I'm having a problem with Illustrator. I'm running CS6 on my macbook pro retina (OS X 10.8.2)
At any random point in a piece of work, new effects I add stop showing up. This can be anything from warping a shape, to re-ordering items in the appearance panel. When this happens I can toggle visibility, or even delete elements, but they still remain visible. The piece of work stays live on the art board, but stuck, despite any changes I have made showing up in the appearance menu. If I save the work, shut down Illustrator and then open it again the changes I have made appear, but my artwork freezes again after only a couple of changes. This is making working impossible.
Here you can see I've actually switched off visibility for the three elements in this graphic, and added a warp to the blue rectangle, but nothing has changed on the work area:
I am using a Lumix GH3 camera and recording in .mov at 50fps progressive and 50mbps. My computer is a macbook pro two years old with 2.2ghz intel core i7 and 8gb of ram (1333 MHz DDR3).
The footage plays fine in the editing suite until I add an effect then the playback is extremely slow and jerky even after render. I am new to PPCC and I've just moved from FCP 7 as it didn't recognise the footage at all.
I'm new to Premiere Pro CS6,I thought I had a pretty powerful computer all things considered. Basically, what's happening is the moment I put any sort of basic video effects on a clip, (e.g. "brightness & contrast" or "fast color corrector") the video playback (but not the audio) becomes extremely choppy and laggy. Playback and overall performance are excellent before I put effects on. It's just the moment I put some on it slows down tremendously.
PHOTOSHOP CS5.1 IN iMAC OS10.6 . I cannot use the filter Render - Light effects because it does not appear in the Render tag. On the other hand clicking the mouse right I can go to GET INFORMATION, but in the GENERAL SECTION , the option start with 32 bit DOES NOT APPEAR.
I owned this 5.1 version since some 18 months ago, and I am quite sure I succeeded in using the light effects in the past: What is happened and what can I do to fix the problem.
I have an issue of a ghost image appearing in the composition background. I can't figure out how it got there or how to remove it. It's really annoyong as the image also appears in rendered videos.
This only seems to appear when my composition settings is set at 1024 x 576 px, which I must use for projects. If I increase the composition size by 1 pixel, the image disappears, change it back and it reappears.
note, that there is no files in my project and the image still appears.
I'm designing a map in Illustrator CS5. Any way to merge 2 paths (roads) which have text attached, so they seamlessly blend together. I've tried using a compound path but this doesn't work with text added. I need to be able to easily change the roads direction/shape without having to use different layers.
Is there any way to prevent Illustrator from adding numbers to the end of exported files? It's really annoying because I end up with a bunch of extra files and only need the single exported version that I overwrite when making changes to the AI file. It's also annoying when I have an exported file linked in a Premiere or Indesign file. I was last using CS3 wich didn't have this 'feature.'
In CS6, what the little grey box is that appears when you hover over the center or corner of a rectangle? (Or other shape?) I recall seeing pixel dimentions at some point; has my interface become corrupted? (If so, what can I do?)
I am running Illustrator CS5 on a Laptop PC. I am constantly installing new fonts to work on customer projects...
I have noticed that sometimes the fonts appear in the font list in alphabetical order, and sometimes they appear either towards the top or bottom (not in order), or they are in a completely separate grouping at the bottom of the list. Is there any fix for this? I'd prefer that they all be in Alphabetical order if possible...
On Mac, CS6, there is a rectangle that is always visible and I can't remove it.It appears even on every document and even if no documents are opened. It's static on screen and doesn't move with when moving the document.Maybe its a bug or an element from the GUI? Even a system restart doesn't fix it.
I create my slide using illustrator (from CS2 to CS5) and when I save the file in pdf format, a red line is being created around the rectangle border of the silde.
I don't know how it was generated and what to do to remove it.
I'm having trouble with a logo I've created in an svg. file. I seem to have to finalized, but when I save it as a pdf. to take it to the printers I see parts of the logo suddenly have no stroke or stroke has been added in other parts.
