VideoStudio :: Capturing VHS Not Working?
Sep 5, 2012
I'm running X5 on Windows 7 and I'm trying to put a VHS tape to DVD. I have a Winfast VC100 U capturing device with the red white and yellow cables plugged into the VCR. The video plays through X5 (with no sound) and when I press the 'capture video' button, it says its capturing, but in the information box, the available space does not budge. Once I stop the capture and go to the edit screen it has only saved a video of 2 frames. I have never tried to capture a VHS tape before.
My current video settings are:
Input source - Composite
TV System - PAL B
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Apr 23, 2013
When we capture music from CD's in Pro X3, the last few seconds of the songs get cut off. Or the recording skips, cuts out a few seconds of the song right before the end, and then captures the end of the song. It's an intermittent problem with no rhyme nor reason that we can figure out as to which songs are being affected. But once a song has been captured and the end garbled, that same song will always be garbled no matter how many times we delete the recording and recapture it.
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Nov 26, 2012
I have used old tape type camcorder (sony) for 7 years and used firewire cable(1394) to capture the video into my desktop. capturing file format was AVI(DV type 1). It's pretty big size of files but I like this type of file format because there were no compression so that I can keep an uncompressed original DV files. When I captured(download) the video from camcorder, I usually turn power on the camcorder after connect into desktop, then VideoStudio automatically recognized my old SONY camcorder so it's always ready to capture the videos.
BTW, I purchased new HD camcorder (JVC, model jvc gz-e10). I did connect same what I did tape camcorder, but neither my computer nor VSX5 can't recognized to capture. (It just only detect as movable device, i.e. SD card...)
How to capture this video clip from HD camcorder using VideoStudio program? Inside of SD card, captured files have "mts" file extension.
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Aug 27, 2012
Whenever I try to capture anything from VHS > DV > Firewire to my PC VS crashes hard core. Everything freezes and it reboots.
i7-2700K I have Two brand new 4th generation SSD (Vertex 4's) in RAID 0, Read and writes @ 1GB/sec I have 16GB of RAM, 2133, half is a RAMdrive (temp). This reads and writes @ 5GB/sec. I usually write to this because there is no possible chance of bottleneck. Though I've tried SSD or HDD write too. Top of the line everything else, MB, sound, etc. How the hell much more power do I need?
Can't believe the FREE 100Kb WinDV can capture for 8 hours + no hiccups, no lost frames, but the second I try to capture, even go into capture mode with VS14 it starts to stall, crash, choke up and eventually reboot the whole F%^&$%^ machine, leaving my 6TB RAID 5 to have to rebuild.
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Mar 24, 2011
I have been using VS for quite a few years firstly with VS6 and currently have X3 (depending on a few things I will probably upgrade to X4).
Up until the present time I have been capturing on my PC at home via fire-wire from my current camcorder (Canon MD 235 which of course uses mini DV) . I want to purchase a new laptop to give me some mobility and also be able to edit produce DVD's on the move, looking around virtually no current laptops (unless I go well beyond my budget (around £500)) have fire-wire or even an express port to use a expansion card with fire-wire.
I realize that I will probably have to step up and get a newer more up to date camcorder over the summer and what I am trying to understand is the difference in capture formats. I like the look of some of the low end Hard drive/flash/SD card camcorders around, but how do you import to PC, is all done by USB?
In what formats is the video imported and how easy in comparison to say Avi files and is it easy to edit video using VS and produce a DVD from the resulting files?
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Oct 25, 2010
Capturing VHS to MPEG? Does this tutorial work?
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Oct 19, 2010
I have VideoStudio X3 which has been had been running fine, however when I came to use it today I found that although I could capture video from within the capture tap, nothing was displayed on the "monitor" window. I've un-installed and re-installed and still nothing. I can control the tape transport via clicking on the play / pause / rew etc buttons under the monitor window, but there is no picture displayed. To check if this was a fault with the camera / Firewire card I launched Windows Movie maker and that displayed the incoming source without any problem, suggesting this is a VideoStudio issue.
System spec:
Vista Business 32bit
Dual core Pentium running at 2GHZ
Asus 210 silent (Nvidea) with 1GB RAM
Panasonic NV=GS65 3CCD
Using the monitor on the camera I captured a clip (again nothing displayed within VS) which when placed on the time line played back on the VS monitor, although it was very interlaced with zig-zagy edging on movement.
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Jan 30, 2011
We forgot to stop capturing video using VS Pro X2. There is now a file size that is a bit over 337gb. When trying to open that file for editing, an error message pops up [There is no common media type between these pins] (17101:70:2)
I am assuming that this file cannot be opened to remove about 330gb of unwanted data.
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Oct 6, 2011
When i want to record from tv/tuner card from vcr (smi grabber) my preview screen go's black. It records but i only hear the sound. No video preview. But it is recorded with video and audio. When i only play the vcr the video preview works in corel.
