Illustrator :: Colors Appearing Different / Darker Compared To Color Picker?
Apr 4, 2013
Everytime I select a color in Illustrator it has the "Out of gamut" warning and the color I want appears darker and different then how It looks in the preview of color picker. It is making the colors of my design really ugly. This problem also seems to be happening when I select a color in Indesign, but I'm not sure if this is caused by the same thing.
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Jun 28, 2012
I recently installed CS5 on my laptop after first removing it from my previous machine.All licences were validated so no problems there.Now when using paint bucket in Photoshop, the colors that I select in the color picker are not the colors that result when I use the paint bucket.
If I create a new black canvas then the colors selected in color picker work with paint bucket.But if I attempt to recolor the background in an existing image that I import into Photoshop, I get the mismatch with colors when I use paint bucket. My method for selecting colors is the same in each case, I select 'set foreground color' and set the color using html values entry at the bottom of the panel.
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Oct 2, 2012
Working in Illustrator CS5 on a Mac. When choosing a color in the palette, the preview showing up is different than what is in the palette. If I hit "OK" the actual color chosen is the one in the palette, not the preview window... Including some pics for reference. In my 10+ years of using Illustrator, i have never seen this.I am using a Dell monitor on a mac... not sure if that would make a difference.
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Aug 9, 2012
I would like to change the gradient on the attached to a darker yellow. How do I complete this change in color? I see that I can click on Color and an eyedropper appears but that doesn't get me to the existing colors so that I can change to bit darker yellow.
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Aug 20, 2012
URL>...I suddenly have an odd problem that I originally thought was monitor-related. I'm using a MacPro, 10.6.8, with a Mac 24"HD monitor for palettes and an NEC PA241W for color. Both monitors were calibrated last week.
I have CS4, but I work in CS3 simply because I like the old interface better. I opened a file I was working on Friday onto the NEC screen and now all of the colors, especially the reds, are muted/shifted to orange. It looks fine on the Mac monitor. It was immediately apparent because the shot is of a red Ferrari that now looks brick-orange. I recalibrated the NEC but no luck. Called NEC and we ran every possible test and scenario, still no good. we both thought to load the same file into CS4 and looks fine! I check every color setting, the proof setup and the profile between both versions and they're the same. So what is making the CS3 version suddenly look off?!! The only thing I can think of is that there must be some setting in CS3 that got overwritten/corrupted/changed between Friday and today that is now preventing the NEC monitor to see some kind of profile that the Mac monitor sees.
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May 10, 2013
I only want to use the HSB Color Picker in Illustrator. Yet it always shows the RGB Color Picker by default. Is there a way to change this behavior?
I'm using CS6.
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Mar 19, 2014
Strange behavior: I've noticed that scrubbing the Color Picker in Illustrator is VERY slow on OSX compared to Windows.
Here is Windows for comparison: [URL]
(It's hard to show fluidity in a GIF, but believe me, on Windows, this is silky smooth)
However, on every single OSX machine I've tested, dragging around the color picker has terrible lag.
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Nov 25, 2013
why can't i open my "Color Picker" in illustrator CS5 ?I can find my color picker in Photoshop CS5. But It doesn't show out in illustrator CS5..I already check all set up still cant find it..
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Jul 23, 2012
I'm used to having my color picker look like this: [URL] ...
Then one day, it changed to this and I would like it to go back to the default as seen above. [URL] ....
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Sep 10, 2013
Is there a way to make the color picker in the toolbar bigger?
I've been using Illustrator for some time now and find this part of the software to be annoying as I frequently mis-click this tiny area and the switching between foreground and background color is easily mismanaged and you end up changing the colour of the one you didn't intend and then have to make two clicks to remedy that.
Do any other users find this to be a badly designed part of the software?Also, when in the colour creation dialogue the 'preview' tick can somehow be switched to on as default.
I can understand that there are situations where it might be better not to see your colour change in the document in real time, but to have to click this (again very small) tick box again and again feels like bad design.
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Feb 22, 2014
how to show the color picker dialog in Illustrator programmatically?
In photoshop that's really easy, just:
In Illustrator I couldn't find any reference to such a method or other possibility to show the dialog programmatically, that you would normally get when double clicking on the fill color square within Illustrator.
Is that possible by using app.executeMenuCommand or some other method?
I am writing a script that opens the color picker dialog in reaction to a click on a button. I want to be able to get the chosen color and use it within the script.
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Jun 11, 2013
I'm running Design and Web Premium CS6 on a Windows 7 machine. I was recently using Ai's Recolor Artwork dialogue for a CMYK document. I wanted to convert my 4 color artwork to Pantone solid coated. I decided to chose some different Pantones. In older versions of Illustrator I could easily open the Color Picker, click on a Pantone value and then just type in a new value to scroll to it. This is no longer the case with Ai CS6.
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May 26, 2013
Is there a Hexadecimal Swatch Palate or Color Picker for Illustrator CS5? If not -- in CS6 - as I'm thinking of upgrading.But it seems like such a thing is so basic, surely I'm just missing it?
