within Sweep. It tells me that lines cannot intersect. How can I draw more that just a simple rectangular profile?
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Jun 7, 2013
I have a tunnel profile that I need to sweep around a path. This path is a 3D Polyline but it has arcs and slope associated with it. The sweep command has this automatic banking or twisting to it that just screws everything up. The profile needs to stay perpendicular to the path and the floor of this tunnel needs to remain flat.
I have attached the actual working drawing. It has the profile (which is a simple typical tunnel) and the path all situated.I'm working in AutoCAD 2012 if that really matters.
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Jan 24, 2012
Is it possible to sweep a solid along a 3d sketched line path to cut a groove / slot? This is like milling a slot in material on a milling machine so the cutter goes along a path removing material.
I can draw a rectangle that represents the side plane of a slot type cutter and this works but in the corners it is not working like a round cutter and leaves sharp corners which then need filleting to finish, but also I am not sure if it is cutting exactly as if a solid round/cylinder cutter would.
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Jan 8, 2014
I am trying to sweep a profile throughout the helical sweep path which is a series of 3d sketches. The sweet prifile sweeps correctly to the first 3d sketch profile but whin I select the second line the preview is gone and Inventor gives me an error saying the sweep cannot be done. how I can have the sweep done throughout the helical structure.Attached is the ipt file.
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Sep 8, 2011
Is there some way to get the overall length of a sweep path?
We are creating a 3D sketch to run a pipe cross section along and for the final material we need to know what the LF is.
Inventor Pro 2013 (PDS Ultimate)
Vault Pro 2013
Windows 7 64
Xeon 2.4 Ghz 12GB
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Aug 2, 2012
I am using Inventor 2012. I am trying to sweep the pink shape around the pink rectangle but I get a weird result. Can I not sweep around a rectangle from the center? See attachment. I want to add more to the shape but when I do the result gets weirder.
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Feb 13, 2011
I have a project I'm working on which requires a sweep path to be a graphical parametric mathematical function in x, y and z.
(this curve is a groove in the surface a bicycle tire. It spirals around several times and gets subtracted from a solid torus)
I was using an old version of NX I-DEAS and this task was easily accomplished with the "function spline" feature. Is anything like this possible in Inventor? I know I could create a list of points in excel, but I'd really prefer not to.
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Aug 29, 2013
I am trying to recreate and 3D model the impeller of a heartmate II LVAD (URL....) but I am having problems with the sweep along the helical path. The profile is the vertical line and the path is the helix. I want to use a surface output for now. I had to use Solidworks to generate a variable pitch helix and import into Inventor.
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Sep 5, 2012
I encountered problem when using sweep (path&guide surface)
It was enable to give you preview option (which is a surface that i wanted) but when i hit OK. It gives error as the text box.I tried again to no avail.
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May 23, 2012
I'm trying to do a 3d curve stair rail. I had the 3d spline path, I had the polyline rail profile, but after I sweep the profile, it end up being twisted at the end of the rail. Same problem happens when I did a sweep using a helix path, imagine a vertically placed rectangular profile at one end of the path then after using sweep command, the other end was somehow twisted on a certain degree. How can I avoid this twisting problem
See the before and after image. I wanted the rectangle profile to remain vertical throughout the whole sweep
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Jun 26, 2013
Is there a way to sweep a 3d polyline in AutoCAD 2012? Colleague has a sweep path that he wants to put radii in the corners. I know that in the past you could not do it. I didn't see anything in any post that told me otherwise.
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Dec 30, 2011
I have a sweep that follows the shape of the path sketch, but the sweep itself is made to the right of the sketch. How can I get it to fall directly on the path? I have attached a picture of the sweep as well.
HP Z400 Workstation
Intel Xeon @ 3.33GHz
12.0 GB RAM
Windows 7 64-bit
Inventor Pro 2014
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Jul 11, 2013
I have been trying to convert this surface (attached file) into a closed volume. But somehow it isnt working.Then I tried to create this figure myself by creating two circles (one at the top and the other at the bottom) and then creating the path for using the sweep command , but it gives a error " sweep produces self intersecting curves".
convert this surface in to a sloid volume or if thats not possible can this geometry be created to the nearest possible approximation.
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Sep 13, 2013
I am having a difficult time centered the helical path (the equation curve) and lofting the two profiles (centered) through the helical path in the axial rotation direction..
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Sep 18, 2013
When preparing an assembly for export to a Revit family, all features need to be recognized as Revit features. I have a part which consists of a sweep with a 3D path, 2 planar sketches projected to a 3D surface to be precise. To make matters worse, it's a sweep whose end meets it's own beginning (the intent of this specific model is to just satisfy a shape, not necessarily reflect the way it's going to be produced). To date I have not found a way to have this sweep feature recognized as a Revit feature, be it as a single feature or multiple. I am running Inventor Professional 2014 on Windows 8 64-bit.
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Feb 5, 2013
Having trouble extruding 2d object can not extrude on a path! Currently using 2006 version.
I am typing PE then M then J then then it is asking me to enter fuzz distance or [jointtype] <0'-0">: (which was not covered at CU).
