AutoCAD Inventor :: User Interaction In VBA?

Jan 26, 2013

I have an assembly file with parts assembled, and I want the user to move and position the assembled part into a position as they desire, and then run VBA to extract coordinates information to do further calculation. 

So, what I want to do is creat a VBA code that does the following in sequence

1. VBA runs code to assemble the parts (I can do this)

2. go to the autodesk interface and allow user to manipulate the part

3. when user presses a key (e.g. "enter", "space"), the control returns to VBA

4. VBA run some code to extract the coordinates and do some calculations (I can do this too)

there is something like an input box that waits for the user to click ok, before continuing to run the rest of the coding. But I realise that the input boxes and message boxes do not allow users to work on the model in the background. Since I need users to move/rotate the part to the desired position, I can't simply use input and message boxes. 

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Use Custom Embedded Cursor - User Interaction Event

Aug 3, 2013

How to use an embedded cursor (mycursor.cur) via the SetCursor command under user interaction events. I can use built in cursors just not able to get it working with my resource.

Sample below throws an error type mismatch.

oInteraction.SetCursor(CursorTypeEnum.kCursorTypeCustom, My.Resources.mycursor)
I have set the build action of the cursor to be embedded.

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AutoCAD .NET :: How To Remove User Interaction Part From A Code

May 14, 2013

I have got this code by KEAN WALMSLEY.His code will ask user to select a block and then list all of selected block's attributes. However, I need to tweak his code a little bit and instead of user interaction, the block has to be selected by its name and through my code.

Here is his code (with slight changes to suit my purpose):

rivate Sub ListAttributes()Dim ed As Editor = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument.Editor Dim db As Database = Host Application Services.WorkingDatabaseDim tr As Transaction = db.TransactionManager.StartTransaction() Try Dim filList As TypedValue() = New TypedValue(0) {New TypedValue(CInt(DxfCode.Start), "INSERT")}Dim filter As New SelectionFilter(filList)Dim opts As

 Now, I need to change this Sub to a Function as below:

Private Function ListAttributes (blockName As String) As Boolean

The aim is to list all block attributes if the 'blockName' exists in drawing and return True afterwards. Oppositely it should return me False and print nothing to Editor if blockName does not exist.

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Illustrator :: Execution Of Menu Command Without User Interaction?

Oct 22, 2013

It's a shame that Illustrator's scripting ability isn't as robust as InDesign's.
I have a script that goes through every path in a file and records all of the colors used in it.  The problem is that it stumbles when faced with certain types of "PluginItem"s.  I've been able to fix some of it, such as when it comes across a "Compound Shape" (as opposed to a Compound Path or other normal Illustrator object).  In such an instance I can select the path, then call a menu command to expand that selection:
if (currentItem.typename == "PluginItem")
    currentItem.selected = true;
    currentItem = app.selection[0];
I had to do some scrounging to figure out how to execute that "Expand Appearance" command that is in the "Object" menu in Illustrator.  In fact, the only resource I discovered was a list that is partially in Japanese.  By the way, that last item in the list is a recursive call to the same function in which this if statement resides.
So, the above code works for "PluginItems" that can be rectified with a call to the "Object -> Expand Appearance" menu item.  What about those that don't, such as an enveloped object?  With those, I'd normally just run the command above "Expand Appearance", called simply "Expand…"  Well, that menu items pops up a dialog which, when the user clicks "OK" on it, will properly expand the enveloped object so that the script can continue reading the paths that made it up and get fill & stroke colors.
I can call this menu item with a simple "app.executeMenuCommand("Expand3");", but my problem is that dialog which appears.  I don't want the user to have to click "OK" on it every time it pops up when the script wants to expand that object, but the traditional "app.userInteractionLevel = UserInteractionLevel.DONTDISPLAYALERTS;" method doesn't work.
Is there any way to expand enveloped items without having a dialog pop up on the user?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Interaction Event Mouse Tool Tip

Jul 17, 2013

How to set a tool tip to show up next to and follow the mouse during user interaction. It's the same function that the CommandManager.Pick does?

If it's not a built in function then I guess it's created by a tool tip that gets moved around to follow the mouse on mouse move?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Mouse Interaction When Inserting Part Or Assembly?

Sep 14, 2012

I've been out of the programming game for a few years.  But, using the sample code to place a part or assembly in an assembly by placing it with the mouse should be possible in VBA.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Selecting Profile Path Using Interaction Events

Jun 21, 2007

I am in need to select a profile path using interaction events. How can it be done? Is there any filters available for a Profile Path Selection?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Transition From Single User / Desktop Content To Two User / Vault?

May 7, 2013

After getting Vault installed on our server and successfully setting up users and connections, I used the Library Transfer Guide to move our Content Center (including custom) to the Vault. I then changed the Inventor Application Options -> Content Center -> Access Options to Autodesk Vault Server.

