AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Loading Custom Profiles For Use Just After Installing?

Nov 9, 2011

We have been using Custom profiles for many years.   We have always had issues that just after we install, we have to reload the custom profile to get it in place.   When I say reload,  I mean we launch the program the first time with a /p <profile name>.  (The path to our custom profile is in the string launch string.)   Seems to default to a random profile, or something we don't recognize.    The process here is we are pushing out installs to 200 users and don't want each user to set one of the defaults current, delete our custom one, reload our custom one and set it current. 

Once the profile is loaded the next times opening all is well.   Because, of course, it was last used.

What am I missing or misunderstanding?   We see the profile exists in the registry before we reload.  The custom profile we use is an export.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Profiles With Different Cuix?

Oct 7, 2012

I have created to new profiles:  Pro1 & Pro2.

I also have 2 new .cuix's, they were made automatically when I menuloaded my old .mns files.  They are called Cu1 andd Cu2

I want Pro1 to contain Cu1 &
I want Pro2 to contain Cu2

The problem I am having is when I menuload any cuix file it appears in each profile, It has been so long since I did this that I can't figure.


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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Loading Old FAS Files

Mar 24, 2012

If it is possible to load old r14 FAS files into more recent ACAD versions, will it work on r2012 f.e.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Loading A Particular Net Assembly

Jan 23, 2013

how to program in lisp. I have a master lisp routine that runs when Autocad is opening. I have some computers running Autocad 2010 and others with Autocad 2012 and from the master lisp routine (which is the same) I need to load a net assembly (one for Autocad 2010 or another for Autocad 2012).

I was thinking to query for Autocad version and if it is Autocad 2010, then load the first dll, or if it is Autocad 2012 then load the second dll, but I don't know how to do this in lisp.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Create A Self-installing Package

Apr 1, 2013

until now I've always used ACADINST.exe to realize my self-installing setup packages for my application lisp: [URL]

Now there AutoCAD2014 which introduced some variables that affect proper operation completely automatic: TRUSTEDPATHS and SECURELOAD.

Is there a way to add search paths, modify variables, load menu, set the automatic start of a *.Lsp or *.Fas, during installation of the application, without opening AutoCAD?

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Command Message On Loading

May 25, 2012

I was wondering if there is a way to have a message such as the following show up when a lisp routine was loaded using "Load Application" in ACAD?

1) Load Application "ZAP"
2) lisp routine is successfully loaded and the message "Type ZAP at the command line to initiate ZAP routine" 

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Loading Cuix Fail

Aug 24, 2012

My cuix file that I have created won't load automatically anymore.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Loading A Menu Wipes Out Workspaces?

Apr 7, 2012

I have some legacy menus that are quite large.  I have tried to create a new workspace, and that seemed to work o.k.

UNTIL I used menuload to try to load the old menu.  At the point all the defualt workspaces were wiped out somehow.

I would like to have access to both the default workspaces and then also by switching to a custom workspace, my legacy menus.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Loading Routine With Toolbar Button

Apr 19, 2012

I need to load a lisp routine by way of a toobar button. I do not want to use the appload dialog box.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Automatically Installing Tool Pallets And Routines

Sep 18, 2012

We are working together whit another firm and we would like to share our tool pallets and lisp routines. The pallets and lisp files we would like to share are quite large so we would like to simply send them a USB stick whit all the files and a title "executable" program that automatically puts them on the right place and changes the appropriate information.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Loading Cuix From Bundle When User Is Not Administrator

Jun 5, 2013

We are using .cuix file which gives access to tools in custom .arx file in AutoCAD 2012/2013. We load the menu using the .bundle mechanism and the plug-in - using button from the menu. If the user is Administrator (or executes AutoCAD as Administrator)  the menu, toolbars and ribbons are loaded correctly and the user can load and unload the application (lisp function in .mnl file is used for that), but if the user is not an administrator either the menu, toolbars and ribbons are not correctly loaded or they are loaded, but the user can not load the application.

