Photoshop :: Script For HDR :: Automated Process For Capturing JPG's And Merging

Jun 15, 2006

I've been trying to set up an automated process for capturing JPG's and merging them -without user input- to an HDR and then save it to an OpenEXR file.

The capture process is functioning correctly, but I need someone to explain me this:
How do I tell photoshop (with Javascript or VBScript) to merge the contents of, let's say, 'C:HDRJPEG' to a HDR, without attemping to align, and then save it to 'C:HDRHDR.exr' ?

I am using Photoshop CS2 on Windows XP. I don't understand the scripting langages completely

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Photoshop Elements :: JPGs Greyed Out In Process Multiple Files

Mar 25, 2014

I have a new iMac, with Elements 11, all jpgs are greyed out when I try to process multiple files.

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GIMP :: Setting Up Automated Process - Move Layer Incrementally Along Axis

May 28, 2012

Is there any way of setting up an automated process/es? What I want to try to achieve is to move a layer incrementally along an axis,by say a few pixels at a time,whilst saving the frame generated,up to say 20 frames or more ?

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Premiere Pro :: Prevent Capturing Process From Splitting Up Source Material Into Short Clips?

Feb 11, 2014

Capturing: I have a continuous miniDV tape that I am capturing, but Premiere keeps interrupting the capturing and makes short multiple clips...I have tried it with both Scene Detect ON and OFF. I just want the miniDV tape to play and to have one continuous file. How do I prevent the capturing process from splitting up the clip?

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Running A Batch File - Automated Process?

Aug 15, 2012

I have a batch program which I want to launch from a LISP program.

First this is an attempt at an automated process whereby user input is extremely restricted. Other than the first click of the mouse on the menu item to save a copy of the file to a very restricted folder, no other user input is allowed.

AutoCAD, like most commercial apps writes a temporary file and then renames it when you choose save or saveas. And due to the restrictions in this folder that will not work. Crazy, I know but it's the parameters I must work within.

The batch file I'm launching calls another batch program in it's execution and I'm wondering if that could be where control is lost. But the thing is I can type this at the command line in AutoCAD:

(startapp "//a_very_long/novell_server_path/my_folder/vlisp/mybatchfile.bat")
The whole process works great. The command window flashes briefly AutoCAD closes the active drawing window just like I want it to. And when I check that the dwg file has been copied to the restricted folder it's there and done. But when I place that same command within my LISP program or one like this:

(command "._STARTAPP" "CMD //a_very_long/novell_server_path/my_folder/vlisp/mybatchfile.bat")or(command "._STARTAPP" "CMD ""//a_very_long/novell_server_path/my_folder/vlisp/mybatchfile.bat"")
or just about anything else I try it fails to run. Perhaps I've been looking at this problem too long. I think I may move on to a VB.NET process to do this but I am really baffled why it will run from the command line but not within the program.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Dynamic Blocks Not Changing Visibility State With Automated Process

Oct 6, 2011

I have created a bunch of templates (title block type drawings) for my company. In these templates there is a dynamic block used for a particular note. Based on customer number, this note will be changed.

We have a program that will insert the correct template based on the drawing type. It will know the customer number and change the dynamic block visibility state to reflect the correct text in the note.

Here's the problem; I don't know why, but sometimes the visibility state does not change. It's not the code as it works just fine in some drawings.

I've gone in and just changed the visibility state name, then changed it back, then saved the drawing and it worked.  In some cases, I've also just gone into the template and deleted the dynamic block and re-inserted it, and it began to work again.

Having trouble with dynamic block visibility states not working when using an automated process?

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Illustrator :: CS6 - Converting PMS To Process For Files To Be Printed 4 Color Process

Oct 4, 2012

How the PMS color palettes "simulate" on screen how the color will print on different substrates (glossy vs matte vs uncoated paper). That's great for comps, but if you convert it to CMYK to print it, and the values are representing a "simulated" color it won't look correct (by that I mean come close to matching the spot color). For example, the uncoated palette simulates the color by making them appear a bit washed out on screen - pretty good visual simulation. But it might do so by adding black and cyan to orange for example, etc. - effectively dulling the original color.

