AutoCAD LT :: 2010 - Moving Custom Files User Preferences
Nov 12, 2012
Had to get a new hard drive. Using Win XP, LT 2010. Most customization is on server, but I had some tool palettes, and I made one ribbon panel with a few tabs. Old hard drive is still accessible on the computer. Three items I want to copy.
1. Tool palettes - Can I just copy the items from support/icons, and support/palettesinto the same location on the new drive?
2. Will copying the to the same location work for the profile? and
3. Where do I copy my custom file for the custom tab & panel?
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Sep 11, 2012
I have created a dynamic scale bar block that a user can edit two custom properties of (Horizontal Scale and Vertical Exaggeration) and the values on the scale bar will self-adjust after a regen. The block works fine if inserted into a drawing as per normal the normal insert method.
However, the issue I am running into is this:
If the block is inserted into a template drawing that contains our standard company titleblock (again this part works fine), and that layout is then imported into a new drawing using the "From Template..." right-click option on the Model/Layout tabs, the block loses the custom user parameters. Editing the block definition shows that the parameters are there, they just no longer have names or default values and do not appear in the properties window when the block is selected.
Trying to edit the user parameter names in the block definition of this imported copy of the block, just results in receiving an error that I'm attempting to use characters that are not alphanumeric.
I've tried this same procedure with 2013 and the issues still occur. I've tried user parameter names that don't have an underscore in them (just in case that was causing the issue), but again no luck.
I've attached a simpler block that recreates the same problem: Tester.dwg - this is the block that can be inserted into a drawing. It contains two user parameters "Tester" and "Tester_2". Inserting this block into a drawing shows the block works correctly (user parameters are editable from the properties window).Testing.dwg - this is a drawing that contains the above block inserted onto Layout 1. If Layout 1 is imported into a new drawing (using the "From Template..." right click option of the model/layout tabs), then the block no longer functions as it should. The two user parameters are no longer visible in the properties window.
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Dec 18, 2013
If you create any custom coordinate systems in 2014 products (Civil3D, Map3D) *.CSD files are created in C:Users{user_name}AppDataLocalAutodeskUser Geospatial Coordinate Systems with the additional data in them.
My question is - can you have multiple 'coordsys.csd' files?
The reason for asking is that we are setting up a large number of low distortion projections that are specified by a government roading agency and I figure the best way to distribute these is to create a coordsys.csd with them and sync it out to everyones profile (the location shown above), but there could then be issues if a user then sets up some additional coordinate systems that will only be on their computer, if we altered or expanded the company definitions and sync'd these out again it would overwrite the users ones.
It would be good to be able to have mutilple custom coordinate system files - ones for particular clients, countries, individual users etc.
Civil3D 2014 - Windows7 64bit
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Feb 2, 2012
I've been using gimp for a while, and made quite a few customizations throughout the whole user interface (rearranging, resizing docks & windows, adding new ones), custom shortcut keys and mouse commands etc.
I would like to store these custom settings in a neat little package, so if i have to reinstall my system or simply install gimp to a new machine, I could restore my customized user interface without much hassle.
So the question is:
Where exactly are gimps config files are stored especially the ones containing the examples I made?
I also have a few smaller unrelated questions:
-I would like to map functions to mouse button 4 and 5 (undo, redo) but how to map these keys.
-Is there a way to set up a shortcut for "previous color used" and "previous brush used", so i wouldn't have to manually switch colors an brushes all the time?
I'm using the windows 64 bit version of the 2.7.5 beta from Partha.
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Dec 6, 2012
Is any know how to copy Photoshop cs5 preference from one user to other? I also need to copy the windows "scripts" arrangement to other users.
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Dec 29, 2013
I lost my Windows 7 system disk, and reinstalled on a new disk. I have reinstalled PSP X6, but I really want to restore all those favorite user preferences/settings.
Corel does not let us bring settings over from version to version, but surely I can restore my X6 settings to this reinstall?
I have a backup of almost! everything that was on my drive, and have restored my user files, and my profiles for many applications. But where are the PSP settings stored?
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Apr 5, 2013
I have added a few custom autocad commands that are specific to my scenario. I created Ribbon (and Menu for classic mode) for these commands and they are working fine. The only issue is that these Buttons (Ribbon and Menu for classic mode) are not loading the images(icons). All I get is a cloud image for both commands.