We have found that a probable cause for this behaviour is that AutoCAD tries to create/renew the .mnr file when first loading a .cuix file and since the user has no administrator rights this can't be done in the "C:Program FilesAutodeskApplicationPlugins" folder where the bundle is and AutoCAD creates the .mnr file in its own support folder ("C:Users<User>AppDataRoamingAutodeskAutoCAD 2012R18.2...Support") together with a copy of the .cuix file and changes the path for loading the .cuix file to this location. Since the .mnl file containing the function for loading/unloading is not copied with the .cuix file the application can not be loaded.

The user has to delete the created files under the support path of AutoCAD, unload the .cuix file and then reload it from the correct location to resolve the problem. Restarting AutoCAD leads to the same problem.

Is there a way to prevent this behavior other then running AutoCAD as administrator (that is not always an option)?

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Custom CUI For Blocks

Jan 11, 2014

I was on an older cad and am now moving to 2014.. my previous cad was heavily customized the old school way, I have decided to learn the CUI (and dynamic blocks)

My old cad has blocks on a drop down menu.. click BATH menu than WC icon, a macro sets the correct layer than inserts the WC.. took time to setup but pretty simple and straight forward (see attached for menu syntax). I also made a toolbar BATH and on that toolbar I made a WC icon.. that’s what I use the most

couple of questions

1) do I have to make a new command in CUI for each block to do the same thing?
2) I looked into the design center, but seems like its too many steps but it seems a toolbar with an icon on it, clicking the icon and a macro sets layer and insert block is still pretty quick..??
3) if a toolbar with an icon is still a fast and less step method, can I open the block and somehow make an icon of it? if so where do I put it?

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: How To Create Custom Controls

Apr 17, 2012

I want my application to include a useful Ribbon interface that displays custom properties, read from my custom objects.

I have found the existing Ribbon Control Elements, but I want to use custom controls, not the pre-canned controls.

Is there a generic programmable input box for the AutoCAD Ribbon?

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Custom Keyboard Shortcut

Jun 13, 2013

I want to make a keyboard shortcut that will turn on/off my osnap, polar, and otrack.I would be fine with setting F3 to do this, or any other key really.I like to be able to turn these off on the fly, but it is getting old having to press all three.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Custom Fields / Scales

Apr 25, 2012

I've successfully written a lisp routine to insert a scale bar dynamic block with attributes, gather the object id of a user selected viewport, and write fields to attributes for each of the numbers across the top of the typical scale bar as well as the scale name, for both architectural and civil units. I'm trying to come up with a similar dynamic blocklisp routine combination to do the same with view titles, and the associated scale callout. The catch in this case is that I'd like to display the scale as "NTS" if it isn't a proper scale. The "standardscale" object property option in the field dialog box gives me almost exactly what I want, except that non-standard scales are displayed as "CUSTOM" as opposed to "NTS". Moreover, I’d like this to update on the fly, if the viewport scale changes, the scale callout needs to change also, back and forth from “NTS” to a standard scale if need be.

is there a way to change that (CUSTOM NTS)? My research online seems to indicate that the nuts and bolts of fields are deeply rooted in ObjectARX, which is something I know very little about?

The natural followup to that question is, if I can't change "CUSTOM" to read "NTS", is there a way to wrangle this whole thing with reactors? I'm envisioning object reactors, created as a part of the insertion routine, for each individual instance of the block (there could very well be several in a layout, and multiple layouts in detail drawings), that would call another routine to evaluate the viewport scale, and if it didn’t match a list of standard scales, write NTS to the attribute. My issue is that reactors seem to only associate with one object, in this case that’d be the viewport, the reaction would cause the reactor to call the routine, but how does the routine know which block to update? Is there something from the viewport properties that I can add to the block name (or some other property) which will allow the routine to figure out which block to edit?

