GIMP :: How To Open HTML File

Apr 5, 2013

Want to open a html -file in GIMP . Is this possible!? IF so - how?

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Illustrator :: How To Open HTML / SVG File Type

Oct 2, 2013

I drew a beautiful SVG for a website, just coded it in html/css/javascript. (It's in there, just scroll around)
It needs finishing by hand ... how on earth do I open it in Illustrator?
I downloaded it as an .svg via SVG Crowbar.  (That's the only way I know to extract an .svg and am happy to try your better strategies)
.When I ask Adobe File -> Open -> and choose it, Adobe says "can't open illustration."
Fwiw, Reader error is "could not open graph.svg bc it is either not a supported  file type or because the file has been damaged, for example it was sent as an email attachment and wasn't correctly decoded"
Inkscape will open graph.svg, no problem. But I was hoping to try out Illustrator.

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GIMP :: How To Import File With HTML Editor

Nov 15, 2013

I just started web tech. course at richmond adult community college, and I would like to know if there is any option to import a gimp file, image with any most popular html editor (possibly free one ) as it can be done with dreamweaver a photoshop doc.

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Photoshop Elements :: Programs Will Open HTML Pages

Jul 26, 2013

I made a web site with PShop and GOLive back in 2002-2005, I do not have PShop or GOLive anymore, but i wish to edit the path adress of those html pages generated by PShop and GOLive in 2002-2005, all i have is PS Elements10 and it does not recognize them, and none of my other programs will open the HTML pages so that I can edit them,

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Illustrator :: Creating Master AI File Like HTML Include File

Sep 15, 2013

I would like to create a master background layer that multiple pages will be built over, while retaining the ability to edit the master background layer after-the-fact which will automatically change all the subsequent pages.
Similar to how an include file would work on a webpage, ie: create the menu as an include file, then all pages that reference that include file would have their menus changed when that single include file gets modified.
Or another way of looking at it: like how headers/footers work in word, ie: change the header or footer and all pages in that document are automatically modified.
Illustrator CS6 PC.

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GIMP :: HTML And IMG Using Image Mapping?

Apr 13, 2013

I started using Image Mapping earlier today to see what it was...I made a signature for a friend of mine. However i have these two boxes in the image that were suppose to be click-able links. I used Image Mapping to do this however, I found out that after you get the source code it's programed to HTML. I was wondering if there was a way to use the HTML code to put into an IMG.

Like. What i mean is. Instead of using an HTML code for a website banner, Is there a way to do the same concept only in IMG format, And to where when you see the image, You can move your mouse over the two boxes and they could be click-able, And direct you to the specific site that It's programmed to take you to?

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GIMP :: Image Deteriorates If Used In HTML?

Jun 4, 2011

I scanned an image of our firm's logo, and opened it in Gimp. It looked excellent in every detail.

Next, I saved the file as a JPEG (of highest quality) and also as a Windows BMP.

Then, using two different HTML editors, I created a page, and inserted the logo. In both cases, the quality of the image was grossly degraded.. In the original, all the edges were crisp and clear, but once in the HTML files, though the images were of their original size, they were quite fuzzy. In fact, some of the smaller text in the logo became rather hard to read.

What would be causing this sort of deterioration, and what might I do to correct this problem?

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GIMP :: How To Open XCF File

Jan 23, 2013

I will do absolutely ANYTHING to restore this picture. I've been working on it for hours. I thought I learned my lesson from working for hours and not saving, but apparently my lesson might now be to save in 8 places while working.

I was working on a drawing, saving as I went, and my laptop shut off unexpected as I was saving. I thought it saved before it shut off, but when I came back on, it wouldn't open the xcf file. The preview still shows up, and the file is still 1.37MB. Is there ANY way of redeeming my drawing? Any other programs I could open it in or way to fix it?

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GIMP :: Can't Open Vector EPS File

Jun 26, 2012

Completely new to photo editing and gimp. I am trying to open a vector.eps file but keep getting the message below. I have downloaded Ghost script, but still cant open anything. Is it essential that ghostscript is dowloaded? how can I open the file?

