AutoCAD Inventor :: Use Custom Embedded Cursor - User Interaction Event

Aug 3, 2013

How to use an embedded cursor (mycursor.cur) via the SetCursor command under user interaction events. I can use built in cursors just not able to get it working with my resource.

Sample below throws an error type mismatch.

oInteraction.SetCursor(CursorTypeEnum.kCursorTypeCustom, My.Resources.mycursor)
I have set the build action of the cursor to be embedded.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Interaction Event Mouse Tool Tip

Jul 17, 2013

How to set a tool tip to show up next to and follow the mouse during user interaction. It's the same function that the CommandManager.Pick does?

If it's not a built in function then I guess it's created by a tool tip that gets moved around to follow the mouse on mouse move?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: User Interaction In VBA?

Jan 26, 2013

I have an assembly file with parts assembled, and I want the user to move and position the assembled part into a position as they desire, and then run VBA to extract coordinates information to do further calculation. 

So, what I want to do is creat a VBA code that does the following in sequence

1. VBA runs code to assemble the parts (I can do this)

2. go to the autodesk interface and allow user to manipulate the part

3. when user presses a key (e.g. "enter", "space"), the control returns to VBA

4. VBA run some code to extract the coordinates and do some calculations (I can do this too)

there is something like an input box that waits for the user to click ok, before continuing to run the rest of the coding. But I realise that the input boxes and message boxes do not allow users to work on the model in the background. Since I need users to move/rotate the part to the desired position, I can't simply use input and message boxes. 

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AutoCAD .NET :: How To Remove User Interaction Part From A Code

May 14, 2013

I have got this code by KEAN WALMSLEY.His code will ask user to select a block and then list all of selected block's attributes. However, I need to tweak his code a little bit and instead of user interaction, the block has to be selected by its name and through my code.

Here is his code (with slight changes to suit my purpose):

rivate Sub ListAttributes()Dim ed As Editor = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument.Editor Dim db As Database = Host Application Services.WorkingDatabaseDim tr As Transaction = db.TransactionManager.StartTransaction() Try Dim filList As TypedValue() = New TypedValue(0) {New TypedValue(CInt(DxfCode.Start), "INSERT")}Dim filter As New SelectionFilter(filList)Dim opts As

 Now, I need to change this Sub to a Function as below:

Private Function ListAttributes (blockName As String) As Boolean

The aim is to list all block attributes if the 'blockName' exists in drawing and return True afterwards. Oppositely it should return me False and print nothing to Editor if blockName does not exist.

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Illustrator :: Execution Of Menu Command Without User Interaction?

Oct 22, 2013

It's a shame that Illustrator's scripting ability isn't as robust as InDesign's.
I have a script that goes through every path in a file and records all of the colors used in it.  The problem is that it stumbles when faced with certain types of "PluginItem"s.  I've been able to fix some of it, such as when it comes across a "Compound Shape" (as opposed to a Compound Path or other normal Illustrator object).  In such an instance I can select the path, then call a menu command to expand that selection:
if (currentItem.typename == "PluginItem")
    currentItem.selected = true;
    currentItem = app.selection[0];
I had to do some scrounging to figure out how to execute that "Expand Appearance" command that is in the "Object" menu in Illustrator.  In fact, the only resource I discovered was a list that is partially in Japanese.  By the way, that last item in the list is a recursive call to the same function in which this if statement resides.
So, the above code works for "PluginItems" that can be rectified with a call to the "Object -> Expand Appearance" menu item.  What about those that don't, such as an enveloped object?  With those, I'd normally just run the command above "Expand Appearance", called simply "Expand…"  Well, that menu items pops up a dialog which, when the user clicks "OK" on it, will properly expand the enveloped object so that the script can continue reading the paths that made it up and get fill & stroke colors.
I can call this menu item with a simple "app.executeMenuCommand("Expand3");", but my problem is that dialog which appears.  I don't want the user to have to click "OK" on it every time it pops up when the script wants to expand that object, but the traditional "app.userInteractionLevel = UserInteractionLevel.DONTDISPLAYALERTS;" method doesn't work.
Is there any way to expand enveloped items without having a dialog pop up on the user?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Intercept Click Event On Custom Ribbon Tab

Jan 10, 2013

I have a have a custom ribbon tab on the Assembly and ZeroDoc ribbons, those have pannels and buttons.

