Illustrator :: Quick Method For Turning 13 Page AI File Into 13 Separate AI Files
Jun 8, 2012
Is there a quick method for turning a 13 page Ai file into 13 separate Ai files? I need to resave or RIP them as normalized PDF files, and I need to start with single-page ai files.
Every day at least a dozen times I print spot color separations for film through the print dialogue to pdf, and every single time I have to either print the spot colors one at a time, or open the multipage pdf in Acrobat and use the clunky extract page function to get separate files. Is there any way to just get it to print separate pdfs?
Then I have to rename each sep to have the color in the file name. If there was a way to automate that?
When I am asked for the Profile Origin the cursor is like a standard Windows Arrow pointer and won't let me select a point for the origin.If I use a polyline for the quick profile all works as expected...
IDSP Premium 2014 (mainly Civil 3D 2014 UKIE SP1 & Infraworks with some limited 3ds Max Design) Win 7 Pro x64, 256Gb SSD, 300Gb 15,000 rpm HDD 16Gb Ram Intel Xeon CPU E5-1607 0 @ 3.00GHz (4 CPUs), ~3.0GHz NVIDIA Quadro 4000, Dual 27" Monitor, Dell T3600
how to get the page count of a multi page PDF file? I know you can then open each page using the PDFFileOptions (pagetoopen). But I need to know up front how many pages there are to loop thru to open each page and process each page.
When memory errors are occuring, which is the preferred method for repetitive objects: placing linked images or placing symbol instances? I'm using Windows XP and Illustrator CS5. I'm considering whether to create symbols for several of the often recurring placed images.
I just can't make it work.. I need to use QUICK SELECTION TOOL to select part of image and then cut it out and paste it exactly in the same place. But whenever I do it, that tool automatically add feather to the edge so I can't paste it in same place again!
I already turn on hardness to 100% and I don't see any other options I can alter to eliminate it.
I have downloaded the trial 2014 version. How i go about turning on the ribbons at the top of the screen or the quick access toolbar? I have tried going through the CUI menu but I can't seem to get it to work .
Any way within AI CS4 to export layers to separate .ai files? Or third party plug-in to do the same? Preferably retaining the layer name as the new file name.
I have a layered .ai file with 40 layers of logo versions that I need to export to separate files and I'd like to avoid the obvious "save as" and delete layers route.
Just wondering, if I have several seperate idw files and I want to combine them into one master file, is this possible? Would be handy to have all my drawing on one file instead of the 30 or so seperate ones it will become.
I have three weeks of photos from a trip abroad. How can I import several hundred photos and organize them into one file instead of separate files for each date they were taken?
I cannot figure out how to separate a graphic from a a vector file I purchased on Shutter Stock which has a bunch of graphics in the file used for design. The file has layers, and I have tried to select just one of the layers to copy and paste into a new AI file, but it doesn't work. Nothing seems to be grouped together, and I have no idea how to tell if there is a compound path or not.
I need to separate all the images and then resize them as well. Then I want to export to a jpeg file so that I can use in photoshop and/or publisher.
I need a way for 2 users to work on a pipe network at the same time. I was thinking about creating Data Shortcuts, but I’m looking for a better way to accomplish this. For example, can I export a pipe network created by another user into a master file? (which contains all my networks consolidated together). I want to work on one part of the network while another user works on another part of the network then combine into a single file so that I reference everything into our P&P sheets.
I'm new to scripting What I want to do and don't know how to go about it is to run a script that collects the saved file name and the full path where the file is saved on the network and displays it on my document.
How can I print mulitple different .ai files onto one page in Illustrator CS6? I have all of the files organized by Arrange Documents>Tile All in Grid and I would like to print the files in this format so that they can all be seen at once when printed out onto one page.
Some background is that I have 16 different cad drawings that I have converted and edited in illustrator. I'd like to basically make a contact sheet with all 16 drawings so that they can be reviewed on one sheet of paper after printing. But each drawing is in it's own unique file, and I have not figured out how to put them all onto one page for printing.