So if I convert that to CMYK within the new Pantone + color palette, and then send it to the printer - it won't appear as it did on screen, it will dull the end color even more because it's converted the color to the dull simulated version - what a disaster! It's only doing half the job - showing us what it should look like on screen. In order to be truly efficient for design professionals the CMYK conversion might remove black and cyan completely to effectively brighten the color in the final output on uncoated paper. I would prefer it just stick to the standard conversion, which Pantone did have as a standard palette option (PMS to process), and then I can adjust if I think it's necessary.
Any corporate branding system will likely start with a PMS spot color palette for the identity. Then it will build into many different adaptations - full color brochures, large format banners and trade show graphics, website, advertising. So any corporate branding system will need to have PMS, CMYK and RGB versions of their main corporate color palette. There was a standard for these translations that was automatically consistent in the Adobe software and that is now all over the place, so it relies on individuals manually adapting the color mixes for final use - what a great way to screw things up.

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Photoshop :: Automated Way For Resizing

Aug 15, 2005

I am using photoshop 7. Is there an automated way to resize many pictures at once?

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Photoshop :: Capturing Multiple Signatures And Processing For Later Use

Feb 22, 2012

Capture a bunch of signatures to be later  used in PS for creating a collage of a sports team...each photo will  have the players signature... I'd like to ideally use my i pad to capture  and then move to PS where I can associate each signature with a photo, etc.   The trick is to work  off a list of names and be able to keep the  association as a move it to PS...

File Maker Pro / Go combo will do what I want I think but its quite pricey  at $150+40...was hoping some other cheaper way was possible. Obviously need to pay attention to transparency issues..Don't want to have to manually delete white backgrounds once imported, etc.

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Photoshop :: Capturing Auto-color Settings

Oct 7, 2013

Sometimes when working with particularly difficult imaging I'll start with a quick auto-level or auto-color adjustment. More often than not these attempts leave little to be desired and I move on to other techniques. But once and a while (like today's subjects) I'l do an auto-color and the result is good enough to warrant inclusion in an action where I want to apply the exact same settings from that single auto-color step to a few more files.

Trouble is, unlike the levels where you can see what's been done and can save the .alv, there seems to be no equivalent for the auto-color adjustment. Can those settings be saved out?

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Photoshop :: Automated 2 Color Separations

Aug 3, 2012

I have a very large number of 4-color TIFFs that I need converted to 2-color PSD or DCS files. Before I do a whole lot of banging my head against the wall — or heavens forbid trying to write my own script from scratch — I'd like to know if it's feasible.
First, I'm not new to this. I don't need instructions on how to create 2-color DCS files from 3- or 4-color art. I do it quite often. Only I do it manually (using different methods, depending on the art).
What I have are hand-drawn illustrations, mostly black line with blue tints. The problem is they're 4-color. The colors are consistent — I have the same 4 tints or shades of blue plus black (or 3 tints of blue and one blue/black mix + black). I have no issues using grayscale + levels to generate the spot color channels, or Select Color Range and different percentage fills in those channels.
What I have is about a thousand of them — yes, literally 1,000 images — and I need them done as soon as possible. I don't relish the idea of going through all of them with the same operation, not when it can be automated.
So that's my question — can it be automated? What I understand is this is primarily a process that requires human intervention — a human brain that can decide "this, not that." Can I create an Action that says (for example):
set theColorRange to 67, 32, 23, 6
select theColorRange
fill channel Pantone Black 4 U 40%
fill channel Pantone Process Blue 100%
set theColorRange to 45, 15, 15, 0
(PS 5.1, Mac OS 10.5)

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Photoshop :: Automated Slice On Save

Dec 5, 2011

I was wondering If there is a way I could tell photoshop to slice and save a very big master file (1920x260.000px) into smaller images (1920x550px)

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Photoshop :: Automated Image Conversion

Sep 22, 2007

I have 1000 or so CR2 raw files that I need to convert into 2000 px .jpg files. I tried the batch and action combo but I can’t get past when the file is opened in camera raw and the action stops.

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Photoshop :: Automated Cutting Out Background

Jan 16, 2009

I need to produce images of the garments, lets say a shirt, that is placed on a manequin/dummy, then the image is altered in Photoshop to remove the background and the manequin/dummy.

I understand I can use the Magic Wand task to do this.

What is the most efficient way of automating this process as I will have an initial upload of 300 images/products and I really dont want to have to do them all manually.

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Photoshop :: Automated Export Of Layers

Feb 24, 2003

Via Actions, the Sphere filter, and a great original earth pic , I've generated a 352 layer file of the earth spinning. Each layer shows the earth from a slightly different angle. WIth lighting effects and all, it's pretty cool.

