Illustrator :: Exporting Image Maps - No Option To Save HTML
Jun 14, 2012
I'm trying to export an image map from Illustrator CS6. However I can't get it to save the HTML.
I've setup my hotspots etc. However when I do "Save for Web", there is no option to save "Images & HTML". It only gives me the option of "Image Only".
The only way I've been able to get the HTML is to click on "Preview" from the "Save for Web" screen, and then copy and paste the image map code from there.
I've also tested it with slices, and same thing. There just seems to be no way to get it to generate a HTML file.
Is there some other way I'm supposed to get it to create the HTML?
I have done all my slicing, naming them, checked that all naming conventions are fine, ready to save it for web, and
1) Do I select all slices and save? 2)Why there is not at save as HTML option in save as? 3) Do I save it as SVG? 4) Do I export the whole document as CSS and open it in Dreamweaver? 5)How do I 'visualize' the CSS in Dreamweaver?
I'v seen for exporting a path to illustrator, they mention the File>Export>Export Paths to Illustrator option. When I look under "Export", the only options I get are:
Data sets as files... Render Video... Zoomify
I can still drag/cut/paste the path into Illustrator, so I haven't been stopped, but why the export option isn't showing up?
I can't believe there is not more demand for this. My web dev is asking me for over 300 video clips in both .web and .ogg - - AME does not do this.Any success with a 3rd party plug-in of some sort. I can use Fire fogg (from Firefox) but it's slow using over the web as opposed to exporting from Premiere.
how to configure the export of image slicing and stuff. Basicly, I need a tutorial that'll teach me from slicing of images, configuring (like text image to text in html), and exporting.
So, I'm developing a game currently and have been drawing some character portraits (busts if you will) in Illustrator CC (v17.0.0 32-bit). After finishing each portrait, I need to export them into a .png file that I can then use with MSPaint.
My troubles are that I always run into one or more of the following problems each time I export an image:
If I save the image at 72ppi, the exported images are the correct size but, they have jagged edges, which just aren't acceptable for my project.If I save the image at say 300ppi, the exported images are blown up and are too big but, they have smooth edges, which, while I want smooth edges, I cannot work with the increase size of the images.Sometimes exporting the images causes a new line around the smooth edges (I think I've heard this effect called a Halo or something along those lines), which is also unacceptable because I need a transparent background.Also, if I resize the blown up image manually, it causes develops the third problem.
What I'm after basically is to be able to export the image on my artboard into a .png file, have export at the same width and height it does when I export it at 72ppi, while keeping the edges smooth like they are when exporting it at 300ppi.
As a side note, I currently don't have a suscription/access to photoshop and don't have a way this month to gain access and though there are freeware programs that do a lot of what Photoshop is capable of, I can't seem to figure them out. I've mentioned this just in-case potential solutions require photoshop
Illustrator CS5 every time import an image it automatically embeds the image and I loose all link information. I cannot connect to the image via the link palette via the update option or edit the original image. I have to relink the image every time I make an edit
I've sliced an image for publishing to the web and saved it as an HTML file using the Save for Web command (PSC3). It is my understanding that PS creates the images and pages according to the options set in the Save for Web dialog, however, when viewed, the page shows place holders for the slices, but only red X's for the images. The resulting HTML code references a number of GIF files located in an "images" folder, but I cannot find the location of that folder. Search does not show a folder, nor the referenced file names.
Am I mis-understanding the HTML option in the Save for Web process? If not, where did PS put the images it supposedly created from the slices?
I've got a Photoshop template with the images and HTML file which I can open up in FrontPage and edit the text, how do I do this with my own template I made?
How can I export just the shapes of my image (without the canvas) so that I can place my image over the background of my website without the image still being on the canvas?
Not sure if this should go under Photoshop or Illustrator, but whenever I export an image to Photoshop it gets flattened and I can't do anything with it. I've checked and double checked that Write Layers, Max Editability etc is ticked but then I get a box saying "some containers in AI have been flattened".
am having an Issue with CS6 when saving files. When saving a file using the 'Save' option (not 'Save As') the file is not staying at the size of the artboard as it should, it is however being aurtomatically cropped down to the actual artwork size. This is causing issues with the Process we work with as we need the file to stay at the artboard size.If I click 'Save As' and change the Adobe PDF Preset to 'Press Quality' then this works, however this means that every file we save(which is quite alot in a day) means we have to go through the 'Save As' option and manually change each save.why this has suddenly started to happen with our Illustrators and do you know how to fix this so that it stays at the Artboard size when 'Save' is used?
