Illustrator :: Why Does Red Line Appearing When Generating PDF File

Apr 11, 2013

I create my slide using illustrator (from CS2 to CS5) and when I save the file in pdf format, a red line is being created around the rectangle border of the silde.

I don't know how it was generated and what to do to remove it.

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Photoshop :: PSD CS6 Scripts Generating A New File Name

Oct 10, 2013

I have been given a job of finding or writing a script for PSD cs6 that generates a new file name with predefined file info and sequential number as well as reducing the image size by ?% and introducing the reduction size into the file name. I do not know much about scripting apart from using it .

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AutoCAD .NET :: Thumbnail Is Not Generating After Saving Drawing File

Feb 19, 2013

I am facing an issue while generating the thumbnail of the drawing file.

Thumbnail is generating fine for drawing file.

Once drawing file is saved using below statement,


Thumbnail generation method is returning null as given below.

byte bytCnt = br.ReadByte();
if (bytCnt <= 1)    //Means bytCnt value is 1;
return null;

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Illustrator :: Generating Randomized Shapes Or Edges

Jan 17, 2013

I'm trying to generate random billowy shapes (like cartoon clouds or bushes) by simply creating a shape and applying a some kid of brush/pattern/style/script/whatever to it and getting a look like in the below links.
The look I'm trying to achieve is visually simple: [URL] ....
I can easily draw those kinds of things by hand, however I want to be able to generate such shapes randomly.
Is such a thing possible? Are there existing brushes/patterns/styles/scripts that can pull this off? So far my search has come up with nothing, unless I'm searching wrong.
Generally I'm aware of what brushes and patterns can do, but as far as I can tell they always generate the same results each time you use them.
Perhaps a script can be made to do this?
Essentially a cloud could be drawn as a bunch of random circles grouped together, then all of them get merged into one shape.

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AutoCAD LT :: Unselectable Lines Appearing At The End Of Each Drawn Line

Aug 26, 2013

Any one deal with lines that appear to the right of each line that is drawn?  For example if I draw a vertical line I get a line at the start point and the end point that display off to the right 2 cm or so.  Zoomed in or out, always about 2 cm.  After about 15 minutes, every line does this.  Pretty bothersome.  I thought it was a graphics card but the blocks in my drawings go off to the right in which they were created.  So if the block is rotated, these little 'tails' rotate with it.

I tried some troubleshooting -   Reinstalling/updating graphics card driver, switching monitors, but no luck.  

I have 8gb of ram on a windows 7 Bit system, and have an Autodesk/AutoCAD certified graphics card - an AMD FirePro 3900 (ATI FireGL).  You'd think that this 'certification' would prevent problems like this.  What do I know.

On a side note, Draw Order > send to back/send to front does not appear to work either on my display.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Values Not Appearing In Command Line

Jul 23, 2013

I cannot determine what triggers this but the command line has stopped returning values from lisp expressions.

eg.  If I type (setq fred "Hello") I would expect to see "Hello" returned. I am getting nothing.  Similarly if I type !fred I get nothing.  If I restart AutoCAD the problem goes away.  The after some time it happens again. Is there a toggle or switch or system variable that I'm not aware of?

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Illustrator :: Line Path Disappears On Save File?

Jul 31, 2012

I created a circle and positioned a line segment on top of it. When I preview or save the image, the line segment doesn't appear. Here is an illustration of the problem.

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Photoshop :: Image Not Appearing When Opening File

Apr 2, 2012

This just started happening and I don't know if I inadvertently have changed a setting. I open a file in Photoshop and the file is obviously open because I can see it in the history or layers panel. However it does not appear on the screen. I've tried changing my viewing and other things, and it just isn't there.

My only solution is to shut Photoshop down completely, reopen Photoshop and reopen the file. Very inconvenient.

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Illustrator :: Added Effects Not Appearing

Mar 31, 2013

I'm having a problem with Illustrator. I'm running CS6 on my macbook pro retina (OS X 10.8.2)

At any random point in a piece of work, new effects I add stop showing up. This can be anything from warping a shape, to re-ordering items in the appearance panel. When this happens I can toggle visibility, or even delete elements, but they still remain visible. The piece of work stays live on the art board, but stuck, despite any changes I have made showing up in the appearance menu. If I save the work, shut down Illustrator and then open it again the changes I have made appear, but my artwork freezes again after only a couple of changes. This is making working impossible.