This seems to have worked, as I can Place from Content Center when in an assembly, and it is pulling standard content as well as our custom files properly from the vault.  However, in the instructions that I used for the installlation, it was suggested to stick with a standard folder structure within the Vault, namely two Library Folders named 'Content Center Files' and 'Libraries' and also a regular folder named 'Designs'.

 I created those folders prior to transferring the library, as I thought they would be populated with the standard/custom content. This was not the case and I am curious when these folders come into play? *they are empty*

Also, today I will be attempting to 'Check In' a project to the Vault that I recently completed; does this usually maintain structural relationships between files?

Would you recommend using a single project structure in vault for two people? It seems, since we won't be working on the same project at the same time, having a single project would not be relavant to our situation..

Inventor 2011 / Windows 7 Pro SP1 64bit
Dell Precision T3600
Intel Xeon E5-1607 @ 3.00GHz
AMD FirePro V4900
20 GB Ram

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Parcel Segments And Feature Lines - Interaction

Apr 27, 2007

C3D 2008

Create Parcel Segments using the Slide Angle Create command
Create a Feature Line in the same Site that bisects any/all of the Slide Angle Create Segments
Save, close and reopen the drawing
Parcel Segments now terminate at the intersection of the FL

Not sure if this is as designed, and I don't recall this behavior in 2007. We have used FLs to assign elevations to Parcel Segments in 2007, looks like this is no longer possible.

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Photoshop :: Freehand & PS Interaction

Feb 1, 2004

What method do you guys use for exporting Freehand(MX) files into Photoshop (CS)?
I've tried exporting as editable eps, psd(v. 4 I think it is) and simply to cut and paste, but everything comes out terrible when transformed from vector to pixel.

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Maya Animation :: Character Physical Interaction?

Sep 4, 2011

I recently watch a movie with a couple of dinosaur characters fighting each other, and now I wonder: dealing with a lot of potential geometry interpenetration scenarios?

How do you deal with characters physically interacting with each other, as in two characters fighting, or hugging? Do you know if there is any nice tutorial covering that subject? I do not mean about clothing. That's a matter of dynamics and simulation.

regarding characters interacting with objects. Imagine a human character lifting a huge heavy barrel. The arms around that barrel should look like pressing against it. Or a person stepping up an extension ladder.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Getting User Name In VBA Script

May 9, 2012

I'm trying to make a VBA macro which would use the user name set in Inventor. I haven't been able to find anything on how to get that username. I would think it would be easily accessible, since it's commonly used to fill in i properties.

Here is it's location in the options.

Options - General tab - User name: (top right)

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Copy User Parameters

Apr 23, 2012

I need to copy about 15 user parameters from 1 part to about 300 others.  I used the DA to copy the iproperties but the user parameters are also needed. 

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AutoCAD Inventor :: User Interface Change

May 4, 2011

How to switch from the Ribbon interface to the Classic interface in inventor 2012? It is not in the same place as in inventor 2011. This ribbon interface just don't do it for me.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: File Is Checked Out By Another User

Dec 15, 2004

Why on ocassion Inventor tells me that the file I am working on is checked out by another user and that I cant save the changes. I find this a bit bizzare as I am the only person in the office using inventor although it is installed in other machines.I realise that all I have to do is steal the checkout, but I would really like to understand why it does this.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Text User Parameters

Jul 18, 2005

Is there a way to create user parameter as TEXT Paramters does not accept the text paramaters . we always have tor create parameters as numbers.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Add Boolean User Parameter?

Aug 24, 2012

Looking for sample VBA code to get all referenced documents from an assembly and add a boolean user parameter to each (parts and sub assemblies).  I have been trying to modify peices of code I have found on this forum and Mod the Machine, but have had no luck so far. 

There may also be standard content center parts in the assembly as well that I would like to somehow identify so I can skip over them.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Delete User Parameter

Apr 22, 2013

Most of the time, I delete an user parameter without problem. But, in a part, I got an error for two of them and I don't understand why.  I create a new parameter and redirect all dependencies from the old one to the new. (oldParam.Dependencies.Count = 0).

But when I try to delete it, I've got an error. Also, when I try to delete it by the interface, I don't see the Delete option.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: User Parameters In Tables

Feb 25, 2013

Is it possible to add a user parameter into a general table in a drawing?


If I create a multi value text parameter called "Design", and give it two values "open" & "closed". Is there a way to add the chosen value into a general table on the drawing.

Autodesk Product Design Suite 2013
Win 7 Professional 32bit
Intel(R) Xeon(R) W3565 @ 3.2GHz QC
4.0 GB Ram
1GB Nvidia Quadro 2000

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Add User Parameter (Text Value)

Jun 10, 2011

Parameters with a text value, How do I add userParameter? In iLogic 
Examples. DoubleValue)

Sub Main()    

Dim oCompDef As PartComponentDefinition
oComDef = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument.ComponentDefinition
Dim oParams As Parameters
oParams = oComDef.Parameters
Dim uParams As UserParameters
uParams = oParams.UserParameters
strVal= uParams.AddByExpression!("strVal", 0.15, "mm")
iLogicVb.UpdateWhenDone = True
End Sub

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Looping Through User Defined Properties

Dec 23, 2013

I need to loop through the user defined properties and create a list. I can create the lost but I can't find a way of looping through the defined properties. I can get property values but only if I know the name.