Error starting Ghostscript. Make sure that Ghostscript is installed and - if necessary - use the environment variable GS_PROG to tell GIMP about its location. (Failed to execute child process (No such file or directory))

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GIMP :: How To Open JPG File And Guides In It

Aug 16, 2013

Im looking for the gimp equivellent to photoshops View>extras. If there is one. I need to open a jpg file with guides in it, but they do not show up when I open the file.

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GIMP :: Convert Pictures Into HTML Canvas Code?

Jan 29, 2014

I have been using Gimp with a drawing board for cartoon pictures. Now, I like to create simple animation from the pictures that I made. Is there any way Gimp can convert pictures (whatever format) into HTML canvas code?

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X6 :: Website Creator - Won't Let To Open Existing HTML Files

Nov 22, 2012

I cannot open existing website .html files in Website Creator - how to open them?

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GIMP :: Can't Open Any File Type Except PNG Files

Jul 8, 2012

i can't open any file type except .png files.i think cause is from libjpeg and when i compile gimp didn't install and i has to compile with --disable-jpeglib or like this switch.

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GIMP :: Open File Icon Is Missing?

May 12, 2011

I have been using Gimp for a while and have never had this happen. When I open Gimp, it does not show the usual Gimp, File, Help Menu at the top. I am unable to open a file in Gimp. I have uninstalled and reinstalled and still this tab is missing.

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GIMP :: Open A File From External Drive

Jan 21, 2013

Is it possible to open a file from an external drive? In the open dialog window I see only references to my internal drive.

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GIMP :: Crashes Every Time Try To Open A File?

Sep 4, 2013

I am running 2.8 with Windows 7 64 bit. This just started today. I had done a picture, then closed out gimp. When I reopened it, I could no longer open files in Gimp. I can start gimp, then click on open files, and scroll through the files, and as soon as I select one, it whites out and says Gimp has stopped responding. I uninstalled and reinstalled the program, same issue. I tried jpeg, png, and xfc files, none will load.

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GIMP :: Unable To Open Swap File

Aug 4, 2012

Start up Gimp and get an error message as follows:

Unable to open swap file. GIMP has run out of memory and cannot use the swap file. Some parts of your images may be corrupted. Try to save your work using different filenames, restart GIMP and check the location of the swap directory in your Preferences.

When I check preferences, the path to the swap file is not correct. My path is user to Application to Application Support to Library to Gimp.

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GIMP :: 2.8 Hangs On File Open Dialogue

Dec 7, 2013

Windows 7 64 bit user.

Upgraded to 2.8 with total deletion of the Gimp folder to try to address this.

File / Open Recent works fine.

File / New etc same all good...

File / Open has a problem.

Once that window opens the product is hung.

There is no window to type the file name in, and I cannot click on any of the disk drive names.

I must admit that I have a good number of network and usb as well as physical drives. I do not think that any have changed names, but it seems clear that something like a path change is responsible?

How to repair a stuck File/Open dialogue.

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GIMP :: Enqueue Open Only When Former File Has Been Closed

Apr 25, 2011

I need to edit several video frames in order to blur someone's face in the video and it would be useful to "enqueue" files. What I would like to obtain is that when I have edited, saved and closed image1, GIMP would automatically open image2 and so on.

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GIMP :: Move A Text Layer From One Open File To Another

Mar 7, 2013

I am trying to move a text layer from one open file to another. I left-click on a text layer in one file and drag it to the tab of the other file. It seems to be successful, but there is no layer added to the other file.

If I try copy and paste then there will be another layer in the other file that I have to anchor or set as a new layer. If I anchor it then it becomes a part of the default layer. If I set it as a new layer then there is some sort of success, but I can’t edit it with the text tool as I can if I copy it within the same file.

Is it not possible to copy text layers between open files and continue to edit it with the text tool?

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GIMP :: Open PSD File It Breaks And Color Is Lost

Oct 10, 2012

When I try to open a PSD file in GIMP, it breaks - the color is lost.

Here is what it should look like: [URL]....

This is how it appears in gimp: [URL].....

Here is the original, how to convert it to a format that actually works??? [URL].....

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GIMP :: Cannot Open Image (premature End Of JPEG File)

Oct 20, 2013

I am trying to open this image [URL] ... that I downloaded the full sized image and it doesn't matter how many times I download it or open it in Gimp it shows up in Gimp corrupt and gives me the error "premature end of jpeg file" but Windows Photo Viewer views the image just fine! what is wrong when I open it in Gimp???