I have used 16X16 for small image and 32X32 for large image. Both are bmp files. These are attached to the custom Autocad command that I am using. The commands themselves are working fine, except for the image which is not displayed. In short, what can be the possible reason for images not showing up?
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Feb 26, 2013
We have a Custom CUI Enterprise file that we load in the profile settings (AutoCAD 2008). I transferred it though the CUI Editor and saved it for AutoCAD 2012. When I load it into AutoCAD 2012, the pull down custom pull down menu does not show, with or without the menu bar turned on. I have some partial CUI files that I did the same way. When I load them, and list them in the Main CUI file as such, they show up as expected. I even tried to list the Custom CUI Enterprise file in the same manor, but I get a "read only" type message and it still doesn't show the pull down.
I also thought about transferring it to another CUI file to partial load and not have a Custom CUI Enterprise file.
AutoCAD 2012 / Inventor 2012
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Aug 28, 2012
I had an engineer use another engineer's desktop computer for a week. When the orginal Engineer came back to work and started trying to use AutoCAD 2010 it now wants to write to the second engineers Windows profile.
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Jul 2, 2012
We loaded up C3D 2013 a month or so ago. I exported my user profile (Options>Profiles>Export) from C3D 2012 and loaded it into 2013. Now the profile will not stay loaded. I have to reload it every time I startup C3D. It also doesn't hold my view cube settings or my panes.
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Nov 21, 2012
I am trying to export a user parameter that is a text string to a custom I property. I am able to export other parameters to custom properties that are numarical values. I export check box is missing on the text user parameter.
Is there a way to acomplish this with I-logic?
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Aug 3, 2013
How to use an embedded cursor (mycursor.cur) via the SetCursor command under user interaction events. I can use built in cursors just not able to get it working with my resource.
Sample below throws an error type mismatch.
oInteraction.SetCursor(CursorTypeEnum.kCursorTypeCustom, My.Resources.mycursor)
I have set the build action of the cursor to be embedded.
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Mar 21, 2013
Where do I find the "Allow custom values" option for a multi list parameter expression?
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Nov 9, 2012
We are a firm using ACAD 2011 w/ a custom toolbar that has an Auto Purge "tool" it currently deletes duplicated layers, reg ops, duped scales etc. we are wondering what else it can do (or any other tools that may be of use) or how can we get it to do more for us, like restrict referencing files from "unwanted" locations and any other tools that are essential to reducing the size of a drawing so its now so slow
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Aug 31, 2011
I want to change 'mutil value select" to "custom value input" in ilogic user parameters. something like this:
if condition A then
multivalue.setlist("length", 1,2,3,4,5)
(users can enter any value they want, how can i remove the list first and set it to custom value input?)
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Apr 18, 2012
Is there a way that we can set the view label in the style library to show custom/user Properties?
We have set our iam/ipt templates to have some custom properties which we wish to display in the view label when the view is created however there this no way to add these properties to the label.
I find this a little strange as you can add these user Properties to the parts list in the style library? (I've added some screen caps to show what I am talking about)
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Aug 11, 2011
I have a classroom situation using 25 seats of 3ds max 2012. I just added the materials libraries and maps from older versions of 3ds max 2011, since 2012 came with very few libraries. Is there any way to configure 3ds max so all student users can see these new paths correctly without having them to each go to customize, configure user paths? Can I make a change to each machine that it will already be done for any user that is on the machines. Windows 7 Pro OS.
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Apr 2, 2013
I'm inquiring whether or not it is possible for Revit ceilings to be customized by the input of a user regarding the shapes and sizes without using a .pat file. Almost like a parametric object with predefined limitations. For example: a rectangular ceiling tile 'x' can be from 6 inches to 10 feet and side 'y' can be from 6 inches to 6 feet. So someone can select the ceiling type and actually input what size 'x' and 'y' they'd like while staying within those limitations.
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Apr 20, 2013
I created user defined AI brushes which I can't find to delete within MAC Lion. They are not in Library>Application Support>Adobe, because Adobe Illustrator folder does not exist there. They are not under Users either. Any clues as to were these custom brushes are buried?
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Jan 30, 2013
Parametric Drawing about .net API。
I define a user Variables in autocad2010(such as variableaa=10),I want to use the variable to drive the dimension of a line。
Now I want to change the value of variableaa through .net API,can you tell me how to change the value of variableaa through .net API? can you tell me the code?
