GIMP :: Setting Up Automated Process - Move Layer Incrementally Along Axis
May 28, 2012
Is there any way of setting up an automated process/es? What I want to try to achieve is to move a layer incrementally along an axis,by say a few pixels at a time,whilst saving the frame generated,up to say 20 frames or more ?
I've been trying to set up an automated process for capturing JPG's and merging them -without user input- to an HDR and then save it to an OpenEXR file.
The capture process is functioning correctly, but I need someone to explain me this: How do I tell photoshop (with Javascript or VBScript) to merge the contents of, let's say, 'C:HDRJPEG' to a HDR, without attemping to align, and then save it to 'C:HDRHDR.exr' ?
I am using Photoshop CS2 on Windows XP. I don't understand the scripting langages completely
I have a batch program which I want to launch from a LISP program.
First this is an attempt at an automated process whereby user input is extremely restricted. Other than the first click of the mouse on the menu item to save a copy of the file to a very restricted folder, no other user input is allowed.
AutoCAD, like most commercial apps writes a temporary file and then renames it when you choose save or saveas. And due to the restrictions in this folder that will not work. Crazy, I know but it's the parameters I must work within.
The batch file I'm launching calls another batch program in it's execution and I'm wondering if that could be where control is lost. But the thing is I can type this at the command line in AutoCAD:
The whole process works great. The command window flashes briefly AutoCAD closes the active drawing window just like I want it to. And when I check that the dwg file has been copied to the restricted folder it's there and done. But when I place that same command within my LISP program or one like this:
or just about anything else I try it fails to run. Perhaps I've been looking at this problem too long. I think I may move on to a VB.NET process to do this but I am really baffled why it will run from the command line but not within the program.
I have created a bunch of templates (title block type drawings) for my company. In these templates there is a dynamic block used for a particular note. Based on customer number, this note will be changed.
We have a program that will insert the correct template based on the drawing type. It will know the customer number and change the dynamic block visibility state to reflect the correct text in the note.
Here's the problem; I don't know why, but sometimes the visibility state does not change. It's not the code as it works just fine in some drawings.
I've gone in and just changed the visibility state name, then changed it back, then saved the drawing and it worked. In some cases, I've also just gone into the template and deleted the dynamic block and re-inserted it, and it began to work again.
Having trouble with dynamic block visibility states not working when using an automated process?
I am trying to move a layer with photo or adjust and then I get to see this sign. What am I doing wrong?Can you explain to me what I should do differently.
Yesterday I download Gimp 2.8 and after eyedropper bug I found out that can´t move text layer during editing it. I don´t think to move layer tool.
I can´t move the layer during editing. I can move only with the borders of the text range. When I want move with active text layer, I must do it through the "move layer tool".
I have created a layer group - I want to move it butit seems I must still move one layer at a time. Is there a way to move a layer group across an image?
Is there an option to move just a portion of a layer (with the Move, Scale, or Rotate tools, for example) without having to first copy the portion, then delete it, and then paste it as a whole new layer?
For instance, if you have a picture of a house and there's a tree off to the side, and you want to shrink the tree a bit so the house looks bigger. Currently, I would ( a ) copy the tree, ( b ) delete that selection, and ( c ) paste the tree as a new layer....and then finally (d) shrink that.
But could I simply select the tree and shrink it on the same layer?
A friend of mine got a new computer with Windows 8 (64).Intel Core i7-4770, NVIDIA GTX 645...Now he has installed GIMP from GIMP-org Everything works well, but it can not rearrange the layers with the mouse.Even he can not adhere Register to other docks with the mouse. He also tried it with GIMP Portable and Partha GIMP Portable (64) with the same effect.
I am trying to move a text layer from one open file to another. I left-click on a text layer in one file and drag it to the tab of the other file. It seems to be successful, but there is no layer added to the other file.
If I try copy and paste then there will be another layer in the other file that I have to anchor or set as a new layer. If I anchor it then it becomes a part of the default layer. If I set it as a new layer then there is some sort of success, but I can’t edit it with the text tool as I can if I copy it within the same file.
Is it not possible to copy text layers between open files and continue to edit it with the text tool?
I often have an issue when trying to move an object on a layer crowded zone.
