Illustrator :: How To Adjust Rectangle In X Or Y Direction To Fit Certain Space
Jan 9, 2013
After making a Rounded Rectangle I often need to adjust the rectangle in the X or Y direction to fit a certain space. As I reproportion the box the three node points of the radiused corner also reproportion, distorting the radius. Any way to reproportion a Rounded Rectangle and keep a true, undistorted radius? And even better, resize the rectangle and keep the original radius.
Illustrator CS6
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Sep 11, 2013
I can't seem to adjust the Writing Direction in both Illustrator and InDesign CC. The RTL and LTR buttons are not availble in the Paragraph panel at all. I need to create bilingual doucuments in both Arabic and English. I tried going through the settings, I checked my mac settings and nothing works. All other software can work this function, even with shortcuts except the Adobe CC software I have.
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Aug 22, 2013
How to adjust the degree of curvature on the corners of rounded rectangles in Illy? This can be easily done in PS but I'm not seeing any options for this in Illustrator.
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May 27, 2011
If there is a tool where I can take a selection & adjust it all different directions? I'm looking along the lines of taking a text selection & doing what I did with "flounder" & "Harmonic prophecy" in the attached pic. Nothing fancy. Just something I can't figure out. I used a different program to do that flier.
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May 15, 2013
When I select an anchor point with Edit Anchor tool, the Property bar activates settings for adjustment of this anchor point. I can change the angle at which anchor point receives connection. When I de-activate this button (see the picture) it de-activates the angle field... and nothing changes! The connector behavior is the same as before.
The question is: What is the function of that button? I think there must be only the angle field.
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Mar 19, 2014
I have a path with a smooth point. The two direction points form a direction line with any non-45-degree-angle - say 11.8 degrees. I want to drag one direction point while keeping the angle of exactly 11.8 degrees.
Is there a key combination for that (Mac OS)?
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Jul 25, 2012
I don't use Photoshop a whole lot, but just wondering...
I've created a rectangle with a different colour stroke. I decided that I wanted a slightly different size of radius and an entirely different colour of stroke. Do I keep having to make new ones, or is there a simple way to edit the one that I have already made?
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May 20, 2013
So I just switched to Autocad 2013 Mac from an old XP version, and I'm having some serious difficulty just starting a basic drawing. When I open up a new drawing my model space has a very limited size. It's roughly 200 units in any direction, in any from of measurement (inches, cm, etc). I've tried changes the Limits to very large ones, but that had no effect, and I've tried turning limits off. Also no luck. Basically, if i try to draw a line or anything that is bigger than what my model space is confined to, the line goes off the screen, and it wont let me scroll or zoom out to find the end of it.
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Mar 12, 2013
Any quick tips to convert an expanded appearance rounded rectacngle back to a sharp cornered rectangle?
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Jun 26, 2012
I was wondering if there was a way to see and adjust paperspace viewports in modelspace. By adjusting viewports in modelspace I would like to be able to adjust the size of my rectangular viewport in modelspace to encompass what I want, while keeping the viewport on paperspace the same size (to encompass the entire print page). I would like my modelspace viewport to simply adjust the zoom in and zoom out of my paperspace viewport.
Any better method than individually zooming in and zooming out and re-adjusting my paperspace viewport.
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Jul 17, 2013
I'm using Photoshop Elements 8 and wondering if there's some way to adjust the space between the characters in a text?
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Apr 2, 2013
Inside 3D Studio max, its possible to adjust the pivot center of an object to anywhere in space. So if for example, I've got a sphere in my scene and I want to have a bunch of cones spin around the center of the sphere (to create the basic shape of a sun graphic) I can just change the cone's pivot to be in the exact center of the sphere and then when I rotate and copy the cone, they will all be perfectly centered around the sphere.
Tying to do this in Photoshop however is proving rather difficult. Since the triangle representing the sun's rays is smaller than the circle representing the sun, I can't move the traingle's pivot to match the center of the sun because the bounding box for the transform isnt big enough.