I have CS5, and someone sent an .ai file that was created in CS6, and I am unable to open and edit page 2. Ideally, I would like to be able to have both pages open in one doc as artboards, however, if need be, I'm happy to just open page 2.If it matters, I have Mac OSX Lion 10.7.5.
I just upgraded from 12 to x5 and for some reason it looks like Corel has chosen to make the file default to only showing the page as the thumbnail. Whereas before the entire file was displayed in thumbnail. This would work fine as long as you only want to keep your design elements all within the page frame, but I don't know one Corel Designer that does that. (only Word and Publisher users do that because they have to)
When I have a multi page Ai fil e (50 pages) and 'Save as', it saves more than just the single page I specified (ie. Range 1-1)... it saves all 50 over again? How do I just save 1 of the 50?
Yesterday my co-woker eited and sent to me. But i can't open 30-pages all in once, instead of this window pops up and only 1 page of all open it. How do I open all the page and edit it once without any script?
What if I have created 7 logo versions. I want the client to view these 7 versions as one file (maybe one PDF file with 1 logo per page). Each logo version is on its own layer in Illustrator right now. How do I convert each logo/layer to a multi-page PDF file? Since this is just for viewing, I don’t have to submit EPS files yet to the client.
Trying to set up a datamerge file to create multi page spread documents with fields on different pages. Attempting to set it up so it's as automated as possible as there are up to 20 different merge documents needing to merge with up to 100 different csv records from the same file each week . The merge documents have different and repeated merge fields on most pages.
I've set it up so that the document has facing pages, and most pages have images spread across the whole of the spread. the pages preview fine, they are created ok when using 'Create Merged Document' although the page numbers continue from one document to another (another problem). but when I come to export to pdf, then the merge only shows the image on the left spread but on both left and right spread single pages, and the page numbers don't show the correct page numbers eg it will go p1 p2 p1 p2 etc all the way through the document instead of p1 p2 p3 - p20 etc. I don't want to have to merge first then pdf but can't understand why the images and page numbers are not showing correctly.
In the past two days, two-page PDFs that I save out of CS6 are printing with the second page upside down. I have tried resaving the documents—didn't work. Tried saving the documents as individual PDFs and combining the PDFs in Acrobat—didn't work. I have had my colleagues print them, and the second page is upside-down too. When I print two-page PDFs that I saved last week or longer ago, I have no problem at all. It just seems to be happening with recently saved PDFs. I didn't update any software on my computer between saving the PDFs that are printing correctly and when this problem began.
My workplace works with both Digital and Print work and I wanted to know if how we're adding Pantone swatches is correct.
I'm using CS6 and I open the Pantone+ Swatchbook and add the Swatch from there. The Swatch is in the LAB Colour mode and I have "Use Lab values..." selected in the Spot Color Options Dialog.
My colleague, using CS5, opens her Swatches panel and selects New Swatch > inputs the CMYK Colour values from the Pantone+ printed book > selects Spot Color from the drop-down.
We're both working on the same documents, so when I open up her file, her colours look off to me. Specifically, Pantone 497 C - my brown is looking a red compared to her brown which is darker. When I open up my Swatch and change my Colour mode to CMYK, the values are completely different.
We'd like to understand which one of us is doing it wrong and which way we should go to streamline the colours to ensure that we're using the correct Pantone?
I have a script using the dynamic content plugin from illustrator which takes and XML file and replaces it with a new one. All linked text/symbol/image links have their paths updated or text content updated.
The problem I have is I have background images which are not dynamic so I need to relink these based on their file path.
We have two shares, an OPI & an FPO, because of the size of backgrounf images we keep the FPO links in whilst artworking.
What I'd like to do is relink all images if they contain FPO in their file path, I'm in CS5.1. I had a look and found CS6 has a .relink method but obviosuly this is no use to me in CS5.1