I select the right layer through the layer dock. But when I try to move my object, some auto selecter is probably ON and it selects another layer (that probably was right under my mouse) Any way I could disable that ?
When I used to use photoshop that was an easy obvious option "AutoSelect Layer" I don't get it how to do this in gimp
I am busy working on rigging a character ( See attachment) to the best of my abilities and am running into some issues:
I have made a nurbs curve object which I intend to use as a controller in my rig, I have however modeled my character with his arms in a 45 degree angle so I snapped this particular object to the wrist and aligned it with the comes the fun part , because it is a controller I wanted to have a clean channelbox zo I froze transformations which neatly sets every channel to 0, it also snaps the local axis to a world pivot orientation....
I went in componentmode pressed the question mark thingy and thought it was working..but it still alters the values in the channelbox.
I basically want the same rotation axes editing capabilities as I have with joints, I will try fiddling with that next, but I can't believe that this can't be solved any simpler.
there's nothing in that dropdown menu for you to select your source image/layer in the Move Path plugin.I am using an XCF (Gimp) file, with many layers. I selected a particular layer, then I opened the Move Path plugin.
I'm doing a simple transform action. I want to move an object to a value on the Y axis. First of all, after recording the action, and setting the Y value to 64 px, the action is recorded as 64 pt, not px. This happens regardless of my 'Units' setting. Second, it ADDS the value to the current Y value, instead of just setting the new value, rendering the action useless.
Am I doing something wrong? I don't see a way to specify an absolute value vs a relative one. Is it just a limitation of Actions in Illustrator?
1) How do I get the ucs Icon (X,Y axis) to not move when I zoom in and out. I want it to be stationary in the bottom left corner as I'm used to seeing it.
2) For some reason I cannot peform the simple task of drawing a line by picking a point and then entering a distance. Ever since I've been drafting with cad I have been able to type "line" in the command line and then am asked to "specify first point" (I do so), and am asked to "specify second point" (which I do). Normally I do this in ortho mode (0, 90, 180 etc.) For example, using 25', I lead the cursor to the right as my "second point", and the line normally shows up 25' to the right. This is not happening now for some reason. After I specify my second point as 25', the command linen states, "point or option keyword required" and does not draw the line. I'm sure the solution is an easy one but I've never seen this happen before.
I have read that this feature was removed(??) in 2011. How to do it in 2012?
Use Axis Constraints is ON in the Grid and Snap Settings but when i hoover over the vertex the snap goes away and a small circle shows up. When i click the vertex and drag it the axis constraints are turned off. I use the vertex snap all the time.
I am having some trouble with moving vertexes on their local axis. When I move a vertex with the move tool (in local mode) the vertex moves REALLY fast and what is causing it. It works fine with the view coordinates enabled but just not on local.
I have a width. I want to move an object along the x-axis, with this width. No problem. But when the UCS is rotated, it still moves the object along the original x-axis.
How do I move the object along the x-axis of the rotated UCS?
Movement along the z-axis will always be 0 (2D only).
In my sketch I want to move a smaller circle that is within a circle along the Z-axis. I've put the image below to avoid confusion. I am using Inventor 2012.
My rotate tool in maya seems to be "locked" i can't freely rotate whenever i left click hold the center and it only rotates where my viewport is looking at so if im at the X axis I can't rotate the Z axis. Tried setting my preferences to default and nothing. I've also set my rotate tool to default.
Whenever I move my camera say to the Z axis the Z handle gets selected and same when I move the camera to the X axis.
I have several pillars that I want to scale down to the same size, but I don't want to have to scale them individually or reposition them once I'm done. Is there any way to scale them all without making them move along the axis being scaled? (I should have made them instances of each other. My only problem there is that I couldn't reposition one pillar without moving the others. for future reference, is there a way to temporarily break the instance relationship so on can be edited?)
Any way to move objects in vertical direction (z-axis) in 3d views, without having to turn the view everytime to be of frontal direction. I would like to move entire objects - for example mass objects - up or down directly in a 3d view of random orientation, now only top- or bottom face can be moved vertically, the whole object moves only on xy -plane. Can vertical movement of an object be done intuitively graphically and/or can it be be numerically, feeding coordinates?
Have tried all sources, but cannot find solution, and refuse to believe that Revit would be the only 3d/bim software on planet where direct vertical manipulation of objects is not possible.