Illustrator :: Add Effects To Lines?

Apr 5, 2013

I have a map of Manhattan that has been boiled down to just vector lines of the roads. I'm trying to add effects to the lines to kind of stylize the map.  I'm trying to create effects similar to the this example that I found online.  The photo below was probably NOT created in Illustrator.

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Illustrator :: How To Avoid Lines Left Behind After Effects Have Been Flattened In CS6

Jun 18, 2012

We work in a packaging environment using MAC OS 10.6.8 using Illustrator CS6.

In order to ouput Illustrator files correctly through a RIP, we expand all effects (shadow, glows, etc) before converting them to a Hi Resolution PDF to impose for output.

What we have started to see is lines starting to show up on the PDFs (and the Printing Plates too) where the bounding box of the effect used to be. We have seen lines show up in earler versions of Illustrator but not to the number or thickness they seem to be in CS6.
Is there any way to avoid these lines from showing up (and being printed)? 

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Photoshop :: Lighting Effects Filter Lines

Jul 15, 2008

When applying the lighting effect filter to a photo I get thin horizontal lines across the image. Not the screen just the image. It does not happen with any other filter and does not happen on other machines. This machine is running VISTA.

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Illustrator :: Transform Dashed Lines Into Separate (small) Lines?

Jul 22, 2010

I need to transform a lot of dashed (single) lines into separate lines... Who can tell me how to do this in a few clicks. I don't need an outline of the dashed line. So the black dashes I need, the white in between the dashes I want to loose.
See the example. I need the second lines.

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After Effects :: Final Few Frames Renders The Axis Lines With The Shatter Particles

Dec 16, 2013

I've almost finished making my intro with a shatter effect finish, but the final few frames renders the axis lines with the shatter particles.
Here's a frame example:
Those lines are damn ugly... is there a way of fixing this? Custom shatter map is done via a fractal noise and colorama effect.

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Photoshop :: Make Straight Lines? Horizontal Lines? Vertical Lines? Curves?

Aug 17, 2003

how do I make straight lines? Horizontal Lines? Vertical Lines? Curvs? I read many tutorials and i am afraid that I am doing it the wrong way, my way is to drag a guide to where i want the line to be at and trace the guide with the brush tool...

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Illustrator :: How To Use 3D File In After Effects

Mar 19, 2013

I am using Creative Suite 6 Trial, and I made a 3D shape of a cylinder and put a label on it by using symbols, it looks great. But now i feel I have this 3D product (the file itself)  in it which I really want to use in After effects to create an animation and fully take advantage of it 3Dness, spin it around, etc. I want to make a product showcase of it, but I am not able to do it.
How to export it into AE in 3d?If its not possible directly can I export it into blender and then save it as an .obj somehow? I tried using photoshop but I couldnt make it work.
How to have the perfect file in illustrator and be able to spin it around but not being able to make that happen in AE.

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Illustrator :: Scale Stroke And Effects

Mar 30, 2013

When I scale my artwork I have scale strokes and effects checked but the effects dont appear to be scaling. They look as though they arent even there at all after the scale.  Am i missing something?

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Illustrator :: Added Effects Not Appearing

Mar 31, 2013

I'm having a problem with Illustrator. I'm running CS6 on my macbook pro retina (OS X 10.8.2)

At any random point in a piece of work, new effects I add stop showing up. This can be anything from warping a shape, to re-ordering items in the appearance panel. When this happens I can toggle visibility, or even delete elements, but they still remain visible. The piece of work stays live on the art board, but stuck, despite any changes I have made showing up in the appearance menu. If I save the work, shut down Illustrator and then open it again the changes I have made appear, but my artwork freezes again after only a couple of changes. This is making working impossible.

Here you can see I've actually switched off visibility for the three elements in this graphic, and added a warp to the blue rectangle, but nothing has changed on the work area:

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Illustrator :: Why Are None Of The Effects Apply Working

Aug 22, 2012

Why are none of the effects I apply working? Every effect I've tried causes the program to "Not Respond", and then shows the program applying the "Gaussian Blur" when I have not applied it. The program applied  "Gaussian Blur" also does not take effect, even though it shows the program applying it.

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Illustrator :: Turn Off All Effects Temporarily?