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Oct 31, 2012
My company have some custom menus and some some lisps that are related to it.
to install the menus in r14 first we opel tools/options/Files then we add the custom folders under the Support File Search path then we load the menu and open the Display screen menu and after all the commands can used under the screen menu.
this also work under acad 2000 but cannot find a solution under 2010
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Jul 16, 2013
I am not an AutoCad user but I've got an assignment that would go better if I understood a little bit about how interior designers choose colors in AutoCad.I know there are the three tabbed choices - ACI, "True Colors" and Books.My top questions are:
1) does the user choose an RGB "working space" like one would do in Photoshop or Illustrator (in other words, decide if they want to work in sRGB or perhaps Adobe RGB or ProPhoto RGB). Or is there just one possible RGB - in which case, I guess it must be sRGB.
2) is the data for making up the ACI know, so that one can translate ACI colors to their RGB equivalents?
3) I now that with the HSL model you are picking %s of hue, saturation, and lightness....but what is setting the parameters for what is possible here? Is the HSL just a picker that is overlayed on RGB?
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Mar 9, 2012
It relates to machines which often have different users. I can get ACADM2011 to run for that user by editing the registry and importing keys from a good profile then modifying to user the new users credentials. This is Ok for a fudge fix but not suitable as a final solutions as I have to roll out 2011 to another 90 machines.
All users have full admin rights through a group policy so that is not part of the issue.
What I have noticed is that on machine which will work as expected the secondary installer runs in two steps. The first being the AutoCAD Mechanical 2011 install and then the language pack install. On machines which will fail and have the Profile issue only the language pack install runs. Where does ACAD look to check which causes this first install part to be skipped?
AutoCADM 2011 SP2
XP 32-Bit SP3
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Nov 21, 2012
I have a user that when he draws the first line he does not see it until the second line or other action is taken. Photoshop is similar to this when drawing lines. Is there a setting to change that in the command line?
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Jan 26, 2012
Is there a way to create a table to display parametric information -- either Dimensional Constraint Parameters or User Parameters? This can be done with Inventor but I haven't yet found a way to do this in AutoCAD. I've also considered Data Extraction but this doesn't seem to recognize parameters.
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Dec 29, 2011
When I attempt to change my user variable "xyz", a linear restraint, by 4 or more, I get an error message, "A dependent expression cannot be evaluated. The parameter is used in an expression which results in an invalid value for a dimensional constraint." But I can change the value by increments of two many times and exceed the limit of 4, and not get the error message. What is happening and how do I correct this issue?
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May 8, 2012
I have created a workstation to be used by my cad department, but not able to get it to work. How do I make a multi-user workstation?
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Jul 20, 2013
My working company currently practicing multiple user per pc. The autocad can run smoothly during the 1st time windows user account setup. But later on, after few days it start crash. The app will load and run but just for doing simple thing such draw lines, polilines n such. When i want to access the task panel, it crashed. Same if wan to load application, lisp etc. It only work fine under the user account which it is installed in. My user account have the administrative privilege and i'm running Windows XP platform (x32).
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Oct 26, 2013
I'm getting the USheetSelection.cpp : 260 : REQUIRE failedin the error log and I can't save anythingI haven't changed anythingbut my list of recent files has disapearred CS6 extended photohop not working I have reset the preferences file but it still happens I reinstalled photoshop but it still happens
My error messages are:could not save because the file could not be found
and upon exit: could not save Preferences because of a program error.
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Mar 7, 2012
The help file for user-supllied text added to dimensions says, "To add user text above and below the dimension line, use the separator symbol X. Text that precedes this symbol is aligned with and above the dimension line. Text that follows the X symbol is aligned with and below the dimension line."
How do I get the same effect from the dimension Properties Palette later? Would I have to re-create a dimension to do this in another session? I need text below the dimension on a new line, and have not been able to do it using the Suffix field in the Properties. Adding text there only appends it on the same line. (Or, am I missing a trick here?).
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Mar 29, 2012
We had to migrate from one domain to annother on our network. This meant that each user had to create a new profile.
Before we migrated I tried to back up the user data from the old user but once I am up an running agian all the AutoCad settings are no longer included. I understand you can export those while you are logged in and can see the macros etc. can you simply move the files that store that information (I can still access all the files from that user I just can't login as that user anymore)
AutoCad 2011
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