is it possible to write a plug in that runs when a user does something.example. you start inventor and open a assembly file the user selects a part and the plugin automatically pussing buttons, no quick key, it just runs.
How to use an embedded cursor (mycursor.cur) via the SetCursor command under user interaction events. I can use built in cursors just not able to get it working with my resource.
1) As in Illustrator SDK, we have a notifier "kAIDocumentOpenedNotifier", which comes when a document is opened. My problem is, if document is having some missing fonts, then Illustrator first throws the missing font window and then sends the "kAIDocumentOpenedNotifier" notification. Is there any way to get this notification at very start of opening document(before missing font window)?
We have "kAIDocumentAboutToCloseNotifier" notifier. but this is from close doc event. I want the same for open doc event
Note : We have such notifier in Indesign SDK - "kBeforeOpenDocSignalResponderService"
2) I am also having trouble in finding the format of fonts, used in document?(eg- TrueType,OpenType,Postscript etc)
Every time I start up Illustrator CC 17.1.0, I see this annoying, grammatically incorrect message. To top it off, when it disappears, the invisible notification area icon remains. And the kicker: when I close Illustrator, the icon still remains until I hover the mouse cursor on it.
Windows 8 Pro N x64 Illustrator CC 17.1.0
What does this notification even mean? That I can change DPI in Windows settings?
I'm trying to export an image map from Illustrator CS6. However I can't get it to save the HTML.
I've setup my hotspots etc. However when I do "Save for Web", there is no option to save "Images & HTML". It only gives me the option of "Image Only".
The only way I've been able to get the HTML is to click on "Preview" from the "Save for Web" screen, and then copy and paste the image map code from there.
I've also tested it with slices, and same thing. There just seems to be no way to get it to generate a HTML file.
Is there some other way I'm supposed to get it to create the HTML?
I would like to automate an action set that selects a raster image (linked file) that has been grouped with vector art and then converts that selected raster image into a vector (live trace)
About once a day, when I click on an object with the direct selection tool, the bounding box will be way larger than it should, implying another object on another artboard is included in the selection.
This happens when the object I am selecting is NOT grouped with anything else. Moreover, is seems buggy because the mystery object doesnt have its "edges" visible the way it would if it were legitimately selected.
I can deselect all, but then anything I click on, the selection's bounding box is expanded to include the mystery object. The only way I have found to deal with it is to drag a corner of the bounding box, then undo, and then click off again. Then Voila! I am able to select my object (or any other) without the mystery selection happening.
I use clipping masks a lot, as well as many artboards, and have wondered if it's related to this, as the mystery objects are sometimes masked images, and often on another artboard. However, the mystery objects are not always masked.
I had it with CS5, and hoped it would go away with CS6, but it has not.
I have addin running inside Inventor. The requirement is that addin should be able to capture the "save as" operation done by the user. Internally, addin stores unique information in the active Inventor file and when user does "Save as", it needs to generate and store the new unique information in the newly created file after Save As. That is the reason it is required to capture the Save As event.
It was possible to capture the "Save" event and there I get Event Timing Enum (kBefore and kAfter). But the file name is same for kBefore and kAfter. So its not possible to identify that its Save As operation.
I have a button which has a mousover/mousout animation. When i click the button, it will shrink down to 0%. when it does, my mousout event is triggert, which i dont want.
how can i disable the mousout event after the click event?
am having an Issue with CS6 when saving files. When saving a file using the 'Save' option (not 'Save As') the file is not staying at the size of the artboard as it should, it is however being aurtomatically cropped down to the actual artwork size. This is causing issues with the Process we work with as we need the file to stay at the artboard size.If I click 'Save As' and change the Adobe PDF Preset to 'Press Quality' then this works, however this means that every file we save(which is quite alot in a day) means we have to go through the 'Save As' option and manually change each save.why this has suddenly started to happen with our Illustrators and do you know how to fix this so that it stays at the Artboard size when 'Save' is used?
I am running Lightroom 4.1 on two Macs, both running 10.7.4. On one of the machines the Alt/Option key does not work properly in the Develop module.
When I hold down the Alt/Option key and move the Exposure or Blacks slider I expect to see the clipping display. Instead this action moves the whole of the sidebar of the user interface. I can move it to any place on the screen and off the edge of the screen. Clearly this should not be possible.
The problem machine has a Wacom Intuos 3 tablet attached, so I have tried updating the Wacom drivers, and also removing the Wacom software completely. Neither solves the problem. My other Mac does not exhibit this problem.