The custom buttons have OnExecute event that can have custom actions addded.

But how can we intercept the event when user is clicking on the custom tab to show custom pannels?

Is there a OnExecute or a similar event for the RiboonTab?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: 2010 Ilogic Custom Event Trigger?

Sep 18, 2012

Using Ilogic 2010 I wish to trigger my rule on sheet change. Is this something that can be done? I am using it to zoom the drawing on sheet change.

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AutoCAD .NET :: Cursor Pick Object Event

Feb 8, 2012

i am trying to make a custom palette to display some custom information pulled out from selected objects.i can deal with the palette part.

i want some code for when you click an object in model space then the property palette updates. i am gonna keep it simple so this custom palette only refresh to the last selected object. but i don't know how to make an event when mouse click the autocad object and then do my things. any codes in c# or would be nice.

so use commandmethod load in a command and there will be a palette there stay open, when user click on an object then it will get populated. what event do i use for the clicking?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Exporting User Text Parameters To Custom IProperties

Nov 21, 2012

I am trying to export a user parameter that is a text string to a custom I property. I am able to export other parameters to custom properties that are numarical values. I export check box is missing on the text user parameter.

Is there a way to acomplish this with I-logic?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: User Parameter Expression List - Allow Custom Values?

Mar 21, 2013

Where do I find the "Allow custom values" option for a multi list parameter expression?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Change Multi Value Select To Custom Value Input In Ilogic User Parameters

Aug 31, 2011

I want to change 'mutil value select" to "custom value input" in ilogic user parameters. something like this:

if condition A then

multivalue.setlist("length", 1,2,3,4,5)

(users can enter any value they want, how can i remove the list first and set it to custom value input?)

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Custom / User Properties In View Label Of Drawing Template / Style Library

Apr 18, 2012

Is there a way that we can set the view label in the style library to show custom/user Properties?

We have set our iam/ipt templates to have some custom properties which we wish to display in the view label when the view is created however there this no way to add these properties to the label.

I find this a little strange as you can add these user Properties to the parts list in the style library? (I've added some screen caps to show what I am talking about)

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Illustrator SDK :: How To Get Event / Notification When User Selects Save Option

Nov 13, 2013

Can we get an event / notification when user selects the Save option ?

My plugin is required to perform action on this event.

Which suite is used for the same ?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Mouse Interaction When Inserting Part Or Assembly?

Sep 14, 2012

I've been out of the programming game for a few years.  But, using the sample code to place a part or assembly in an assembly by placing it with the mouse should be possible in VBA.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Selecting Profile Path Using Interaction Events

Jun 21, 2007

I am in need to select a profile path using interaction events. How can it be done? Is there any filters available for a Profile Path Selection?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Transition From Single User / Desktop Content To Two User / Vault?

May 7, 2013

After getting Vault installed on our server and successfully setting up users and connections, I used the Library Transfer Guide to move our Content Center (including custom) to the Vault. I then changed the Inventor Application Options -> Content Center -> Access Options to Autodesk Vault Server.

This seems to have worked, as I can Place from Content Center when in an assembly, and it is pulling standard content as well as our custom files properly from the vault.  However, in the instructions that I used for the installlation, it was suggested to stick with a standard folder structure within the Vault, namely two Library Folders named 'Content Center Files' and 'Libraries' and also a regular folder named 'Designs'.

 I created those folders prior to transferring the library, as I thought they would be populated with the standard/custom content. This was not the case and I am curious when these folders come into play? *they are empty*

Also, today I will be attempting to 'Check In' a project to the Vault that I recently completed; does this usually maintain structural relationships between files?

Would you recommend using a single project structure in vault for two people? It seems, since we won't be working on the same project at the same time, having a single project would not be relavant to our situation..

