Photoshop :: Slice Up An Image And Put It Into Html From A .psd File

Oct 5, 2002

I have been working with PS for a while now, and can hold my own, but someone asked me the other day if I could slice up an image and put it into html from a .psd file.

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Photoshop :: Trying To Slice My PSD To HTML

Apr 11, 2005

I used a template to start and have done some extensive modifying to it. My site consists of 4 pages with the corresponding tabs at the top of the page. The top 1/3rd is identical from page to page....the content on the bottom 2/3rds changes. I did all the editing in Photoshop and am now trying to convert it all to html. I have sliced the index page and saved it to html. When I go to slice the second page, the slice numbers dont match up from page to page. I am basically relabeling all my slices. Also can't I just make the bottom 2/3rds of my page change instead of having to reslice the identical top of every page. I have browsed around and I know its possible but I can't pull anything together do mainly to lack of terminology knowledge on my part....

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Photoshop :: Slice In Html Tables ---

Sep 28, 2003

I want to put a border for my html table as a cirlce.

i draw a circle using ms-word.
after that i saved it as a webpage.

I opened the saved circle image in photoshop then using the slice tool. i sliced to top,left,right,bottom and middle part.

after that i jumped to imageready. there i saved the optimized as html page.
after saving i removed the middle part of the image i replaced the middle part with some photoalbum script.

Here the problem starts. All the pictures are separating in the html table.

I want to put a html table border as an ellipse shape.

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Illustrator :: How To Slice And Divide A PDF To Use As HTML Mailer

Feb 4, 2014

I have a high res PDF which I need to divide and slice to use as an HTML mailer, which is the quickest way to achieve this?

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GIMP :: Slice Image Using Filter-web-slice Function?

Sep 11, 2012

I'm trying to slice an image using the filter-web-slice function but I was wondering if there is a way to customize the function or change its properties in the Python-Fu. I need gimp to slice by columns (start in the top left corner slice each grid down the column then proceed to the next column. Right now all I can get gimp to do is cut by rows. Normally gimps function would be fine but I need the image labeled a particular way so I can use the individual files in a map for a game. I'm making a 118 images so renaming them by hand would take too long.

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Photoshop :: Clickable Image In CS6 - Place HTML File On Website?

Nov 20, 2013

I have made a click able image in CS6 but when I save it to my computer as a GIF, I'm not able to click on it. I'm saving the file as an "Image" and not using "HTML and Images" as I can't find a way to place HTML files on my website.

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Photoshop :: How To Change Adobe Photoshop Image Into A HTML File?

Jul 4, 2007

I have to build a website named Hollywood Movie Wallpaper . I've already gotten the pages done using adobe photoshop. This means that I know exactly what I want on each page and I've done the whole page by adobe photoshop. However, most website host needs the file to be in html in order for it to appear on the web. Is there any way to change an adobe photoshop image into a html file without changing the layout or anything? Coz it was hard work designing the layout and inserting the content into adobe photoshop image.

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Photoshop :: How To Create Image Slice With...

Mar 22, 2008

I want to make slice image with transparent background. I set the slice option background color to my background color. But when the image is on my html page set against the same background color, it has white halo around: How can I get rid of the white halo?

I need the slice image to have transparent background and not have a color background because it's going on a rollover button with the background change. I don't want it to look like this on rollover:

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Photoshop :: Image Ready Slice Problem

Feb 1, 2007

My kids played around with photoshop 7.0.1 and now every time I open an photo in Photoshop the little grey slice image at the top left corner of any image appears.

I don't use Image Ready but in the days I did the same icon appeared (a number like 01 in one tiny grey box and next to it in another tiny grey box a square with what looks like an upside down W).

I cannot paste a pic with it on here as it will not copy but its annoying and I want to find out how to turn it off.

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Photoshop :: Save For Web Slice/file Naming

Oct 18, 2004

I have PS CS and I'm experiencing something odd. Whenever I save a slice, it appends info to it, regardless of what I set in the slices preferences dialogue box. So, selecting save for web and choosing a slice, then naming it header.gif will end up with a file of header_13.gif (whatever slice number it is). I'm sure it didn't used to do this, or have I lost my marbles?

I have to go to the folder and rename every slice manually. Surely Adobe didn't intend this so what am I missing? Also, if I set everything in the slice preferences to NONE, leaving just .ext as the last option, every slice is saved as _.gif, regardless of what I type into the filename "save as" box.