If I duplicate the sun and merge the triangle and the sun together, the merge action re-adjusts the pivot to be in the center of both objects so its no longer in the correct center of the circle. I can however move the pivot point to the approximate location now because the bounding box is larger, but I don't need the approximate location, I need the exact location.
Is there a way to move the pivot to a specific coordinate? Or am I going to have to move everything onto a perfectly square canvas and snap everything to grid lines?
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Mar 15, 2012
Is it possible.
CorelDraw X5 v. Hot Fix 4 - Windows 7-64
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Mar 24, 2012
How to have “window” selection when using the “adjust space” command?
I’m wondering if there is a way to select all the dimensions needed to be adjusted in one go instead of selecting them one by one.
Software: AutoCAD 2014, AutoCAD C3D, AutoCAD M3D, Revit
Windows 7 (Ultimate 64 bits),
Firefox 20.0,
Kaspersky 2013.
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Jan 5, 2012
When I go to model space I am unable to adjust the view scale. Although I can get to the prompt for a new scale value, the program will not accept my changes. Is this locked somehow?
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Jul 20, 2012
is it possible to have Inventor adjust array elements dependent on the available space.
It should use integer numbers only- as there is room for 25.5 elements it reduces the number of elements to 25.
The array should be be dependent on a measurement to make comparision by eye obsolete, as well as the array is to produce the right number of elements as soon as the space available is measured.
- 2500K @ 4.2Ghz- 8GB - Radeon7970 -
- Xeon 1230V2 @ stock Ghz- 32GB - Quadro 2000 -
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May 17, 2013
I have created a linetype with the text GAS OPTION in it. The line is continuous with a break around the text. In a straight line the linetype works fine (breaks around the text etc). However, when I use a polyline and spline the line for a curved line the text aligns with the direction of the line at the start, but when the line bends, the text suddenly changes direction and reads in the opposite direction. It looks like AutoCAD is trying to keep the text upright rather than following the direction of the line. When the text changes direction it also changes its insertion point and overlaps the continuous part of the line. I have 2013 AutoCAD.
Here is the string I used for the linetype.
*GAS_Option_LINE,Gas line ----GAS OPTION----GAS OPTION----GAS OPTION----
A,8,-15,["GAS OPTION",STANDARD,S=2.54,U=0.0,X=-2.35,Y=-1.27],-12
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Jan 2, 2014
I have cut several sections at different points along a road alignment. The sections are cut facing the same direction as the alignmnet. Is there a way to reverse the section direction without changing the alignment direction?
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Apr 21, 2011
I have a drawing of a stone railing section and I have to change direction in the run direction of the baluster panel. Is there a way that I can move the details without changing th Y direction of the details. Please refer to the attached CAD file for details. I am trying to avoid having to redesign the panels if possible. railing detail.dwg
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Jan 1, 2013
The characters of a word in Hebrew need to reverse their text direction despite the font being Adobe Hebrew which you would expect to be in the correct direction. However this text was copied in from Word.
I can't locate the menu option, e.g. Window>Type>Paragraph fails to show any RTL option. That the text is selected seems indicated by the bar at the top of the screen showing point size etc.
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Feb 7, 2013
I have a line of type which obeys the Perspective on one Plane, but I want it going the other way : From my image can you see it's coming from left and getting bigger to foreground. I want it starting on the right face of the Perspective grid, but it won't obey
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Jun 20, 2013
Why is it that when I apply a gradient to a stroke I cannot use the gradient tool to change the direction or position of the gradient? I can make a fill and offset the path and then move that gradient (which is a very similar effect), but gradient tool does not work on a stroke. I am just baffled by the idea that I can put a gradient on a stroke but then only change it by using the gradient palette to change the angle and /or height /width...and that honestly dosen't work well.
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Jun 4, 2013
I need to change the direction of type on a path. Basically it is writing the sentence backwards right now. I need it to type right to left instead of left to right so the first word of the sentence will be all the way left instead of all the way right.