Inventor 2011 / Windows 7 Pro SP1 64bit
Dell Precision T3600
Intel Xeon E5-1607 @ 3.00GHz
AMD FirePro V4900
20 GB Ram

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Custom User Profile Settings Not Sticking

Jul 2, 2012

We loaded up C3D 2013 a month or so ago.  I exported my user profile (Options>Profiles>Export) from C3D 2012 and loaded it into 2013.  Now the profile will not stay loaded.  I have to reload it every time I startup C3D.  It also doesn't hold my view cube settings or my panes.

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AutoCAD LT :: 2010 - Moving Custom Files User Preferences

Nov 12, 2012

Had to get a new hard drive. Using Win XP, LT 2010.   Most customization is on server, but I had some tool palettes, and I made one ribbon panel with a few tabs.  Old hard drive is still accessible on the computer.  Three items I want to copy.

1. Tool palettes - Can I just copy the items from support/icons, and support/palettesinto the same location on the new drive?  
2. Will copying the to the same location work for the profile? and
3. Where do I copy my custom file for the custom tab & panel?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Custom User Parameters In Block Are Lost?

Sep 11, 2012

I have created a dynamic scale bar block that a user can edit two custom properties of (Horizontal Scale and Vertical Exaggeration) and the values on the scale bar will self-adjust after a regen.  The block works fine if inserted into a drawing as per normal the normal insert method.

However, the issue I am running into is this:

If the block is inserted into a template drawing that contains our standard company titleblock (again this part works fine), and that layout is then imported into a new drawing using the "From Template..." right-click option on the Model/Layout tabs, the block loses the custom user parameters.  Editing the block definition shows that the parameters are there, they just no longer have names or default values and do not appear in the properties window when the block is selected.

Trying to edit the user parameter names in the block definition of this imported copy of the block, just results in receiving an error that I'm attempting to use characters that are not alphanumeric.

I've tried this same procedure with 2013 and the issues still occur.  I've tried user parameter names that don't have an underscore in them (just in case that was causing the issue), but again no luck.

I've attached a simpler block that recreates the same problem: Tester.dwg - this is the block that can be inserted into a drawing.  It contains two user parameters "Tester" and "Tester_2".  Inserting this block into a drawing shows the block works correctly (user parameters are editable from the properties window).Testing.dwg - this is a drawing that contains the above block inserted onto Layout 1.  If Layout 1 is imported into a new drawing (using the "From Template..." right click option of the model/layout tabs), then the block no longer functions as it should.  The two user parameters are no longer visible in the properties window.

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AutoCAD Map 3D :: Getting Multiple User / Custom Coordinate System Files (2014)?

Dec 18, 2013

If you create any custom coordinate systems in 2014 products (Civil3D, Map3D) *.CSD files are created in C:Users{user_name}AppDataLocalAutodeskUser Geospatial Coordinate Systems with the additional data in them.

My question is - can you have multiple 'coordsys.csd' files?

The reason for asking is that we are setting up a large number of low distortion projections that are specified by a government roading agency and I figure the best way to distribute these is to create a coordsys.csd with them and sync it out to everyones profile (the location shown above), but there could then be issues if a user then sets up some additional coordinate systems that will only be on their computer, if we altered or expanded the company definitions and sync'd these out again it would overwrite the users ones.

It would be good to be able to have mutilple custom coordinate system files - ones for particular clients, countries, individual users etc.

Civil3D 2014 - Windows7 64bit

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Edge Animate CC :: Disable A Mouse Event After A Another Event?

Aug 2, 2013

I have a button which has a mousover/mousout animation. When i click the button, it will shrink down to 0%. when it does, my mousout event is triggert, which i dont want.
how can i disable the mousout event after the click event?

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3ds Max :: Configure Custom User Paths?