Jul 29, 2013

I'm working on a design in Illustrator CS5 which has textures and drop-shadows applied to most of the objects. I want to make some changes to the colors, but it re-renders the effects each time I change things. Is there some way to globally disable effects and just display strokes, fills and gradients? I know about outline mode, but that's useless for editing colors. Surely I don't have to go through every object and disable the effects one by one and then turn them all back on later?

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Illustrator :: CC Keeps Flattening / Rasterizing Effects?

Dec 4, 2013

I have a very simple logo I am working on, and there are a few elements that have a fill, stroke and drop shadow applied. Every time I save the file and have to re-open it, all of the effects are rasterized, and the stroke and fill are split into a "grouped" object.

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Illustrator :: Crashes When Applying Effects?

Oct 16, 2012

For some reason every time I add an effect or copy and paste something with an effect, Illustrator crashes. Running CS6 Creative Cloud.

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Illustrator :: Blending Between Objects With Effects?

Jan 14, 2013

Applying an effect, such as a blur, to a blend seems to disable the "Smooth Color" option.  I can use "Specified Steps" or "Specified Distance" to correct the look of the blend, but I am just curious as to why this happens with "Smooth Color."

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Illustrator :: Effects Won't Show Up On Rectangle

Sep 12, 2013

I'm working with Illustrator cs4. I am making a flyer to be printed and saved as a PDF. I have drawn two rectangles with the Rectangle Tool as part of the simple design. I colored them and then applied the Water Paper effect from Effect> Photoshop Effects - Sketch. My boss would like the rectangles to be a different color. When I change the color, the effect is no loner visible, except on the very edge of the shapes. The effect still shows up in the appearance panel under fill, though. When I change the color back, the effect is once more visible. I can add the effect to all rectangles drawn in this color. All rectangles drawn in other colors will not show the effect on more than the very edge of the shape. What in the world have I done to make this happen?

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Illustrator :: CS6 - Converting PSD Into AI To Become Vector In After Effects

May 16, 2013

I'm trying to Extrude my logo in After Effects CS6 to appear 3D. My understanding is I need to import an Illustrator file (.AI) in order to "Creat Shapes from Vector Layer". I'm having trouble opening a .PSD and then saving it as an .AI. The file is empty when I open it in After Effects.

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Illustrator :: Effects For Text Grayed Out In CC

Nov 6, 2013

I am selecting text and want to use an effect. All are grayed out and I can't use.

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Illustrator :: How To Use Pathfinder On Objects That Have Effects Applied

Aug 15, 2013

I outlined a bit of text, and then applied Effect > Warp > Arch. What I'd like to do is cut apart parts of the now outlined letters. I tried to use the pathfinder palette, but it applies the pathfinder to old, non-arched shape.

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Illustrator :: Rotating Appearances Or Other Effects With Rotated Art

Jan 31, 2013

Is there a way of rotating appearances or other effects  with the art you have rotated?

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Illustrator :: Improve 3D Effects When Blending With Many Steps?

Feb 27, 2014

I am recently having a lot of fun after I discovered the power of blending. So here is my "protocol": I create two similar shapes, I make sure that they have a colored stroke, I use the blender, then I modify the path with the pencil, and I get this kind of results
I am quite happy with this, because of the fake 3D effect that it generates. I kind of understand that the "3D- shading" effect comes from the stroke color. However, this method has its limitations because:

- it only works with a stroke

- it gives different aspects depending of the number of steps.
Is there any way to smooth the effect created by the strokes to avoid the segmentation seen of the picture above?
Ideally, the best tool would be some kind of "extrude+blend on free path" tool, but it doesn't seem to exist in Illustrator yet...

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Illustrator :: How To Stroke Text As Group With Effects

Sep 8, 2012

So, created text -- added warp effect. What I'd normally do is just then expand -- then unite -- then stroke it. But -- I'm sure there's a way where I could keep that text and effect editable while adding a stroke to look as if I united so the stroke follows the group and not the individual letters.

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Illustrator :: How To Export AI 5.1 Files To After Effects As Vectors

Mar 4, 2013

This may have a simple solution (and probably does), but I can't find it. What I'm trying to do is to import an AI 5.1 file into AE 5.5 as original vectors. I need to be able to scale up to about 12,000 percent and then back down to 100 percent for the effect of an extreme closeup being zoomed out of. The point of vectors, of course, is that you can do this without losing resolution... but no matter what I try, AI files keep being imported as raster files. When they're scaled up enough, the pixilation starts.

