Illustrator :: Blending Modes Won't Work With Gradients?
Aug 27, 2012
I'm working in CS3 and was trying out different tutorials on how to create realistic water drops and bubbles, such as
but when I fill a shape with a gradient and change the blend mode to screen, the entire object goes white (I did put a darker shape as a background behind the gradient so that it would show)
Is there somewhere a list of Adjustments/Modes that the History Brush DOESN'T work with?Perhaps I should re-phrase that.I can get the History Brush to work with say Blur but I can't get it to work with Blending modes or a various adjustment layers.
Did Adobe do something to Illustrator CC that the layers with the same object colors are no longer blending. No matter what blend mode I apply the object never blends with the object with the same color behind it.
I have Photoshop CS6, and I just got a Windows 8 computer a couple days ago. I just now have realized that the Screen and Linear Dodge (Add) blending modes are not working at all. They have no effect on my layers. I know that the Overlay blending mode works... I haven't tested all of them.
I understand that others are having problems with Photoshop and Windows 8. Is this a related problem, or is it unrelated and is it something that needs to somehow be fixed?
i'm an art student and have been for over 3 years now, i did a degreee in arts and technology , and they made us use Corel Painter most of the time , and a bit of photoshop as well...
so basically i'm used to painters tools , specially with the blending tools, where you have choice between smudge, blur, stomp, smear, blend...etc
I have tried to find similar tools in photoshop , but couldnt find anything close to it ( so far the water drop and the correction tool).
i am working in cs6 and starting to frustrate more and more, tried everything and nothing seems to work. Layer blending modes just seems to stop working at one moment, or at certain layers, i dont know. I have two layers one on top of other, and when i set blending mode on top layer everything just goes white.
I have used Photoshop for years, but never in the capacity. I'm trying to blend layers together and then have the ability to save the top layer with the effects as its own layer. I'm sure that is not too clear so I have attached a screen shot.
Basically, have a B/W raster as a layer. Then I placed a smart object from Adobe Illustrator (a bunch of line vectors) on top of the raster. I then used my layers panel with a Screen option and I get the effect that I want. Where the line crosses a light area on the background it becomes light, and where it crosses a dark area it becomes dark (See Screenshot). Now what I want to be able to do is save my line layer as PSD document and not have the background layer on there.
If I flatten the layers, I obviously get the background layer. If I turn off the background layer, then I loose my screen effect.
This may be an easy fix, or impossible. I'm not sure.
I am trying to code a site for a client that has several layers that are partially transparent with different blending modes on the fx options. Normally I'd export it as a solid image if the background repeated horizontally and could be done that way. Problem is that the design I am trying to code does not have a solid color background or a pattern, instead, it has an image.
I need to know how I can get all of these blending modes and into one static layer. When I merge the layers, it just removes the blending mode which causes it to look horrible.
about advanced blending modes, it shows how to use the the "blend if this layer is " and "blend if layer underneath is.."
It starts with some basic textures, an eye and a clock and the result is a mix of these pictures with a clock where the eyeball is supposed to be.
how to use displacement maps, the crucial thing about this tutorial was that a the map was used on a green image which provided a very nice "closeup of a green leaf"-effect with streaks and lines.
In the section "5.8 Practical Uses of Blending Modes" of the book "Grokking the GIMP" (see, e.g.,URL.... there is an example of how to use blending modes to alter the colour of a cat.
Specifically, I refer to Figure 5.29(a) where the re-coloured cat does not appear to sit naturally on the person's shoulder (cf Figure 5.26(a)). How can the defect be overcome? But would the bucket fill also be feathered?
Made some bubbles using Photoshop, the trouble is I can't flatten the layers into one because of the layers blending mode. The reason I want to is to blur some of the bubbles to give a foreground & background perspective.
How to use blending modes. The immediate question is using an overlay layer for dodging and burning. Photoshop has the capability to add a new overlay layer then fill it with neutral light then do the dodging and burning on that layer rather than on a copy of the foundation layer. Does PS Pro have a similar capability?
Using CS3: I can swear at one time I knew how to do this, but I can't for the life of me get it now. What I want is the oval on it's own layer, the line above, and any overlapping or common areas knocked out as I draw.
On this sample I just selected the line, merge-selected the oval, and then deleted the selection from each. Works fine, but it's destructive, which I want to avoid. I have tried every combination of layer/blending modes, but I get nothing...
With PS CS, I have noticed in Lab color space the lighten and darken blending modes for layers are disable. Also, if an RGB picture uses them, they are converted to normal blending mode upon conversion to Lab. Any idea why this limitation? And any way to circumvent it?
The flames' layer has a black background an its blending mode is Screen. I'd like to export the whole thing as a PNG file where the 'hole' in the paper should be transparent (with the overlapping flames still visible). The problem is, when I remove the red background layer, the hole becomes black (because of the black in the flames' layer).