Now I want to export it to 352 (alpha-channel-enabled) .png files for inclusion ito a Director program. (A simple GIF animation using ImageReady leaves fringing.)I cannot figure out how to create the separate files except via by hand. Any ideas?

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Photoshop :: "Photoshop Jpgs" Vs "jpgs." Files Default

Apr 28, 2006

I have given a disc of photos to a client that she can't access without launching Photoshop on her Mac. They were scanned by me on an Epson as jpgs, then run through Photoshop (CS1) for touch-up and resaved as jpgs by me. Now I look under "get info" and see that they are all saved as "Photoshop Jpgs". this can be a big problem, as I intend to make a lot of discs for clients in the future. I don't want to have to tell them to use "Open with" every time they want to view a photo.

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Photoshop :: Capturing An Image From A DVD In WMP (Prnt Scrn) And Saving

Mar 1, 2005

I'm watching a DVD on my computer through Windows MEdia PLayer, and was wondering why I cannot use Prnt Scrn then photoshop to save the image I captured? For some odd reason, it won't save, and sorta makes a 'window' out of photoshop, just leaving the video behind it.

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Photoshop :: Automated Image Capture And Processing

Sep 15, 2012

I want to create an automated image processing.  I have LR4.1 and CS6 installed.  I also subscribe to the Creative Cloud. 
1. Capture an NEF.
2. Apply an X-Rite color profile.
3. Save as a JPG to a specified folder.
4. Save the NEF to another specified folder.
How can I do this

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Photoshop :: Automated Multiple Color Change

Jun 13, 2013

I have a following problem:

Picture of a wardrobe with doors.

I would like to make 200 versions of this wardrobe with 200 different colors of the doors

So the effect should be: 100 files , each file contains a picture of a wardrobe with a different door color.

Is it possibleto automate the proccess, I cannot imagine I have to do all the color changes by hand for 200 versions.

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Photoshop :: PS7 Automated Photo Gallery Customize?

Nov 26, 2003

Is there any way to ad more customizations to it?

Instead of doing post work, can I change it to use my banner and other preferences automatically?

I know of the different choices possible when going through the photo gallery creation options, but I want more.

The index pages are not a problem but it's all of the image pages that become time consuming.

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Photoshop :: Using Automated Actions, Then Saving As A Jpeg

Jan 28, 2006

using automated actions on my photos for a while, (rotate, re-size etc etc), but whenever I do this, every single time it asks me to complete the "Jpeg Options" box (compression levels).

Can I override this, and just set it so it automatically saves at a particular setting? when i've got hundreds of photos to have to click "ok" on each one!

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Photoshop Elements :: File Sizes Are Different When Capturing With Split Scenes On / Off

Feb 25, 2013

When I capture the same vedio from DV Camcorder without Split Scenes, the single file size is 25GB; with Split Scenes(Timecode),  the total file size is about 12GB in the folder.
What is the pros/cons of the two methods?
I am using Premiere Elements 11, Win7;

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Photoshop :: Automated Retouching System For Specific Photography

Mar 1, 2012

I am interested in building an automated retouching system for a specific form of photography. The system needs to be able to handle a large workflow of images and create a look that is desirable and state of the art. I can see that there are a lot of systems out there that deal with portraiture etc and feel that if we could develop a similar system with actions for the specific work that I shoot it would be great.

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Photoshop :: Automated Saving Of Files In Different Sizes/resolutions

Sep 8, 2002

How can saving files in different Sizes and/or different Resolutions be automated? I think of an action, but I definitely don't know how or if this is possible.

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Photoshop :: Making Photos Web Ready In An Automated Batch File

Dec 12, 2008

I've got a number of images that are 300dpi which I need to save for the web. I've been able to take one image and change the dpi to 72 and then go into Image Ready and shrink the size some more. I've tried to automate the process but after I run a batch I actually get the files back double their original size. What might I be doing wrong here? I'm using PS 7 and, while in no way a professional, I can get by... except for this bit obviously! So, what's the best way to automate the process of turning my files into nice, lean web-ready images?