Here you can see I've actually switched off visibility for the three elements in this graphic, and added a warp to the blue rectangle, but nothing has changed on the work area:

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Illustrator :: Grey Box Appearing By Cursor?

Jul 10, 2012

In CS6, what the little grey box is that appears when you hover over the center or corner of a rectangle? (Or other shape?) I recall seeing pixel dimentions at some point; has my interface become corrupted? (If so, what can I do?)

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Illustrator :: Fonts Appearing In Different Groups In CS5

Mar 8, 2013

I am running Illustrator CS5 on a Laptop PC. I am constantly installing new fonts to work on customer projects...
I have noticed that sometimes the fonts appear in the font list in alphabetical order, and sometimes they appear either towards the top or bottom (not in order), or they are in a completely separate grouping at the bottom of the list. Is there any fix for this? I'd prefer that they all be in Alphabetical order if possible...

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Unknown Textstyles Appearing In New File?

Jun 26, 2013

while working on a new file, which only has our 4 standard textstyles, something happened at some point during the work period where multiple textstyles named "AUDIT_1_12030....." and counting up appeared. over 40 of them.

they are all somehow embedded within the each object in the file, even lines, which confuses me. Noweven if i wanted to just copy most of the project excluding blocks, dims, leaders and text, (which was my original assumption that the textstyles were in there somewhere),  I cant. I usually am able to remove unwanted textstyles through the TXTMRG LISP/VBA macro. It has no effect this time.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Unknown Textstyles Appearing In File

Sep 4, 2013

I created a new mtext leader and it is set to one scale of 1/4" it shows fine in model space and paper space. Then when edit my drawings to try to add hatch or dim. there is a large text that appears in the background.

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Photoshop :: Wrong Color Appearing When Editing File

Nov 17, 2006

I just (re)installed Photoshop on my computer after a fresh install of Windows (damn that 2 year rule...) and now the color white on the screen comes out as a light yellow. When i save the files and view it in another program, or print it, it comes out as white, and the numbers (whatever they're called) are set to 255, 255, 255, yet it still comes out as a yellow.

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Maya :: 2014 Open File Window Not Appearing?

Jan 16, 2014

So for some reason when I open maya and try to open a file or create reference the window doesn't pop up and I can't click anything else whenever I try I hear a ding sound. I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling.

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Illustrator :: Unremovable Rectangle Keeps Appearing On Screen

Aug 16, 2013

On Mac, CS6, there is a rectangle that is always visible and I can't remove it.It appears even on every document and even if no documents are opened. It's static on screen and doesn't move with when moving the document.Maybe its a bug or an element from the GUI? Even a system restart doesn't fix it.

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Illustrator :: Unwanted Stroke Appearing On Objects In PDF

Jan 31, 2013

I'm having trouble with a logo I've created in an svg. file. I seem to have to finalized, but when I save it as a pdf. to take it to the printers I see parts of the logo suddenly have no stroke or stroke has been added in other parts.
I don't seem to have any hidden layers I don't think. I'm not sure if there is a setting to change in the window that gives you all the options to choose from when you're saving something as a pdf. Or is there a setting I should be activating when finalizing this logo as an svg that prevents such problems. I'm pretty new to illustrator, before this I was using inkscape which I got the feel of until i decided to go pro with illustrator.

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Illustrator :: Text Appearing Blurry When Transferred Into PS

Nov 11, 2013

I've been working on items in Illustrator, and noticed a HUGE change when I transfer them into Photoshop.  What I am doing is creating images (and text) in Illustrator. 

Then I select, Control + C to copy, then I paste into my 300dpi document in Photoshop to add textures, etc.  Once they are brought in... the text is pixelated and not clear like it is in Illustrator.
Left (is the Photoshop Image) AFTER Transfer ------ Right (Original Image in Illustrator)

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Illustrator :: Hairline White Gap Appearing Between Objects?

Jul 27, 2013

I've constructed a logo that consists of several shapes that but up against each other. The sides that touch one another are completely flat. When I zoom in, the objects are touching, if not overlapping in some cases. This is okay as it is very small.
However when I save it as a pdf document to sent to a client, those thin lines between the shapes appear much more pronounced. It looks as if I have intentionally put a .5 stroke line between each object.

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Illustrator :: Transformation Tool Is Not Appearing When Select Object

Sep 10, 2013

It's something silly but this tranfosmation tool is not appearing when I have selected object and it was really usefull for my. How can I get it back.