I would like to know if I can import my AutoCAD 3d file into 3DS MAX, with the lighting maps and material maps intact. This is because I am doing my thesis on AutoCAD 2011 but I would like to use 3DS Max to do a walk through video.
i've tried using image ready... is there any way that i can make the text itself into an image map? i mean... i don't want to have to draw a rectangle around the text... or make guidelines around the text.... is there any way i can make the actual text into an image map?
I am not getting an option of exporting in mpeg 4 format? Infact when I am rendering in AVI file the size of the file is extremely huge. Need reducing the file size & exporting in MPEG4 format.
I cannot stand it when I make a new layer in Illustrator and the color hint becomes yellow. This usually happens on the third new layer into every project. I can go in and manually change it from yellow to the ten plus other colors, but I just want yellow completely out of the list. It's awful to look at, and I think every other color is easier.
After just reading all 146 messages in the topic, "No more ImageReady in CS3 - VERY FRUSTRATING", I am seriously bummed, but left with unanswered questions.
Specifically, has anyone found a cheap, practical alternative for creating simple image maps with polygonal click regions? I want to create an actual map, where you click on a city name and go to a web page on that city. Rectangles do not work, as the real world regions are not shaped that way -- it has to be polygons. Nor do I want the map to be physically sliced apart and reassembled with table elements. I just want to use the HTML map and area tags.
Photoshop 7 (my last version) could do this simple, useful task. My Photoshop CS3 "upgrade" cannot.
creates simple map & area image maps -- or perhaps an add-in or standalone? Something other than a $300 piece of otherwise useless (for my purposes) bloatware.
I'm a new user of inventor (2013). Is there any option for exporting a file to patran. patran accept some files like *.sat ,... But not inventor out put file *.ipt.
I opened the original template PSD image for the home page in Photoshop 7, removed all the layers and slices that filled up the main panel, leaving everything else just as it is. I then switched to ImageReady, saved the HTML index.html file and images Optimized As and then created a site in GoLive 6 and uploaded it as is.
For purposes of comparison, I also created a site in Dreamweaver and checked it in its Preview in Browser and saw the exact same problem: if you switch your resolution to 800 X 600, everything looks perfect. However, at 1024 X 768, the right margin is white instead of being an extension of the page background and the bottom panel does not extend all the way to the right screen margin.
I've been told that I need a containing table with WIDTH=100% to contain the fixed size pixel table in order to resolve this issue.
Please scroll down till you see the image.
I'd appreciate help on resolving this issue.
Is there a way to edit the image size in Photoshop/ImageReady to automatically generate the correct HTML page?
I started using Image Mapping earlier today to see what it was...I made a signature for a friend of mine. However i have these two boxes in the image that were suppose to be click-able links. I used Image Mapping to do this however, I found out that after you get the source code it's programed to HTML. I was wondering if there was a way to use the HTML code to put into an IMG.
Like. What i mean is. Instead of using an HTML code for a website banner, Is there a way to do the same concept only in IMG format, And to where when you see the image, You can move your mouse over the two boxes and they could be click-able, And direct you to the specific site that It's programmed to take you to?
I scanned an image of our firm's logo, and opened it in Gimp. It looked excellent in every detail.
Next, I saved the file as a JPEG (of highest quality) and also as a Windows BMP.
Then, using two different HTML editors, I created a page, and inserted the logo. In both cases, the quality of the image was grossly degraded.. In the original, all the edges were crisp and clear, but once in the HTML files, though the images were of their original size, they were quite fuzzy. In fact, some of the smaller text in the logo became rather hard to read.
What would be causing this sort of deterioration, and what might I do to correct this problem?
I have been working with PS for a while now, and can hold my own, but someone asked me the other day if I could slice up an image and put it into html from a .psd file.
What is the best and perhaps quickest way to convert a PDF to HTML?
How do I take a large PDF, which has an index, linking to subsequent pages, into a similar thing in HTML, be it a single large HTML file with anchors and links, or several smaller HTML files, all linked to from the index file?