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Jan 10, 2011
-I just installed the VideoStudio v10 software and it captures video fine, however I have an issue with the audio. The audio is present but for some reason there is a noticeable static on the video file. Im using a 2000 Sharp ViewCam VL-A10 monaural/analog 8mm camcorder to transfer video to my computer. Im confused because there is NO static on the original 8mm tape, when I play video on the camera, the sound is fine as well as when I plug it in to my TV set for playback. I dont understand where the static is coming from on the digital transfer? Ive tried several capture formats MPEG, DVD, AVI etc. the static is present on all versions. Im using the EasyCAP USB device with A/V plugs for capturing.
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Jan 12, 2012
I have purchased a Sony DCR TRV480 to play Hi8 tapes and convert to Digital Video. My camera came with a USB cable that plugs into the camera in the video jack. I want to capture the video using VSProX4. What do I need to do to capture it? Do I need a driver for the USB. I dont seem to have a firewire jack on this computer but it does have a 1394 labeled jack in the back. It has several USB jacks.
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Aug 12, 2012
I have a Logitech webcam (not the best, but not the worst) connected to my Windows XP 32 Bit computer. (Yes, I realize I need to upgrade. We are working on that.) However, I make YT videos on a regular basis for crafting, and have recently started using Corel VideoStudio Pro X-5 Ultimate to capture via webcam and edit my videos. When I go to watch the video after it's been captured, the sound "skips" during the video. Words will be cut off, but the video looks fine. The actual video itself doesn't skip.
I'm wondering what the best setting would be to capture a video via webcam so that it is a smooth picture/sound (as smooth as a mid grade Logitech cam will do, of course), and have the file not be 3gb. Since I upload these to YT (not via the YT uploader), the smaller the file, the better, within quality reason.
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Oct 14, 2011
when I try to import footage from camcorder as an AV file I'm getting message, 'Capturing failed. The file is corrupted and unusable. It will be automatically deleted'.The only recent change I've made to my laptop is renewing my Panda security.
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Mar 21, 2011
I am using VideoStudio Pro X3 on my Windows XP Pro machine (see profile for specifics) to capture and edit video from my Canon Elura 100 MiniDV Camcorder. The problem I am having is that VS Pro X3 is stopping the capture during scene changes. It stops both the software and the camera. This does NOT happen on every scene change, but happens at differing times throughout the tape. It requires me to restart the capture from that scene forward. This happens regardless of whether or not I have the 'Split by Scene' option enabled. It is frustrating to have to sit through the entire tape restarting the capture at various scene changes. Previous tapes I have used Windows Movie Maker to capture the video. I have tried WMM to capture these tapes and it does work successfully without stopping at scene transitions. A related question is on Data Rate. The data rate listed under the properties menu in VS Pro X3 is almost 2x for the clips captured with VS Pro X3 vs the same clip captured with WMM while all other attributes are the same (including file size)?
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Aug 12, 2012
Basically, I want to use part/pieces of several project files already created, i.e. to combine the chosen sections into one new project file. Have looked in the Manual and cannot locate the answer! I am now using Prox5.
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Mar 31, 2013
Video studio prox5 ultimate. I am capturing footage using a canon dv video camera, 1394a firewire adapter and firewire cord. I purchased video studio in October 2012. Now, while capturing the footage, I am experiencing a problem with the audio being captured very choppy, like there is static in the audio. This just started happening. The audio is playing fine on the camera but not capturing smoothly.
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Aug 16, 2013
What's the best format to use when transferring VHS tapes to my p.c? I've tried AVI but an average tape takes up to 400Mb on my hard drive which seems excessive. The VHS tapes mainly have films and documentaries the majority of which will be deleted once I've watched them on my PC.
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Sep 11, 2012
I get no audio on playback of videos captured from my VCR using Easy CAP. I've tried making the USB audio input my default mic, and clicking the listen to this mic, and gotten as far as hearing the video sound as I capture. But still no playback sound. Even tried switching back to speakers for playback.
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Jan 10, 2012
I have been trying to change my audio input when capturing and i cannot seem to find a way to do this. I am using a logitech usb microphone or a plantronics one, however i cannot change it. It has it checked and grayed out, why isn't this an option?
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Sep 4, 2011
Unfortunately, in my project which includes HD files, proxy files are not created automatically after capturing, even the "create proxy files" is checked. So to get the proxy files, I have to select all the clips in the timeline and right click to check "create proxy files". What I have to do in order to get automatically the proxy files.
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Jul 9, 2012
I've tried everything I can think of to get the audio to playback after capturing from a VHS tape, but can't figure it out. I can hear the audio output from my sound card during capture, but playback has no audio. I noticed in the Video Properties box of the Options menu in Capture that the "audio source" says "pass through to sound card", but the "audio source" box is grayed out and can't be changed. I am using an S-Video cable for the video from the VCR, and L/R audio to a stereo plug into my Line In on the motherboard. I can hear the audio during capture, but not playback. BTW, the only means I have at this point is to use Pinnacle Studio to capture, then export as an mpg. file to import into VideoStudio. Pinnacle gives me a choice in audio inputs. Why is VSX4 not allowing that?
