AutoCAD Inventor :: Capturing Save As Event

Nov 11, 2011

I have addin running inside Inventor. The requirement is that addin should be able to capture the "save as" operation done by the user. Internally, addin stores unique information in the active Inventor file and when user does "Save as", it needs to generate and store the new unique information in the newly created file after Save As. That is the reason it is required to capture the Save As event.

It was possible to capture the "Save" event and there I get Event Timing Enum (kBefore and kAfter). But the file name is same for kBefore and kAfter. So its not possible to identify that its Save As operation.

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VideoStudio :: How To Save Settings In Video And Audio Capturing Property SE

Nov 27, 2010

Simple thing required how to save settings

We go to
Ulead Video Studio SE DVD then
Movie Wizard then
Capture then
Option then
Video and Audio Capturing Property Settings…
Source (I use EasyCap (Syntek STK1150)it is working fine)

The only thing I need is to tell the program to remember

Input source: Composite video and TV system: PAL.

Every time I start program the setting are lost! the default S-Video and NTSC (Some time you want to record something on TV and you losing the moment setting your Ulead VideoStudeo SE DVD)

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Illustrator SDK :: How To Get Event / Notification When User Selects Save Option

Nov 13, 2013

Can we get an event / notification when user selects the Save option ?

My plugin is required to perform action on this event.

Which suite is used for the same ?

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Edge Animate CC :: Disable A Mouse Event After A Another Event?

Aug 2, 2013

I have a button which has a mousover/mousout animation. When i click the button, it will shrink down to 0%. when it does, my mousout event is triggert, which i dont want.
how can i disable the mousout event after the click event?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: New Event Trigger For ILogic

Dec 8, 2011

Is there any chance to define an event trigger which runs an iLogic rule when we check out an already open file? Problem is, that we need to synchronize iProperties on check out to clear "Approved by" when Vault State of Part is "under revision"

Vault Parameter "State" is mapped with iProperty "State".

So I want to run the following on check out:

Call ThisApplication.CommandManager.ControlDefinitions.Item("VaultPropertyWriteBack").Execute2(True)

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AutoCAD Inventor :: OnDocumentChange Event Not Firing

Oct 1, 2013

I'm trying to create a handler for the OnDocumentChange Application event. 

private Inventor.Application m_inventorApplication;
Inventor.ApplicationEvents appEvents = null;
public StandardAddInServer()


My OnSaveDocument handler works just fine but the OnDocumentChange will not fire. I've been using the even watcher and have been using other handlers but cannot seem to get this one to work.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Catching Export PDF Event

Jun 5, 2013

Trying to catch an export PDF event.

Few things I have tried...




Can't find any reference to export events.

Inventor 2014

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Interaction Event Mouse Tool Tip

Jul 17, 2013

How to set a tool tip to show up next to and follow the mouse during user interaction. It's the same function that the CommandManager.Pick does?

If it's not a built in function then I guess it's created by a tool tip that gets moved around to follow the mouse on mouse move?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Create Simplified Part Not Firing Event?

May 16, 2013

note that the command "create simplified part" is not firing onpopulatefilemetadata event.

I would expect it to.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: API - Set An Event Trigger For An Ilogic Rule In A Document

Nov 3, 2011

Is there a way to set the event trigger of an ilogic file that's already inside of a document? I have code that can automatically create and populate new rules across my assembly parts, but it would be nice to set certain rules to fire every time that part gets saved. 

If it can't be accomplished outright from the API, would it be possible to throw an OnEvent (save event in this case) inside of the iLogic code, to get the same results? URL...

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Add External ILogic Rule Under Event Trigger Via API

Sep 22, 2011

Is it possible to place an external iLogic rule under a specific Event Trigger in a file via the API?

Inventor Professional 2014 64 Bit
Windows 7 Professional
NVIDIA Quadro FX 4600
Dual Intel Xeon E5540 CPUs
16GB DDR3 Ram

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AutoCAD Inventor :: ILogic Coding To Disable Event Triggers

Apr 12, 2013

I am setting up template .ipts and .idw for my company, and i run Adept to save and store my files. Now i have a code to automatically make a .idw after i save an .ipt. but then after every save (adept saves the .ipt a lot of times) it will ask to make a drawing for the .ipt. well i was wondering if there is a code to put in a rule to disable the event triggers, and place that rule on the trigger after close document. so that the next time i open the document no event triggers will work.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Intercept Click Event On Custom Ribbon Tab

Jan 10, 2013

I have a have a custom ribbon tab on the Assembly and ZeroDoc ribbons, those have pannels and buttons.

The custom buttons have OnExecute event that can have custom actions addded.

But how can we intercept the event when user is clicking on the custom tab to show custom pannels?

Is there a OnExecute or a similar event for the RiboonTab?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: ILogic Event Triggers Stopped Working?

