Illustrator SDK :: How To Get Notification Before Opening A Document
Aug 9, 2012
1) As in Illustrator SDK, we have a notifier "kAIDocumentOpenedNotifier", which comes when a document is opened. My problem is, if document is having some missing fonts, then Illustrator first throws the missing font window and then sends the "kAIDocumentOpenedNotifier" notification. Is there any way to get this notification at very start of opening document(before missing font window)?
We have "kAIDocumentAboutToCloseNotifier" notifier. but this is from close doc event. I want the same for open doc event
Note : We have such notifier in Indesign SDK - "kBeforeOpenDocSignalResponderService"
2) I am also having trouble in finding the format of fonts, used in document?(eg- TrueType,OpenType,Postscript etc)
When I open a document that I've worked on previously, Illustrator seems to re-set its tools - presumably to default settings. For example the pen tool fill is white, the stroke is black, the point is......etc.
It's frustrating to have to change these back to the settings that I am currently using for this document.
This also seems to apply to the windows down the right hand side that seem to open in default as opposed to how I last left them when I saved and closed Illustrator.
I'd sort of assumed that Illustrator would 'remember' my previous settings etc and open in that way. Is there a way of opening with the same, previous settings?
I have two laptops, one Mac OS 10.6 and one brand-new 10.8.2. They both of Illustrator CS6 installed via the cloud solution thing, and they both crash shortly after opening existing documents. The minute I attempt to change something — move a path, add a layer, anything — Illustrator crashes with the following error.
Scott suggested I try a Safe Boot. Indeed, whenever I reboot the computer with the shift key held down I'm able to use Illustrator until I quit. I'd rather not reboot my entire machine every time I need to use Illustrator, and I'll never remember to not accidently quit it.
I have a customer that sent me some Illustrator files (.ai) that, when I open them, they open with just a blank window and a box with no fill or stroke around the outside of the document. I am using Illustrator CS4 and I suspect this may be an Illustrator CS6 document but I didn't get any warnings when I opened it so I'm not sure. (I also don't know what version of Illustrator the original creator is using). The document sizes are large (35MB +) so there should be SOME content in them. I've tried making sure nothing is hidden and there are no layers that are turned off. I've also tried opening the files in Acrobat CS4 with no luck.
Version: Illustrator CS5.1 System: Mac OS X 10.8.5
When I open Illustrator, opening the first document causes my panels to jump to the bottom of the screen, so they're nearly off the screen. If I click the button for my workspace, they return to their proper place at the right side of the screen. If I open another document, they stay where they are.
But it happens every time I open Illustrator and open the first document. It happens with every file, and with any custom workspace. I've created new workspaces and it hasn't solved the problem. I haven't found an answer on Google or in the forums anywhere.
Every time I start up Illustrator CC 17.1.0, I see this annoying, grammatically incorrect message. To top it off, when it disappears, the invisible notification area icon remains. And the kicker: when I close Illustrator, the icon still remains until I hover the mouse cursor on it.
Windows 8 Pro N x64 Illustrator CC 17.1.0
What does this notification even mean? That I can change DPI in Windows settings?
Quick one here.... how do I keep DP7 from opening up the last doc worked on? And would that include choosing the desired doc/template to open when loaded?
Photoshop Cs3 has started crashing all the time when opening a new document or file, pdf, eps, tiff, jpeg etc. It shows the preview starts to rasterize (pdf) and then the crash report comes up and the program crashes.
We are a printing company and I am not sure what is going on. I have removed deactivated and reloaded the program several times.
I get a "Could not complete your request because it is not a valid Photoshop document." error message whenever I try to open up a PSD file created on a Mac using Photoshop CC on my PC using CC. Other people have been able to open the file from the same location, so the files aren't corrupted.
Using Autocad - I am not a designer or engineer so have no experience using the software. I am working on a translation of an autocad file. However when I open the document I can only see the 'front page' of the document and Can't find any way to navigate through the different pages (even if I know there should be a lot more than 1 page)
I realise it sounds like a stupid request, but as mentioned, I have no experience with this software.
in inventor VBA, is it possible to get all reference documents without opening an assembly file in inventor?
this is i am using right now,
Dim oAssyDoc As AssemblyDocument Set oAssyDoc = oInvApp.Documents.Open(sAssyPath) oAssyDoc.Update Dim oAllRefParts As DocumentsEnumerator If Check1 = True Then Set oAllRefParts = oAssyDoc.ReferencedDocuments Else Set oAllRefParts = oAssyDoc.AllReferencedDocuments End If
Autodesk Inventor Professional 2014 Autodesk Product Design Suite Standard 2013 Microsoft Office 2007 & 2013 Windows 7 64bit Synergis Adept 2013 Visual Studio Express 2010
I am new to gimp and after using the program yesterday afternoon I went in to do some more work on the document and got the following error message: "Error loading PSD file: Unsupported Compression Mode: Error #43775. How to get this file opened? I was Opening As Layers.
