Illustrator :: Cannot Connect To Image Via Link Palette Via Update Option
Apr 17, 2013
Illustrator CS5 every time import an image it automatically embeds the image and I loose all link information. I cannot connect to the image via the link palette via the update option or edit the original image. I have to relink the image every time I make an edit
I am using the map connect command to import a geotiff file to NAD83 coordinates. After import, the image displays correctly at the correct location, however my xref manager indicates that the image file location is in my local app folder within the C drive on my computer even though I specified the target base file on our network server. I also noticed the map connect function converts the files to a png file.
Because the image link resides on my computer others cannot view the image when they open the drawing. I don't fully understand how the map connect function works, do I need to use the map insert command if I want the image to be hard linked into the drawing?
I've made a template file which includes several linked files (logo's in different shapes).
I've made a map and within that map the template file (.pdf) and 3 linked logofiles (.eps files)
I thought when I copy all 4 in a new map (for a new customer) and changed the 3 linked logofiles and then opened the newly copied template file in Illustrator...
that the template file would include the new logo's. But the links still point to the origial 3 logo files.
Is there a way to link the files within the map where the template file is??
in my Link window I still see the linke to an image that i have as embedded as well. How do I delete the link ? I didn't see a delete function in the link window, respectively in the dropdown of the window.
Normally what i did after client approved Final Artwork i have to open one by one by click option + double clik the link image. is there any command or action that i dont know off to compile all the LINK file by one click and save it in one folder?
I placed a .psd image in Illustrator CS5 at 100% at 600ppi. My link information is telling me that it is at 600ppi. But when I do a 90degree rotation, my link information is now telling me that I have a picture resolution of 859ppi x 420ppi. Why is that? From what I know and learned, a resolution doesn't change except when we change the scaling of an image but not rotating it.
This made me wonder because when we receive files from customer with embed images, how can I know that this image wasn't rotated and that the link informations panel is giving me the right numbers?
I have a document with several artboards. In each artboard is a different linked image. Is there a way to add the linked filename to the bottom of each artboard?
I have Illustrator CS 5 and until 3 days ago I use to receive notifications when a placed image or link was updated outside of Illustrator. It has now stopped. Did I accidentally turn off a preference I didn't know of?
sometimes i open an Illustrator file with a missing image link. I have many image folders depending on the job and it would be great to be able to copy and paste the photo very long text to search for it in my HD.
This is an example [URL]
I am not able to select this very long text and copy / paste action. How do you manage to do it?
I've been trying out the different palette options in Image Trace and I believe I've come across a feature that does not work as the designers intended. In Adobe's documentation, there is very little said about the feature, which I believe is intended to allow you to substitute a custom palette for the palette that would be created by the original artwork that is being traced. It's under the Palette drop-down menu and is available if you've selected the Color Mode. It's called Document Library. In Adobe's documentation, there are these two paragraphs:
[URL]Palette - Specifies a palette for generating a color or grayscale tracing from the original image. (This option is available only when Mode is set to Color or Grayscale.)To let Illustrator determine the colors in the tracing, select Automatic.To use the document swatches as a palette for the tracing, select Document Library.
This would be a great feature, if it worked! I have a lot of artwork to trace, it's all in a set yellow-to-green palette, and it would be a big time-saver if I didn't have to change the palette after the trace. Unfortunately, the feature doesn't work as promised.
I've just upgraded from Photoshop7 to CS2 and have noticed that the 'link' option have been removed from the 'Layer Window' (the little box which was next to the 'eye' that you could check to select certain layers and then manipulate those particular layers together like free transform, flatten etc.)
I normally use this feature alot and cannot find another way of doing it, is it possible to reinstate this feature or does anyone know a way of still doing this within CS2?
I'm trying to export an image map from Illustrator CS6. However I can't get it to save the HTML.
I've setup my hotspots etc. However when I do "Save for Web", there is no option to save "Images & HTML". It only gives me the option of "Image Only".