I cannot stand it when I make a new layer in Illustrator and the color hint becomes yellow. This usually happens on the third new layer into every project. I can go in and manually change it from yellow to the ten plus other colors, but I just want yellow completely out of the list. It's awful to look at, and I think every other color is easier.
adobe illustrator CS6 sdk .I am trying to add an event listener to the existing check-in menu item. When check-in is invoked i want to dispatch an event to cs extension. I got hold of the check-in menu item in AIMenuItemHandle, but i do not find any functions to add any event listeners to the check-in option. How do I add event listener to the check-in menu item?
I created a file for someone using the Photoshop CS6 software, and he has just now informed me that he uses Photoshop Elements 10. The only thing he will need to do with the file, at most, is add layers on top of it. How can I save the file through CS6 for him to open and use in Elements 10?
Recent upgrade (from 2006 to 200 8 and most things are how i like them, but i'm trying to turn off the pop-up box that appears when i turn a layer off "1 object changed to a frozen or off layer and removed from the selection set".
I´m trying to create an external iLogic rule that let´s the user specify a path and saves an assembly and all it´s components into one directory. Alternatively it could be the main workspace path which doesn´t have to be specified by the user so it can be handled internally.
The background is a design template that resides on a network storage which can be configured through an iLogic Form and when the user is done configuring the assembly to it´s liking it should be saved to it´s workspace.
I was looking through the snippets but couldn´t find anything related to "save all". I have the feeling that I have to cycle through all component occurences and save them one by one.
Getting a Save As dialog box seems to be possible as I could see on Curtis Waguespack´s blog but the commands he is using are nowhere documented. For example for calling the dialog box he is using
Is there any way to save colors to the Palette, For instance, I have a list of colors made from user input and I want to put the in the palette...any code for that? Is that a valid Urinary Pixel Operation?
I want to know if I can get a compacted guide into quickly and effectively save all my autocad settings in a computer to be used elsewhere.
My personal settings include:
1. alias 2. autolisp that are loaded in the cui 3. an escape autolisp that is part of the right click context edit menu 4. re-arrangement of short cut menu (i.e addition of dimension linear, dimension aligned, plot) 5. new menu with new macros 6. option profiles 7. plot styles 8. hatches 9. libraries of block 10. palette 11. workspace
I know the list is long and can be longer and most of the time as I switch from one computer to another, there is the same repetitive task of copying, resettings and so on. Are there any effective way to transform an autocad post with all my settings at once, that effectively save all the settings and the files and the blocks and templates and effectively load all of them onto a new working post.
Somewhere it looks impossible, at least in its totality but who knows this may be possible.
after a bindXref i save the dwg in a path 'Archive' but if the file already exist i demand the user if i cant erase the dwg in archive before write my dwg. I want to force the user to close the dwg without save if the reponse is 'No'. (The function have BindXref so the dwg do not save this). No save only for this dwg not the other already open (I not know how to use event so.. and my DLL is not loading on the launch of autocad)
Trying X6 I found thing that's really annoying: every time I open my old files I have "Update text...." blue bar appearing.
In fact, for many years of work I have thousands files. So what...everytime I'm going to edit old file I see this blue bar.
Ok, I agree it.s new feather of X6 that let us work with open type. But... everytime appearing blue bar.... it's really uncomfortable. How to switch off this notification? Or set "Update text" to auto to default mode?
In general. there'e many installed fonts with "O" sign, that means Open Type - but pressing Update Text gives NO RESULT.... So, in this case you have good question - For what this notification?...if it doesn't work....
Repeat: How to off appearing "Update Text" notification blue bar?...or set it to AUTO Update default mode and not shown makes me really annoy and slow the works... till fix this problem returned to X5
I have a problem. I use AutoCAD 2010. I want to know the use click save or discard button when close the document. I know the "Saved" Property of AcadDocument can tell me the result. However, I could not use the AcadDocument Class. Because there is another plug-in, when i use the com class just like AcadDocument , it will tell some i only can use .net Class just like Document. Is there any Proprty to get it ?
I have always saved my work (both in CS4 and CS6) as .psd and .pdf. I am working on a new .psd just as I always have but when I try to save it there is no option to save as a .pdf. I created it in CS4 and the option is not there and I have also imported the .psd into CS6 and the option is not their either.
I cannot save pictures in jpg anymore in Photoshop cs4. I work with raw images and save them first in tiff, then in jpg normally. But this option does not show anymore on the list to "save as".