AutoCAD 2010 :: Custom CUIX Files Not Loading Images
Apr 5, 2013
I have added a few custom autocad commands that are specific to my scenario. I created Ribbon (and Menu for classic mode) for these commands and they are working fine. The only issue is that these Buttons (Ribbon and Menu for classic mode) are not loading the images(icons). All I get is a cloud image for both commands.
I have used 16X16 for small image and 32X32 for large image. Both are bmp files. These are attached to the custom Autocad command that I am using. The commands themselves are working fine, except for the image which is not displayed. In short, what can be the possible reason for images not showing up?
We have a custom cuix file that loads some pulldown menus nd ribbon tabs that we have located on the server so that it can be modified and automaticaly updates on all computers once autocad is closed and reopened. My problem is now when I make a change to my setup and save the file, it no longer updates on the other computers.
I have loaded in some cuix files in LT 2010. They have appeared in the customisation area and in the current Workspace and I have turned on the menus I require and no error is returnned, however when I go to the drawing screen none of the customised menus or ribbon tabs have appeared. I have performed an Autocad LT repair and also a reinstall from the add/remove programs and I have also tried a different .CUIX file but still no luck.
I have added my custom hatch patterns to the .pat file and they aren't showing up. Is there a certain step I am missing in order for this to work? Is there an easier way to load my custom hatches in CAD 2010 that I am not aware of?
We are using .cuix file which gives access to tools in custom .arx file in AutoCAD 2012/2013. We load the menu using the .bundle mechanism and the plug-in - using button from the menu. If the user is Administrator (or executes AutoCAD as Administrator) the menu, toolbars and ribbons are loaded correctly and the user can load and unload the application (lisp function in .mnl file is used for that), but if the user is not an administrator either the menu, toolbars and ribbons are not correctly loaded or they are loaded, but the user can not load the application.
We have found that a probable cause for this behaviour is that AutoCAD tries to create/renew the .mnr file when first loading a .cuix file and since the user has no administrator rights this can't be done in the "C:Program FilesAutodeskApplicationPlugins" folder where the bundle is and AutoCAD creates the .mnr file in its own support folder ("C:Users<User>AppDataRoamingAutodeskAutoCAD 2012R18.2...Support") together with a copy of the .cuix file and changes the path for loading the .cuix file to this location. Since the .mnl file containing the function for loading/unloading is not copied with the .cuix file the application can not be loaded.
The user has to delete the created files under the support path of AutoCAD, unload the .cuix file and then reload it from the correct location to resolve the problem. Restarting AutoCAD leads to the same problem.
Is there a way to prevent this behavior other then running AutoCAD as administrator (that is not always an option)?
If I have an image within in an XREF (lets say logo in a titleblock), when I open my drawing I get a image frame with the file path listed in its place. If I print, it only prints the frame and file path.
The way that this is fixed (temporarily) is If I reload the xref and image for each xref containing an image. Upon reopening the drawing, the same problem persists. I need to reload the xref/image every time I open the file if I want the logo to print on my drawing.
This is actually for R2014 but the same thing happened in 2013. I have several custom CUIX files created from loading MNU files. I use them for drop down menus and toolbars. The load fine but are not remembered the next AutoCAD is reloaded. I can't remember what I did because they work fine in 2013. I've CUILOADED them and saved the workspace. I also saved and reloaded my PROFILE. Aren't the menus saved with the workspace?
how can save my custom menu to cuix file after creating it by vba using ThisDrawing.Application.MenuGroups.Item(0) and if i can create new cuix file "AMRCuix" and every time i will load it.
This issue applies only to AuroCAD 2013 64. 2012 works fine.
I have three old custom menus I use regularly. They were all in the MNU format when they were compiled to CUIx.
Let's say menu1 has a drop down menu and toolbars. Menu2 has a dropdown menu. Menu3 has a toolbar menu. They are all located in the same folder.
If I load the three menus they work fine for the duration of the session. However, once I quit AutoCAD and restart, only Menu1 loads. I still have to load the other two again. This is annoying. I have created a Profile and a Workspace with the menus loaded and set both current. Exit and again no menus.
started a new job after being out of the biz for a couple of years and would like to load some sweet dvb files that I grew accustomed to in my prior life. I can appload my .lsp files with the the best of them but these dang dvb's have me wishin' they were .lsp! The dvb's were at one time lisp routines but were turned into dvbs by a power user somewhere along the line. What's my avenue for success at ever getting to use these sweeties again?
1. Does the .arg file have the settings of the CUIX file? For example if I want to use a .arg file in another machine to use the same settings for both comps, will the setup be exactly the same?
2. Does the CUIX file have the settings of the .arg file ? For example if I want to use a CUIX file in another machine to use the same settings for both comps, will the setup be exactly the same?
I tried to do a copy of the existing CUIX to a NEW file for backup, but it did not copy the settings of the Quick Access Bar & other settings unless I do them individually. For example I modified the "Double Click Action" menu. But when I looked at the existing CUIX file it showed an older date when it was modified.
i start in a new position for a new company noticed they have several cuix menu files for blocks such as structural shapes and weld symbols. so i loaded the menus with menuload and map to the directory of the blocks reference in the options files tab, but when i select the menu if has the block mapped to a different drive that does not exist. how can i change it to when i select, for say a w6x9 to map to the correct block on the correct drive instead of mapping it to some s: drive the directory structure is correct but the drive letter is not.
