I am trying to determine the best approach to use to convert several psd files into html. I know I can slice the image up, using PS or ImageReady, but here are my questions:
The PSD files make up my entire site. My home page is a PSD, as is every other page. But each page has common elements. For example, my logo is the same, and it is in the same place on each page. I also have links that are common to all pages. If I slice up the first page, how can I be sure that I have sliced the second and subsequent pages the same way so I only can use 1 logo image for my site?
Is there a way to save the slice layout of one page and then import it into another page? That way, I would have precisely the same layout of the slices.
Does this make any sense, or is there a far better way to take a PSD and convert it to html?
I have changed some images on the PSD template but when i save it as webpage it save it just as a picture, i can not change text on it after that, since its an image. Can you please tell how to save it after editing images, so tht it will look like HTML file and how i can edit some text on it after i save ?
I would like to create a master background layer that multiple pages will be built over, while retaining the ability to edit the master background layer after-the-fact which will automatically change all the subsequent pages.
Similar to how an include file would work on a webpage, ie: create the menu as an include file, then all pages that reference that include file would have their menus changed when that single include file gets modified.
Or another way of looking at it: like how headers/footers work in word, ie: change the header or footer and all pages in that document are automatically modified.
here is the screen shot of the PSD which i converted into HTML. It is done with Slice select too. and i got this kind of error in output. so i want a way by which i can transform my psd designs the same way they look in to working website. the template goes other places
I have been working with PS for a while now, and can hold my own, but someone asked me the other day if I could slice up an image and put it into html from a .psd file.
I had an action set up in CS5 that I used to create different size versions of a file.It involved pasting a full size image into PS, then running the action to create two smaller sizes.
I updated to CS6 today, lost my action , and whenever I create the same action in CS6 instead of overwriting the existing set of .jpgs in the target folder, it's creating html files!
I have made a click able image in CS6 but when I save it to my computer as a GIF, I'm not able to click on it. I'm saving the file as an "Image" and not using "HTML and Images" as I can't find a way to place HTML files on my website.
I'm new at Dreamweaver and have a file in Corel X4 saved. I am trying to have it either saved as a psd file with good quality dpi layers or have it accessible in dreamweaver.
I just started web tech. course at richmond adult community college, and I would like to know if there is any option to import a gimp file, image with any most popular html editor (possibly free one ) as it can be done with dreamweaver a photoshop doc.
I drew a beautiful SVG for a website, just coded it in html/css/javascript. (It's in there, just scroll around)
It needs finishing by hand ... how on earth do I open it in Illustrator?
I downloaded it as an .svg via SVG Crowbar. (That's the only way I know to extract an .svg and am happy to try your better strategies)
.When I ask Adobe File -> Open -> and choose it, Adobe says "can't open illustration."
Fwiw, Reader error is "could not open graph.svg bc it is either not a supported file type or because the file has been damaged, for example it was sent as an email attachment and wasn't correctly decoded"
Inkscape will open graph.svg, no problem. But I was hoping to try out Illustrator.
still I try to reopen the issue about an error of "Edge Animate could not find the associated html file" for me, this error remains even after opening and saving corresponding html file. in fact I don't remember any successful launch of .an file for all my projects working at win 7, 64 bit
I want to use an iframe construction into my edge animate document. Edge animate *.oam file's planned to be used into inDesign DPS-folio. There is an iframe like <iframe src="local.html"></iframe> in that.
I made several projects using Edge Animate 1.0, all of them worked perfectly. But now I need to make some changes, and several of them are displaying an error saying that could not find the html file associated with the project, even though the file is right at the same folder. I opened the .an file in a text editor and checked that the HTMLFileName attribute is pointing to the correct file. I'm attaching a print screen of the error.
I have to build a website named Hollywood Movie Wallpaper . I've already gotten the pages done using adobe photoshop. This means that I know exactly what I want on each page and I've done the whole page by adobe photoshop. However, most website host needs the file to be in html in order for it to appear on the web. Is there any way to change an adobe photoshop image into a html file without changing the layout or anything? Coz it was hard work designing the layout and inserting the content into adobe photoshop image.
When I open AutoCAD it always opens a new file. Any way to disable that? Typically when I open AutoCAD I am looking for an existing file so I always have to delete/close the new file AutoCAD opened.
I use INV2012. It was very easy in the older version of INV to switch off all unwanted items in drafting. But, now we have to work with design view rep. Currently, I am working on a drawing which has surfaces. Though I saved the view rep without those surfaces, still I am getting it in drafting. I have unchecked assosiative in drawing view rep still no use.
Say there are 4 compositions in an html file. Is it possible to create a few navigation buttons in the html file, so that when a 3rd button is clicked, the animation jumps to the 3rd animation. Something like JQuery slideshow, but the difference is, each composition is animated instead of a static image.
I downloaded the .stl file from here, which is a very detailed model of 20mb size:
it can be opened in inventor and is shown as a mesh object. Then I tried the plugin "Autodesk Mesh Enabler" to turn it into a solid. After almost an hour it produced something of 350mb, but it cannot be opened anymore, it crashes inventor immediately. Are there any settings to that plugin to reduce the number of elements that it creates?
I heard Mesh4CAD is a similar tool for autocad. I am installing autocad now, hoping that it is more powerful for these kind of things...
I just need to take measurements and attach new objects to the model, or can this somehow be enabled for mesh objects as well, without converting?
Is there a quick method for turning a 13 page Ai file into 13 separate Ai files? I need to resave or RIP them as normalized PDF files, and I need to start with single-page ai files.
I have an existing HTML page (created in Adobe Muse) and I am trying to draw some Adobe Edge objects on top of the page (e.g. a rectangle or an image). When I look in the layers panel, the Edge objects show as top in the list. However, visually when I look at the page, the elements show behind the pre-existing HTML page from Muse.
I am including an animation I built using Edge Animate into Dreamweaver. I can't use an .oam file because of some other JavaScript I'm using so basically I'm limited to an .html file with all my edge includes java, and other supporting files.
when I preview in browser within dreamweaver. However, when I upload the page to my domain, my animate HTML file won't work. Here is a link to the current site in progress. (The first green box top left is my link to my animation). URL....
what is the process that the veterans use to get their graphic PSD ideas into a working HTML/CSS page? Currently I have been making creating a web layout, then once completed I make some layers invisible, then I duplicate it to another file, then Save As a jpg, gif or png. This has been a lengthy process and doesn't always work that well depending on how the layers are broken up or merged;