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Illustrator :: AI CS6 Consistently Crashing When Using Stylize Effects

May 15, 2013

This is the second time I have reinstalled AI CS6 as last resort. It will freeze up Illustrator every time that I apply an effect like a drop-shadow, etc. 2011 MacBook Pro i7 on OS X Mountain LionCreative Cloud CS6Other tools work fineI have a couple plug-ins from Astute Graphics - however, I had the problems occur previous to the plug-ins.. I have tried restarting, using only AI and no other programs, etc.. When I reinstalled last time the probelm went away for about 4 weeks.

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Illustrator :: No Arrows In Effects Menu Dropdown

Mar 27, 2013

In illustrator there's an opton to create arrows i saw on internet by going to Effects > Stylize > Add Arrowheads. URL....Is there any change done in cs6 version or something?

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Illustrator :: Disable Object Selection By Effects?

Jun 21, 2012

In CS6, when you apply an effect that somehow expands the appearance of an object, for example by making multiple clones, all of these clones become selectable.  If you click on or drag-box an area that includes these clones, the original object will be selected.
is there a way to make CS6 only select an object if I click on the original vectors?

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Illustrator :: Removing All Shading Effects From Illustration

Jun 11, 2013

 In the above image, certain paths have some kind of brush effect or shading effect (as evident in the path above). I'm wondering, how can I remove whatever effect this is from all paths in the above shape, I don't want to have it.

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Illustrator :: Bevel Extrude 3D Effects Teardrop

Jan 31, 2013

I am using Illustrator and trying to recreate the following:

This was originally created in PowerPoint - TearDrop shape.  3d effect:  Bevel top type: circle. width 40 height 10. Nothing for the bottom.  Surface material Warm Matte and 3-point lighting.  Nothing else for depth/conture.  I'm not concerned with the shadow.  When I try to recreate in Illustrator I end up with something similair to below regardless how much I adjust things.
Notice the overlapping folds.  This is a single object comprised of a circle and square to get a tear drop shape however when I try to make it look like the above first object I can never get that nice crisp 45 degree line to the center, it is always curved or overlapping, or does not apply the effect to the center, leaving it very flat centered.  Adding light points in and moving does not work and I of course receive the "bevel self-intersection may have occurred".  I don't see a bevel option for "circle" and not sure how else to accomplish or steps that I may take.

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Illustrator :: Outer Glow Effects Won't Render

Sep 9, 2013

I applied an outer glow to my objects in illustrator but it just won't display.
I've hit some kind of hotkey that turns raster effects off or something, but I dont even know where to start looking. I've used glows in the past and its always a bit wonky but now it just wont do anything.
I've been using spot colors, but have tried it without to no effect, and I run windows 8. I want to apply it to the compound shape hammer time, I thought maybe it was not working because of the compound shape so I tried getting rid of my inside shapes, but its not really changing.
I did just notice that there is a weird haze around the top hammer time on this image, but ONLY if you turn your head and look at the monitor from a strange angle can you really see it. So it might just be that I screwed up my glow settings here.
I'm trying to get the glow to be very strong for about half an inch and the fade out.

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After Effects :: Illustrator Files Won't Import As A Composition?

Apr 5, 2014

I'm trying to import some Adobe Illustrator files into After Effects so that I can animate them. As far as I understand, I need to import them as a composition so that the layers will remain separate from each other.
However whenever I try to do this, I go through the whole process- select the file, select composition, click OK,  it does nothing. The file does not appear anywhere in my project, it's as if I haven't done anything.

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After Effects :: Import From Illustrator With Layers In The Same Place?

Jan 4, 2014

when I import files from Illustrator, and import them as footage to preserve the layers, I get an object for every layer. However, when I move those layers into my comp, they are either moved by default into the center or wherever I drop them. How would I move them into the comp while preserving the position of the layers in my actual ai file?

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Illustrator :: List Of Effects That Get Rasterized When Saving To Legacy

Jun 17, 2013

is there a list of CS6 effects that get rasterized when saving to older versions of illustrator. specifically CS6 to CS4
I noticed drop shadow and outer glow get expanded, but not inner glow. also if I make the outerglow effect in cs4, open it in cs6, use it as a style, it stays live. once if I edit it, it gets rasterized. is this normal behavior? if so, is there documentation as to what effects are backward compatible?

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