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Photoshop :: Automated Checking Of Aligned Option In Clone Stamp Tool

May 31, 2013

Today I noticed a slightly peculiar behavior in the Clone Stamp tool when "Aligned" is deselected. Clicking twice on the image with alt or option held down causes the behavior of the tool to change and "Aligned" to become checked. So if you're not planning on using aligned, you alt/option click your mouse for the source point, decide on a different source point, alt/option click again, and suddenly you find yourself using an aligned clone stamp.
This does not happen with the Healing Brush Tool, which makes me think it's not an intentional short cut. It's also mighty irritating. I've tried it with both x64 and x32 CS6 on Windows. Happens on both. Does it also happen on Macintosh? Is there any way to switch this behavior off?
Adobe Photoshop Version: 13.0.1 (13.0.1 20120808.r.519 2012/08/08:21:00:00) x64
Operating System: Windows 7 64-bit
Version: 6.1 Service Pack 1

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VideoStudio :: Capturing VHS Not Working?

Sep 5, 2012

I'm running X5 on Windows 7 and I'm trying to put a VHS tape to DVD. I have a Winfast VC100 U capturing device with the red white and yellow cables plugged into the VCR. The video plays through X5 (with no sound) and when I press the 'capture video' button, it says its capturing, but in the information box, the available space does not budge. Once I stop the capture and go to the edit screen it has only saved a video of 2 frames. I have never tried to capture a VHS tape before.

My current video settings are:
Input source - Composite
TV System - PAL B

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VideoStudio :: Capturing Music From CDs In Pro X3?

Apr 23, 2013

When we capture music from CD's in Pro X3, the last few seconds of the songs get cut off. Or the recording skips, cuts out a few seconds of the song right before the end, and then captures the end of the song. It's an intermittent problem with no rhyme nor reason that we can figure out as to which songs are being affected. But once a song has been captured and the end garbled, that same song will always be garbled no matter how many times we delete the recording and recapture it.

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VideoStudio :: Capturing From HD Camcorder (JVC)

Nov 26, 2012

I have used old tape type camcorder (sony) for 7 years and used firewire cable(1394) to capture the video into my desktop. capturing file format was AVI(DV type 1). It's pretty big size of files but I like this type of file format because there were no compression so that I can keep an uncompressed original DV files. When I captured(download) the video from camcorder, I usually turn power on the camcorder after connect into desktop, then VideoStudio automatically recognized my old SONY camcorder so it's always ready to capture the videos.

BTW, I purchased new HD camcorder (JVC, model jvc gz-e10). I did connect same what I did tape camcorder, but neither my computer nor VSX5 can't recognized to capture. (It just only detect as movable device, i.e. SD card...)

How to capture this video clip from HD camcorder using VideoStudio program? Inside of SD card, captured files have "mts" file extension.

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VideoStudio :: 14 Keeps Crashing When Capturing From DV?

Aug 27, 2012

Whenever I try to capture anything from VHS > DV > Firewire to my PC VS crashes hard core. Everything freezes and it reboots.

i7-2700K I have Two brand new 4th generation SSD (Vertex 4's) in RAID 0, Read and writes @ 1GB/sec I have 16GB of RAM, 2133, half is a RAMdrive (temp). This reads and writes @ 5GB/sec. I usually write to this because there is no possible chance of bottleneck. Though I've tried SSD or HDD write too. Top of the line everything else, MB, sound, etc. How the hell much more power do I need?

Can't believe the FREE 100Kb WinDV can capture for 8 hours + no hiccups, no lost frames, but the second I try to capture, even go into capture mode with VS14 it starts to stall, crash, choke up and eventually reboot the whole F%^&$%^ machine, leaving my 6TB RAID 5 to have to rebuild.

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VideoStudio :: Capturing From Camcorder

Mar 24, 2011

I have been using VS for quite a few years firstly with VS6 and currently have X3 (depending on a few things I will probably upgrade to X4).

Up until the present time I have been capturing on my PC at home via fire-wire from my current camcorder (Canon MD 235 which of course uses mini DV) . I want to purchase a new laptop to give me some mobility and also be able to edit produce DVD's on the move, looking around virtually no current laptops (unless I go well beyond my budget (around £500)) have fire-wire or even an express port to use a expansion card with fire-wire.

I realize that I will probably have to step up and get a newer more up to date camcorder over the summer and what I am trying to understand is the difference in capture formats. I like the look of some of the low end Hard drive/flash/SD card camcorders around, but how do you import to PC, is all done by USB?

In what formats is the video imported and how easy in comparison to say Avi files and is it easy to edit video using VS and produce a DVD from the resulting files?

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