Jul 31, 2013

So the other day I set up an external rule and created an event trigger to run the rule on save.  It worked great ... for a couple days, and then it just stopped working yesterday.  I can still run the rule manually and it works fine, but it doesn't seem to run automatically anymore on file save.  Yes, iLogic is set to Loaded / Automati in the add-ins panel.

(on the iLogic rule attachment, remove .TXT from the end.  I had to add that due to the board's rules about file types.)

Product Design Suite Ultimate 2013, 2014
Autodesk Inventor 2013

Work: Dell Precision T1600 (Xeon E3-1280 / 16GB / 512 GB SSD / 250 GB (Internal) / 1 TB (External) / Quadro 600)

Home: i7-4770k / ASUS Z87-Pro / 16GB / 250 GB SSD / 1 TB HDD / 3 TB USB3 HDD / 2xRadeonHD 4870 in CrossfireX

Laptop: Toshiba Satellite P755-S5269 (i7-2630QM / 8 GB / 250 GB SSD / 750 GB HDD / GT540M)

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Adding ILogic Rule To Event Trigger With VBA

Jul 11, 2013

How to get the API to add an iLogic Event Trigger but I cannot find the exact code on how to do it.

Is there a Simple way to add an Ilogic Rule (External or Internal) to an event trigger with a VBA Macro or iLogic Rule?

I would like to automate adding an iLogic rule to an Event Trigger when we update our old drawings.

The details of the Rule I am trying to call is as follows:

Rule Name = Save On Close Commands

Event = Before Close

We currently have Inventor 2013 and 2014.  If it is not possible in 2013, is it possible in 2014?

get the Rule Added to the Event Trigger

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AutoCAD Inventor :: 2010 Ilogic Custom Event Trigger?

Sep 18, 2012

Using Ilogic 2010 I wish to trigger my rule on sheet change. Is this something that can be done? I am using it to zoom the drawing on sheet change.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Use Custom Embedded Cursor - User Interaction Event

Aug 3, 2013

How to use an embedded cursor (mycursor.cur) via the SetCursor command under user interaction events. I can use built in cursors just not able to get it working with my resource.

Sample below throws an error type mismatch.

oInteraction.SetCursor(CursorTypeEnum.kCursorTypeCustom, My.Resources.mycursor)
I have set the build action of the cursor to be embedded.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: OnSelect Event When Selecting Component In Drawing View

Sep 24, 2012

Im trying to catch the event when the user selects a component in a drawing view using

CommandManager.UserInputEvents.OnContextMenu += UserInputEvents_OnContextMenu;

But it seems that the onselect event only catches selection of drawing views or balloon, annotation etc, but not the component inside the drawing view is this intentional or a bug?

The reason i need to catch this is to make a new context menu action, so i need the selected item. I know i can use SelectionSet, but i want to be able to debug my application as an external application connecting to the running instance before i build it into an addin (saves me a lot of inventor restarts..) And Selection Set does not seem to work when i use it inside an event handler in an external application... 

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Can't Save / Save As Or Any Other Variation Of Save

Dec 31, 2013

I am having a catastrophic error in Inventor 2013.

When I attempt to save a drawing I have completed, I cannot save!

Can't save, save as or any other variation of save.

This is my issue every time I click save.

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AutoCAD .NET :: Capturing Escape Key During A Command

Dec 17, 2013

I have a Autocad add-in which runs an iterative routine with a while..wend loop that often takes a few minutes to finish. The routine is very stable and always restores user control eventually, but if the user hits the escape key while it is running, a fatal error occurs in acad.exe.

if there is a way to detect that the escape key has been pressed so the routine is exited?

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VideoStudio :: Capturing VHS Not Working?

Sep 5, 2012

I'm running X5 on Windows 7 and I'm trying to put a VHS tape to DVD. I have a Winfast VC100 U capturing device with the red white and yellow cables plugged into the VCR. The video plays through X5 (with no sound) and when I press the 'capture video' button, it says its capturing, but in the information box, the available space does not budge. Once I stop the capture and go to the edit screen it has only saved a video of 2 frames. I have never tried to capture a VHS tape before.

My current video settings are:
Input source - Composite
TV System - PAL B

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VideoStudio :: Capturing Music From CDs In Pro X3?

Apr 23, 2013

When we capture music from CD's in Pro X3, the last few seconds of the songs get cut off. Or the recording skips, cuts out a few seconds of the song right before the end, and then captures the end of the song. It's an intermittent problem with no rhyme nor reason that we can figure out as to which songs are being affected. But once a song has been captured and the end garbled, that same song will always be garbled no matter how many times we delete the recording and recapture it.