I need to loop through without knowing the UD name. Is there a way to recursively loop through all of the user defined properties?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Can Only Create Single User Project

Jul 20, 2012

I've just recieved a new pc with Win7 64bit (no admin access) and AIS 2008 SP3.

When I go to Projects>New, the only option is new Single user Project. How can I enable the other project types or what can cause them not to show up?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: User Cannot Open / Place From Vault?

Jan 5, 2012

I know this has to do with the users network profile because it is only happening to a few people. I just upgraded all of our workstations to New Win7 boxes running IV2012 products. Everybody is working well except a couple of people.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Change Colour Of User Workplane?

Nov 22, 2011

Is it possible to change the colour of User Workplanes in IV 2011?

Autodesk Inventor 2013-64Bit Edition
Intel Xeon W3520 @ 2.67GHz
Win 7 Pro
6.7 System Rating
NVIDIA Quadro FX 1800

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Show User Only The Result Of A Process

Jul 18, 2013

I have a function programmed in that controls the opacity of parts in the active view. If the user is selecting objects and then starting the program the "non-Selected" Parts are disapearing step by step.

That's looking very interesting, but doesn't supports the user . Is it possible to freeze the active view of inventor and refresh it, when the job is done? So the user will only see the result of the process and not the working process.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Remote Vault User Access

Apr 11, 2012

I have a question regarding Vault. We are using Vault Collaboration 2012 and as of lately we have a user who live in a different county who is going work for us. We are 3 local users who sit locally and 1 user who going to connect remotely to us.

What is the best way to accomplish this, so he can get access to our projects and library’s, from where he is working?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Update User Parameter With Ilogic

Dec 28, 2013

Is it possible to update an existing User Parameter. While I can only  delete-create a new. In this case the connection is lost with BOMQuantity.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Manage LOD In Multi-user Setting

Dec 10, 2013

We have multiple clients and each client has multiple projects. Each project gets its own master assembly that contains multiple equipment layouts. This allows us to show everything together. In each master assembly, we create LODs to display equipment layouts side by side for connecting things one to another and to avoid collisions.

Example: The master assembly may contain 8 equipment layouts. Each layout is for a sub-process within the whole process. We create LODs for different groupings of layouts so that we can zero in on anything in particular that we wish to focus on. By choosing an LOD in the open dialogue box prior to opening the master assembly, performance is improved because we're only opening what we need instead of everything.

Within an equipment layout are any number of assemblies. We can create LODs to show the layout without conveyors or to show different options we've developed to present as concepts for approval prior to detailed design. Sometimes we are adding assemblies to an existing layout so we'll create an LOD for existing, one for as built, one for purposed.

how to create or modify LODs. Therefore, we are getting LODs with users' initials or a date or "doohickey". We've got to come up with something that makes sense now and will make sense later.

Any guideline for managing LODs in a multi-user environment?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Using User Parameters In Drawing Sketch?

Aug 22, 2011

We are trying to add reference lines to the idw drawing for a sub-assembly.  These lines represent centerlines of parts of the main assembly. The main assembly is not the reference file for the drawing.  However, the required dimension setting the centerlines is a User Parameter in the sub-assembly.  (The centerlines are represented by work planes in the sub-assembly file).  Using iLogic, we were able to populate the User Parameter from the sub-assembly into the idw file.  We can see it as a User Parameter in the idw file.  However, when we go into sketch mode the User Parameter is not an option.    In sketch mode, we pull a dimension between the two centerlines (d4).  When you look at the parameters d4 does not exist so we cannot set d4 equal to our User Parameter (and we've looked there are no filters on).      We need this dimension to be able to adjust as the length of the sub-assembly adjusts for different cases.  Each case is unique and done on a job by job basis. 

There are several places in our drawings where being able to place reference lines and set their relationship to the part would be very useful. 

1.  Why are the User Parameters not available for use in sketch mode on a drawing?

2.  Why can the dimension IDs (ex. d4) not be seen by looking at the parameters? 

3.  alternative way of putting reference lines on a drawing? 

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Deleting User Defined Properties

Jan 2, 2014

i can easily add user defined properties using Apprentice but i cannot delete them. There is a function to delete but i always get a message back saying the Parameter is Incorrect. When i check the parameter, it IS correct. Any method for deleted User Defined Properties using Apprentice?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Don't Have A User Parameter Linked To A Dimension

Aug 6, 2013

I'm having problems with the parameter menu. When I don't have a user parameter linked to a dimension in the model the parameter disappears out of the parameter menu.

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