I’ve attached my scale bar code, and block, as reference context for how I plan to set the view title up.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Is There Anyway DwgProps / Custom Tab Can Be Dumped

Nov 13, 2012

I use DwgProps > Custom tag to log revisions to our company templates.Then when trouble shooting CAD issues I can look at what template rev level the drawing was started from.

Is there anyway that DwgProps can be removed from the drawing?

I am not looking for a solution to do this... I just wondered if there could be someway a particular drawing file might have somehow lost the DwgProps > Custom entries.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Alias With Custom Command

Mar 6, 2013

I'm trying to get familiar with AutoCAD. Google and didn't manage to solve a problem :

In AutoCAD LT 2013, I created a custom command called Special fillet :

Name : Special filletDescription : Round a polylineCommand display name : SFILLETMacro : ^C^C_fillet;p;r;0.1

I created two aliases at the end of acadlt.pgp :

SF,         *SFILLET
C,          *COPY

When i type C, it works fine (just a test) but although it appears correctly in the Command prompt, SF doesn't work and it keeps telling me : UNKNOWN COMMAND "SF"

Last thing, if I create an icon in a toolbar with the special fillet command : it works fine...

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Custom Balloon Notification

Sep 29, 2011

Is there any way i can create my own custom balloon notification to alert the detail of any new or updated menu items?

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Custom Ribbon Tab Is Not Visible?

Nov 7, 2011

I have tried everything even un-installing and re-installing. I have customized programs that have been working properly for months by many individuals. These include custom menus, toolbars and ribbon tabs. One day last week one of the ribbon tabs disappeared. The crazy thing is if I load the .cuix file as an Enterprise cui, everything is visible and works just fine. BUT, when I load it as a partial cuix file the ribbon tab does not show up. The custom menus come in, my custom toolbars work and show up just fine but the dag blasted ribbon tab won't show up.

Yes, it's marked as visible. I've done and redone the cui editor, customized my workspace again and again checking every piece of information. I need to have it loaded as a partial cui file as I am the author of these tools that hundreds of people in my company depend on.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Ribbon Button - Custom Schedules

Feb 18, 2013

How to add buttons and create my own ribbon in AutoCAD, but now I would like to be able to have buttons for two different schedules that I have created. While I can have a button start the schedule command it won't automatically pick the schedule that I want it to create.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Custom Buttons With Script-like Functionality

May 18, 2012

I would like to build a custom button that mimics the FDO - Save as AutoCAD drawing functionality. Clicking this button brings up a wizard with too many clicks for how often the users will do it.

They will not want to load a script so a custom button is required. Also, I need to be able to dynamically set the new saved file name based on the source DWG file name.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Using Special Characters In Custom Command

May 4, 2012

I'm trying to write a simple Custom Command that sets any layer that matches "$-*" to a specific color. But as soon as AutoCAD sees the $, it thinks I'm trying to do a DIESEL expression. Supposedly, the quote marks specify that the enclosed characters should be treated as plain text, but that doesn't happen.Here's what I've got:


And this is what I get:

Command: -LAYERCurrent layer: "$-HATCH-00-002-PW-BOAT"Enter an option [?/Make/Set/New/Rename/ON/OFF/Color/Ltype/LWeight/MATerial/Plot/Freeze/Thaw/LOck/Unlock/stAte/Description/rEconcile]: CNew color [Truecolor/COlorbook] : 252Enter name list of layer(s) for color 252 <$-HATCH-00-002-PW-BOAT>: "No matching layer names found.Enter an option [?/Make/Set/New/Rename/ON/OFF/Color/Ltype/LWeight/MATerial/Plot/Freeze/Thaw/LOck/Unlock/stAte/Description/rEconcile]:
It stops, hanging at the incompleted -LAYER command prompt. 

