AutoCAD 2013 :: Page Navigation After Opening Document?
Mar 29, 2013
Using Autocad - I am not a designer or engineer so have no experience using the software. I am working on a translation of an autocad file. However when I open the document I can only see the 'front page' of the document and Can't find any way to navigate through the different pages (even if I know there should be a lot more than 1 page)
I realise it sounds like a stupid request, but as mentioned, I have no experience with this software.
Have a document that has several artboards in it. (kinda like a multipage document). Each page is similar, but some of the text boxes has variations from page to page. So if I am zoomed in on page 1 to one text box and I select some text, using the type tool, and then hit SHIFT-page down (or page up) to go to the next page, it won't. Switch to a different tool, and it works.
WHY? Why can't I use a keyboard short cut to jump to another page while in the type tool mode? I don't want to take my hand off the keyboard or move the mouse.
I am creating a simple website using the software. I am facing a problem because the navigation bar on the "home" page always get aligned to the left whereas it is centered to the left for the other pages as it is supposed to be. I tried to change the style.
I quite often need a separate ruler scale on each page of a multi-page document. The only way I know how to do this is to create a separate document for each drawing that requires a new scale.
I request that you add the ability to change the ruler scale on a per page basis within a single multi-page document.
After moving a page in my document the master page elements no longer display on screen or in print. If I move the page to a different location in the document the master displays but if it is in the specific position that it needs to be it will not display. The document has multiple Masters and others do work on the page but the one that I need will not. I've tried deleting the page and adding a new one and that does not fix the problem. I've checked and "Hide Master Items" is not checked. The page in question is in position 48 with F-Master applied. If I move it to position 49 it works, 50, it works, 51, or any other it works. If I apply a different master to the page, it works. If I delete the page, add a new page and apply F-Master it still does not work. The only page that this problem is happening on is page 48.
I have in this moment a drawing displaying a layout with 2 Viewports. One of the them has only the View Cube even that the Navigation Bar under the User interface is checked out -greyout anyways as you can see in the Word Document-
In the other viewport, even that the it is active, I do not have neither the View Cube or the Navigation Bar. How is possible to recover these tools and display them in the active Viewport in the Layout that I am currently on.
I am attaching a Word Document that shows better the problem that I am having now.
I'm new to AutoCAD 2013 and I am unable to create new viewports from the "layout" or "paperspace" tabs. The "Model Viewports" are on the navigation bar (the one at the top) but are grayed out and thus unusable and the typical "Viewports" menu from my AutoCAD 2011 (last version I had/used) is not there. I can open the viewports menu from toolbars but am unable to dock it into the navigation bar.
I am guessing this will be a no but is there a way to change page setup for more than 1 page at a time? I have multiple pages in a drawing that I want to change to all the same page setup.
in inventor VBA, is it possible to get all reference documents without opening an assembly file in inventor?
this is i am using right now,
Dim oAssyDoc As AssemblyDocument Set oAssyDoc = oInvApp.Documents.Open(sAssyPath) oAssyDoc.Update Dim oAllRefParts As DocumentsEnumerator If Check1 = True Then Set oAllRefParts = oAssyDoc.ReferencedDocuments Else Set oAllRefParts = oAssyDoc.AllReferencedDocuments End If
Autodesk Inventor Professional 2014 Autodesk Product Design Suite Standard 2013 Microsoft Office 2007 & 2013 Windows 7 64bit Synergis Adept 2013 Visual Studio Express 2010
I am currently in the process of creating a multi page newsletter for a local organization....i have completed page one....what do i do to start page two....three etc...
I am working with multiple page document in Illustrator CS6. I have saved my document in .pdf. Before I managed to open the whole file, but now it asks me which page I want to open. Can I some way open again the file as a multi page file and work with all the files at the same time?
I have been trying to create a PDF of a 36 page document. However, when I get to page 6 I get a message 'downloading font' and then the programme hangs and I have to use windows task master to close it down. There are only three fonts being used on the page and according to Font Finder no fonts are missing. This is driving me crazy and I'm fast approaching my printers deadline.
I have a document with multiple pages. How can I change the background of only one page? In the layout settings I only can set the background for all pages.
I create a graphic that has the dimensions of a standard piece of paper (8.5in X 11in) and then i savedit on a disc for my friend and he goes to office max to print it out and it comes out with a border... Is there a way to get rid of the border or can printers just not print full page.
I have created a document, and when I printed it out to see how it turned out, I noticed that I left margins on all four sides. I need the document to fill the page in its entirety, as it is going to be one of those "tear off the phone number at the bottom" type of advertisements.
Is there some way that I can "zoom in" everything that I've created, so it fills an entire 8.5x11 piece of paper?
I'll keep digging while I wait for the wisdom of the forums. Here is a link to the .xcf: [URL] .....
If you have a multipage document such as the plans for a house you can have a different scale factor on each page if you turn off "All pages in document the same" in the Options dialog's "Page Size" tab.