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Nov 27, 2010
Simple thing required how to save settings
We go to
Ulead Video Studio SE DVD then
Movie Wizard then
Capture then
Option then
Video and Audio Capturing Property Settings…
Source (I use EasyCap (Syntek STK1150)it is working fine)
The only thing I need is to tell the program to remember
Input source: Composite video and TV system: PAL.
Every time I start program the setting are lost! the default S-Video and NTSC (Some time you want to record something on TV and you losing the moment setting your Ulead VideoStudeo SE DVD)
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Jul 22, 2011
Using VideoStudio X4. After initial problems with installation it has now installed fine and is working well. However, when capturing video from my Panasonic NV-GS400 mini dv camcorder the film does not show in the preview window. It did at first but now does not preview. I have not changed any settings nor have I changed anything in my method of capture. The film does capture ok - capture in avi format - its just a little unsettling not being able to see it during capture. I watch it on the pull out screen of the camcorder so I can tell when to stop capture etc.
Also, when capturing, the film runs for a few seconds then stops and then starts again and the capture begins from the second start point. I never had the problem with Ulead 9 but did have it with ProX2 but wondered if that was just a glitch because I was running it on Windows 7 and it had not originally been developed for that. Apart from that the program works well even when rendering HD footage from my new Panasonic HDC-TM700.
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Feb 26, 2014
Capturing: DV-PAL Widescreen 48kHz from Sony J-30 Beta compact player.This device is equipped with Firewire port.Could not get 16:9 format of captured or preview material.
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Jan 11, 2013
I have our daughter's Nativity on my hard drive, and wanted to try some image screen capture so that our Playgroup can send a photo to our local newspaper. I have played the video, paused then performed a "Print Screen." I have then pasted that paused image into Xara PGDv7. But seem unable to resize the pasted image. If I try to resize the image, the resizing window just concentrated upon a portion of the pasted image. I thought this would have been straight forward, but it doesn't seem to have worked. Playgroup asked whether I could do this asap.
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Dec 17, 2013
I have a Autocad add-in which runs an iterative routine with a while..wend loop that often takes a few minutes to finish. The routine is very stable and always restores user control eventually, but if the user hits the escape key while it is running, a fatal error occurs in acad.exe.
if there is a way to detect that the escape key has been pressed so the routine is exited?
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Feb 22, 2012
Capture a bunch of signatures to be later used in PS for creating a collage of a sports team...each photo will have the players signature... I'd like to ideally use my i pad to capture and then move to PS where I can associate each signature with a photo, etc. The trick is to work off a list of names and be able to keep the association as a move it to PS...
File Maker Pro / Go combo will do what I want I think but its quite pricey at $150+40...was hoping some other cheaper way was possible. Obviously need to pay attention to transparency issues..Don't want to have to manually delete white backgrounds once imported, etc.
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Oct 7, 2013
Sometimes when working with particularly difficult imaging I'll start with a quick auto-level or auto-color adjustment. More often than not these attempts leave little to be desired and I move on to other techniques. But once and a while (like today's subjects) I'l do an auto-color and the result is good enough to warrant inclusion in an action where I want to apply the exact same settings from that single auto-color step to a few more files.
Trouble is, unlike the levels where you can see what's been done and can save the .alv, there seems to be no equivalent for the auto-color adjustment. Can those settings be saved out?
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Nov 11, 2011
I have addin running inside Inventor. The requirement is that addin should be able to capture the "save as" operation done by the user. Internally, addin stores unique information in the active Inventor file and when user does "Save as", it needs to generate and store the new unique information in the newly created file after Save As. That is the reason it is required to capture the Save As event.
It was possible to capture the "Save" event and there I get Event Timing Enum (kBefore and kAfter). But the file name is same for kBefore and kAfter. So its not possible to identify that its Save As operation.
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Mar 1, 2005
I'm watching a DVD on my computer through Windows MEdia PLayer, and was wondering why I cannot use Prnt Scrn then photoshop to save the image I captured? For some odd reason, it won't save, and sorta makes a 'window' out of photoshop, just leaving the video behind it.
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Jun 15, 2006
I've been trying to set up an automated process for capturing JPG's and merging them -without user input- to an HDR and then save it to an OpenEXR file.
The capture process is functioning correctly, but I need someone to explain me this:
How do I tell photoshop (with Javascript or VBScript) to merge the contents of, let's say, 'C:HDRJPEG' to a HDR, without attemping to align, and then save it to 'C:HDRHDR.exr' ?
I am using Photoshop CS2 on Windows XP. I don't understand the scripting langages completely
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