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Setting A Custom Scale On Viewports

Aug 29, 2012

I have a problem that I cannot seem to solve.  I have a drawings with a whole bunch of layout tabs that have a few viewports in each tab. One of these viewports on each layout tab is on the layer VIEWPORT. I did this so it would be easy to filter out the other viewports in the drawings. I am using the code below to change all of the viewports with the layer VIEWPORT to the Custom Scale 0.020833. This works for all of the layout tabs except the first tab. It will not for some odd reason work on the fist tab. 

(setq vieportfilter (list (cons 0 "VIEWPORT")))
(setq ssetvp (ssget "x" vieportfilter))
(setq cntrp 0)
(while (< cntrp (sslength ssetvp))

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Update Custom Drawing Properties

Oct 1, 2012

how to access custom drawing properties using LISP.  It was in a discussion initiated on 01-06-2011, subject:  Custom drawing properties.

One solution was to use the following method:

(setq  si (vla-Get-SummaryInfo (vla-Get-ActiveDocument (vlax-Get-Acad-Object))))
(vla-GetCustomByKey si  "DWGPROP1" 'pval)
(princ pval)

Now taking it a step further, using LISP, how can I "update" my custom drawing properties?

Inventor RS 2011
AutoCAD Mechanical 2011
ASD 2013
Vault Collaboration 2011
Windows 7 Pro

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: How To Tie A Key From Custom Dictionary To Display In Field

Sep 16, 2013

How I can tie a key from a custom dictionary to display in a field?

I know that I can dump the custom dictionary into global and the fields can track those values, but instead of strangling my available memory I'd rather track the dictionary key directly. How can I utilize the Entity name or the actual dictionary name & key?

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Create A Custom Block With Attribute

Mar 16, 2012

i'm relatively new to lisp routines. I've been trying to create a routine that will create a custom block with attribute with an option to select which drawing border size is being used. This is what i've got so far;

(defun c:NEW_REV_NOTE ()
Drawing Size:")
[A1/A3] <A1>: "))
(IF (= Paper_Size "A1")

I'm going wrong at the moment I get an error message when I try to load the file "; error: syntax error".

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Prevent Dots On End Of Custom Linetype?

Sep 15, 2011

I have a custom linetype that's just a series of arrows I want to use to show the flow of a ditch. I've played around with this thing for a while and have these dots at each end of the line that shows up when I print.

Is there any way to make this linetype without the dots at each end? the actual files for the line type.


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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Add New / Blank Button To Custom Tool Bar

Apr 17, 2012

AutoCAD 2012

When I am in the CUI editor and I right click on a button in a custom tool bar, it gives me the option to "duplicate" or "copy".

But when I go to change the properties of the new button, it changes both the original and the new button upon "apply".

Can I just add a new/blank button? I've tried dragging a new command from the list at the lower left corner but it does the same thing. :?

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Create ONLY Custom Shortcut During Deployment?

May 28, 2013

I'm creating a deployment for AutoCAD 2014.

At the end of the deploy process I'd like to end up with a custom AutoCAD shortcut on the desktop that calls an ARG file.  This is no problem.

The problem is that to get that shortcut I need to check the "create desktop shortcut" check box and then I wind up with 2 shortcuts on the desktop, the default "AutoCAD 2014 - English" and my custom shortcut.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Thaw Layers From Custom Dialogue Box?

May 31, 2013

I am trying to find a command that will pull up a dialogue box with all layers that are frozen and be able to select one or more to thaw from that list. I hate the layer manager, it's too slow especially when I have a ton of layers to deal with.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Custom Plot From Windows Explorer

Jan 27, 2012

Goal: using the native windows explorer, Open the folder containing the the multitude of drawings from different vendors and customers, usually 30 -40 .dwg files.

Highlight all the files, Right click print.behind the scenes without any further clicking or involvement from the user autocad plots the extents of model space of all the drawings to a designated plotter fit to 11x17 sheets. 

Acad 2012
Win 7

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