I did a search on here and a search in Google but couldn't find anyone with this problem so maybe I have software conflicts?

Also, the PSD isn't longer than 27 letters (I've seen that as a problem before).

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Photoshop :: Slice Image Into Static And Animated GIFs?

Nov 18, 2013

I could design and build this project in my sleep in Fireworks. I use Photoshop for retouching, not design.
Anyway, my client wants the files delivered in Photoshop, so I am working in PS CC.
I have sliced my image up and one part is an animated GIF and the rest should be static GIFs. I cannot for the life of me figure out how to assign animation vs static for slices. Everything is animated. How do I assign a slice to be static. In Fireworks you can choose GIF or Animated GIF. Simple.

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Photoshop :: Exporting Design Into Dreamweaver - Why To Slice Image

Apr 25, 2012

I'm exporting a Photoshop design into Dreamweaver. I know HOW to slice, but I'm having a hard time finding the reason WHY to slice an image for importing into Dreamweaver. Why not just import the whole image, as a single, whole image?
I'm also having trouble finding the best way to slice an image. This is all very new to me. I looked at a webpage I created almost 5 years ago (my first exposure to web design) and I sliced the top of the page into 3 images - I had two prominent images on either side and the middle was the background. I then divided the middle bar (with the buttons) and made each of the buttons their own slice/image.
However, I just came across a website where they ultimately have their design sliced into just three images - a logo, buttons and a top layer image.This is the site I came across: URL.....
My slicing looks something like the opening image under the "Killing the Clutter" heading of this website, not the closing image (their goal) under the same heading.
Why are they singling out the logo? Should I be doing this with my design?Why are they including all buttons within one slice, instead of individual slices? Is this OK to do? For purposes of the rollover image, I thought they had to be separated.They're not saving the background. Should they be? Unless they're importing the background as one large image.
who might recommend not slicing an image and doing stuff with code instead, but I don't have the knowledge to go that route and I have to slice the image.

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Photoshop :: HTML Containing Table For PSD Image

Sep 24, 2003

I opened the original template PSD image for the home page in Photoshop 7, removed all the layers and slices that filled up the main panel, leaving everything else just as it is. I then switched to ImageReady, saved the HTML index.html file and images Optimized As and then created a site in GoLive 6 and uploaded it as is.

For purposes of comparison, I also created a site in Dreamweaver and checked it in its Preview in Browser and saw the exact same problem: if you switch your resolution to 800 X 600, everything looks perfect. However, at 1024 X 768, the right margin is white instead of being an extension of the page background and the bottom panel does not extend all the way to the right screen margin.

I've been told that I need a containing table with WIDTH=100% to contain the fixed size pixel table in order to resolve this issue.

Please scroll down till you see the image.

I'd appreciate help on resolving this issue.

Is there a way to edit the image size in Photoshop/ImageReady to automatically generate the correct HTML page?

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Photoshop Elements :: Add Hyperlink To Image - Cannot Find Slice Tool

Oct 30, 2012

I would like to add an hyperlink to an image on photoshop but I cannot find the slice tool on photoshop (9 on mac)

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Photoshop :: Dreamweaver - How To Cut PSD File To Use It In HTML

Oct 23, 2013

I have a .html template for a squeeze page with many images. I also have the .psd file
How can I cut the psd file to use it in the html? I guess it should be with the slice tool? In the html there are many images, not just one...

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Photoshop :: How To Convert PSD File Into .HTML

Oct 1, 2005

I have changed some images on the PSD template but when i save it as webpage it save it just as a picture, i can not change text on it after that, since its an image.
Can you please tell how to save it after editing images, so tht it will look like HTML file and how i can edit some text on it after i save ?

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Photoshop :: Turning PSD File Into HTML

Oct 15, 2004

I am trying to determine the best approach to use to convert several psd files into html. I know I can slice the image up, using PS or ImageReady, but here are my questions:

The PSD files make up my entire site. My home page is a PSD, as is every other page. But each page has common elements. For example, my logo is the same, and it is in the same place on each page. I also have links that are common to all pages. If I slice up the first page, how can I be sure that I have sliced the second and subsequent pages the same way so I only can use 1 logo image for my site?

Is there a way to save the slice layout of one page and then import it into another page? That way, I would have precisely the same layout of the slices.

Does this make any sense, or is there a far better way to take a PSD and convert it to html?