I have a custom toolbar that I've used for years in an olderversion of CAD. Now I'm in 2012 and loaded my custom toolbar in from my previous CUI. Naturally it dropped in all question marks even though I have all paths in the support file added. I even copied all my bitmaps to autodesk's default bitmap location. Neither work.
So after that I went into the CUI and manually selected the bitmap image for "small image" and "large image". It shows in the CUI now, but no luck on the main board. (also, not that this matters, must be a glitch but it won't even show in the CUI until i manually select another bitmap and reselect my origional desired image)
So then I tried taking the whole path and copying it into the CUI manually but it goes right back to defaulting to (MYIMAGENAME.BMP) without keeping the extension. My other custom toolbars loaded with all the pictures but this one just refuses to cooperate.
When I upgraded to Autocad (ACA) 2010 I migrated toolbars, etc. from ACA 2009. I am looking at getting a new computer and would like to know if I can just copy one of the CUIX files onto the new system and have everything work just as it does now. Is this possible, and which of the many CUIX files do I copy? Do I need to also copy the MNU, MNR and MNX files?
I’ve searched the CUIX files but can tell from the dates which are the newest.
Had to get a new hard drive. Using Win XP, LT 2010. Most customization is on server, but I had some tool palettes, and I made one ribbon panel with a few tabs. Old hard drive is still accessible on the computer. Three items I want to copy.
1. Tool palettes - Can I just copy the items from support/icons, and support/palettesinto the same location on the new drive? 2. Will copying the to the same location work for the profile? and 3. Where do I copy my custom file for the custom tab & panel?
Retrieving a list of Workspaces from menu files .cui and .cuix
The function to use is (workspacelist) which returns a list of workspace names, similar to (layoutlist) for retrieving a list of Layout names.
The functionality for extracting "WorkspaceRoot.cui" from .cuix requires copying the .cuix to .zip so that it can be accessed as a Windows compressed (zipped) folder which the Windows object "Shell.Application" provides.
Please rename the attachment to .lsp
I received the following error when I tried to post the .lsp: "The contents of the attachment doesn't match its file type."
We have a Custom CUI Enterprise file that we load in the profile settings (AutoCAD 2008). I transferred it though the CUI Editor and saved it for AutoCAD 2012. When I load it into AutoCAD 2012, the pull down custom pull down menu does not show, with or without the menu bar turned on. I have some partial CUI files that I did the same way. When I load them, and list them in the Main CUI file as such, they show up as expected. I even tried to list the Custom CUI Enterprise file in the same manor, but I get a "read only" type message and it still doesn't show the pull down.
I also thought about transferring it to another CUI file to partial load and not have a Custom CUI Enterprise file.
I am trying to load hatch files from StoneCAD. In the past I have been able to take hatch patterns from various sources and locate them in a file within AutoCAD LT, then use them without issue.
I have never touched a .pat file or written anything in notepad or word, just simply copied the .dxf files to a file on my computer and was able to use them through AutoCAD LT 2009. Recently I had to reload the software and I can't figure out where I would go to put these hatch files.
I don't seem to be able to run a set of my custom programsn that I have been runnning since R2009.
I get the untrusted location dialogue box, the commands have demand loaded into the registry but when I run I get unknown command or nothing happens and no text on the command line.I have tried Rebuilding the code to target R2014 and also turning off the trusted switch all to no avail.
One of our Autocad Map 3D 2011 users is having the problem that custom fonts aren't automatically loading anymore, and when they use a command that draws a line with a custom linetype it is always drawn as continuous. This is a recent problem and the fonts used to load automatically as well as the linetypes drawn correctly. It isn't a problem with the linetypes not being loaded in the drawing because after using the custom command they are able to go to the layer and change the linetype to the correct one fixing the problem.
I've made some custom tool palettes that are on the network. I just have them pathed in the options, and set up as a group for users to access. Civil 3D is real sluggish when it comes to using these, and switching between the tabs, and trying to load them up. But Vanilla AutoCAD loads them and switches between tabs no problem. Is there a variable specific to C3D that needs to change to make it work more like it does in Vanilla AutoCAD?
We have been using Custom profiles for many years. We have always had issues that just after we install, we have to reload the custom profile to get it in place. When I say reload, I mean we launch the program the first time with a /p <profile name>. (The path to our custom profile is in the string launch string.) Seems to default to a random profile, or something we don't recognize. The process here is we are pushing out installs to 200 users and don't want each user to set one of the defaults current, delete our custom one, reload our custom one and set it current.
Once the profile is loaded the next times opening all is well. Because, of course, it was last used.
What am I missing or misunderstanding? We see the profile exists in the registry before we reload. The custom profile we use is an export.
We are a firm using ACAD 2011 w/ a custom toolbar that has an Auto Purge "tool" it currently deletes duplicated layers, reg ops, duped scales etc. we are wondering what else it can do (or any other tools that may be of use) or how can we get it to do more for us, like restrict referencing files from "unwanted" locations and any other tools that are essential to reducing the size of a drawing so its now so slow
Under Lens Corrections in ACR I get the following error message : "Unable to locate a matching lens profile automatically." How do I install the known profiles as I believe the lenses I use are well known and are in the adobe list of common profiles?