The only way I've been able to get the HTML is to click on "Preview" from the "Save for Web" screen, and then copy and paste the image map code from there.
I've also tested it with slices, and same thing. There just seems to be no way to get it to generate a HTML file.
Is there some other way I'm supposed to get it to create the HTML?
I've been working with photoshop for a couple of years now but I'm not a pro. Does anyone know how to use the "Create a new set" option at the Layers Palette and what is it for?
Since the latest update earlier this week, I've experienced major issues with the character palette - particularly the point size and tracking. The tracking issue is by far the greater of these two evils and the following explains the issues I've observed:
tracking - the number you type isn't the number used to set the tracking. The slider and up/down arrows do not remedy this problem, though they make it slightly more predictable. The number that appears seems random, though I've noticed a pattern in some instances (typing 20 sets tracking 18, typing 40 sets it 36, typing 60 sets it 54, and so on). This issue also appears to be connected to free transforming a text layer, so the pattern is possibly based on the percentage of scaling.
font size - the number you type works if size is increased in small increments to a certain point. Then it max's out, and this error appears repeatedly (after ok is clicked the error pops back up)
I've searched the web for resolutions to the issue and haven't found anything. This is what I've tried and none of it worked to any lasting degree:
- set units to pixels in preferences and restart photoshop - set units back to points in preferences and restart photoshop - restart photoshop and pc (several times) - shut down photoshop and pc (several times) - unplug pc and discharge static
I ran the Update option once, mainly to get the ACR 8.2 version. It looked like all the files downloaded successfully and that the update process started. Then nothing.
- Clicking Update has no effect. There are absolutely no error messages. - Downloading the ACR 8.2 file and trying to run the AdobePatchInstaller.exe file does nothing. - Removing the Adobe Application Manager (AAM) Cache accomplished nothing. - Trying to run the AAM does nothing.
A popup message just informed me that there are 9 Adobe updates available and to launch AAM. Which, of course, accomplishes nothing.A support person on Live Chat said this is a known issue.I'm running Win7 Pro, SP1, 64-bit, 8Gb RAM, GeForce GT 630 Nvidia chipset graphics card.
I've created a VB.NET routine to update blocks, layers and layer filters from a source drawing.
After updating filters and when the command is finished (dialog closed), the Layer Properties Manager palette MAY not update to show the new set of filters although visually you can see that it does appear to refresh itself.
Whether it updates seems to depend on which filter is active and which filters are added.For example, I have properties filters A, B, C, D and E, and B and E have subfilters B1-B8 and E1-E9.
If Filter E3 is removed as a test and the parent filter E is active, when the command is done, E3 should appear back in the list, but it does not show until the palette is closed and reopened. If filter B is active, then the list will refresh and E3 will show immediatlely after the command exits.
I have added a dialog to my routine to inform the user they may have to close the palette and reopen to get the proper display.
I have tried Editor.UpdateScreen() but that does not work.
I have Photoshop CS6 installed via Creative Cloud, now I have updated Lightroom to LR5 and I wanted to update ACR from 7.1 to 8.1 but in the Photoshop menu the Update option is greyed out. How to update ACR to the current version?
I can't download updates from the update option in PS CS 5.1. Also having trouble installing the update directly from ADOBE. The program is crashing my system on a regular basis.
I cannot stand it when I make a new layer in Illustrator and the color hint becomes yellow. This usually happens on the third new layer into every project. I can go in and manually change it from yellow to the ten plus other colors, but I just want yellow completely out of the list. It's awful to look at, and I think every other color is easier.
I have a few lists in my form. The first one decides what information the other lists should have, so none of the choices are the same. I should first add that I have the "OK, Cancel, Apply" option.
Is there any way that I can make the other lists update automatically when I chose something in the first one? The only time they update is when I press the "Apply"-button.
I have parameters and rules that decide what lists should be shown at what option from the first list so I don't think that is the problem.