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GIMP :: Open AI File Not Loading Full Image

Apr 5, 2012

I am trying to open an .AI file, and am having almost success. Instead of loading the whole image, it cuts off about 50% of the image, leaving just the center. I altered the rendering width and height in the Import from PostScript window and it successfully extended the image to include the right side, but the left is still truncated. How can I get this whole image to open?

I can resort to just mirroring the left and right sides to fill in the blanks, but I would really rather not do that if it is possible.

I am running Windows 7 64-bit, with Gimp ver 2.6.11

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GIMP :: Windows 2.6.11 File / Open TIFF And JPEG Not An Option

Mar 24, 2012

I have installed both version 2.6.11 and also version 2.4.7 of the Windows version of Gimp that I have downloaded from here [URL]

When I launch Gimp, and select File / Open from the main menu, neither TIF/TIFF nor JPG/JPEG files are listed when "All Images" is selected in the file type drop-down listbox. If I select "All Files", and then select either a TIFF or JPEG file, then an error message appears stating "Unknown file type". The specific types listed in the file type drop down list box include:

GIMP XCF image (*.xcf)
bzip archive (*.xcf.bz2, *.bz2, *.xcfbz2)
Dexktop Link (*.desktop)
G3 fax image (*.g3)
GIF image (*.gif)
gzip archive (*.xcf.gz, *.gz, *.xcfgz)
Photoshop image (*.psd)

I have read here: [URL] that, "Some of the file types, such as JPEG and TIFF, require extra libraries (described elsewhere)." I have no idea where "elsewhere" is.

I have completely uninstalled, rebooted, and reinstalled both version 2.6.11 and 2.4.7 with the exact same results each time. The program otherwise works as advertized, with no errors or problems that I am aware of.

Am I missing something here? All indications are that GIMP (Even the Windows version) natively supports TIFF / TIF and JPEG / JPG files, but that is certainly not my experience!

I am specifically interested in opening TIFF / TIF files.

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Photoshop :: Dreamweaver - How To Cut PSD File To Use It In HTML

Oct 23, 2013

I have a .html template for a squeeze page with many images. I also have the .psd file
How can I cut the psd file to use it in the html? I guess it should be with the slice tool? In the html there are many images, not just one...

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Photoshop :: How To Convert PSD File Into .HTML

Oct 1, 2005

I have changed some images on the PSD template but when i save it as webpage it save it just as a picture, i can not change text on it after that, since its an image.
Can you please tell how to save it after editing images, so tht it will look like HTML file and how i can edit some text on it after i save ?

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Photoshop :: Turning PSD File Into HTML

Oct 15, 2004

I am trying to determine the best approach to use to convert several psd files into html. I know I can slice the image up, using PS or ImageReady, but here are my questions:

The PSD files make up my entire site. My home page is a PSD, as is every other page. But each page has common elements. For example, my logo is the same, and it is in the same place on each page. I also have links that are common to all pages. If I slice up the first page, how can I be sure that I have sliced the second and subsequent pages the same way so I only can use 1 logo image for my site?

Is there a way to save the slice layout of one page and then import it into another page? That way, I would have precisely the same layout of the slices.

Does this make any sense, or is there a far better way to take a PSD and convert it to html?

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Illustrator :: Why CS6 Can't Output HTML File

May 23, 2012

From the save for web. Why AI cs6 can't output html file?

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Photoshop :: Converting PSD File Into HTML Site

Aug 27, 2012

here is the screen shot of the PSD which i converted into HTML. It is done with Slice select too. and i got this kind of error in output. so i want a way by which i can transform my psd designs the same way they look in to working website. the template goes other places

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X4 :: File Into HTML

Aug 24, 2011

I'm new at Dreamweaver and have a file in Corel X4 saved. I am trying to have it either saved as a psd file with good quality dpi layers or have it accessible in dreamweaver.

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Photoshop :: Slice Up An Image And Put It Into Html From A .psd File

Oct 5, 2002

I have been working with PS for a while now, and can hold my own, but someone asked me the other day if I could slice up an image and put it into html from a .psd file.

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