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Aug 26, 2003
i'm downloading images and open them in photoshop. the only problem is that when i open them in photoshop, they all appear really dark, and when i view them in any other viewer they are lighter and how i saw them on the net.
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Dec 6, 2012
I have noticed a common trend among my .JPEG saves from Photoshop, they all seem to appear darker than when they were originally viewed and edited accordingly in Photoshop.
I don't know much about Color profiles and such, I have gone through the settings briefly, but do not want to mess anything up!
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Sep 5, 2013
My colors and value are a lot darker and saturated in my navigator window.
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Jun 3, 2013
My problem is when I design something on CorelDraw X6, the CMYK colors look good but when I print the project at Walmart, the colors are richer/darker looking and or some of the colors are off. The Walmart I send my files to uses an Epson 7890 printer and Kodak Color Edge EKTA photo paper.
I've calibrated my monitor so I don't believe that is the issue. The color profile it's set to now is sRGB and the preset is North American General Purpose. I've also called Epson and they told me to call Kodak which I did and the Kodak person told me to contact the Corel People. I figured I'd tap into the CorelDraw Forum collective wisdom first before trying support.
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Oct 21, 2012
I've just started to use color labels and I noticed that in grid view some show up as a pale color and some show up as a darker color even when set to the same label color. I can't find a rhyme or reason to this. Why this happens?
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Mar 1, 2013
have a company logo on disk in eps format. It's been used on my website and business cards. I can open the eps file in Word and it's one shade of green, then I compare it to my site and that another.
When I open the eps file in Photoshop, it's yet another shade but this time really washed out. All I want is the web coloured version in a bigger jpg format so I can use in Word docs; copying from the website and enlarging results in too blurry a view.
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Mar 10, 2013
I'm having a strange issue in Photoshop CS6 at the moment. Not sure when it started or what's causing it! It seems that when I bring in certain colors, Photoshop interrupt them as black, however if I output the file as a JPEG (or any file-type for that matter), they appear fine. It just means it's impossible to color anything in PS as it all looks mad!
I first noticed the issue when opening a specific files, but I've now found I can actually recreate it in certain files with adjustment filters, the easiest way to demonstrate seems to be to crank up the saturation. For example;
Original Image:
Output Image (w/ saturation at +68):
Image as in Photoshop (w saturation at +68):
I'm running Photoshop CS6 Extended (13.1.2 x64) on Windows 7 Pro 64-Bit. I'm running hardware acceleration on my ATI Radeon 7850, but turning it on or off makes no difference. The problem is also present on all color profiles, although for clarity I'm currently on the Europe General Purpose 3 preset. I'm aware I could be being an idiot here and turned some feature on that I didn't know about, but I just can't work out what's going on! I have another install of Photoshop CS6 at my other workplace, this time running on Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leapord - that doesn't seem to suffer any issues, but this machine is more important!
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Dec 9, 2012
--Toolbox: The 2 columns of Tools on the left side of the Editor screen.
--Foreground Color & Background Color: The color filled squares at the bottom of the Toolbox.
--Color dialogue box: This is the pop-up that is labeled at the top with "Color". It shows 48 different color squares (6 rows by 8 columns); they are labeled "Basic colors:". Right below the "Basic colors:" array is another 16 empty squares (2 rows by 8 columns) to be filled with colors to be defined. There is a "Define Custom Colors>>" button when clicked opens up a color picker with HSB RGB stacked below the color field screen. See this link to the Microsoft "Color Dialogue Box", [URL]
--Adobe Color Picker: The interactive dialogue box with the color field screen to the left and the HSB RGB numbers stacked on the right side.
The problem:In PSE 10, when using the Eyedropper Tool or clicking on the Foreground Color or the Background Color, the Microsoft Microsoft "Color Dialogue Box" pops up instead of the "Adobe Color Picker" dialogue box. This started about a month ago. I use Windows 7.
I want the "Adobe Color Picker" to pop up (like it used to) inside PSE 10.
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Mar 18, 2013
Photoshop 5, (not CS5, but version 5). I was using it on a Windows XP computer, but my new computer, running on Windows 7, would not run Photoshop 5. So, I bought CS6.
There's one problem. I use Photoshop primarily for coloring comics. Which means I create images in CMYK color. And I'm noticing a slight difference in certain colors in this new version. Most noticeably, in a color combo I use for coloring average "Caucasian Flesh".
My settings for this shade would normally be:
This, in the old version of Photoshop, would produce a pretty average "beige" color. However, when I use this same color setting in the new version, the shade is noticeable pinker. Strangely, when I open documents in CS6 created in the older version, they retain the old, proper "beige" look. But the same color settiing in a new document produces this "rosey beige" color. (By the way, this isn't a "monitor issue"...... I have printed out the documents, and it's just as apparent in the printed versions.).
I suppose I could just use an altered color setting with less magenta, but I'd like to find out why this is happening, and why I can't use the same color settings I did in the old version of Photoshop.
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Feb 27, 2014
I have a vector map which was brought from iStock and changed the color on it. The edited version is in CMYK format and I need both a CMYK version for print and RGB for screen.