I don't seem to have any hidden layers I don't think. I'm not sure if there is a setting to change in the window that gives you all the options to choose from when you're saving something as a pdf. Or is there a setting I should be activating when finalizing this logo as an svg that prevents such problems. I'm pretty new to illustrator, before this I was using inkscape which I got the feel of until i decided to go pro with illustrator.
I've been working on items in Illustrator, and noticed a HUGE change when I transfer them into Photoshop. What I am doing is creating images (and text) in Illustrator.
Then I select, Control + C to copy, then I paste into my 300dpi document in Photoshop to add textures, etc. Once they are brought in... the text is pixelated and not clear like it is in Illustrator.
Left (is the Photoshop Image) AFTER Transfer ------ Right (Original Image in Illustrator)
I've constructed a logo that consists of several shapes that but up against each other. The sides that touch one another are completely flat. When I zoom in, the objects are touching, if not overlapping in some cases. This is okay as it is very small.
However when I save it as a pdf document to sent to a client, those thin lines between the shapes appear much more pronounced. It looks as if I have intentionally put a .5 stroke line between each object.
I just got a fresh install of Illustrator CC and every time I place a raster image into my document, it appears dim or very light. When I go to export the image, the PNG file displays the image correctly.
Everytime I select a color in Illustrator it has the "Out of gamut" warning and the color I want appears darker and different then how It looks in the preview of color picker. It is making the colors of my design really ugly. This problem also seems to be happening when I select a color in Indesign, but I'm not sure if this is caused by the same thing.
Just installed the new CS6. I'm experimenting with Illustrator. I feel a little dumb asking this, but ALL of my newly drawn paths, brush strokes, objects etc. keep automatically shifting to the bottom of the layer instead of like usual, appearing at the top. Is there a way to turn this off? Revert back to normal?
When I open a high resolution image in Ai they look somewhat distorted and choppy. They are jpeg files that I am placing in order to envelope distort onto a mesh. For some reason any bitmap image I open with Ai looks like this. However, when I open the same image with Acrobat Pro or Ps the image looks perfect. Images are RGB in both apps.
Image in Ps or Acrobat Image in Illustrator
There most be something in Illustrator that is causing this. Images are being embedded and cannot be linked since they need to be distorted. I am runnung CS6 on Intel iMac Maveriks.
When I click the select tool, a brown selection type of rectangle appears in a particular area of the illustration, even though I have not clicked on the illustration yet. I assume it is some type of warning indication, but don't know what. P.S. It is draggable and scaleable - I can move it off the artboard. An example:
I am using Creative Suite 6 Trial, and I made a 3D shape of a cylinder and put a label on it by using symbols, it looks great. But now i feel I have this 3D product (the file itself) in it which I really want to use in After effects to create an animation and fully take advantage of it 3Dness, spin it around, etc. I want to make a product showcase of it, but I am not able to do it.
How to export it into AE in 3d?If its not possible directly can I export it into blender and then save it as an .obj somehow? I tried using photoshop but I couldnt make it work.
How to have the perfect file in illustrator and be able to spin it around but not being able to make that happen in AE.
I have a map of Manhattan that has been boiled down to just vector lines of the roads. I'm trying to add effects to the lines to kind of stylize the map. I'm trying to create effects similar to the this example that I found online. The photo below was probably NOT created in Illustrator.
When I scale my artwork I have scale strokes and effects checked but the effects dont appear to be scaling. They look as though they arent even there at all after the scale. Am i missing something?
Why are none of the effects I apply working? Every effect I've tried causes the program to "Not Respond", and then shows the program applying the "Gaussian Blur" when I have not applied it. The program applied "Gaussian Blur" also does not take effect, even though it shows the program applying it.
I'm working on a design in Illustrator CS5 which has textures and drop-shadows applied to most of the objects. I want to make some changes to the colors, but it re-renders the effects each time I change things. Is there some way to globally disable effects and just display strokes, fills and gradients? I know about outline mode, but that's useless for editing colors. Surely I don't have to go through every object and disable the effects one by one and then turn them all back on later?