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Illustrator :: Place Raster Image Into Document Appearing Dim?

Aug 27, 2013

I just got a fresh install of Illustrator CC and every time I place a raster image into my document, it appears dim or very light. When I go to export the image, the PNG file displays the image correctly.

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Illustrator :: Pathfinder Shapes - Stop Colour Appearing Behind?

May 21, 2013

I made a shape, then put a shape behind it then used intersect pathfinder, but I often get these lines?
cant post images it seems on this forum? clicking the insert image just gives a blank box

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Photoshop :: White Lines Appearing On CS6 LAYERS That Previously Were Not In Save File?

Nov 27, 2013

I Keep having this reoccuring problem today - white lines keep appearing attatched to certain & all layers in photoshop files that I have, the only solution that seems to get rid of them is to put a mask on the layer and mask the line away, these are appearing on text, smart objects & rastersized layers.

They were not there when I previously saved the file and they should not be there now, I then went to open another file I had and white lines started to appear on the files. This is really frustrating because some of the website documents have alot of layers. I have attatched an example below, they only appear to be 1 pixel and can range up to 2500pixels wide and they overlap making the line look thicker sometimes.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Alert Message Appearing On Screen While Opening Any File

Nov 16, 2012

I am facing problem in my AutoCAD2013 (Ultimate version) -

1.While opening any file an alert message is appearing on the screen, for closing the same I Have to use ( X) close many times.
2 After opening the file every time I have to set the AUTOcad default setting once again, it is taking too much time,

I am not in a position to format my PC now, The snap shot is attached herewith.

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Illustrator :: Colors Appearing Different / Darker Compared To Color Picker?

Apr 4, 2013

Everytime I select a color in Illustrator it has the "Out of gamut" warning and the color I want appears darker and different then how It looks in the preview of color picker. It is making the colors of my design really ugly. This problem also seems to be happening when I select a color in Indesign, but I'm not sure if this is caused by the same thing.

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Illustrator :: Enlarging Drawn Shape - Top Edge Appearing Pixeled?

Apr 16, 2013

I draw a T with the pen tool, supposed to be vectorial, that is, you can enlarge it without losing quality.
But the top edge appears pixeled! Why??

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Illustrator :: CS6 - Newly Created Paths / Objects Appearing At The Bottom Of Layer

Jul 31, 2012

Just installed the new CS6. I'm experimenting with Illustrator. I feel a little dumb asking this, but ALL of my newly drawn paths, brush strokes, objects etc. keep automatically shifting to the bottom of the layer instead of like usual, appearing at the top. Is there a way to turn this off? Revert back to normal?

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Illustrator :: High Resolution Images Appearing Distorted And Choppy When Opened

Dec 5, 2013

When I open a high resolution image in Ai they look somewhat distorted and choppy. They are jpeg files that I am placing in order to envelope distort onto a mesh. For some reason any bitmap image I open with Ai looks like this. However, when I open the same image with Acrobat Pro or Ps the image looks perfect. Images are RGB in both apps.
             Image in Ps or Acrobat                                                Image in Illustrator

There most be something in Illustrator that is causing this. Images are being embedded and cannot be linked since they need to be distorted. I am runnung CS6 on Intel iMac Maveriks.

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Illustrator :: Can't Apply Effect / Warp - Wave To A Line Made With Line Tool

Mar 24, 2014

I should be able to apply an effect to a line that has been made with the line tool. Why is this not working?I thought that maybe I might have disabled Effects somehow, but I can't think of anything.

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Illustrator :: Thin White Line Between Line Art And Live Paint Fill?

Jun 25, 2012

I am using live paint to paint cartoon character illustrations.  The artwork is brought into Illustrator CS3 and live traced.  Then I convert it to a live paint group and use the paint bucket to fill.  Everything looks fine no matter how much I zoom in.  If I bring the AI file into Photoshop CS6 I can see a thin white line between the black line art and the fill.  This is most noticeable where black meets black. I can also see this sometimes in file previews while browsing through files.  If the white line cannot be seen in Illustrator is the file ok?  I did just upgrade to CS6 if that would make a difference.

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Illustrator :: Line Segment Tool Does Not Allow To Draw Horizontal Line?

Oct 18, 2012

I must have pushed one or the other button but I don't know which one!
I use CS5 and have now a small arrow on my line segment tool (as shown in the picutres):

Ever since that when i click shift, it just allows me to draw vertical lines, rather than vertical or horizontal.

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