Recent upgrade (from 2006 to 200 8 and most things are how i like them, but i'm trying to turn off the pop-up box that appears when i turn a layer off "1 object changed to a frozen or off layer and removed from the selection set".
I opened a document and it popped up a messages asking if I want to revert to the saved version YES or NO. This is weird because I didn't try to open the document twice. I suspect it is a macro that was causing this problem but I have many so it could take a while to locate the culprit. I also suspect a windows 7 update may have caused an interference with the macro.
In CD X5 is there a "PLACE" feature similar to what Illustrator has to import a PDF into a document without opening or checking for fonts. I've used the import feature in CD but that always scan the pdf for fonts and compatibility.
Trying X6 I found thing that's really annoying: every time I open my old files I have "Update text...." blue bar appearing.
In fact, for many years of work I have thousands files. So what...everytime I'm going to edit old file I see this blue bar.
Ok, I agree it.s new feather of X6 that let us work with open type. But... everytime appearing blue bar.... it's really uncomfortable. How to switch off this notification? Or set "Update text" to auto to default mode?
In general. there'e many installed fonts with "O" sign, that means Open Type - but pressing Update Text gives NO RESULT.... So, in this case you have good question - For what this notification?...if it doesn't work....
Repeat: How to off appearing "Update Text" notification blue bar?...or set it to AUTO Update default mode and not shown makes me really annoy and slow the works... till fix this problem returned to X5
I am using AutoCad 2011 and am not seeing the bubble notifying when an xref needs to be reloaded. I do see the notification alert in the taskbar immediately after saving the xref, but do not see the bubble with the link to reload. XREFNOTIFY is set to 2. Thought XNOTIFYTIME might have worked but I don't know how to use it as typing it in the command line in AutoCad doesn't work. Also tried (setenv "XNOTIFYTIME" "#") but typing that in the command line doesn't work either.
I'm designing a user interface for iPad (Resolution: 1024x768, DPI:132). Setting the resolution is a piece of cake but when I change the ruler unit to Centimeters, it shows the screen about 36x27cm which is not right (iPad screen is 24.3x19cm).
Illustrator calculates these lengths based on the DPI. But when creating a new document the only available DPI's are: 72, 150, 300 (File > New > Raster Effect). I know that Illustrator is a vector design program but there must be a way to set the DPI to an arbitrary value.
How can I have a 1024x768px artboard in Illustrator that is 24.3x19cm? (DPI=132)
Is there a quick 'n easy way to scale a whole document in CS6?Right now, I select all, use the scale tool, option-click, type in a percentage, then resize the artboard. Just wondering if I'm missing something to do it all in fewer steps?
Also, any way to scale by other unit besides percentage? So I have a shape that's 374 pixels across. I want to scale it proportionally to 800 pixels across. (traditionally, I just whip out the ol' proportional alegbra equation to convert to percentage)
how to use document profiles? I noticed a yellow ! triangle when I selected RGB as the color space for a new document. When I clicked on it, I was informed that my new document didn't match the document profile, and now I am wondering whether I should ignore that, or get up to speed on how to use/create document profiles.
I have always had multiple files open at a time when using illustrator but all day today the program has been freezing everytime i open more than one document. I am able to use the program now if i only have one file open but it freezes as soon as i open the second file. I have restarted my computer twice and i have closed every other program on my computer. I have a macbook pro and i save all of my illustrator files on an external hard drive.
I had a leaflet given to me that I agreed to edit. It was A4 in size and fold in three so the original has six faces. The owner wants to keep the design but reduce it to a single-sheet double sided one third of A4. So I just did the edits and and made the leaflet into three on a page; like this:
My question is how can I put a cut mark in the page. I am guessing that the leaflets can be cut as required. Or is that not a good thing to do and should I put them on a standard compliment slip size?