Aug 11, 2011

I have a classroom situation using 25 seats of 3ds max 2012. I just added the materials libraries and maps from older versions of 3ds max 2011, since 2012 came with very few libraries. Is there any way to configure 3ds max so all student users can see these new paths correctly without having them to each go to customize, configure user paths? Can I make a change to each machine that it will already be done for any user that is on the machines. Windows 7 Pro OS.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: New Event Trigger For ILogic

Dec 8, 2011

Is there any chance to define an event trigger which runs an iLogic rule when we check out an already open file? Problem is, that we need to synchronize iProperties on check out to clear "Approved by" when Vault State of Part is "under revision"

Vault Parameter "State" is mapped with iProperty "State".

So I want to run the following on check out:

Call ThisApplication.CommandManager.ControlDefinitions.Item("VaultPropertyWriteBack").Execute2(True)

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Capturing Save As Event

Nov 11, 2011

I have addin running inside Inventor. The requirement is that addin should be able to capture the "save as" operation done by the user. Internally, addin stores unique information in the active Inventor file and when user does "Save as", it needs to generate and store the new unique information in the newly created file after Save As. That is the reason it is required to capture the Save As event.

It was possible to capture the "Save" event and there I get Event Timing Enum (kBefore and kAfter). But the file name is same for kBefore and kAfter. So its not possible to identify that its Save As operation.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: OnDocumentChange Event Not Firing

Oct 1, 2013

I'm trying to create a handler for the OnDocumentChange Application event. 

private Inventor.Application m_inventorApplication;
Inventor.ApplicationEvents appEvents = null;
public StandardAddInServer()


My OnSaveDocument handler works just fine but the OnDocumentChange will not fire. I've been using the even watcher and have been using other handlers but cannot seem to get this one to work.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Catching Export PDF Event

Jun 5, 2013

Trying to catch an export PDF event.

Few things I have tried...




Can't find any reference to export events.

Inventor 2014

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GIMP :: Create A Custom Tool / Run Script At Cursor

Nov 7, 2012

Is there a way to have a custom tool that executes commands where I point?

I'd like to have a tool that where I click takes the foreground color via pipette and in the same spot immediately applies "fill" with the settings the fill tool is set at.

Script pseudo code would be:

get cursor position use pipette at cursor pos to FG color apply "fill" at cursor position

Can that be scripted?

-----BEGIN GEEK CODE BLOCK-----Version: 3.12GCS d--(+)@ s-:+ a C++++ UL++ P+>++ L+++>++++ E-- W++ N o? K-w--(---) !O M+ V- PS+ PE Y++ PGP t++(---)@ 5 X+(++) R+(++) tv--(+)@ b++(+++) DI+++ D- G++ e* h>++ r* y?------END GEEK CODE BLOCK------

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Edge Animate CC :: Incorporating A Custom Cursor On A Page?

Mar 19, 2013

I have been trying to incorporate a custom cursor on my website. Nothing too exciting, I just want the normal cursor's tip to glow over the page so I designed it and saved it as a png but I am having trouble making it work.

This is an example I have been trying to recreate, but with no luck [URL]....

I can't figure out what I am doing wrong, even when I try to recreate that example, the cursor doesn't show up.

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Revit :: Custom Ceiling Grids By Input From A User

Apr 2, 2013

I'm inquiring whether or not it is possible for Revit ceilings to be customized by the input of a user regarding the shapes and sizes without using a .pat file. Almost like a parametric object with predefined limitations. For example: a rectangular ceiling tile 'x' can be from 6 inches to 10 feet and side 'y' can be from 6 inches to 6 feet. So someone can select the ceiling type and actually input what size 'x' and 'y' they'd like while staying within those limitations.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Create Simplified Part Not Firing Event?

May 16, 2013

note that the command "create simplified part" is not firing onpopulatefilemetadata event.

I would expect it to.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: API - Set An Event Trigger For An Ilogic Rule In A Document

Nov 3, 2011

Is there a way to set the event trigger of an ilogic file that's already inside of a document? I have code that can automatically create and populate new rules across my assembly parts, but it would be nice to set certain rules to fire every time that part gets saved. 

If it can't be accomplished outright from the API, would it be possible to throw an OnEvent (save event in this case) inside of the iLogic code, to get the same results? URL...

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