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VideoStudio :: Capturing From HD Camcorder (JVC)

Nov 26, 2012

I have used old tape type camcorder (sony) for 7 years and used firewire cable(1394) to capture the video into my desktop. capturing file format was AVI(DV type 1). It's pretty big size of files but I like this type of file format because there were no compression so that I can keep an uncompressed original DV files. When I captured(download) the video from camcorder, I usually turn power on the camcorder after connect into desktop, then VideoStudio automatically recognized my old SONY camcorder so it's always ready to capture the videos.

BTW, I purchased new HD camcorder (JVC, model jvc gz-e10). I did connect same what I did tape camcorder, but neither my computer nor VSX5 can't recognized to capture. (It just only detect as movable device, i.e. SD card...)

How to capture this video clip from HD camcorder using VideoStudio program? Inside of SD card, captured files have "mts" file extension.

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VideoStudio :: 14 Keeps Crashing When Capturing From DV?

Aug 27, 2012

Whenever I try to capture anything from VHS > DV > Firewire to my PC VS crashes hard core. Everything freezes and it reboots.

i7-2700K I have Two brand new 4th generation SSD (Vertex 4's) in RAID 0, Read and writes @ 1GB/sec I have 16GB of RAM, 2133, half is a RAMdrive (temp). This reads and writes @ 5GB/sec. I usually write to this because there is no possible chance of bottleneck. Though I've tried SSD or HDD write too. Top of the line everything else, MB, sound, etc. How the hell much more power do I need?

Can't believe the FREE 100Kb WinDV can capture for 8 hours + no hiccups, no lost frames, but the second I try to capture, even go into capture mode with VS14 it starts to stall, crash, choke up and eventually reboot the whole F%^&$%^ machine, leaving my 6TB RAID 5 to have to rebuild.

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VideoStudio :: Capturing From Camcorder

Mar 24, 2011

I have been using VS for quite a few years firstly with VS6 and currently have X3 (depending on a few things I will probably upgrade to X4).

Up until the present time I have been capturing on my PC at home via fire-wire from my current camcorder (Canon MD 235 which of course uses mini DV) . I want to purchase a new laptop to give me some mobility and also be able to edit produce DVD's on the move, looking around virtually no current laptops (unless I go well beyond my budget (around £500)) have fire-wire or even an express port to use a expansion card with fire-wire.

I realize that I will probably have to step up and get a newer more up to date camcorder over the summer and what I am trying to understand is the difference in capture formats. I like the look of some of the low end Hard drive/flash/SD card camcorders around, but how do you import to PC, is all done by USB?

In what formats is the video imported and how easy in comparison to say Avi files and is it easy to edit video using VS and produce a DVD from the resulting files?

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VideoStudio :: Capturing VHS To MPEG?

Oct 25, 2010

Capturing VHS to MPEG? Does this tutorial work?


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VideoStudio :: No Video When Capturing

Oct 19, 2010

I have VideoStudio X3 which has been had been running fine, however when I came to use it today I found that although I could capture video from within the capture tap, nothing was displayed on the "monitor" window. I've un-installed and re-installed and still nothing. I can control the tape transport via clicking on the play / pause / rew etc buttons under the monitor window, but there is no picture displayed. To check if this was a fault with the camera / Firewire card I launched Windows Movie maker and that displayed the incoming source without any problem, suggesting this is a VideoStudio issue.

System spec:
Vista Business 32bit
Dual core Pentium running at 2GHZ
Asus 210 silent (Nvidea) with 1GB RAM

Panasonic NV=GS65 3CCD

Using the monitor on the camera I captured a clip (again nothing displayed within VS) which when placed on the time line played back on the VS monitor, although it was very interlaced with zig-zagy edging on movement.

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Premiere Pro :: Capturing From Beta

Feb 26, 2014

Capturing: DV-PAL Widescreen 48kHz from Sony J-30 Beta compact player.This device is equipped with Firewire port.Could not get 16:9 format of captured or preview material.

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AutoCAD .NET :: Reading Attributes From Event

Dec 5, 2011

Private Sub ObjectModified(ByVal sender AsObject, ByVal e As Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices.ObjectEventArgs)

With e.DBObject

If .IsWriteEnabled Then Exit Sub
If .Id.ObjectClass.Name = "AcDbAttribute"Then
End If    
End With
End Sub

Trying to read the attribute's tag and text.

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VideoStudio :: Stop Capturing Video Using Pro X2

Jan 30, 2011

We forgot to stop capturing video using VS Pro X2. There is now a file size that is a bit over 337gb. When trying to open that file for editing, an error message pops up [There is no common media type between these pins] (17101:70:2)

I am assuming that this file cannot be opened to remove about 330gb of unwanted data.

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VideoStudio :: Video Preview During Capturing From VCR

Oct 6, 2011

When i want to record from tv/tuner card from vcr (smi grabber) my preview screen go's black. It records but i only hear the sound. No video preview. But it is recorded with video and audio. When i only play the vcr the video preview works in corel.

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