I want to be able to take a document, that has multiple layers, inside of multiple groups with various layers having various blending modes applied to them and from within that document, select simply two of those layers, one with a Divide blending mode and the other layer Normal, merge those two layers, but have the visual appearance of the merged layer maintain the visual appearance of what the layers looked like before I merged them. Â Everytime I attempt this, Ps takes my Divide layer, reverts it back to Normal and then merges the layers, thus changing the appearance of what it was before the merge. This is not the desired result. Â I understand that when you flatten an entire series of layers, it applies all the blending modes and maintains the visual appearance. Is there a way to do this with just two layers instead of all the layers?
I understand that shift++ (holding down the shift key and typing plus key) is supposed to cycle between blending modes. Nothing happens when I do that though. I have the top layer selected and the blending mode stays the same. Using PS CS6.
I am trying to understand the difference between apply image and blending modes as I realize my grasp of it is weak.  Why blending the duplicate of an image with the original, with a given blending mode, does not give the same result as, Applying the duplicate of an image to the original with the same given blending mode in Apply Image?  What I have done in Photoshop, to be clearer :  1. one image ("background image"), duplicated it ("copy1") and set the blending mode ot linear light (for example). I get the result 1. 2. I selected "background image" and applied it in linear light (for this example), with Apply Image, to the "copy1" image. Result is different.Â
I'm working on some graphics for an iPhone app for which I need to export images to png.
The image has an inner and an outer glow to create a glowing LED effect. The problem I have is the outer glow has the 'screen' blending mode applied and when I export this the blending mode defaults to 'Normal'. The image must have a transparent background because it will be used in different locations on top of a brushed aluminium background effect.
I understand that the blending mode takes the background layer into account when determining the output. Any alternative way of creating this glowing LED effect which I can export with a transparent background?
I have attached an example of this, the first 'light' is how I want it to appear when merged. The second 'light' is how it currently looks when merged.
I have a lower thirds composition I want to import from After Effects CC into Premiere Pro CC. While I have no problem importing the composition, I do have a problem with Premiere Pro displaying properly the blending modes I set in AE. Â I've tried every blending mode... (I read somewhere Premiere Pro is only compatible with some AE blending modes.) Â What appears in Premiere is a completely flat composition. Â Is it possible to import an After Effects composition, including blending modes? Â Blending Mode effect shown below, Soft Light. (After Effects first, Premiere Pro second.)
I click the gradients panel and then the dropdown of gradients on the left side. Â All I see is: White Black, Gold Dust, and Blue Sky. Â I know AI has a ton more gradients premade than that so why aren't they in the list? How do I add more to that dropdown?
How to Apply adjustment layers to multiple layers that have different blending modes and keep the colors the same as the adjustment done?  I work in Animation painting Backgrounds. My files are sometimes upwards to 200+ layers.I will use adjustment layers to quickly balance colours and constrast on top of those many many layers.  The only way that I know of how to apply adjustment layers it to every single layer ( by applying I mean I need to get rid of the adjustment layers because we cant use them in production but i need the new colours be applied to all layers underneath ) in a psd is to manually do it By duplicating the adjusment layer 200+ times and then merging each layer to one of those adjustment layers so that that layer can take the adjustment layers effect permanently.  The issue is that Within Those 200 layers I have some layers set to Multiply or OVERLAY.   IT obviously wont apply the adjustment layer properly to those layers because those layer blend mode affect the layers under them. The colour wont be the same anymore in the spots that had the multiply blended mode.
I have 2 adjustment layers up top. I need to get rid of them by applying them to each layer! I cannot merge any of the layers. We need all those layers for production.I can apply the adjustment layers manually and this works GREAT for all Layers set to normal. THey take on the colour change just FINE.  However, The issue is that layer 6 and layer 4 are both set to mutiply and this screws up the colour once i apply the adjustment layers to each layer manually...  How can i apply my adjustment layers to a file like this with some layers being set to multiply while keeping the layers exactly the same configuration and The new colour taking effect exactly how i looks before i apply the adjustment layers? Now the simple solution is to merge the multiply layers to the layer that it affects HOWEVER I NEED those multiply layers to be separate!Â
• MacBook Pro • OS version 10.7.2 • Photoshop 12.0.4  1.) Sometimes when I open a file I can't see it, BUT I can see the layers in the layers palette. It's like the file is open but not visible. 2.) Sometimes the screen modes don't work; when I switch modes, all the palettes disappear and never re-appear properly.  Turning OpenGL on (or off!) occasionally fixes problem 1.Restarting the computer fixes problem 2, sometimes...
I have tried to upload the software many times with no luck. I also have Elements 11 on the same computer and it works very well. I do not understand why 12 will not work. Since I first installed 12 I have been using it in the Expert mode which seems to work.
I have 3 images all associated with each other. Image 'A' is made from images 'B' and 'C'. The three images were actually rendered in 3DS MAX as elements.
So in photoshop image 'B' multiply(blend mode) image 'C' = image 'A' then image 'A' divide(blend mode) image 'B' = image 'C'.
Is blend mode 'multiply' actually multiply? Which blend mode represents dividie?
I have Windows 8, and Photoshop CS6. All of my blending modes work, except for Screen. I don't know why it doesn't, but I do use it somewhat frequently, and it's really holding me back at this point.
issue with the component editor in Maya 2012. It seems that the handy slider at the bottom of the editor for blending weights doesn't work. I've installed hotfix 4 and it still seems busted.