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Jun 5, 2013
I'm having trouble merging paths. I'm combining the multiple paths with arrows to make the 3D effect (which is on all of them obviously) flow as one instead of on top of eachother. When I use the compound path command it reverses all my arrows and I have no way of changing them back without releasing the compound path (which puts them back to their original state of being on top of eachother)
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Jan 19, 2014
Ever since CS5, the move function has operated normally in the horizontal direction but backwards in the vertical direction. In other words, entering a positive value moves objects down, entering a negative value moves them up.
At first I thought this was a bug, but it has continued in CS6 and CC on every computer we have. Yes I'm getting used to it but it's opposite of every other software package we have or have ever had, including Illustrator up to CS5.
I can't find a user control to correct this. Is there a way to do it?
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Aug 17, 2012
I'm trying to nudge the anchor points on an object randomly (to get an informal look). (I know some Effects do this already.)
Maintaining corner points is no problem - you just set the direction handles to the same coordinates as their anchor.
But I can't nudge a smooth point in the way I want to, which is to move the anchor but maintain the direction handles in exactly the same relation to their anchor as they had before. That is to say, they should remain smooth points.
My script calculates the difference between 'before' and 'after' positions of the anchor, and applies that difference to the direction handles… but in practice the smooth points are converted to corners, because the direction handles don't maintain their relation with the anchor.
var docRef = activeDocument;
var objects = activeDocument.selection.length;
var cShift = prompt("Point shift (pt)",5);
// loop through all objects
for(var count=0;count<objects;count++)
[Code] .....
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Feb 28, 2014
In AICS6 I have a compound path made of two half-circle looking shapes. They have to be separate because they are puzzle pieces. Inside of this I am placing an AI illustration that is a group of over 100 shapes. The problem is this: Once inside the compound path it is impossible to adjust the position of either the placed image or the path container. Let's say I want to move the path around the image. If I use the direct seletion tool it will only select part of the path. This happens even if I group the two parts of the path. It then wants to deform the half-circles rather than move them. If I select both halves of the compound path and try moving it with the keyboard arrows nothing moves.
If I select both with the white arrow and then switch to the black arrow the result is the same. OK, dead end. The other option is to move the image and keep the path container stationary. When I select the image with the direct seletion tool, however, it only selects one of the hundreds of vector shapes making up the image. Even if they are grouped, it will only pick the one part. This is really amazing because it works so easily in InDesign, but you can't make the kind of picture boxes in ID that I need nor the type of clipping paths I want in Photoshop. It is best done in AI, but as is often the case there is a critical feature missing that is found in another part of the so-called "suite" to do something that shoud be simple. I'm hoping that's just it: that I'm missing something really simple. don't tell me to raster the vector image. I know that would work, but that is not a solution. That is a concession. If that is the only way, however, I'll do it.
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Dec 21, 2012
Is there a way I can adjust the spacing of objects like I can adjust the tracking of text. just a simple slider that adjust the distrobution of them. the objects are all different hights so there isn't anything in the align window that is useful. I'm looking for something that I can say "space 20px apart" or "space 12px apart." and dont have to deal with moving each object individually.
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Dec 13, 2013
illustrator cs4. when press on drawing or text, it cannot be adjust on it width or height by mouse! Photo 1 cannot adjust. Photo 2 (sample) can adjust
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Oct 22, 2013
I've used image trace to trace the outline of a street grid and expanded the trace into paths. However, after doing so, I realized I wanted the streets a bit thicker, so I increased the stroke value.
Is there a way to adjust the old paths to match the new outline? I tried saving it as a .jpg and retracing but the quality was subpar. Any way to "redo" the trace in the original file, or somehow tell Illustrator to move the paths to match the increased stroke? I need them to coincide once more with the edges of the streets. URL...
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Jun 23, 2012
Is there a way to adjust the color of a pattern fill without changing the actual pattern?
Sometimes I do this by overlaying another solid color fill on top of the pattern fill, and use multiply or other blend modes. This works except when the pattern contains empty/transparent areas: in this case the solid color would pass through and affect the object below the pattern, which is unwanted.
So basically, is there a way to isolate the color change to a single object? I've tried with "Isolate Blending" and "Knockout Group" with no success...
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