Then you can set different scales on different pages. E.g. 1:100 for house floor plans and 1:500 for site layout plans.
I am working on a 44-page document, opening a pdf in GIMP. I've never done anything like this before yet have taught myself how to work page to page, insert images between the text blocks on each page, resize the images and position them where I want, even in more than one layer. (That in a couple of days, me a novice! HOWEVER, after working hours on my project, thinking I was saving as I went, I discovered after the fact that I was only saving the highlighted page, not the entire document. I lost all my work, twice! Luckily I had only gotten through page 7.
The project requires me to need to see all the pages, sometimes to backtrack to reposition an image in order to achieve a consistent flow. At the end I will save as a pdf, flattening all images. In the interim, I need to be able to get back in, day-to-day, to continue the detailed work.
PS. I'm using Gimp 2.8 on a MacBook 10.6.8. And yes I know to save as .xcf while the work's in progress.
I have an assembly that was created on 64 bit version of Inventor 2013, the total file size of everything is around 150MB. Even if I use 'Pack and Go' to move the file to another computer running the 32 bit version I get an error when I try to open it which says something like:
'unable to allocate 3GB memory for FBAttributeSegment'
The actually figure is over 3GB but of course on a 32 bit version of windows it is physically impossible to allocate that amount of memory (even with the /3GB in boot.ini hack)
I've performed various dynamic simulations as well as animations within the assembly so I'm thinking that perhaps its trying to allocate that huge amount of memory for a saved state of one of those.
What FBAtributeSegment might be and whether there is any special way to save an assembly to avoid this problem? The name FBAttributeSegment doesn't correspond to any part or assembly names.
I should also add that I have no problem opening it in a 32 bit version of Fusion which again suggests to me that it is something like simulation or animation that is causing this
We recently updated all of our software at my company from 2010 architectural desktop to 2013 autocad. We do a lot of architectural work where we use the "wall" functions to draw our floorplans. I have noticed that the walls are disappearing on some files and not on others. Or we will only be able to see the outside line of the wall, but not the interior, which results in an undesirable appearance to the floorplans.
I have also run across these error messages when opening the files, I dont know if they are related or not:
"Unhandled exception C0000005 (access violation reading 0xffffffff) at address E43AA180h"
"Unhandled exception C0000005 (access violation reading 0xffffffff) at address D41218AEh"
I am trying to add page numbers to an existing document. I have tried to add them in Prepress, but all I see is the "Print File Information" and even that is not in a location I want. I have the "Position Within Page" checked.
in an open PDF File i press 'Ctrl+A' to select all Items in the document, then i choose Edit/Transform/rotate ... 90 i'd like to do the same with an vbscript.
the best thing i could find is:
rotate(90) Sub rotate (degree) Dim appRef, argument, element Dim changePositions, changeFillPatterns, changeFillGradients, changeStrokePattern, rotateAbout Set appRef = CreateObject("Illustrator.Application")
not all, but all elements i am interested in are rotated - it would be better if really all elements would be rotated the elements are rotated around 'aiTransformDocumentOrigin' ... i would prefer if they are rotated around 'middle of document'.
Apparently, in the CS3 is impossible to do any scripting and using any actions. Can it be done using plugins sdk, without creating a new document? I tried using the functions SetPageSetup and SetCropBox but no effect
I love the new versions of Illustrator, but get left in the dust with new innovations that I can't figure out.
I am trying to go to File > Document Setup and all I get is a new dialog box that completely leaves out page orientation and page size as well. I just want to have an artboard that is 11" x 8 1/2" but there is nothing I see in menus or in palettes that give the old comfortable page orientation change that you used to be able to do in older versions of Illustrator. How do I set page or artboard size and orientation?
Quick one here.... how do I keep DP7 from opening up the last doc worked on? And would that include choosing the desired doc/template to open when loaded?
When I open a document that I've worked on previously, Illustrator seems to re-set its tools - presumably to default settings. For example the pen tool fill is white, the stroke is black, the point is......etc.
It's frustrating to have to change these back to the settings that I am currently using for this document.
This also seems to apply to the windows down the right hand side that seem to open in default as opposed to how I last left them when I saved and closed Illustrator.
I'd sort of assumed that Illustrator would 'remember' my previous settings etc and open in that way. Is there a way of opening with the same, previous settings?
I have two laptops, one Mac OS 10.6 and one brand-new 10.8.2. They both of Illustrator CS6 installed via the cloud solution thing, and they both crash shortly after opening existing documents. The minute I attempt to change something — move a path, add a layer, anything — Illustrator crashes with the following error.
Scott suggested I try a Safe Boot. Indeed, whenever I reboot the computer with the shift key held down I'm able to use Illustrator until I quit. I'd rather not reboot my entire machine every time I need to use Illustrator, and I'll never remember to not accidently quit it.