I am trying to adjust the white balance using photoshop elements 11, all the information I have come across tells you how to do it using the camera raw plug in. This has been updated and still I do not see it listed when I click on the file menu. I take photos of antique gold lockets using a light house and even though the custom white balance is set on my camera the photos are still coming out too canary yellow. I need to be able to adjust the colors so that they are more antique rose gold looking and have been reading different articles and videos on how other people adjust the colors and would like to try a couple of the ways I have seen but am unable as the camera raw plug in is not showing up as an option.
i have been a long user of romcat... but would like to use the new corel connect. i use the folders selected to my HD folder that has all my cdr files (20yrs worth from ver 1). when i type in a search word that is in 100's of my cdr files keywords... connect doesnt display them. In romcat it does display them, even older files, with the same key word. connect only shows cdr files that have in its file name part of the search word, but seems to ignore the key words in the files.
I have all my job files with important key words within them, but the actual file names are simple job numbered names. i noticed on searches from X5 content on dvd, the files also are just numbers, but the search finds key words.
I'm having trouble connecting to data in Civil 3D 2013. Data connect appears to make the connection, but when I click the "Add to Map" button, all the check boxes on my data get unchecked and nothing is added to the drawing.
I first noticed this using the Basejump add on, but it now happens any time I attempt to connect to any data.
Data Connect Image Printing problem.I have an Aerial image that I bought in via Data Connect. It's been working well for a while. Suddenly the next time I go to Print, either to the plotter, DWF or PDF, for some reason the entire Image is thrown to the northwest corner of the viewport at a miniscule scale! The image is fine on-screen, until you print or even do a print preview!
I tried disconnecting and reconnecting, did an audit before I reconnected, deleted all my Cache files, but to no avail! This is not the first time this has happened, but the last time it did, disconnecting, doing an audit, and deleting the Cache files before reconnected appeared to solve the problem. But this time (just when we upgraded to Map 3D 2012), it didn't work.
I have been using adobe cs5 for a few years. If I wanted to connect the corners of two line segments, you would select the first line segment with the select tool, then switch to the direct selection tool, and drag the anchor point to the other line segment anchor point till the cursor arrow went white (signifying the other anchor point being recognized). Then you would choose "join" and it would give a nice right angle connecting the two line segments.
With adobe cs6, the direct selection tool doesn't change to white when you go over the other line segment anchor point.(Unfortunately my screen capture doesn't show the black arrowhead that you see when you are dragging with the direct selection tool to the other line segment.)
I have also attached a YouTube video link that shows what how this recognition of anchor points looks in adobe illustrator cs5, and this was exactly what I used to do when I was performing the task shown in my screen capture but with adobe.
I've heard a rumor that I can select an area of an image and make it into a link. I've tried to to select an area with the marquee tool and then I click on the little orange feather in the lower right of the tool box. I've tried to paste my desired URL into the web link field but I can never get it to work. Can this really be done? How does an image with a link get saved? Jpeg?
Any plugin or something that gathers all the colors within a given image and allows you to save the pallete in another image...If you seen a sprite sheet thats pretty much what Im asking for.It'd be cool if the colors were sorted by how dark it was and by RGB.
I made a silhouette of buildings and I"m wanting to connect the bottom open endpoints into one straight line. The reason I'm doing this is because I want to add a fill to the silhouette as a whole instead of doing them one by one.
I tried joining paths but it can only be two open endpoints at a time. I have many open endpoints.
The pen tool only joins two open endpoints. If I try to continue to try to add another endpoint to the same line, the pen tool becomes a "minus anchor point" tool and messes up the shape of the buildings.
Of course, I thought of just making each building separate and grouping them together. However, if I do that, a issue occurs because I have certain buildings that are "in front" of each other (not in the sense of layers, but the image as a whole). I purposely made the sihlouette look like some buildlings are in front of each other and some are behind each other.