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Dec 28, 2011
I need creating a 3D autocad drawing of an embankment. I want to extrude the 2D drawing along a curved path. I can create this drawing , when the slope of the embankment is the same. But when the slope of the embankment will vary.
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Aug 31, 2012
I'm trying to build a wall that has the concrete block pattern that's offset by 1/2. If I build a wall using mass then I can make it into a pattern that I want but then I can't paint it so that's it's clear or see through. On the other hand if I build a wall just using the walls then I can't find an option for the block pattern.
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Mar 17, 2012
I'm trying to extrude a circle around a path in all dimensions, so I drew my path in lines, filleted the corners then tried to join using the PEDIT - Join command.
Firstly, the join says something like "2 segments added to 2 polylines" when really all I want is 1 polyline.
Second, when I try to insert my circle for extrusion I OSNAP to the end of the line, then when I specify the radius it draws in the wrong plane. So far the only way I have gotten around it is rotating the ucs. Is there an easy way to do this? my Dynamic UCS is on.
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Sep 19, 2013
I'm using Photoshop CS6 in Windows 7 64bit. I've seen other posts about a bug if you are trying to complete a 3D extrusion when a triangle is present, but my issue seems even more basic.
I'm drawing a simple wave shape with the pen tool set to shape, no fill, 1px stroke. I'm simply drawing three points to create a simple sine wave - the idea being to create a wavy piece of 35mm film. The image size is quite big - 6000 x 4000 px. The first time I did it, the rendering worked fine but I didn't like the curve I had drawn, so I stepped back and tried again. Now, whatever I do, I get the "Could not complete because the path is too complex" message.
Is this a known bug and are there any workarounds to create a single pixel wide wavy shape in 3D that looks like a piece of film.
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Jun 27, 2012
I'm running into a bit of a problem with having a shape extruded in 3D.
If I draw a rectangle shape set to path over an image and then choose "source - work path" and "3D extrusion" I will get a 3D rectangle with the image on the front side.
If I draw a 3 sided polygon (triangle) set to path over an image and then choose "source - work path" and "3D extrusion" I will get a error telling me that the path is too complex.
I'm doing the exact same thing. Now, if I have 4 sides plus, on the polygon it will extrude just fine.
Something seems to be happening with 3 sided polygons. This holds true with the pen tool as well. Three points will give you the error, 4 and above seem not to.
CS6 - latest build
Mac 12 core
24gigs Ram
Cloud subscriber
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Feb 27, 2014
So I keep seeing this method of design on sites like dribbble or behance but I don't know how to do it!
Here's an example: Basically a bunch of circles are used to create this awesome shape and design. I have a general idea on how to use the pathfinder tool and I have used it a lot in the past, but how do you snap circles together with smart guides? It seems that the smart guides only snap based on 90 or 45 angles and don't snap edges of objects together unless there are two anchors.
Here's an example: I want to use the curves from 2 circle shapes to make a complex path. But I can't get the two paths to snap together
Ultimately to create something like the raindrop image above. I want to use the perfect curves on circles to create more complex shapes but since the paths do not snap together, I'm just eyeballing it to be close enough to do something with the pathfinder tool.
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Oct 14, 2012
I'm very new to 3DS Max. In the past I've used Google Sketchup & Blender but I have moved to 3DS Max because it seems to be superior.
I'm supposed to design a Race Track in 3DS Max, however there is one issue I'm running into.
I have created a Spline, which represents the course layout. Now the problem is I don't know how to extrude the unique road shape along it. (Basically the Odd road shape needs to move along the path to create the main route)
I cut my shape out with the mesh editor, and I have my path (Spline) ready, and now I need to extrude it along the path.
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Aug 28, 2013
I'm trying to blend 2 complex shapes together to give a 3D appearance but I keep having issues with the edges that choose to blend together. The image below shows what I want it to look like (small square on the left, smooth color blend) and what the shape looks like (shape on the right). The paths have the same number of anchor points and the white shape on top is an expanded offset version of the green shape on the bottom. The purple lines show what anchor points should be blending together.
For some reason it is blending to a location somewhere in the middle of the path and not to the corners. I have gone over the two paths and made sure that there are no points that shouldn't be there, as i know that can cause issues with blending.
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Dec 22, 2012
I am attempting to model an internal 1/8"-27 NPT thread, both the through hole and the tapered part of the hole are modeled, but after I draw the helix and the polygon and orient the polygon to the helix correctly, (or even if I don't, I have tried it) it keeps saying unable to sweep object. I am using Sweep with Alignment with the No option. If I select the polygon first, then click sweep, it works, but rotates the polygon so that what I get ends up looking nothing like a thread profile.
I have tried reducing the polygon radius down to a ridiculously small value, thinking it might have been interference due to a possible trig miscalculation, but with no success, still have the same issue. FYI, I am using a .037" turn height for 27 TPI and a polygon radius of .0214", with a helix small end radius of .177" and large end radius of .189".
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Apr 13, 2012
I inserted an an Angle block from PE Symbols into my Drawing, but it is only 2 dimensional.
I have forgotten how to change the block to a solid, and then to extrude it to a given length.
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