The map needs to be used in PowerPoint and I have tried to zoom in quite far onto a specific country. I found that when zooming the CMYK map was absolutely fine, but I needed to use the RGB version. When I inserted the RGB the quality was significantly poorer than the CMYK one (see maps below) and I can't work out why!
Unfortunately, the map needs to be in jpeg or png format for PowerPoint, as it won't support EPS's or PDF's. I converted the map to png, which was slightly better but still not as good as the CMYK version.
Both the RGB and CMYK maps are exactly the same size (document size, file size, dpi etc). I changed the colour profile when converting to RGB (File -> Document Colour Modes -> RGB), when exporting it to JPEG I ensured that RGB was selected. I just cannot work out why the CMYK is perfect and RGB isn't and I've never had this issue before!
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Jun 14, 2012
if you look at the image attached the colours on the right are what the color picker is displaying and if I use that hex code thats the colour the web page displays, but if i fill in any element the colours circled on the left are shown in photoshop.
Why is the color picker window showing a different color to the whats displayed?
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Apr 17, 2013
I'm assuming this problem I'm having stems from having color-calibrated monitors, but let me know if I'm wrong!
To preface, this is the setup I have:
Windows 73 monitors as follows, all have individual color profiles calibrated using the Spyder 3Cintiq 12WX Dell U2410Dell 2409WFPPhotoshop CS6 - Proofed with Monitor RGB, and tested with color-managed and non-color-managed documents . I usually do most of my work on the Cintiq 12WX, but pull the Photoshop window to my main monitor to do large previews and some corrections. I noticed that the color picker wouldn't pick colors consistently depending on the monitor the Photoshop window is on.
Here are some video examples:
This is how the color picker works on my Dell U2410:
This is how it works on my Cintiq 12WX:
Main Question
I know the Cintiq's video capture makes the picture look more saturated than the Dell's, but it actually looks fine physically, which is okay. But notice how the Cintiq's colour picker doesn't pick a matching colour. It was actually happening the opposite way for a while (Dell was off, Cintiq was fine), but it magically swapped while I was trying to figure out what was going on.
Semi-related Question regarding Color Management
Color management has always been the elephant-in-the-room for me when I first tried to calibrate my monitors with a Spyder colourimeter years ago. My monitors looked great, but Photoshop's colors became unpredictable and I decided to abandon the idea of calibrating my monitors for years until recently. I decided to give it another chance and follow some tutorials and articles in an attempt to keep my colors consistent across Photoshop and web browsers, at least. I've been proofing against monitor color and exporting for web without an attached profile to keep pictures looking good on web browsers. However, pictures exported as such will look horrible when uploaded to Facebook. Uploading pictures with an attached color profile makes it look good on Facebook. This has forced me to export 2 versions of a picture, one with an attached color profile and one without, each time I want to share it across different platform. Is there no way to fix this issue?
Pictures viewed in Windows Photo Viewer are also off-color, but I think that's because it's not color managed... but that's a lesser concern.
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May 19, 2012
You know how when you're painting, you can hold ALT and it will pick a colour from the canvas? Well, for some reason, mine still picks up the colour but it sets it to the background colour instead of the foreground colour.
And when I actually select the colour picker tool, it will only select the background colour but when I hold Alt, it selects the foreground colour. Basically it's flipped where it's supposed to select.
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Oct 17, 2013
When I have any kind of layer, and I want to change the foreign or background color (with the color picker) I just cant. When I click on the foreign or background color it automatically selects the eyedropper tool, and I don't want this to happen.
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Oct 5, 2011
I am a new user to, because the tool I used for complex image manipulation does not run on the OS of my new machine. Although I could easily purchase the newest version, I needed work on some pictures now. was easily available and does most of the thins I need at the moment. In addition, it is officially supported at my work place, so it's a good idea to learn how to use it. has some great features and a cute UI, but there are some issues I would like to see improved. The one at the top of my list is the font preview. I am doing some text on a number of pictures and want to check out some fonts. Unfortunately I can't change the sample text in the font list (at least I do not know how).
However, meanwhile I found a even better function (actually the way I would like to see it). When the font list is open, I can scroll through the list and the text will instantly updated. Cool.
Great thing would be to move the color picker out from the tool box into the color selection, so that it would be always available. Also it would be useful to not only pick one pixel sometimes but the average of a greater area.
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Mar 9, 2014
Why won't the color picker change my font color? It has worked for months and today it won't.
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Jul 26, 2012
When I try to edit the color of a shape layer by opening the color dialogue box of the shape layer, the color that is picked up is a lighter color than the color I clicked on.
The eyedropper is set to point sample and all layers. This problem does not occur if I open the color dialogue box that is part of the toolbar.
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May 19, 2003
Is there a way to choose colors outside of the Photoshop application using the Color Picker? Coming from Macromedia Fireworks, I have become accustomed to using the Color Picker tool within Fireworks, which enables you to pickup any color outside of the Fireworks application.
I have seen thrid party tools that let you choose colors from various programs, but they just give you the color scheme and you must type in these color values within Photoshop.
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