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Illustrator :: Creating Master AI File Like HTML Include File

Sep 15, 2013

I would like to create a master background layer that multiple pages will be built over, while retaining the ability to edit the master background layer after-the-fact which will automatically change all the subsequent pages.
Similar to how an include file would work on a webpage, ie: create the menu as an include file, then all pages that reference that include file would have their menus changed when that single include file gets modified.
Or another way of looking at it: like how headers/footers work in word, ie: change the header or footer and all pages in that document are automatically modified.
Illustrator CS6 PC.

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GIMP :: How To Slice Image

May 28, 2013

I have a image as below, I want to slice it to original photo, how can I do easily?

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Photoshop :: Converting PSD File Into HTML Site

Aug 27, 2012

here is the screen shot of the PSD which i converted into HTML. It is done with Slice select too. and i got this kind of error in output. so i want a way by which i can transform my psd designs the same way they look in to working website. the template goes other places

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Xara :: How To Slice Off A Piece Of Image

Nov 25, 2011

Suddenly I'm having problems with the Arrange/combine/slice feature.

When I attempt to slice off a piece of an image, another straight cut occurs somewhere else on the image.

On the attached sample, I drew a wavy line like the one shown across the right arm of girl in the image and along with the expected slice was the vertical slice through the image. I backed up and started again, and the exact same vertical slice occurred.

This happens frequently, the unwanted slice is always straight , but sometimes horizontal, and sometimes angled. I'm using Wacom Cintiq tablet.

I'm having the same problem with my trial 7 version. I've been 'slicing' since Xara was a puppy.

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Photoshop :: Action Outputting HTML File Format

Mar 29, 2013

I had an action set up in CS5 that I used to create different size versions of a file.It involved pasting a full size image into PS, then running the action to create two smaller sizes.
I updated to CS6 today, lost my action , and whenever I create the same action in CS6 instead of overwriting the existing set of .jpgs in the target folder, it's creating html files!

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Photoshop :: Rollover Efect :: Html File And Slices

Oct 23, 2003

I created a rollover efect with IR with some fotos and get html file and to place it in the free cell in Dreamweaver on my page?

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Photoshop :: How To Make PSD Website Into Properly Coded HTML File

May 29, 2013

How do you make a Photoshop psd website into a "properly coded" HTML file that will work on the web?

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Photoshop Elements :: Save Downloaded Webpage (HTML) As JPEG Image For Editing?

Jan 13, 2014

I would like to save a downloaded webpage (html file) as a jpeg so that I can edit it in photoshop elements. How do I do that?

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GIMP :: HTML And IMG Using Image Mapping?

Apr 13, 2013

I started using Image Mapping earlier today to see what it was...I made a signature for a friend of mine. However i have these two boxes in the image that were suppose to be click-able links. I used Image Mapping to do this however, I found out that after you get the source code it's programed to HTML. I was wondering if there was a way to use the HTML code to put into an IMG.

Like. What i mean is. Instead of using an HTML code for a website banner, Is there a way to do the same concept only in IMG format, And to where when you see the image, You can move your mouse over the two boxes and they could be click-able, And direct you to the specific site that It's programmed to take you to?

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GIMP :: Image Deteriorates If Used In HTML?

Jun 4, 2011

I scanned an image of our firm's logo, and opened it in Gimp. It looked excellent in every detail.

Next, I saved the file as a JPEG (of highest quality) and also as a Windows BMP.

Then, using two different HTML editors, I created a page, and inserted the logo. In both cases, the quality of the image was grossly degraded.. In the original, all the edges were crisp and clear, but once in the HTML files, though the images were of their original size, they were quite fuzzy. In fact, some of the smaller text in the logo became rather hard to read.

What would be causing this sort of deterioration, and what might I do to correct this problem?

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Photoshop Elements :: How To Avoid Importing Tiny Pictures From HTML File Folders

Oct 4, 2012

How can I avoid importing tiny pictures from html file folders?  Elements 11 organizer

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GIMP :: How To Open HTML File

Apr 5, 2013

Want to open a html -file in GIMP . Is this possible!? IF so - how?

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Illustrator :: Why CS6 Can't Output HTML File

May 23, 2012

From the save for web. Why AI cs6 can't output html file?

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Illustrator :: Why Save Selected Slice Always Creates Image Folder Every Time

Nov 15, 2013

I know in Adobe PhotoShop you can save each image indivdually  without an image folder being created.

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